The Land of Changes

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dre tanrO oF ^f\^ ^ -^

By Ruth ftacl1

l'Ak p?e*stt qEi b TIE Floalt^E CttlA F='

p. I'Jth^ Flfr1r,E hNAs! ar.t
Dur.lEeo lr ttE p?€rtdls aDrENfurae,
& DlaEo ls- lN
rpu fa€lt \.r*t'. uray tttio.€h ttE cra-El la Ds of
W)Nte7L l\b(lr yru rYl.ltr r?€runN t:' tlE pei.€ful
tar.a oe 9rrrna.- rt Ptnsl !t:Er fiajst pass
Ttno.€h ArrrrnJ

e lxJ M,€ao*r or)! fir€i EEto*

of p€np€rul irrm€z ub u
f),ln?-!o, lrJub€z dr
ArMv rik€r vo,, m€rxD€zrrE bolur
rlE p.ntr of:te'!€!f,re rxD r.E€xD
.€ tb! l€F. rlE Frd.txE ci.v t! ttE
liri oF wlt€4 oF lrJua€zrrE tthlEh .tE

of r)it hilr,, hippv prrtln€, of ntpp)tlE )J.€, rla rpink)- $

Yln fil) or E !€z! €bs€ dF wl!€n loor.rxE dlt rh,r r <E€r
rfr€nrod! rrr, br vdr kr
J€r€nvilE oF rt, o.tR rft-.tE tiri of ct[lEE
r ttE G€tds sltrn ila wr€r
Frn &n€\E-rh€v mcr
rre ro)b df .tEfr ErutxE lr

uirb' ftum 5h6a
ir I f€u ,tbRr lb!tu, rxD rhr rlE uilb

.hiD df wilr€n ttEv f.r)l, dn

izra€f€M€ frlu€E rr) foriEE

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f€iEa wlE!
J L {F€-iri if r}EG ,}bnli.(f€ i rom

t %n rlR.E frr w,tu€rf wtrt€

.S. F
ti'x€ i6{10 € F alitefftq€s K
rntPo6uctxon Testing your Chdtuteri6ti.s PROVISIONS: The fodand drinl ym
.any is god for five separate meals.
During the .ourse of ydr adventue you Whenever you are not in .ombat or be-
this isse's testing solo ad@ture is may be called o to Test lour Stftngth ing pursued, you may sit and rest, nd
suitable for se with both the stddard ot Test
lout Ddr.rny, for dample. eat one portid of your Provisions.
Fighting Fo t6! rulet dd the popular Whm this happmt yd shdld roll a
Eating a ftal r6tores 3 Hit Points.
Dungeons & Dtugons systemj you may d20 dd @pare it to the nmed
Rdember that you have a long way to
play sing eithe. We haw, a utual, in- .hara.teristic. If you roll l6s thd or
gq e se ydr Piovisions wisely!
.luded the Fighting lantdy rules; you equal to yorr s.ore, you have su..eded;
will al$ ned 2 ordinary di.e, a if it is greater, you hak failed. the
and d erasr. To play it with the options will indi.atewhere you have to
DungMs & Dragoro rules you will re- yd have to do in either
quire the Basi. Set (Set 1), a ptuil dd
go and what uslng Srght g SantasJ PUL€S

If yd have already played the adventure

The Fldting Cit!, yo!
Re.overing Hit Points
may .dtinue to use the sme .hara.ter,
usxnq 6unq€ona e 6paqona I@ards the dd of ydr adventue, a if you wish. If not, follow these itutru.-
nuL€s yd near ydr goal, yd my fhd that tic md.reate a brand new advdture.
ydr Hit Points are falling dangerously
lf you are Ging the Dmgeons & Dragm Iow There are two ways of restoring Ynn chorld riicr .f .ll rnll r. d.rer,
system, yd shdld roll up a first level mine ydr Initial sKLr" STAMNA and LUCK
Iighter, a..ording to the method givd s.ores. There is d Advdture sheet here
in the Basi. Set. Equip him or her with whi.h you .an u* to r{ord the details
a sword and a shield (whi.h style you POTIONS: In you pGsession you have
.hose is up to you, determined of two doss of a Potion of Healing, whi.h
.drs by you initial money roll), you yd my take at any time during your
al$ have a ba.kpa.k, whi.h holds a advdture, er.+t during .ombat or if SKILL this reflets ydr swordsan'
small $pply of fod and drink for ydr yd are being chased, to restore 2 7 Hit ship and geeral 6ghting expertise. Roll
trip. In the tett whi.h follows, all Points (see p43 of the Dmgeon Mastels de die; add 6 to this nmber and enter
sp&ial D&D material will be presnted Manual if you need any more details)- the total in the SKLL box on the ,4dr.n
rhts D&D: noious sp.rial rules.






