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I’ll begin my speech in 3, 2, 1

Good morning/ afternoon / evening respected judges, faculty members and my worthy
opponents and my dear friends. I Denis Ng and my team members Mohammud Aariz and
Tan Yee Phern hereby feel highly privileged and extremely honoured to radiate forth
my views in the against the motion of Tiger Parenting is not an effective or
healthy way to raise children.

Firstly, Tiger Parenting can lead to excessive pressure and stress. When parents
push their children to attain high levels of academic achievement or success in
high-status extracurricular activities, it can lead to excessive pressure and
stress for the children. This can have negative effects on their mental and
emotional health, leading to anxiety and depression. Also, I would like rebut about
speaker 1's point about Tiger Parenting can lead to child's success. Success can be
defined in many ways: While Tiger Parenting may focus on academic achievement or
high-status extracurricular activities as measures of success, it is important to
recognize that success can be defined in many ways. Success can include qualities
such as creativity, empathy, independence, and resilience, which may not
necessarily be fostered through Tiger Parenting. Therefore, it is important to
adopt a more holistic approach to parenting that supports a child's development in
multiple areas and helps them become a well-rounded and successful individual.

Moreover, Tiger Parenting can damage parent-child relationships. When parents uses
a Tiger Parenting style, they may become overly critical and controlling, which can
damage the parent-child relationship. Children may become resentful and rebel
against their parents, leading to a breakdown in communication and trust.

On the other hand, Tiger Parenting may not lead to long-term success: While Tiger
Parenting may lead to short-term success, it may not lead to long-term success.
Children who are pushed too hard may burn out and lose interest in their pursuits.
They may also lack the creativity, independence, and resilience necessary for long-
term success in the real world.

In conclusion, I would like to express my appreciation to all those who have been
gracious enough to lend their ears to my humble opinion. As I have presented, Tiger
Parenting can lead to excessive pressure and stress for children, damage parent-
child relationships, and may not lead to long-term success. While it is
understandable that parents want their children to succeed, there are more
effective and healthy ways to do so. Instead of being overly critical and
controlling, parents can provide support, encouragement, and opportunities for
their children to explore their interests and develop their talents in a nurturing
environment. Thank you.

Trains discipline
Young children haven’t matured - make right decision for them
Lead children to success
Encourages self discipline
Learn to work hard to be their best self
Learn to be responsible

Excessive pressure and stress
Anxiety and depression
Damage parent-child relationship
Lack of autonomy and independence (parent makes decision for child)
Narrow focus on academic
Limited creativity and innovation

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