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.INARAYANA 43 JUNIOR COLLEGE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ___ 2022-23 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS: JUESTION NO-1 1 Define osmotic pressure. pg-21 Q13 2. Whatare isotonic solutions? Give example. P-21Q14 3.Caleulate_the molarity ofa solution containing Sgm of NAOH in 450ml solution Pg -39 Q2 pg-21010 pg-24 Qi Henry's law.? What are colligative properties, Give examples. ul’ ay and pve its wo imitations? PJ-21 QI alvanic cells? Explain the working ofa galvanic cell with a neat sketch taking daniel cel as example. PQ-59 Q34 4 primary battery? Give one example. PQ-57 Q26 3. Define order of a reaction? Ilustrate your answer with an example. 9-79 QS: 4. What is metallic corosion? give one example g-57 Q31 5. Give two examples for zero order reactions? pg-8Q QT7 hat is te role of erylite in the metallurgy of aluminium? OQ-153 Q10 2. Give the composition ofthe following alloys. Q-153 Q13 a) Brass b) Bronze ©) German silver 3. State the role of silica in the metallurgy of copper QQ) -152 Q4 4. Whats blister copper? Why is itso calle? 5 16.4 Q1g of mercury? How is it removed? PQ-185 Q16 2. What happens when white phosphorus is heated with cone. NaOH solution in an inert atmosphere of co)? PQ-173 QI7 3, How is chlorine manufactured by Deacon's method? P-198 Q19 4.10 is noual while HySis acidic -explain PQ-184. QB 5. What are the Neutral oxides of Nitrogen? NitrOUS _ oxides,nitric g agentxplain vOXAESamptes? PY-197 QI7 sand sulphur. Hq-190 Q42 hapesof XeOyand XeFs? PG-212 Q24 action of “F3" and “Cly" with water?9G-196 Q6 5. How is XeOF 4 prepared? Describe its molecular shape? PY~209 Q16 QUESTION NO:« is blue in colour whereas anhydrous CuSOs is colourless. Why? PQ- 225 Q58 netic whereas Mn2* is paramagnetic? P9~221 Q30 3.Whatismisch-mcta gives compostionanduses—?pg-224 QA7 4. Aqueous Cu2* ions are blue in colour whereas aqueous Zn2* ions are colourless. Why? 5. Whatisan ambidentate ligand? Give example. PG-225Q57 PY 222 Q34 JON NO:7 1. Mention the structures and names ofthe monomers used for preparing the following polymers. 1) Bakelite by Poly styrene Teflon d)Poly vinyl chloride pg-261 Q40 ©) Nylon - 646 ) Glyptal 2) Terylene pa-26604 2, What is PHBV? How i it useful to man? PY-260 Q32 3. What is vulcanization” PQ-260 Q29 sgler Natta catalyst? PG~259 Q21 jonomers? Give ample. PQ-257 Qla 1. What is Bio-degradable polymer? Give two examples. PQ-260 Q31 2. What is an addition polymer? Give an example of an addition polymer. PJ- 257 QB 3.Wi snes and structures of the monomers ofthe following polymers. PG~261 Q41 (ji) Buna-S (ii) Buna. (iii) Dacron (iv) Neoprene. 4, Explain natural of synthetic polymers(rubbers)mention their monomers 5. What do you mean by polydispersity index? PG-260 Q28 i on ety cia cater, P-292 QS 2,022 3. What are food preservatives? Give 4, What are antihistamines? Give e pg-269 Q18 sources, P9~273 Q43 ple foreach, PG-269 QY7 on of glucose, Write the equation, pg-267 Q5 pg-305 Q3 vilizers? Giveexanple. PO~ 292 Q14- eanple. PG-292 Q20Q21 5. Whatae aif ucctning agen? Givens. HJ-293 Q30 4. What are antacids? Give example. Hg-291 Q11 5. What isthe difference between a soap and a synthetic detergent? P-294 Q41 ORT ANSWER QUI {Explain why ionic solids are hard and brittle. — PQ-4 Q25 2. Interms of band theory, what is the difference between a conductor and a semiconductor? 3. What are Schottky Frenkel defect. PJ-2 Q15 Pg-10 Q36 4, Derive Br 's equatior ~ 5. Chaifyeach ofthe fala a 4693 B.ype or ansype semicondctor, iedoped within (i)Sidoped wih. pq QUE 0: 2 " (OSidoredwihB. pg-8 Q32 pg-31Q40 1, What is relative lowering of vapour pressure? How i it useful to determine the molar mass of solute? 2 Define the following: (RLVP (b)Elevation of Bo (©)Osmotic pressure _(d)Henry's law 299-23 020 pg-25 G25. 