ti'i€i6stb '€FAlilafftqr€S
ST,4MINA: Ydr gendal health and $cceeded in your test; if it is greater
fitness, your determination md ydr will thm your s.ore, you hak failed. The op'
r. cnrwiw ar. .ll r.naa.d in this c..r. tim will tell yd what happds in either
Roll two di.e; add 12 to the number roll' eventuality. Yd do not ned to subtra.t
ed and enter this total in the srAMrNA bot. anything frm you s.ores whd yd
Test lour Skill ot lout Sto ino
IUCK: This simply indi.ates how though you do whd you ?rt ydrr
naturally yd are. Luck dd nagi. ll.& d you ll s@ in a minute.
are fa.ts of life in the fantasy land you
are abdt to explore! Roll de die, thd
add 6 to this nmber This is you LUcx
s.ore; yd shdld re.ord it in the ap- At various times during your advdture,
propriate box on the sheet. either in battles or whm you come
a.ross situatids in whi.h yd .dld
As you ll R, your sxrll- STAMINA and
either be or (details of
LUc( s.ores will .hange .onstantly dur' Yd my us you
ing an advdture. You shdld keep ac-
sore- LUc( here the* will be given in the d.(mter
to do additidal damage if you wistt itself), yd may call d ydr lu.k for help
.urate re.ord of thes s.ores, md for this as des.ribed below. Co d to St./ 6. to make the dt.ome more favourable.
reason you are advised to write smll in
But bsard Using lu.k is a risky
the botes or to ke+ an eraser handy. the .reature has wohded yd, sub' business md if you are U !.&y the
Htuer, you must neer .ub dt ydr tract 2 points hom your own STAMINA results .ould be disashous.
Initial sorei You may be awarded ad- s.ore. Again you my se LUCK at
ditional sKLr" srAML",rA or LUCK points, but IESTING YOUR IUCK Roll two dice.
these mGt never d.eed your ln;r;d If the nmber rolled is equal to, or less
Make the appropriate adjstrnents to
thm, your .urrdt lu& s.ore, yd hak
either the .reature's or your own ben Lu&y and the result will go in ydr
You have in ydrposession a eord STAMNA Kr6 (dd mybe ytr LUc(
md shield, md a backpa.k stocked with sore tm, if yd u*d it).
favdr If the nmber rolled is higher
thm you .u(ent lu.k sore, you have
a fM provisids (fod and drink) to sG'
Begin the next Atta.k Rmd, by ben, and you will be pealised.
tain you on your iourney.
Ea.h tift yd Test low Lurk yn
FiAting Batdes On lou Que6t this sequence .ontinues until the must subha.t one point from ydr tur
of eithd you or the rdt LUc( sore. Thus yd will sn
You my come a.ross paragraphs .reature you are ighting has bem redu.- realise that the more you rely d ydr
whi.h ituttu.t yd to fight a .reature of lu.k, the more risky this will become.
some sort. You should resolve the bar
de in the following way: USING LUCI( IN A,4TIIES| Yd n@
know hM to Tcsf yolr tr.t. Hner,
First re.ord the .reature's skill and Iighting Mor Thd One Cieature in battles you always have the option of
stdina s.ores in the 6rst vacmt MoBter using lu& either to inflict a more
En.outer Bot on your Advdture Sheet. If you come a.ross more than de serioG w(md on a creature yd have
.reature in a partitular en ounter, the in- jGt hit, o. to minimize the effects of a
The sores for ea.h .reature are givd
sttuctions will tell yd how to hndle the
each time you have d
d.omte. The * battle. Sometim6 you will treat thd d
wound the .reatue has just infli.ted on
qudce of .ombat is then: a single mdster; at other times you may
L Roll the two di.e on.e for the 6ght each one in turn. You'll jst have If you have jst oppc
womded ytr
to wait md *e what happms! ndt, you may T6f ydrl I!.t as dekrib'
.reature. Add its SKLL s.ore. This
total is the .reature's Atta.k ed above. lf you are, you have
inflicted a seere w(md and may take
Testing Ski[ or Stanin. an extra 2 points from the .reature's
2. Roll two di.e d.e for yourselt Add stmina s.ore. HMever, if you are
the nmber rolled to ydr .urrdt At various times during your advdture ulu&y, the wound was a mere graze
SK:LL s.ore. this total is you Atta.k yd my be.alled upon to Ten lout Skill and you must restore I Point to the
ot Test lout Sto ino. At this point you .reature's srAMrNA he iGtead of soring 2
should roll two di.e. If the result is less points of STAMINA ddage you do only t).
.1. If your Atta.k Shength is highd thn or equal to your s.ore, you have
thm that of the .reature, yd have If the .reature has just wounded yd,
wounded it. Go straight on to st.f, you may T6t low Lurk to ty and
4. If the deature's Atta.k Strength is minimise the wound. If yd are
higher thd yous, it has wouded you have mnaged to avoid the tull
you- Cn straight to Sfcp 5. lf both damage of the blow. Restore 1 point of
s.ores are the same you have the 2 you should have takd. lf you a.e
managed to avoid ea.hothels unlu&y, you have taj(m a more *rious
blM. .r.rr rh. ndr Aft..k Rtund

