An Assessment Performed Within Specified Time After Admission in The Health Care Facility

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An assessment performed within specified time after admission in the health care facility:
Initial assessment
2. Subjective information should be recorded using:
Quotation mark
3. When is the best time to make a summary of your discussion with the patient and check for
accuracy of information?
Terminating an Interview
4. Asking the patient how she wants be addressed is a sign of:
5. The first phase of the nursing process is
6. In which part of the nursing history where you can find the patient’s age, address, occupation
and working status?
Biographical information
7. What type of data is vital signs, level of consciousness and skin color?
Objective data
8. Which of the following is not among the four types of nursing assessment?
Diagnostic assessment
9. In which phase of interview, when the nurse explains the purpose of collecting a brief
assessment or a nursing history?
10. Which of the following is an open-ended question?
What problems have you had since your injury?
11. The nurse is assessing for sensory function. Match the assessment tool to the specific sense it
will be testing.
Identifying aromas- Olfactory
Snellen chart- Visual
Identifying taste- Gustatory
Stereognosis- Tactile
Tuning fork- Hearing
12. Self-esteem is an emotional appraisal of one’s self/
13. Post traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) begins when a person experiences, witnesses, or
confronted with a traumatic event and responds with intense fear or helplessness.
14. Members of Islam religion avoid food prepared with or containing blood.
15. Lack of interest in what is happening can be suggestive of behaviors of altered self- concept
16. Complicated grief is a disengagement prior to actual loss or death occurs as in cases of
prolonged or predicted loss.
17. Buddhism is prohibited in consuming of pork and alcohol. Followers fast during the month of
18. Palliative care focuses on the prevention, relief, reduction or soothing of symptoms of disease.
19. Denial stage is when the person expresses resistance or intense anger at God, other people or
the situation.
20. External sources such as job change, a motor vehicle crash or severe illness provoke situational
21. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are example of eating disorders.
22. Have you done this before?
Closed- Ended Question
23. The patient complaints for abdominal pain
24. Client cried during an interview
25. Abdominal guarding
26. Does this answer your question?
Closed-Ended Question
27. Are you feeling better today?
Closed- Ended Question
28. Tell me how this whole thing came about
Open-Ended Question
29. “I would like to see a priest before the surgery”
30. How can I help you?
Open-Ended Question
31. Blood pressure 90/60 mmHg
32. Which of the following steps in assessments is done correctly?
Collecting data, organizing data, validating data, documenting data
33. Asking the patient how she wants be addressed is a sign of:
34. Secondary sources have value and are important in terms of gathering information about the
client. Which of the following is/are secondary data source?
Significant other
35. Present illness or Health Concerns are best assessed using the:
Provokes, Quality, Radiate, Severity, Time
36. In which phase of interview, when the nurse explains the purpose of collecting a brief
assessment or a nursing history?
37. When is the best time to make a summary of your discussion with the patient and check for
accuracy of information?
Terminating an Interview
38. Nursing Assessment includes two steps:
A. Collection of information from a secondary source
B. Interpretation of data to ensure completed database

Both statements are incorrect

39. This is done to identify life-threatening problems and also new problems or overlooked
Emergency Assessment
40. Subjective information should be recorded using
Quotation mark
41. A nursing diagnosis in which the problem is present at the time of the nursing assessment:
42. The nursing diagnosis is composed of:
Problem, etiology and defining characteristics
43. The diagnostic label is termed as:
44. Which of the following is a standard or norm of temperature?
36.5-37.5 degree Celsius

