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Tel. 304-947-7730
P.O. Box 155
Great Cacapon, WV 25422

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Tel. 304-947-7730
P.O. Box 155
Great Cacapon, WV 25422

Copyright by AME


What madness is this? What unmitigated gall! What brash
daring! What debased insolence! What a brilliant swindle!

The Worker of Miracles picks up a folded card from among

several on the table. Each folded card has a secret message
written on the inside by a member of the audience.

The WOM opens out the card in full view of his audience, and
reads the secret message. At the proper time the WOM reveals the
messages he read to his audience. The WOM proceeds in a similar
manner with the rest of the folded cards.

The audience gives the WOM great credit for his

thought-reading talents for they are not aware what the WOM has
just done. That is correct! His audience is not at all aware
that the Miracle Man has been reading writing instead of minds.

This, Gentlemen is mental misdirection in its highest form.

For such is the power of the fine art of the Mentalist.

We all know that the best way to discover a secret message

that is written inside a folded card is to simply pick it up,
unfold it and read the message!

That is exactly what the Master Miracle Man does, openly and
without helpers or cover, in full view of his audience, in
this masterful pretense at mind reading!

SOLUTION: The solution to this daring and most direct method

is most simple. It is masterful misdirection accomplished with
the aid of a combination of AME principles. It is the Space-Age
version of the one-ahead system BUT done without copping the first
question or using stooges or behind the curtains preshow
preparations. No switching of billets!
To create the effect you need

1. Four blank index cards, 3 by 5 inches, folded twice.

Fold the card in half and break the fold by folding the card back
and force so that the card can easily fold either way." Next the
card is folded into quarters. One of the folded cards is
secretly marked with pencil dots and used as the dummy.

2. Your favorite swami gimmick. I use a thumb tip writer.

3. You will also need to master the sleight from "An

Opener" effect in the Tesseract.


As you walk towards the table you carry the writer in

your cupped left hand ready to mount it on your right thumb tip if
you are right handed. If you use a thumb nail writer then you
already have it mounted. In your right or left coat pocket you
have four folded index cards.

Reach into your coat pocket with your free hand and bring
out the four folded cards and throw them on the table. After your
disclaimer etc., call for three volunteers and have them come up
and stand to your left or right. Tell them to do as you do as you
pick up the dummy billet, open it and write anything on it.
Caution them to handle the folded cards gently. Not to mark or
soil them on the outside so that they will look all alike.
Spectators are told to write a name or word or design, and to
refold their cards carefully to their original condition and place
them on the table and return to their seats.

At the same time you have thrown the refolded dummy billet
onto the table. Mix them up again as you tell the audience that
it is impossible for anyone to tell what the secret messages may
be. As you talk you pick up one folded card BUT NOT THE DUMMY.
The dummy must remain on the table till the last so be sure to
avoid picking it. You can spot the dummy by the pencil dot mark
on the open corners.

"I have secretly written a two digit number inside this card
(you lie) but I will not tell you what the number is because I
want you to tell me the number." You say. Next you proceed to
do the "An Openner" effect from the Tesseract.

Ask one spectsator to callout any number from 10 to 50. Say

he calls out 32. Next ask another spectator to callout a
different number between 10 and 50. Say she calls out 41. You
have by this time readied your swami writer and mentally added 32
and 41 (73). Ask some spectator to add the two numbers 32 and
41. When he calls out 73 ask the audience if that is correct.

"32 plus 41 equals 73. Is that correct? Do we all agree?"

During this byplay you have plenty of opportunity to write
the number 73 on the outside of the folded card. Next ask some
young lady in your audience to corne forward to assist you. While
she is moving you openly snap the card open with the secret
sleight from "An Opener." This has caused the number that was on
the outside of the card to now appear on the inside! In doing the
sleight you must watch your angles. Hold the folded card
horizontally and snap it open and right away turn the number side
of the card towards the audience.

When the young lady comes on stage you show her the card and
ask her to verify the number written on the card. She says "73."

But at the same time you have read

the message on the back of the card which wp-i re a- ~l;'JT N'Al\\e
is now facing you! This is shown in r
Fig. 1. Fig. 1 shows the operator's hand - - - .JOhIL - - -
as he holds the card open for the
spectator to read the swami-written
message on the other side of the card
while he cops the secret message! You
are now one-ahead and can proceed at your
leasure revealing the other written

Tear up the first card and place it

in your pocket or throw it into a waste
basket. Pick up the next folded card.
Place it to your temple and reveal the
thought (the one you saw on the
first card). Then open it to verify
and you now learn the next message! Tear Fig. 1
this card up or just throw on the table
and go to the next. Keep the dummy card
for the last. Tear up or burn the dummy cards without opening it
and then reveal very dramatically the last message!