blN- Subta.t 1 etha STAMLNA point-
by going to St p I abde-
Rdember that you must subtra.t 1
You have wounded the oeature;
subta.t 2 points from its srAML",rA
:o- -t'9/ point hom your own LUCK s.ore each
time yd yorrl!.&.
Tils iui,tl,o\oF aLhattq€s
Re6toring Skill, Stimini & l-u.k may never ex.ed its lnitial value. Drinl-
ing the Potion of Fortune (see beloBJ
SKllL Your s(lLL s.ore B.ill not dange will restore your LUc( to its l,riridl lelel,
mu.h during your adlenture. O..a' and in.rease your l,,iridl LUcx by I
sional\r a ldation may give instru.tions
to h.rease or de.rease yo
A Magic Weapon may indease your
sxrlq but remember that only one On this quest yd may tale B.ith you d,?
weaPon .an be used at a time! Yd .an- of three bottles of potion,
not .laim 2 s(lLL bonuses for .arying
tqo Magi. Weapons. Your skill s.ore A Pntinn q Skill restores suLL points.
.an never ex.eed its Initial value uless inshucted. Drinking the PG A Pdin nl Strentth restores srAMrNA
tion of Skill (se latet $.ill restore your
skill to its l"ilidi level. A Pttbn ol Fottne restores LUcx
points dd addsl tol,,tirlLUc( sore. are not alone. You have leaht to trust
STIMINA: Your srA\rrNA s.ore will your keen instincts by nost'so stealthi
.hange a lot during yorr adventure as The potion hay be taken at dy time ly you draB. your sword dd tiptoe for
you fight deadly adve*dies and unde.
during ydr adlenture, ex.ept during (ard but your steps sound like .annd
take arduous tasks. As you near your .ohbat or when you are being .hased; 6re on the a.dmulated leaves and tqigs
goal, your srA\rrNA level may be yd don't ned a speial ictr!.tion to of a hundred autllJms!
take it. The drink qill restore the ap-
ddgerously loB. dd battlB may be pd-
titularl" risky, so be caretul! propriate .hara.teristi. to its l,,iridl lelel
(and add :l to it, too if you take the Po- You stop again, wondenng s.hat to
do. Will you shrug and step out bold\,
Your ba.kpa.k .dtains enough PrG
letting anyone who wants to hear you
visions for five meals. You may rest and Ead, vial of potion holds enough for (turn to 54)? Or perhaps you shdld
eat at dy time, ex.ept B.hen in .ombat tB.o measures. Ll other words, you may
tread elen more cautiously, aq'are that
of if yd are being .hase4 dd you may restore the same characteristi. twi.e dur-
your noisy progress Bill atha.t the ar
eat or y one meal at a time. Eating a meal tentions of any large .reatures nearby
restores 4 srA\nNA points. Remember that (turn to 41)? lf neither of these appeal
NM you are equipped and ready for
you have a long s.ay to go, so use your to yorr, maybe you shdld retra.e your
all that lies ahead of you. Let the ad!d-
steps and lMk for a hore suitable qay
through the B.ed (go to 139).
Remember also that your srAMrNA
s.ore hay never exeed its lnitial value. 1
Drinlhg the Potion of Shength Gee The forest itself is very still, but all 2
late4 s.ill restore ydr srAvrNA kr its l" around you is a B.hispering and a tustl' You are startled and dred to s@ that
itrl level at dy time. ing, almost like the sound of tini- the inside of the nest is deorated (ith
.reatures laughing and the stuttle of lit- gold, jeBds dd 6ne tapestries! As you
ILICK: Additions to your L tle feet. Your spine tingles and the hans gaze aroMd this palatial dB.ellin& a
awarded throughout the adlenture when on the ba.k of r"our ne.k stand up, and beautitulqomd ris6 from her seat dd
you have ben paii.ularly As although your reason tells yd that the runs toB.ards you/ her hands outstret.h-
qith sxrll and srAvrNA, y sounds are perfe.dy natural, you /..i l'ou
Ti^lle iui,rlo\oF aLhatrq€s
"Wel.dd.l" she .riet dd 5 10
you like a long l6t friend. There is heal- The ctumpled body of the Fa.han lies With a bemddous tumbling, the side of
ing in her tou.h and all your ills are in' before you. As you sat.h, thougl! it the dell opens up before your alarmed
stantly mde shole. Restore your LUcr! fades as.ay into nothingness, leaving on' eyes, to reveal the enlld.e to a huge
sxrlL and srAMrNA (FF) or Hit Points ly its .lub dd mntle behind. You may .avern! You peer .autiously inside, but
(D&D) to then Initial s.ores. ln take either of these if you s.ish. Turn to it is dark in there dd you on only se
gratitude, yoD may give her a gift. 115. a little way into the glom. Cathering up
your .ourage, you steP into the .avern,
