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English Class work

• Look at the poster on page 136 and answer the bullet-point questions at the

• Read the text on page 137

• Answer the comprehension questions on page 138 on your own.

Page 136 answers at the bullet-point questions:

1. Who is the poster aimed at?

• The poster is aimed to all the volunteer or the people who want to do

2. According to the poster, how can volunteering benefit the people who

• Volunteering can affect mentally, physically and emotionally. Volunteering helps

you feel good about yourself, therefore emotionally helping people who are
having difficulties and it is really the pride to say today I helped someone who
makes you happy. Volunteer feel deeper connections with their communities and
others. Volunteering helps you reduce stress and feel better about yourself.

3. Summarize the overall message of the poster

• The message of this poster is to encourage people to volunteer. It also recalls the
benefits of volunteering and therefore in addition to doing good for your
community, but also doing good for yourself, detaching your mind from stress

4. What qualities are needed to be an effective volunteer.

• There are no precise qualities in volunteering other than doing good and giving
physical help. The volunteer must have an innate predisposition to human
relationships and sharing. A climate of mutual trust, esteem and respect is
essential, such as to create a group that works with creativity, empathy and

English: Reading Comprehension page 138

6. Which word is closet in meaning to “satisfying?”

• delightful,

• enjoyable,

• gratifying.

7. What is the most important benefit of volunteering?

• Being a volunteer has lots of benefits. It can bring meaning and purpose to your
life, while increasing your self-esteem and wellbeing. Volunteering can also
relieve stress, and alleviate symptoms of depression. As well as having a positive
impact on your community, volunteering can improve your relationships.

8. Which word is closest in meaning “it does not matter?”

• don't bother,

• it's all right,

• let it go,

• nothing.

9. Volunteers

10. Career

11. Maximize skills

12. Willing

13. Graduate

14. Advantages

15. horizons

17) 1.d, 2.h, 3.a, 4.c

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