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Application of Half Wave Dipole Antenna

1st Fahimuddin Qureshi 2nd Kamran Sohail

Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Univeroty of Central Pubjab University of Central Pubjab
Lahore, Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan
fahimuddin q email address or ORCID

Abstract—The dipole antenna or dipole aerial is one of the receive RF signals from the surrounding environment. So a
most important and commonly used types of RF antenna. It is bowtie dipole antenna is basically configured from a half-
widely used on its own, and it is also incorporated into many wavelength dipole antenna. Since its configuration is slightly
other RF antenna designs where it forms the driven element for
the antenna. In this paper, an attempt has been made to design different with the common dipole antenna, the characteristic
a half wave dipole antenna operating at a certain frequency. A of bowtie dipole antenna will not only depend on the length
dipole antenna approximately one-half wavelength long is the half of half-wavelength arm, but also on the angles (α) of antenna
wave dipole antenna. The antenna is made to resonate at the 1.0 arms [4]. The half-wave dipole antennas provide high pene-
GHz frequency. Ansys HFSS Software is used for the simulation tration depth and relatively uniform transmit fields and hence,
and design calculations of the half wave dipole antennas. The
return loss, gain and radiation pattern are evaluated. are one of the favorites in Ultrahigh field MRI. The design
Index Terms—Half wave-dipole Antenna; Return Loss; Gain; includes a high dielectric material coating around the length
HFSS. of each conductor. The dipole length primarily determines
the resonant frequency of a dipole antenna; therefore, it is
I. I NTRODUCTION difficult to tune small half-wave dipole antennas less than 50
A dipole antenna approximately one-half wavelength long is cm at 300MHz. So, a solution to this problem is determined
the half wave dipole antenna. The antenna is made to resonate by coating a high dielectric material around the conductors
at different frequencies depending upon the application/usage. and thus with the help of this we can tune smaller half-
A Half wave Dipole antenna is an antenna that can be made wave dipole antennas at 300MHz without meandering the
of a simple wire, with a center-fed driven element. It consists dipole conductors [5]. Moreover, Photo conductive folded half-
of two metal conductors of rod or wire having half the wavelength dipole antennas have also been introduced and
length of wavelength, in line with each other, with a small demonstrated successfully for high power THz applications
space between them. The radio frequency voltage is applied in the field of spectroscopy, sensing, and imaging [6].
to the antenna at the center, between the two conductors Half wave antennas have also some application in the
which causes flow of current. The flow of current and the field of medicine. Like, half-wavelength inspired FDA, which
voltages in the antenna cause emission of the radio signal. radiates at 2.45 GHz, with an area of 0.653 λ0 × 0.163 λ0, is
The geometry of this antenna, which is a cylindrical structure, installed on the chest of patients for monitoring the respiratory
is fully described by five parameters, including length, radius, rate as an indication for Covid-19 detection [7].
feeding gap, frequency and wavelength [1].
Half wave dipole antennas also known as Hertz antenna [3] II. D ESIGN OF D IPOLE A NTENNA
can be used for different potential applications and a brief
In this section will calculate design parameter of half-
account of the same will be discussed in this section.
A half wave dipole antenna can be introduced having wave dipole antenna. The designed proposed center frequency
operating range between 1.8 GHz and 2.1 GHz for GSM is at 2.0GHz. Based on the operating frequency, the total
application, which is one of the most important and widely wavelength will be calculated and subsequently arm length
used standard for mobile. Like wise, a half wave Dipole of each rod will be half of the wavelength. The wavelength L
antenna designed on 4.0, 10.2 and 17.4 GHz (Tri Bands) will be calculated by the following equation.
wireless communication can be used for live online Game, λ = c/f (1)
real-time video streaming and mobile electronic devices high
speed data sharing applications [2]. Currently, world necessity Where;
toward energy is increasing as the time passed by. People have
tried to find numerous ways to conserve the energy and to λ = W avelength
fulfill amount of energy needed by the world. One of them c = Speedof Light = 3 × 108 m/s
is RF energy harvesting which is also preferred as power
f = OperatingF requency = 1.0GHz
harvesting or energy scavenging. In RF energy harvesting,
receiver antenna is one important element which is used to
Using Eq1. Wavelength (Λ) can be calculated as; also be observed that bandwidth of designed half wave dipole
antenna is between 0.88GHz to 0.97GHz.
3 × 108
λ= = 300mm
1 × 1012