Will you gile her: 6 bDt stop dead as your eas are assailed
sme diamonds turn to 66, The smd looks at it s.orntully, before by an mearthly growling! Towering
atMth turn to 193, thrMing it to the flMr in disgust! TDm to above you is a mdy'headed do& s.hi.h
a.rosn turn to 6, 156. pee.s dosn at you as if yd are
or nothing turn to 180? $mething distastetul.
7 ''Cna ne the ke!]" it hoBls at you.
The Moss Maiden sigtls de+ly. "Sd b. Staggering ba.k out into daylight dd
;r," she says. "I 'nited nny, an! @' quaking with fear, you realise in an ins'
tuies ht a tuatti.t s th o! youtseq h tant that there is no s.ay that you .an
dme tu e. I ran 'ait a3oj1' ht fight this mdster and win. lf you hale
a ntheL Wjt'd o* hom, ny btut any of the following items/ you may of-
fer them to the hound:
A down turn to 71.
You lift the horn to your lipt and Diamdds turn to 12.
give it a tremendous blast. Turn to 49. Carlic turn to 106.
Cold turn to 100.
8 Aham tum to 4.
You stagger oul and pluge back into An orb turn to 185.
the heart of the storm whi.h is raging A penddt tum to 46.
through the forest. Turn to 144. A pin.h of Heal-All tum to 164.
3 A ruby turn to 42!
Brandishihg the pddant ahead of yoq
you rm through the .learing as if death 9 Altemativel, if you posess one, you
The Brownies eye youqith distaste. Not may Put on a mdde (go to 88) or a red
were at your heelt expeting at any mo-
ment to feel its icy grip .lut.h at your only have you spoiled all then fm by hed (turn to 17), or even blow your
heart. But aiter only a fe$ moments you retusing to step into their nel but you
find yourself mong the bushes on the have ourwaited them as well. They stare 11
other side. Turn to 1a7. at you with their severe, brown eyes for At last, after fighting your s.ay th.ough
a while, and then start to mole to(ards the sickening foresl you spot what lMks
4 like a huge, bnd's nest, $oven
One of the heads .rh.hes nd .homps ftd twigs and moss, among the tres
on the fed s.ith relish. You have suc- Will you ready your qeapon and just off the tra.k. Will you make for il
.eeded in whetting the deature's ap- prepare for battle (go to 85), or simply hoping to 6nd shelter (go to 192 or
petitel Co dire.tly to a1. stand ydr ground (turn to 95)? s.ould you rather press on (turn to 148)?
ti'i€i6stb '.OF Alilafftqr€S
L7 Ma al ttue sight," she sayr "Heftafer
the hood makes yd invisible but not lou shall se things as the! ttuU arc, ond
from the k@n s.ent of the giant hound. ,hat is hidde shall be plain to !ou."
Coto81. then she .ea.hes behind her, md prG
18 a smll hom. Bldr this jhd
Yd fall to your knees as the gust of wind lou need ai.l," she tells you, "dd l'.h
hits you. the swirling an dits a fdl, ,ill surely ra e to !au."
whistlelike laugh as it towers above yd.
It is a MAZZAMARIEDDU, a wind spnit
whi.t! legmd says, cn only travel whd 25
it *es the blood of a murdered man. See' the wind begitu to rise, a gentle breeze
ing death staring yd in the face, you sl@ly mtling thrdgh the trees dd
tumble desperately for ydr $ord. undergrowth. It is warm, blMing hom
EE: T6t your Lurk; DuD 'Iat lout the sweet l ds of Smmer, dd it .aaes
12 Ddteiu. It yo! are su..esstul, tum to all the buds of the flners arohd you
the .reature leks down at the 15q if not, tum instead to 3a. to swell dd start to blom in a fe
diamondt thd raises its heads and 19 short mmmts the forest is alive with
h.wl. with dcrici.n nim ha1 Ald, ydr ged. The
meal does you litde .oldr! Spring ha come to the Land of
.huning and writhing of the foliage Chmges at last. Tun to 160.
In an instmt, the B.orld .hanges. The soon be.omes unbearable, and yd are 26
glade is ne. tull of hideG fmale physically si.k where you stand. II: Ituide, it
is dark and musry, with a wrapped in .loaks nd cMls. Deduct 3 srAMrNA points; D&D: deduct 3 powertul smell of deosote or wed sap.
they ate the CWYLLION, deilish evil Hit Points. Now go shaight to 11. through the glem, you .an jGt make
spnits who waylay travellers md adven' 20 dt smething glMing ahead of yd.
turert atta&ing them to steal then souls. Suddenly you are alone with youself Will yd stmble fotuard into the
Yd are in deadly peril- lf yd have a dag- and you are not a pleaant .ompdion. darkness dd investigate turther (tun to
ger, go to 50. lf not, turn to 174. In you solitude, you will be forced to 102), o. leave dis oppressive pla.e {go

