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10 life lessons from the gym:

1. Avoid Sheep
2. Comfort kills
3. Laziness kills
4. Lead from the front
5. Discipline = Freedom
6. Don't be nice, be kind
7. Growth comes with pain
8. Growth leads to fulfillment
9. Learn from the failures of others


Your life and health are entirely in your own hands.

If you are unhealthy...

� The bad news - It's your fault

� The good news - It's your fault

Your success comes from doing the work, there is no way to cheat it.
2. Discipline = Freedom

You won't feel motivated, all the time...

But when motivation fails, discipline prevails.

You will be tempted to give in to your emotions...

But you must make hard choices despite your feelings.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable and you will win.

3. Lead from the front

You change people by changing yourself first.

Don't tell someone to go to the gym.

Become the living example and show them the value.

When peak health and growth is your mission, people follow your lead because you
attract them, not chase them.
4. Growth leads to fulfillment

Your fulfillment comes from improving yourself and then the world.

When you build your body, you can pass on that experience.

You see the value for yourself and you teach it to others.

You can create your own circle of strong, healthy people.

5. Laziness will kill you

Exercise toughens your body & mind and keeps them sharp

Laziness makes your mind dull and your body weak

To be blessed with a body and a mind only to let it degrade is a sin

6. Stay away from Sheep

Sheep on the farm run from danger; sheep in a society run to it.

Follow the average & you will always be average.

They spend late nights at the bar, you spend early AMs at the barbell.

True leadership is having the courage to break away from the norm.
7. Growth comes with pain

Exercise is stressful, but PTSD from the gym doesn't exist.

What happens is Post-traumatic growth.

Physical, mental, and emotional growth requires physical mental, and emotional

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

8. Comfort is a drug

Where there is pain, the body craves comfort.

If you give in, you become fragile.

You risk addiction and suffer when your comfort is taken away.

Life gets hard when you get comfortable.

You get hardened when you are uncomfortable.

9. Don't be nice, be kind

Kind people will see you poorly performing an exercise and respectfully show you
the proper way.

Nice people will hide their true feelings and tell you that you are doing great.
10. Learn from the failures of others

A wise man learns from his mistakes; a smart man doesn't make them.

Working with a successful coach or training with an experienced lifter will teach
you more about what not to do.

The greatest lessons will come from their failures.

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