Thus the total length of the dipole antenna will be 150mm and
two arm length will be half of total wavelength i.e 75mm. Feed
Gap Distance will be taken 1mm while the radius of dipole
shall be 1mm. The Dipole Antenna is shown with dimensions
in Fig. 1.
TABLE I: Calculated and Assumed Parameters of
Half Wave Dipole Antenna
Parameter Value
Frequency Resonate 2.0GHz
Wavelength λ 150mm
Fig. 2: Return Loss from Ansys HFSS at Designed Operating
Arm Length of the Dipole 75mm Frequency
Feed Gap Distance 1mm
Radius of the Dipole 1mm Return loss for different Arm Lengths can be seen in Fig. 3a
which is depicting that the operating frequency of the designed
antenna is decreasing as the arm length of antenna is increased.
The Return loss behaviour of Half Wave Dipole Antenna

(a) Return Loss of Antenna with Four Different Arm Lengths

Fig. 1: Dimensions of Half Wave Dipole Antenna


The software used to model and simulate the half-wave
dipole antenna is Ansys HFSS. It analyzes 3D and multilayer
structures of general shapes. It has been widely used in the
design of different type of antennas. It can be used to calculate
and plot the Return Loss, VSWR as well as the radiation

A. Return Loss
Fig. 2 shows the return loss for the half wave dipole antenna.
S11 graphs is depicting that the deigned dipole antenna has the
maximum efficiency at 0.972GHz and has higher return loss (b) Return Loss of Antenna With Five Different Dipole Radius
(more power into the antenna) of -16.72dB.The frequency at Fig. 3: Return Loss of Designed Half Wave Dipole Antenna
which higher return loss is observed is also called the resonant
frequency of an Antenna. From the S parameter Fig. 2, it can for different Dipole Radius has also been analyzed and it
can be found out from the Fig. 3b that by increasing the and observing the change the respective changes in operating
radius of dipole, there is a very slight decrease in Operating frequency, bandwidth and resturn loss.
frequency and return loss. However, Bandwidth of the Antenna
is increasing with the increase in dipole radius.
[1] Parminder Singh, Ankita Sharma , Neha Uniyal and Richa Kala,
B. Radiation Pattern of Half Wave Dipole Antenna “Half-Wave Dipole Antenna for GSM Applications,” Department of
Electronics Communication Engineering Doaba Women Institute of
3D radiation pattern of the designed half wave dipole Engg. Tech., pp. 1, Dec 2012.
antenna can be analyzed from the Fig. 4a which is indicating [2] Mrs.S.Parameswari N.Pon aravinth Kumar, Tri-Band Half wave Dipole
antenna for Wireless Communication Application, International Journal
that the radiated power is less at the extreme ends of antenna of Emerging Technology in Computer Science Electronics (IJETCSE),
and this radiated power is increased by moving towards the FEBRUARY 2015, pp.1.
center and is maximum at the center of antenna. Sane can be [3] Dr. Sumit Kumar Gupta, Harish Kumar Jangam Nipun Sharma, “Theory
of Antennas, Its Advantage Applications in Communication Systems,”
viewed by analyzing the 2D radiation pattern of aformentioned 2018 IJEDR — Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 1.
antenna as shown in Fig. 4b. [4] Shasa Salsabila, Antrisha Daneraici Setiawan, Atik Charisma, Asep
Najmurrokhman and Achmad Munir, “Design of Printed Bowtie Dipole
Array Antenna for Rectenna Application”, The 3rd International Con-
ference on Wireless and Telematics 2017 , July 2017, pp. 1.
[5] Aditya Ashok Bhosale, Divya Gawande and Xiaoliang Zhang, “A
Dielectric Material Coated Half-Wave Dipole antenna for Ultra-
high Field MRI at 7T/300MHz,” PMC 2022 Sep 6., published in
[6] Kyungsik Moon, Haewook Han, and Ikmo Park, “TERAHERTZ
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[7] Farah R. Kareem, Mohamed El Atrash, Ahmed A. Ibrahim and Mah-
moud A. Abdalla, All-textile inspired-folded dipole antennas for on/off-
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(a) 3D Radiation Pattern of Half Wave Dipole Antenna

(b) 2D Radiation Pattern of Half Wave Dipole Antenna

Fig. 4: Radiation Pattern of Half Wave Dipole Antenna

A half-wave dipole antenna has been designed and simu-
lated using Ansys HFSS software which ease the simulation.
Half-wave dipole antenna was selected to obtained target
frequency of 1GHz. Return loss obtained as -16.72 dB which
shows the characteristic of reflection coefficient. 3D radiation
patter was also analyzed. The bandwidth for the designed
half wave dipole antenna is found to be between 0.88GHz to
0.97GHz. The behavior of half wave dipole antenna was also
analyzed by changing the arm lengths and radius of the dipole

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