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Peer Feedback

Did you video appeal to your target audience?

Judging by my 12 responses I have received; I can tell that my demo video could reach my
target audience (Teens). I can tell this from how well I have chosen the music which 6
people/half the number of responses I got said that it was a good choice of music as it fits
the theme and keeps a decent pace throughout the video.

Did your video work visually?

Based on the reviews I have been given, there are some areas of improvement needed to
make my video visually better. For example, at least half of the reviews have mentioned
improving my effects, whether that’s my transitions or effects in general, I can improve this
by going through different effects and transitions on Premier Pro. I have also been informed
it was a bit too long, which I agree with as I think it should be about 40 or so seconds to
keep an engaged audience. The only reason for having the demo so long is that I couldn’t
take anything out while having it make sense at the same time but with my next video, I will
be sure to limit myself to a certain number of clips and pictures.

Did your chosen sound track work with your visuals?

According to the responses from my questionnaire, the audio/song I had chosen for the
video was good, clear and can be heard perfectly. I only had one comment mentioning the
volume of the music being too loud so I might turn the volume down a bit next time.

What elements could you improve for your 2023 promotional video?
Basing on the form responses I have received, the major thing I needs to improve on is
mainly transitions and better effects, which was said by over half of the answers from
people. I can improve on this by messing around and experimenting with the effects and
transitions which can improve my choice in what effect and transition to use in different
situations and circumstances.

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