3.A solationofghuose in water is labeled as, What would be the moarty ofthe sol 9-20 03502 ne "4)p9-2008,p 4 Define molefraction? Calculate the mole fact a-aatg 9-23021 5. State Raoult's ing 9g of glucose in 2 g of water Ne pg-21Q9 1, What is an emulsion? Explain thee sions with examples? pg-150 Q1S4 2. What are different types of adsorptions? Give any es between characteristies ofthe different types. PG-128 Q2 What is catalysis? How is catalysis classified? Give two examples for each. PG-130 QTIO Wan eye sa 9.132 OTIS (ating )npuaion Tyler POWTS9 QI3S Jn of aluminium fom bauxite, PO“164.Q44 the principles of eining of metals by the fallowing methods. PQ-159 Q3S a) Zone reining) Electrolytic ening”) Poling J) Vapour phase refining Write any two ores with formulae ofthe following metals: pg-154.Q17 2 Alunian zine ‘sm Copper JES: 4. Giving examples to differemate roasting and calcination. pg-154 Q32 plain the purification of sulphide ore by froth floatation method. PQ-161 Q37 N plain Werner’ theory of coordination compounds with suitable examples. pg-23.4 Q86 2. Write the characteristic properties of transition elements P9~229 Q73 3. Using IUPAC names write the formulae forthe following: pq -236 Q92 (i) Tetrhydroxozineate (Il) ) Hexaamatecabsl(ll} sulphate (ip Potassium tetrachloropalladate (I) and (iv) Potassium tri(oxalato) chromate (Il) 4. Using IUPAC names waite the systematic names ofthe following: a pq-236 a9. [ PP ee cts) [Co(NH,), Ch, [Pr(NH,), CINE, CH,)]CI {n(11,0), } pg-254 Tiwi) Gi) Fel Fe(cN (ii) . : x, [Pa cl k,[ Fe(Cn’ Fe,[ Fe(CN ‘Ni(CO) porasiarae) 4) KalPACh] , K[Fe(CN),] [Fe(ey),], vin LN(CO),] 5. Explain geometrical isomerism in coordination compounds givin suitable examples pg-236 Q94 JESTION NO:16 1, What is the DNA fi 2. What are enzymes’ 3 Explain he dena sblecxanples PQ-278 Q53 4, Give the sources of the followit ‘and name the diseases caused by their deficiency. aA wD or OK pa 279 Q59 5.What ae homones? Give ne example for ach. pg i) Steroid homanes i) Polypeptide home and” > ARE ino acid drvatvs 07 7 ) Write the isomers of the compound having molecular formula C.HeBr PQ~305 Q4 b) What are Enantiomers?’ ~PG-308 Q11 . Explain SN' & SN reactions Write the products formed by the reduction and oxidation of phenol. pg-334 Q16 Explain the acidic nature of phenols and compare with that of alcohols. PQ-334. Q15 5. Explain the following reactions aR QUESTION NO:I8 |. Explain the following named reactions: XeTOX Paper i) Sandmeyer reaction i) Gaterman reaction ii) Williamson's ether synthesis XEXOF paper How do you prepare eh eyanide and Ethyl isoeyanide from a common alkylalide? PG-381 Q20 the following pg-317 Q28 mixture ii) Retention of configuration ii) Recemisation the basicity of the following in gaseous and in aqueous state and arrange them in increasing. onder of basicity. CH,NH, , (CH,),NH(CH,)N and. NH, PQ-379 Q15 So du cay te ning connie? DJ-379 Q16 i) Neethylamine to N, N-diethylprops to BenzeneSulphonam wysix PQ-62 Q41 {b) Atoltion of i clectolysed for 10 aus witha caren of I'S Sper,» wha isthe mas of copper deposited at the cathode, PQ-76 QP 2. (a) State and Explain Koblrausch’s law of independent migration of ions, PQ~62 Q40 (b)Give the applications of Koblrausch’s law of independent migration of ions. PG-66 Q48 3, Give a detailed account of the collsion theory of reaction rates of bimolecular gaseous reactions, JESTION Po een Ear ta dai the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contac proces. PJ-192 Q43 Explain the reactions of ammonia with (a) ZnSO, (b) CuSO, (©) AgChs) pg-179 Q53 2. How is ozone prepared from oxygen? Explain its reaction with pg-193 Q44 pg-188 Q34 a) CoHy b)KI Hg 4) PbS ©) Ag 3, How is chlorine prepared in thy r xd? How does it react with the 8 a)lron—-b) NaOH ‘eS04 d)lodine —@) Hy 03 (Mar-16TS) —_g)Excess ») Ca(O"), pPg-202 Q38 QUESTION Now Xerox paper K 0 Hell - Vothard - Zelinsky (HVZ) reaction Xerox paper ofphenal. PG-329 QA

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