look d@ply into youself mtil you have to93)?
Ydr eyes open wide in amazemdt! gained dough wisdm to be safely
there is a ruby, as red as fresh ble4 released into the wo.ld again. You.
burning in the d+ths of the tree. You adventuing is postponed fo. a long, long
pluge ydr hand into the .avity and
seize il A shudder rus through the tree, 2l
and a keding wail of agony e.hoes away Amazingly, yd
have chdced upd the
d the breeze. Tum to 178. dly way to defeat the fdl Cwfllion!
IF: Reover 1 point of LUCK.) With an
eerie whispering dd mding, then
Itis pitch dark in the tmnels. Do you
shadowy folm slMly .ombine into a
have some yarn s.ith yd?
misty colum of vapdr, whi.h sheam
If you do possss the yar4 how will ups.ards to vanish into the.lear blue sky.
you use it? Will you uravel it as you gq
to guide you way ba& to the dtrm.e 22
(go to 43) or ke+ it with you for tuture Realizing that the audim.e is ne. at d 27
Ge{goto120)? dd, yd thanl the wman protusly. You limp paintully th.dgh the wood.
If you do not, your advdture will With a .drteous bow, yd leave her hut. Ydr ankle hurts mo.e dd mo.e with
end here, as you have nothing to guide every step you take, and you arm is a
you. Yd qui.kly beome lost in the win-
ding labyrinth, dd never s@ daylight Ydr eye is .aught by smething e.hich 2A
spa.kles nd glints in a hollow in the Bidding you fars.ell, the BrMies pre-
16 tree. You may reach in for it (go to 14) smt yd with food for ydr journey a
You qui.kly draw your sword as the fear or pass by and re'dter the woods (go to large ham and a string of onids md
some 6gure of a FACFIAN bu.sts from the 128). garli. (.outs as 2 Provisids). You are
trees- It has dly a single eye, one veiny 24 rather dubim abdt a..+ting the
leg, and a great hairy hmd prottuding You grit your teeth in feartul expe.ta- pungdrmelling vegetablet but thanl
from the middle of its .hest! lt wields tid, but hold fim as the ird touches them dlvay- And lastly, presdt you
a .lub and is wrapped only in a flning ydr forehead. To your mremdt, with one of their tiny, deli.ately-ctued
mantle wovm from twisted feathers- thougt! it d@s not hurt, but rathd feels knives as a token of friddship. Chatter
marveldsly refreshing, a dergy dd ing then farsellt they lead yd to the
the bizarre deatu.e hops tnards health pours into you! You look up at the edge of the village. Tun to 92.
you, but hesitates at the side of the tra.k.
wman, nd *e that she is old
Yd realise that it is afraid to step onto and
it. Will you leap to atta& it while it wrinlled no longe., but y(mg and
Yd st+ off the forest track and <\he
h6itat6 (trn to 103), or stay whde you fa.e to face with a terirying FACFIAN
are dd wait for it to .ome to you (go to ''Fot low rourtesy and brdery, whi.h bursts from the trees. lt has only
194)? traieller, I ho1'e besto ,ed upon lou the a single eye, one veiny lee, and a great
ti'x€ [a{10 € F alii]efftG€s K
hany hand protruding frm the middle Ahom tun to 147,
of its.hest! It wields a.lub, dd is wrap- Aknife tun to21,
ped only in a flning mmtle wovd Apendant tum to 191,
from twisted feathers. With a single Or a ruby tun to 42.
boud it is upon yd!
lACtlAN IA SKLL 9srAMrNA 12 40
DuD: AC s, HD 2, HP t2, Ituide it is warm md msty, dimly 6t by
Damage 6 I trlight Rping thrdgh .racks in the
Ifyd defeat the Fadh, tm to 1a9- hut wall. An mbelievably old woma4
.dered fiom top to toe with the shaggy
30 greys dd greds of moss and li.hd,
You sword arm is rsless, hdging limp- rises to gret you, griming broadly at
ly by your side. Wors still, your other you with pointed teeth. will you greet
am is not strdg dough to opm the her Go to 138) or draw you sword md
.hest. (fA Deduct 1 srAMr,\A point; atta.k her (turn to 32)?
EE: Test lout Lu.k; DuD: Test lout
D&D: los€ r Hit Point.) You tum md
Wisddr. If yo! make the roll, go to 51. 4L
Iea@ in disgGt! Co to ts. You are well-rsarded jGt as you are
If you fail, turn instead to 145.
abdt to step into it, yd notice the edge
37 of a net, ffiingly concealed mmgst
the wind ri*s slMly as you walk, the fallm leav6. Qui&ly you ba.k away
blowing wamly hom the Ldds of Sm' As you wallt you daydream of the il frm lokhg ardnd to *e if you are
mer, and eve d yd watch, all ar(md gracioG ldds of Smmer of goldd being wat hed. Will you hide, hoping to
yd the buds of the foliage begins to $r ight dappling the hills, of lush gred d.(mter the haPpers (tun to 51), or
swell and bust into leaves and bright grass rolling down the flanks of the walk caretully armd the net md con'
flowers. Spring ha .me to the Land of valleys to tumble over the lips of placid titue on ydr way (go to 3t)?
Chdges! lum to 17s. sky-blue lakes. You begin to feel at pea.e
with the world, knowing that you will 42
32 s@n be in the lands of Smer !ool! Do yd think yd .an ward off eil
Do you have a teth among your pGss' themslves. Tum to 44. with the Hearrs Blod of a murdered
sids? If you dq turn to 1tt- lf not, you tree? Yo! tully de*iw the fate whi.h
38 now falls on yd. Tum to a1.
MOSSMAIDEN [A sxrl 3 srAMrNA s You grab for the hilt of yorr sord, dd
D&D AC 9, HD 1, HP 5,
Damage 3 r MAZZAMARIEDDU the yam is worse thd aeless, for it
lf you wi4 tun to 84. II: sKrLL 9 srAMrNA 12
tangles md hags d the sharp rdkt
Owing to your weakded .ondition sapping in *veral lar too late
the .reature will 3 points of you rdember that the Moss Maiden said
the walls of the hut are fest@ned with damge for Mry su..esstul hit d you- it would guide you rfdnlrrdl Unless yd
have a hom, you are domed to wdder
shelves and .upboards, dd
strange D&D. AC 5, HD 2, HP 1,2,
these tmnels for ever ydr adventuer
dtlandish things hmg d hooks from Dn Ze2 7
If you surviw the savage atta.ks of dds hde. lf yd do have a hor4 md
What will you the Mzamarieddu tun to 112.
wish to blM it, tun to 49.
the.upboards goto 162, 44
thehmgingobj{ts go to 141" 39 All of a suddd yd merge frm the
Or the shelves go to 95? the is tull of hidl:fu female
glade tre6 to find yourself in a $r it glade
Or will ym leaw the hut? Co to 54. formr swathed in sinistd doaks md and ydr thoughts jerk ba& to the pre'
.Mli they are GWYLLION, evil spnits smt. The glade is wide dd.overed with
34 who waylay havellers like ydrslf. You grds, and in the .mtre stands a stde
As you walk, thrdgh, the wind grows are in deadly peril, for fs weapotu .d with a hole bored iight through it. Will
stronger, blowing frm aI dnetioro, harm thd'your sord ceitainly .ant! you etmine the stone (turn to 98) or
and sudddly the Chdging is upon you! Choose your weapd qui.kly: .ross the glade to the othd side (go to
the swelling dd shrinking of the buds of garli. tum of 106, 181)?
vies with the swaying of the trees, d the Heal-all tum to 164,
foliage +routs md withers in a writhing 45
movemdt that is quite nauseating. You E hausted by all you ereitids, yd hy
feel revolted md si.kded by all the and bldk out the noise of the storm, and
mutating fertility ar(md you- Turn to Iay dM to slep. Tum to 140.
AAA As the hohd gues doM at yd, the
Brownies indicate that yd shdld
follow them. You hesitate, utuure of
their intmtids, dd ictmtly they .lo*
si Di^(
pedant .mbles to dust in your hand.

