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Controlling - The process of keeping an eye on activities to make sure they are going
according to plan and fixing any significant deviations.
2. Market Control - When a buyer or a seller has the authority to set the price of a good or
service in a market, market control has taken place. The market prices for goods are not
determined by supply and demand because of power.
3. Bureaucratic Control - Is the use of formal mechanisms such as reward systems, written
documentation, rules, policies, and hierarchies of authority to shape employee behavior
and gauge performance.
4. Clan Control - In environments where creativity is essential, such as many high-tech
businesses, clan control is frequently used extensively.
5. Control Process - The control process is a system that enables setting, measuring,
matching, and adjusting all business activities, including production, packaging, delivery,
and more.
6. Range of Variation - The range of variations describes the discrepancy between the
standard and actual performance. The acceptable range of variation may be higher or
lower than average depending on the situation.
7. Immediate Corrective Action - Take immediate corrective action to solve the issue right
8. Basic Corrective Action - To find and address the source of the deviation, take some
basic corrective action.
9. Performance - The outcome of a task
10. Organizational Performance - The overall outcomes of all work processes and activities
within the organization
11. Productivity -The total amount of goods and/or services produced is divided by the
number of inputs required to produce that output.
12. Organizational Effectiveness - Evaluating the organization's ability to achieve its goals
and how appropriate its goals are.
13. Feedforward Control - A measure of control that stops potential issues before they even
14. Concurrent Control - A check that is conducted while the monitored activity is being
15. Management by Walking Around - To better understand their staff members and the
work they are doing, managers who use the managing by walking around strategy take a
break from their desks and wander around the office.
16. Feedback Control - A check that is performed following an activity.
17. Economic Value Added (EVA) - The goal of economic value added (EVA), also referred to
as economic profit, is to determine a company's actual economic profit. EVA is a metric
used to assess the return on investment for a business.
18. Market Value Added (MVA) - A company's market value to the capital that all investors,
including bondholders and shareholders, have contributed to.
19. Management Information System (MIS) - A program used to regularly supply
management with the data they need.
20. Data - A disjointed collection of unprocessed facts
21. Information - Data that has been organized and analyzed in a way that makes it valuable
to managers.
22. Balanced Scorecard - Is a tool for measuring how well a company is performing using
four goals set by managers
23. Benchmarking - Their superior performance is the result of their competitors or non-
competitors looking for the best practices.
24. Employee Theft - Employee theft of company property without authorization for private
25. Service Profit Chain - Is the service hierarchy of workers, customers, and profit.
26. Corporate Governance - The procedure used to run a business to safeguard the owners'

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