Esempio Schermo Master

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Orient Express Staff
Phases of Insanity 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Aboard the train, all staff are uniformed.
51 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 BRIGADIER-POSTIER

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 In charge of the fourgon or van.


Determining Difficulty Levels
Opposing skill/characteristic is below 50, or the task is a standard one. Roll equal to or
The Orient Express Keeper’s
Screen is copyright © 2014
by Chaosium Inc. Illustrations
© 2014.
Call of Cthulhu is the registered
Full / Half / fifth
Values Table
Horror on the Orient Express In charge of all clean-up aboard train.
The Chef de Brigade is in charge of the
trademark of Chaosium Inc.
below full value to succeed. dinner staff under the Maitre d’Hotel, and
Chaosium product Scenario Type Where When Item(s) recovered Fighting rules for close-quarters of the sleeping car conductors.
Hard Opposing skill/characteristic is equal to or above 50, or the task is very difficult. Roll equal
Front Map Design by Steff
Worthington. combat
Front Illustration by Shane Tyree. CHEF DE CUISINE
to or below half value to succeed. Interior layout by Meghan “Dancers in an Evening Fog” Core London 1923 1893 diary Combat
McLean, based upon the layout The magician in actual charge of the
of the Call of Cthulhu Keeper’s “The Doom Train” Option London 1923 Doom Gate 1. Establish order of attacks (High to Low DEX)
Extreme Opposing skill/characteristic is equal to or above 90, or this task is on the borders of human Screen, by Charlie Krank. Front kitchen; among the greatest chefs of
layout by Meghan McLean
capability. Roll equal to or below fifth value to succeed. “The Blood Red Fez” Option London 1893 -- 2. Resolve each attack in DEX order Europe.
“Les Fleurs du Mal” Core Paris 1923 Left Arm · Each participant may initiate an attack. CHEF DE TRAIN
Comparing Results Firearms “The Dreamlands Express” Option Dreamlands 1923 Lovers' Heart · Defender chooses to react (Fight Back or Dodge). In overall charge of the train of sleeping
“Nocturne” Core Lausanne 1923 Scroll of the Head · Both make opposed roll to determine who wins the combat. cars—the commander-in-chief.
(worst) FUMBLE — FAIL — REGULAR SUCCESS — HARD SUCCESS — EXTREME SUCCESS — CRITICAL (best) Firearm attacks are not opposed.
“Note for Note” Core Milan 1923 Torso When attacked, a character may choose to “fight CONDUCTOR (CONDUCTEUR)
If a tie: side with the higher skill or characteristic wins. 1. Determine difficulty by weapon’s range.
back” (opposed Fighting vs. Fighting roll) or The most famous job on the Orient Express.
Opposed rolls: Best level of success wins (opposed rolls cannot be pushed). 2. Apply modifiers. “Love (and Death) in a Core Venice 1923 Left Leg, Devil's Simulare “dodge” (opposed Fighting vs. Dodge roll). Both
Gondola” attacker and defender roll percentage dice and Conducting is hard work and the men
3. Make roll.
compare their levels of success: picked by Wagons-Lits for the Orient
Target may Dive for Cover (Dodge) but “The Dark Crusader” Option Constantinople 1204 --
Express are the very best in the trade.
cannot “Fight Back” unless they are “Cold Wind Blowing” Core Trieste 1923 Right Leg If you are fighting back: use your Fighting skill;
Pushing the Roll Wounds and Healing within 1/5 DEX in feet.
“In a City of Bells and Option Dream-Zagreb 1923 --
you need to achieve a higher level of success than
your attacker (if draw, the initiating attacker wins). Aboard train, he is the Chef de Brigade’s
A second and final attempt to achieve a goal, only Firearms Difficulty Levels Towers” assistant.
If the damage from a single attack is: If you are dodging: use your Dodge skill; your
allowed if justified by player. If failed, Keeper may Base range = Regular. “Bread or Stone” Option Vinkovci 1923 Mims Sahis, Tillius Corvus
bring dire consequences. Less than half the character’s Regular attacker needs to achieve a higher level of success HEAD WAITER (SERVEUR-
maximum hit points Damage Long range (2 x Base) = Hard. “Sanguis Omnia Vincet” Option Constantinople 330 -- than you (if draw, the dodging character wins). RECEVEUR)
Equal to or more than half Major Very long range (4 x Base) = Extreme. “Little Cottage in the Woods” Core Belgrade 1923 Right Arm Combat rolls cannot be pushed. Manages the moment-to-moment service in
Bonus and penalty dice the character’s maximum hit Wound Sample Modifiers Outnumbered the dining car.
“Repossession” Core Sofia 1923 Head
Bonus die: Roll additional ‘tens’ die alongside Target succeeded in = 1 Penalty die. “By the Skin of the Teeth” Core Constantinople 1923 -- Once a character has Dodged or Fought Back in a
the usual pair of percentage dice. Use the ‘tens’ More than the character’s Death Diving for Cover round, all subsequent attacks on them receive one Chief of the dining car. He is responsible for
dice that yields the better (lowest) result. “Blue Train, Black Night” Core Across Europe 1923 Scrolls: Belly, Legs, R.Hand
maximum hit points Bonus die. Does not apply for those with multiple the quality of staff, the orderliness of the
Target partially = 1 Penalty die.
Penalty die: Roll additional ‘tens’ die alongside concealed
“The Fog Lifts” Core London 1923 Scroll of the Left Hand attacks (who may Dodge/Fight Back as many times car, and the service.
the usual pair of percentage dice. Use the ‘tens’ “The Simulacrum Unbound” Option Istanbul 2013 -- as they have attacks before being outnumbered). WAITER (SERVEUR)
Point-blank range = 1 Bonus die.
dice that yields the worse (highest) result. (within 1/5 DEX feet) Dining car attendant under the Head
Aiming for 1 round = 1 Bonus die. Waiter.
Handgun firing 2+ shots = 1 Penalty die
on all shots.

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