in upon you, looking threatening. Will
yd fight thd (tun to 8s), or go with
them pea.etully (go to 68)?
\9 Little figures ru from their hiding'
mdg the tre6- Oriy half ymr
.larl all in hr.wn .nd wirh
Ti^'€ i6il1dOFALhAnq€S

shagg/ beardt the BROWNIES neveF the Hunt. You have returned safe and neatly netted and quite helpless. Turn to
theless look formidable opponents. One soud to the lands of Slrl1frea where
shins up the h@ and d.eremoniously you may live you span in pea.e tiough
.uts the rope holding the net and you yd will not be remembered as a brave 55
up in the an. With a .rash you fall to the Moss Maiden draws yd to her, dd
the groud. ff: Dedu.t 2 srAMrNA points; gives yd a sickll' kiss in greeting.
D&D: lose 2 Hit Points. If you are still 50
You quickly draw the knife, but to your
"Wel.n ?, ny ./:tidr" she says.
horor the blade sithers and .rumbles There is healing in her tou.h, and your
away before your ve{' eyes. Br6nie wounds *d to vanish in an ictant. (All
blades are only eff€tive against evil if your stAvrNA or Hit Points return to their
The srman's shape shifts, be.oming
lague and shadowy a she tos?rs above given in friendship and yours sa Initial levels.) Once you have re.overed
from the light-headed f&ling of being fit
and s ell agai4 she asks you if you wish
to help her sith her work Go to 124)
"Wnm!' she .tles. H. ' ddrt lnu 51
or simply sl@p (go to 167)?
tialnte n! haspiklit! tftlsl" With a It sems that s'hoever set the net as a
s..eaming rush of noise in ydr ears the t.ap is almost as patient as you at 55
shadow des.ends upd you, something waitin& but eventually small figures ap' As the Mzama.ieddu is omposed
sharp claws at you. throat, and you pear through the t.ees. Will you get mostly of air, your bloss hale little ef-
ready to attack them (go to 199), or re-
main hidden (go to 109)? MAZZAMARIEDDU
49 ff: sKrLL 9 srAMrNA 12
You bl@ your horn, a lon& 52 If yd hit it, deduct only I point ftom
pure note that *em to e.ho on long The hags shape shiftt be.oming vague its srAvrNA instead of the usual 2.
afte. you have finished blowing into it. and shadowy s she towers abole you. D&D AC 3, HD 2, HP 12,
The relerberating $und is answered, s "Fninthea l P.lbbn!' she .a.kles at Damage 1 6
the thunder of hooves grows neater and yd. With a s.reaming rush of noise in If you surlive 4 Atta.k Roudt turn
nearer With a rMa the WILD HUNT ydr ears the shadow desends upon
bursts upd you, pdring down out of yd, something sharp daws at you.
nowhere, their flaming dogs and thrMt, and you know no more.
antlered steeds galloping swiftly towards
you. One of the riders rea.hes down dd 53
grasps you with a bla.k studded glove, There are no more surprises in this an-
and drags you up behind him, a the .ient place. You de.ide to settle down
Hunt sheam into the sky to the acom- for a much'needed rest. shich refteshes
paniment of baying hounds. !dr. fA Re.over 2 srAMrNA points; D&D
regain 2 Hit Points. After a fes hours,
The dea.ttrly prdession gallops you feel fit and tested enough to .on-
through the sky until it rea.hes the lands tinDe on lour way. Turn to 179.
.f qnmmcr Ar rh. h.n.l <w.dbc rldwn
again, you. mysterious saviour deposits 54
you d a grassy ban( before turning his The next thing you kn6r you are
pe.uliar mount skywa.ds again to rejoin suspended fifteen f@t above the ground,
U^Ne i6il1DoF aLftaltqr€s
57 ing mouth into its slimy emb.a.e. Your Y.Dr i.lvmhf. cnd<
No one has eler defeated the powertul
Red.ap before! fA Add 2 LUc( pointsi
roll I die and regain that mdy srAvINA 50
points, up to you. lnitial lelel. D&D: Where the stone on.e stood, something
Contusing imges pass before your eyes;
Roll a d6 d regain that many Hit else n6 rests, glinting d sparkling. lt
is a golden down, heaq' with jsels. billowing .louds do not muffle the
Points, up to your starting sore. sohd of galloping hooves; the tull
You may take this t.easure if you wish,
and leave the glade. Turn to 187.
moon gues dosn on st.ange silent
ln the whi.l of wild magi. .eleaed 6gures. You feel a great *nse of impen'
whd the foul .reature died, you find 61 ding dem, and the image of a horn very
you.self trdspo.ted to a new Unbidden, Bords hom the Sdip' similar to ydrs looG before you.
ldation. the skies Bhirl and the air form themselves in ydr mind and Qui.kly you tu.n away goto87.
grows huy, as you f@l yourself moling. then pour hm ydr lips. Redcap
You blink d the s.ene in front of you s..eam in agony as he hea.s the holy 64
wo.dt and tu.ns and fl@s. He has left Brownies waiting outside the hut
one of his t@th behind him, thougtt lek at you k@nly for a fs momentt
whi.h you may take if you Bish. Now then *em to lo* interest. You seem h@
lf you roll a I go to 134. to do a you B.ill. You may explore the
2 goto54 small settlement (tu.n to 76) or leale by
3 go to 153 the tra.k at the end of the st.@t (go to
4 go to 140 12a).
5 goto70
the's eyes flash excitedly.
You examine the pe.uliar pla.e a best "Cdddl" she .ries. "Gratness ra
you .an. The.e is little in it beyond the &. yd!/sl" She stat6 at yorr mutte.s a
usual domesti. tMls d turniture, but fs Bordt and. . . turn to s4 (rou may
in one come. you 6nd an interesting- keep your possessioc).
looking chest. lf you want to open the
.hest, will you use your sword (turn to 66
107) or a .lub, if you have one (go to 62 the woman looks at them for a few
111). Alternatively, go to 45. moments, then thr@s them on the floo.
You run a.ross the glade, panic snapp'
ing at your heels like a dog. The trees on in extreme disgust! Tum to 166.
59 the far side s@m to be getting turther
You look dosn in hodo. the ground and tuiher away, and you indease your 67
beneath your feet has turned to quick- speed elen mo.e. Suddenly, you stum' E hausted beyond belief, your
sand. Al.eady you a.e up to your knees, ble on the rough grass, and fall. Whispe.s broke4 you stagger ftom the pe.uliar
and then you. waist. No matte. how of i.y .old swnl aromd you, and you nest nd out into the wood, wndering
hard you shuggle, the qui.ksand pulls feel tedible invisible hands pawing your aimlessly $he.ever your feet de.ide to
you harde., sucking you like a slobber flesh. Sloslr, agonisingl, talotu begin take you. Tun to 112.
Ti^ile [a{rD €FAlilefftqr€S
Delighted that they have dis.omfited you Utterly dltaGted, you drag ydrslf
they are a mis.hieous folk
the through the w@d, gagging .ontinuors-
Brownies lead you through the w@ds to ly. You stumble dwards, te tired to
then village, a .hery little pla.e of tuf .are what happs to you any more, dd
huts and well'tended gards. ([r:r add $ddmly, you find yourslf in a sall
r LUc( point.) Leading you through the .learing- Yd tumble into it, bringing up
village to the very, Iast hut, they halt dd sharply agairot a rdk- lurn to 131.
indicate that you shdld dter. Tum to
129. 74
the writhing of the foliage makes you
69 feel very nausms ind&d- Qd.kly you
Almost at the limit of ydr strmgth, yd retuin to the tra.k, where you fel a lit-
.me to a ruined tMer whi.h pokes up de better. Yd may eat sme Provisiotu
through the tres. Will yd
dter and before .dtinuing on ydr way, if you .heek IIr add 2 LUCK points)- Yd thanl
shelter hde (go to 101) or continue to her, md pass d- lun to 99.
.hdce your lu.k in the wods (go to 75 81
Ydr fatigue grMs heavier and heavier the heads growl md sdl, and a savage
with every step, and yd plod d 6re blazes in the hound s eyes- lts teeth
through the wod Yd .an hardly ke+ $ap dd grind as it lmges at you, biting
ydr eyes opd, and yd stumble all over deeply. Your advdture dds here-
the pla.e as yddrag ydrslf along.
Suddenly a leary dell opes up in hont
of you, dd you tumble into iL Your the old .rone s.owls at you, md fiddles
kn&s bu.kle and you fall to the ground, with the sticks in the fire. Plainly, she
bringing up sharply agaict a ro&. Trm doesdt wdt to have anything to do with
yd! Do you wmt to erplore the hut (go
to 33), or leave (tum to 54X

