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Week 5: Analytics for the People and the Analytics Ecosystem of the Philippines

Digital Transformation is in the minds of every organization that wants to remain

relevant in a world where innovation has become the norm. Fundamental to Digital
Transformation is Analytics. Analytics is critical to survive amidst all of these
disruptions, and organizations must also address cultural, and not just technology,

It starts with a vision of improving the lives of people. Isn’t it how we defined
Analytics? It is intended for the good of society.

As mentioned in the introduction, at the end of this course, you are expected to:

know the various Analytics roles and the corresponding required competencies in
each role to determine how they can develop their expertise and find their own
value in Analytics
determine how their organization's goals, people, resources, and data can be linked
together to build a successful Analytics strategy road map for their organization
have a solid foundation and a shared understanding of what Analytics is and the
value that it brings to start enabling the Analytics ecosystem of the Philippines
for the good of society
Now, you will be able to start contributing to the development of the Analytics
ecosystem of the Philippines by truly acknowledging why we really want to have a
data-driven country and by focusing our Analytics initiatives for the good of

5.2.1 Watch: Designing for Digital

Start of transcript. Skip to the end.
One cannot really separate Digital Transformation with
Analytics as Analytics is fundamental to how organizations
can complete in the Digital age.
To design our Analytical organizations for the Digital age,
Dr. Jeanne Ross, Director & Principal Research Scientist,
MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research, gives
us 4 key decisions to make.

Four Key Decisions

Dr. Jeanne Ross asks organizations to make 4 key decisions
as they design for the Digital age: ● What is your vision for improving the
lives of your customers?
● What is your strategic driver: market-driven through
customer engagement, or product-driven through digitized solutions?
● What are your key digital capabilities?
● How will you architect your organization?
Let’s tackle first the last three points.
To succeed in the marketplace, organizations must
embrace a competitive strategy.
Organizations must choose—and then achieve—market leadership
in one of the three disciplines, and perform to an acceptable
level in the other two.
These disciplines are: ● Operational Excellence, which is about
automating processes and work procedures to streamline
operations, reduce cost, and increase customer satisfaction
● Customer Intimacy, which is about providing a
unique range of customer services to personalized service and customized products
to meet differing
needs of customers ● Product Leadership, which is about achieving
premium market prices due to the experience created for customers
Organizations can choose to be the market leader in any of these disciplines and
can then prioritize their Analytics initiatives around the chosen discipline.
If you look closer, however, all these disciplines have
something in common: all of them focus on what is
beneficial for the customer.
It is important to look back then at the first key decision
that an organization must make, “What is your vision for
improving the lives of your customers?”
As Dr. Ross puts it, “A company without a clear value proposition
for their customers will create cool things, but it
will not transform.”
And it is because digital transformation is not about
technology; it’s about the people.
This is why we are here.
This is why we are doing all of these.
If there’s one thing that I would really like for you to
take away in all of these is that we should do Analytics for
the good of society, for the good of the Philippines.

5.2.2 Watch: Building the Analytics Ecosystem in the Philippines

Start of transcript. Skip to the end.

Allow me then to introduce you to the Analytics Association of the Philippines.
With a vision of a healthy and vibrant Philippines ecosystem composed of the
government, private
sector, academia, and professionals utilizing Analytics
for the good of society, the Analytics Association of the
Philippines has been developing frameworks and models since
2016 that will lay the foundations for an Analytics
roadmap for our country.
Backed by global references, standards, and studies such as the APEC: Asia-Pacific
Cooperation, BHEF: Business-Higher Education Forum, Project EDISON,
United Nations, the Analytics Association of the
Philippines provides a set of standards such as competency
framework, learning roadmap, best practices,and governance to an ecosystem
comprised of the
government, the academe, service providers, and practitioners.
With these standards and oversight, the AAP hopes to
enable the various components of the ecosystem to:
● for the government o to formulate an industry roadmap for
analytics o to craft policies and regulations that will
promote data-driven country governance o to implement data-driven programs and
projects for the country
● for the academe o to develop curricula for Analytics and other
emerging Analytics-related disciplines o to implement related degree programs
o to produce job-ready graduates in these fields
● for service providers of Analytics and other emerging
Analytics-related disciplines o to provide placement opportunities for
graduates and practitioners o to provide world-class products and services
o to document and contribute best practices and use cases
● for the practitioners o to hone their skills and competencies to
match world-class standards o to grow their careers in these fields
o to be a leading source of talent to address global demand
The products of the ecosystem will be collected, assessed,
and reviewed by the AAP to improve the competency framework, and to document and
showcase success
stories in the Philippines.
The entire ecosystem hopes to enable organizations to be
data-driven and globally competitive as well as to drive
smart cities for the good of society.
Please visit and be part of our drive to make
the Philippines a data-driven country.

That’s week 5: Analytics for the People and the Analytics

Ecosystem of the Philippines.
Here are our key take-away points from this week:
● Digital Transformation starts with a grand vision.
The vision should be a statement of how to improve
lives; otherwise, we cannot transform.
● Fundamental to Digital Transformation is Analytics.
Analytics is critical to survive amidst all of these
● The Analytics Association of the Philippines is enabling the country to be a
country for the benefit of all Filipinos - and we need your help in realizing this.
Well, that’s it for your first course in Project SPARTA:
Getting Grounded on Analytics.
Let’s look again at our course objectives and see if we have
met all of them.
You should now: ● know the various Analytics roles and the
corresponding required competencies in each role
to determine how you can develop your expertise and find your own value in
● be able to determine how your organization’s goals,
people, resources, and data can be linked together
to build a successful Analytics strategy roadmap for
your organization; and ● have a solid foundation and a shared understanding
on what Analytics is and the value that it brings to
start enabling the Analytics ecosystem of the
Philippines for the good of society.
Have we met all of these objectives?
Well, this might be the end of this course but your journey
towards being an Analytics professional has just begun.
And, with this first step of yours, our country is also on its
way to becoming truly data-driven for the good of all
Thank you for completing this course.
This is Sherwin Pelayo, wishing you happy learning!

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