45. A basic two part diagnostic statement is composed of:

Problem and etiology

45. Nursing Diagnosis: Acute Pain r/t Chemical Injuring Agent as manifested by guarding behavior
Which of the following is the etiology?
Acute Pain
46. The related or risk factor is also termed as:
47. Unknown etiology can be used as related factor in the event that:
Defining characteristics are present but the nurse does not know the cause or contributing
48. Analyzing data includes the following steps; except:
Formulating diagnostic statements
49. Subjective and Objective Cues can be clustered using;
Gordon’s Functional Health Pattern
50. During the Pre-Civil War Nursing an American woman founded the sisters of Charity at
Emmitsburg Maryland in 1809.
Elizabeth Ann Seton
51. Called a “witch doctor” that used hypnosis, charms, dances, massage & herbs as a means of
driving illness from the victim
52. Which of the following statements is a most important characteristic of professional nursing:
Observes ethical practice
53. A sense of history gives you better understanding of nursing as profession. Which of the
following is the most distinguishing characteristic of a profession
Attention to care needs of clients
54. These are nursing interventions that requires knowledge, skills, and expertise of multiple health
55. What best describes nurses as care providers?
Determine client’s need
56. On the basis of knowledge of the developmental tasks of Erickson’s Industry versus inferiority,
the nurse emphasizes proper technique for use of an inhaler with a 10-year old boy so he will:;
Increase his self-esteem with mastery of a new skill
57. A year after her husband’s death, a widow visits the unit on which he died. She talks about the
anniversary and how much she misses him. Which type of grief is she experiencing?
58. The nurse is providing community education about how the sexual response changes with age.
Which statement made by one of the adults indicates the need for further information?
“ Health problems such as diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and hypertension
have little effect on sexual functioning and desire.”
59. A nurse interviews an 82-year old resident of a long term care facility who says that she has
never gotten over the death of her son. 20 years ago. She reports that her life fell apart after
that and she never again felt like herself or was able to enjoy life. What type of grief is this
woman experiencing?
60. A 17- year old girl asks for more information about birth control methods and says that she does
not want her parents to know she is using birth control. The nurse informs the patient that the
most effective option for her situation would be:
A long-acting hormonal injection given every 12 weeks
61. When teaching a patient about the negative feedback response to stress, the nurse includes
which of the following to describes the benefits of this stress response?
Results in neurophysiological response
62. The nurse can increase a patient’s self-awareness through which of the following actions? Select
all that apply.
Helping the patient define her problems clearly
Allowing the patient to openly explore thoughts and feelings
Reframing the patient’s thoughts and feelings in a more positive way
63. A student nurse is telling a faculty member that her patient talked about gaining spiritual
comfort from being focused on her inner self, including her values and principles. The instructor
explains that this is an example of:
64. A grandfather living in Japan worries about his two young grandsons who disappeared after a
tsunami. This is an example of:
An adventitious crisis
65. To best assist a patient in the grieving process, which of the following is most helpful to
Previous experiences with a grief and loss
66. The nurse asks the patient, “How do you feel about yourself?” The nurse is assessing the
67. A staff nurse is talking with the nursing supervisor about the stress that she feels on the job.
Which of the following are true about work-related stress? Select all that apply
Stress can affect nurses efficiency and decision making
Job-related stress can affect the quality of patient care
68. A state of suffering related to the impaired ability to experience meaning in life through
connections with self, others, the world or a superior being.
Spiritual distress
69. Which comment to a patient by a new nurse regarding palliative care needs to be corrected?
“ Only people who are dying can receive palliative care.”
70. The family arranges for a funeral for their loved one.
The family arranges for a memorial scholarship for their loved one
The family arranges for hospice for their loved one
The patient’s daughter writes a poem expressing her sorrow
The coroner pronounces the patient’s death
71. The nurse plans care for a 16 year old male, taking into consideration that stressors experiences
most commonly by adolescents include which of the following?
Search for identity with peer groups and separation from family
72. It is describe as a sense of authentically connecting to one’s inner self.
73. Which client is at greatest risk for experiencing sensory overload?
An 80 year old client admitted for emergency surgery
74. A home health care nurse has been visiting a patient with AIDS who says, “I’m no longer afraid
of dying. I think I’ve made my peace with everyone, and I’m actually ready to move one,” This
reflects the patient’s progress to which stage of death and dying?
75. An 85-year-old client has impaired hearing. When creating the care plan, which intervention
should have the highest priority?
Obtaining an amplified telephone

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