A smll wede brt or shed, standing 83

alone near the trees, attra.ts you attd- Yd. .atch your sword by the blade, rais-
tids- Will you dter md investigate it ing it p()rlmel 6rst $ that the hilt foms
(go to 26) or keep walking (go to 145)? a cross. lnstddy the Mu mdieddu
70 gives a hideoG sre.hing yell, dd col-
Yd sleep smdly, undisturbed by in- 77 Iapses in upd itslf in an instant. The
ttuders d draft, wals and sl@p again, Seizing an opportuity, you fling the battle is over before it has barely begu.
the iridesent movemdt of the pldts .lub to one side dd tumble for your All rhat rmainc i. . h.n.r.d rerl hdyl
6lling dery fibre of ydr being. At last eord but drop it a it slides hom its and 20 gold pi{esj you my take the*
you awakd, filled with joy after ydr sheath! [I: lour Lurk, D&D: Test if yd wish. Tum to 74.
long rest. Standing dongst the beautitul
flowers, you gather ydr things and low Derteiry. lf yd mke your roll, 84
tun to 113; if not, go to 142.
hasten towards the be.koning lands of Yd etmine the strange nest, but 6nd
S mher and rhe hlinkcrs or m,dncs. 78 or y the 1eal hmehold tools and im-
fall from your eyes. You are in the mid- Looking thrdgh yd se a pftuliar vi- pldents, though in de corner thde is
dle of a quagmire, quite alone, and sink- sim a wild, stormy sky full of strange a leked .hest, whi.h might be more in-
ing fast. As you slip bdeath the surfa.e figures on dtlered steds, who gallop ter6ting. lf yd wish to open the .hest
for the last time, ym last thought is that through the .ldds; the heavm tum to 30j if not, go instead to 75-
you will never se the su again. reverberate with the melody of then
homs. Evil things fly berore them, dd 85
7l all the world .oweis beneath their feet. Yd draw ydr sword, and instddy the
Th..roM ic rcel.cs herc Th. immns. Ydr .rarr b,.kw.rds .s thcir l.arler flics eight BroMies all produ.e small dag-
dog hMls again. lurn to 81. right towards you, blMing on a hon gers. They are dimhutive but fierce
just like ydrs. Tun to 87. 6ghters, and they outimbd you severe-
72 ly as de falls another will take his
the Moss Maiden leks at yd with 79 pla.e. Fight them one at a time
sadness in her eyes. '^lrs," she mur Suddenly you merge hom the trees to fI: sKrLL s srAM:NA 10
nrts, "sloth has its o n ft jatul." She 6nd yourself in a smlit glade. tn the cen- D&D: AC s, HD 1,
pats your hand .dsolingly. But ot leost tre of the grassy dearing is a stone, with HP 3,4,7,4,6,3,7,2,
lou o! e .1 lour dols in pod, poat a hole bored thrdgh the .mtre. Do you Damage 3 I
examine the stde (go to 98) or cross the If yd win thrdgh to the end tum
glade and re-dter the h&s on the other to 143.
She makes a pass with her hand, md
the weird nest dd all that it .dtains 86
vmish in d iGtdl and you are on.e a0 ltuide it is wam and musg, Iit only by a
again in ydr longed'for Sumer lands- the tree shimmerr and the next mo- dim ligh! but the wind's roaring sems
Yd may dwell here in pea.e for the rest mdt a woman stdds in its place, tall miles away and you begin to feel better
of ydr days though you will die before and gren'skinned, with a mery face- imediately. But the hut is ecupiedj a
your time, and you will never be a hero. She smiles, and kisss you on.e on ea.h wmd works turiously spiming,
ti'i€i6stb '.OF Alilafftqr€S
weavin& sweepin& .ookin& dusting, into the night they dtertain you like
ssing she sdeh@ keeps it all going a prin.e. Outside the storm rages orr but
at the same time! She is a MOSS inside all is wam dd hiddly- II; regain
MAIDEN, .overed from top to toe with I pointand3 srAMrNA points; D&D:
the lmpy, shaggy greys and greds of re.over 2 Hit Points. lurn to 1a2.
moss and lichen. Whd she finally
notices you, she stops d holds her 92 44
hands out in greeting, a .rooked smile
revealing her pointed teeth.
An d.idt eldd tree stmds sdtinel
there. It is so gnarled and twisted that it
5: ,)^(
looks almost humn- Will yd app.oa.h
Will you go to her (turn to ss), or at it (tun to 186), or leave the village (go
to99)? \9 @
87 93
Stmed by the alarming visim you Opposite the shed is another of the lit-
have witnesse4 it takes yd a moment de turf huts, srr(mded by a oretully' 98
to adjst ba& to reality. Co to 39. tended garden. the hufs etupant has the stde is an.idl and no hman hand
bM .abbages but very strange has made the hole that it, for it
88 is SellBored Stone, md things
.abbaget it sts, for they glistd and
the voluminous .loak wraps itself
sparkle! Yd.ross the st.@t dd eramine may be *d through it. You pla.e your
around yd, and all of a suddd you find eye to the hole. Tum to 13.
yourself being lifted into the air! Higher
them more closely- lurn to 19a.
and higher yd go, passing thdgh 94 99
every obstruction as if it
s.asn't there.
Yd must fight the dreaded Redcp- Leaving the village, yd re$me yd.
Leking dMn now, you on see the
Human shength .an avail little against journey through the wood, refle.ting
forest, and far, far away the glimering
lands of Smer, which yd will never him, md yd are in a very bad way upon hM pea@tuI eerything semi
rea.h now. Higher and higher you gq the su is shining brightlt md the hm
until the last few tddrils of the at-
REDCAP II: SKLL 10 srAMrNA t0 of insets buzzing ar(md the new-
DuD: AC 3, HD 3, HP 22, grMn fle.ers 6lls the air. You come to
mosphere fall away and you float lifeless
Damge 1 3 a sumy glade, whi.h has a large stde
If you manage to suvive, turn to 57. with a hole bored through it at its .d-
89 tre. Will yd doss the glade to the other