The feedback from AME subscribers

concerning the Opner Move has been nil. But I
am sure that the ones who have mastered the
, .~
sleight know how valueble the Move is. The ~ .f~
very fact fact that the Move is used to
accomplish this effect proves ts value. Fig. 2

As shown in Fig. 2, the thumb and first finger of the

right hand pinch the folded card by the loose corner of the top
fold. While the thumb and first finger of the left hand take the
card by the loose corner of the third fold. Both hands are then
turned at the wrists only. The left hand turns backwards towards
you while the right hand rotates forward away from you. The
action is done close to the body and the card snaps open and the

outside of the card becomes the inside so that the number that was
swami-written on the outside of the folded card appears now in the
inside of the card. * * Immediately after the card snaps open the
number side of the card is turned to the audience.
Watch the angles. When performing on a platform hold the
folded card horizontally to the floor to avoid flashing the


Beyond a doubt, the move from 'An Opener' in the Tesseract as

used in this treatise for the first time is the Quantum Leap for
the one-ahead, the two ahead and the three ahead systems. This
idea is new! The limit is up to you. Master it.

THE EFFECT is similar to the Naked Thought but the handling

and technique used is far superior.

THE CARDS: Four cards are used. These are index card size 3
by 5 inches, blank on both sides. The four cards are prepared
before the show by writing in the requests although that is not
necessary. The cards are prefolded first in half making sure that
the crease of the half-fold is well broken by bending the card in
half back and forth. This preparation makes the Opener Move
easier to perform.

Three of the cards have instructions like "Write a five

letter word." (This is to avoid longwords.) "Write a simple
design." "Write a first name." These instructions may be
ommitted if the operator feels that too many words may result in
detection. But once the routine is mastered the danger of
flashing the words is nil. These cards are then folded two ways
and are secured with trombone paper clips! The fourth dummy
card is left blank but is secretly marked. The third card asking
for a simple design is also secretly marked. In the presentation
the 'design' card is picked up as card number 3 while the dummy
card is the fourth and last card and need not be picked up.

THE SECRET MARKS: Recommended is the following:

Fig. 3 shows two folded index

cards held secured with two trombone
clips. A 1/4 inch of wire has been
snipped off the SHORT loop of the \
clip on billet A. While a 1/4 inch
of the wire has been snipped off the
LONG loop of the clip in billet B.

We can let the gimmicked SHORT

loop represent the dummy, while the
gimmicked LONG loop represents the
Design billet. Fig. 3

THE PRESENTATION is similar to the Naked Thought. Leave the

Design and the dummy billet on the table for the last.

1. In choosing participants, it is well to use spectators

sitting on the back rows. So that when you show the messages you
use persons on the front row. This will become clear when the
routine is learned.

2. After the messages are secretly written and the cards

folded and secured with the paper clip and left on the table, pick
up any billet other than the dummy or the design billet, and do
the Opener Effect predicting the total of two numbers.

3. After you remove the paper clip and open out the billet
(number 1) with the Opener Move to show the prediction number you
learn one of the messages (Fig. 1). Say it is the name "John."
Discard the paper clip and billet number 1. Since one member
of the audience has already seen what is written on billet number
1, nothing is suspect.

4. Pick up another billet (number 2) and as you strain to

learn the hidden secret message, push the paper clip upwards out
of the way to allow you to write the name "John" on the outside of
the folded card with your swami gimmick. This is very easy to do
since your audience sees that the billet is folded and secured
with the paper clip. They do not suspect or look for any move at
this time. In fact your lay audience has no idea just what is to
follow. So take your sweet time and write the name secretly and
comfortably. Then you say, "Who is think ing of the name "John?"

When some one answers, you open out the card with the secret
OPENER MOVE and show the name "JOHN" which you wrote to some one
in the front row or wherever but not to the writer. At the same
time you have learned the next message! Say it is the word

5. Next you pick Up billet number 3 and write the word
'Love" on the outside of this billet. You proceed in like manner
and learn the design chosen.
6. Only the dummy billet is left on the table. Here you
proceed as you wish. You can leave the dummy on the table as you
pass out two slates or art boards and you ask the person who chose
the design to draw it on the slate or board as you duplicate his
design. I have noticed in my shows that when slates or boards are
used in a design duplication effect, the audience is so stunned
that they forget about the folded billet and have no further use
for it.
Isn't that wonderfull? You appear to be divining the secret
messages on the folded cards before the clips are removed or the
cards opened and then you show the messages to the audience (but
not to the writers! HA!) to prove that the message is there! You
destroy the message cards while the minds of your audience are
You have paid good money for this Forbidden Knowledge, so

* * *
SWAMI-WRITING: In the Naked Thought, writing with the swami
is as easy as falling off a thumb tip. After doing the number
prediction, I know of the name "John," for example. I then pick
up the second billet. I toy with it turning it over. And place
the billet to my temple and then say, "I feel that a name is
written on this card." "Who is thinking of a name?" When
someone acknowledges, tell him to concentrate on the name. "Think
of the first letter." You look up and appear thoughtfull. "Is it
a J?" You ask and at the same time I write the letter J on the
ouside of the billet. The lay audience finds this amazing.

I do this in my shows and I have noticed that the audience is

looking at my face and not my hands. Since the card is folded
twice and secured with the paper clip the audience suspects
nothing at this stage. The wise ones expect you to do something
after you open the card. But your lay audience is stunned when
they see you reveal the name without opening the card. The rest of
the writing is easy.

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