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[Comparison between effectiveness of online flipped classroom and TBL in teaching


 I……………………………………… voluntarily agree to participate in this study.

 I understand that even if I agree to participate now, I can withdraw at any time or
refuse to answer any question without any consequences of any kind.

 I understand that the methodology of the study has been very clearly explained to me
and im free to raise queries about it.

 I have had the purpose and nature of the study explained to me and I have had the
opportunity to ask questions about the study.

 I understand that participation involves taking online classes,online quizzes and mcqs
test of the content that will be taught.

 I understand that I will not benefit directly from participating in this study other than
the teaching content delivered to me.

 I understand that in any report on the results of this research my identity will remain

I understand that I am free to contact the researcher to seek further clarification and

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