Leaving the, you press on through 95 side (tun to 39), or stay and ddine the
the wedt which sed to stretch d the Brownies e@p pdt you and disap- pe.uliar stde (turn to 163)?
forever. After dly a short distance, pear into the e.od, as if yd werd't
however, you .me to a great spherical there! Dmbfmde4 yd watch thd 100
nest'like dwellin& mde hom twigs and march away. Will you follow thm (tun the hound loks at you s.ith disdain, for
moss. Your True Sight tells you that this to 169) or move dwards ignoring the it has no us for gold- lurn to 81.
is a jddd pla.e, dd you enter. lun to 2. net of .drse (turn to 37)?
90 96
As yd stumble a..oss the threshold, you
Yd .hose a hut, and 6nd an dpty co. the shelves hold a mmy jars dd hear an evil laugh, dd glan@ up in ter-
ner in whi.h to male ydr*lf .omfo. bottl6, bearing labels $ch as Td Spoii ro.. Standing before yd is the foul RED'
table and sleep dt the stom. Outside The Shot Ol Elies Ta Make Whole CAP, with his red eyes, long pointed
the wind howls, but you rest peacetul' ^d
The HoV Hetted. You are partiolarly t@th, bloody handt and grisly han
ly. II: regain 4 STAMINA points; D&D intrigued by one lar, whi.h is labelled sheming as far a his nd-sh.d bets.
re.over 3 Hit Points. Eventually you H.d aii, and you take it the stuff.ould there is a pik6taff in his hand md a fad-
wake, and continue d ydr way. lurn be very setul in your line of business.
ed red .ap on his head- You heart quails,
for you know that this BrMnies greatest
N@ you my damine the dpberds pleasure is to dye his .ap in the fresh
91 (tun to 162) or the hmging obj€ts {tm blood of his vi.tims dd the nett de
they lead you into a hut whde a to 141), if yd have not done $ alreadt might very well be yd! ff: I'st ydrr
tum feast has b@n prepared! All or you may leave the hut {tun to 64)? Lurk, DuD: Tnt lout Wisdo . It yo!
through the rest of that day and well
make the roll, turn to 161; if not, tum
Cether takes the down, and with shak-
ing it upd hishead. A great
radian.e 6lls the .aven, bringing the
A beautitul, jewel-d.rGted pddant
+arkling stala.tites md stalagmites to hangs glirlmering d the wall- You cm'
lifq wondertul mst ripples from then
not help but take it, hanging it ar(md
stony sides. the man stands straight and
tall, for he is old no longer. ydr ne& and .dering it with your
jerkin. Leave here by going to 93.
''Thonk you! monk ydrl" he dies-
''You hou ftstorcd ! ki gda to e] 103
Ask n'hat lou 'i11 oJ e as tuoord." The Fa.han roars in trimph. By leaving
the ha& yd have forfeited ydr advd-
U^Ne i6il1DoF aLftaltqr€s
tage. ff: lose 1 LUcx point.) Battle is says (go to u1), or .hoo* a seat a little of fine yarn. You may take these if you
tunher as ay (turn to s2)?
IACHAN af: s(rLL 9 srAMrNA 12
DAD: LCs, HD 2, HP 12, 109 112
Dmage 1 6 Clad all in brow4 with shaggy han and Your fatigue g.ows heavie. and heavier
If yd survive the battle, turn to 189. bea.ds, the eight small men look quite with e!e.y step, as you plod on through
formidable. Ldg knives are stripped to the w@d. ha.dly keep you. eyes
104 their hipt nd a fs lek as though ope4 nd you stumble all oler the pla.e
the breze begins to gre stronge., blM- they'le already sen servi.e in a few as you drag your*lf along. Suddenly a
ing Ba.mly hom the distant lands of wars. They a.e BROWNIES, and a a man leafy dell opens up in frdt of yd, and
Smer, and all around you buds begin they tum dd face your hiding pla.e! you tumble into it. Your knees buckle
and you fall to the groun4 bringing up
sharpll' against a rdk. lurn to 131.
A tetible rmbling starts, .entering 113
upon the g.omd beneath your feet. With
You .at.h your sword by the blade, rais-
a horible rdr the grdnd opens up ing it pommel 6rst $ that the hilt forms
bel6 you, and you plunge into a bot' a .ross. lmmediately the Mazzamaried-
du gives a hideus s.r@.hing yell, and
.ollapses in upon it*lf in an instant. the
this isrltT.ansyhania! The homd is battle is o!e. before it has barely begh.
undetened by ga.lic. there is no es.ape All that rdains is a battered red hMd
your doom is upon yd . . . Tu.n to 81. and 20 gold; you my take these
if yd B ish. Tum to 74.
You. blade snaps deanly against the hasp Will you stay where you are (turn to 114
of the chest! You turse loudly. fa: 165) or step out boldly (tu.n to 9)?
the wo.ld is Bhnling nd spinning
dedu.t 2 sKrLL points mless you on find around you, sd you feel ve{' sick. You
another seapon to ae; D&D: unarmed 110 must find shelte. quickly. Tum to 11.
.ombat will allow you to s.ore only 1 2 lotally exhausted, you ate unable to save
points of damage against an opponent you.*lf from falling when the tres sud' 115
unless you .an obtain anothe. weapon. denly end nd you find youself in a You arrive at a fork in the ha.k. All is
Yd may t{' cing club, if you have one
a leafy dell. Yd tumble forsard into it, quiet, perhaps unusually $, the only
turn to 111; if you don't hale one, go bringing up sharply agaict a .dk. Turn soud being the rstling of the totes in
to 131. the breeze B hi.h has jct sta.ted to blow.
108 Whi.h dire.tion will you go in right
It is sarm inside, but dark and glomy 111 (turn to34) or left (tu.nto31)?
too. A very ol4 nd quite revoltingly dn- Having d affinity for evil, the .lub pe.
ty B omn squats by a 6re. splddidly for you for stealing so- 115
meone el*'s possessions is most As the Cwyllion lanish, a joyous song
"Sit b! e,' sfu ddks, be&oning .e.tainly evil. Inside the .hest is n orb pours forth from the stone. You turrt
with a glowing poker. Will you do a she made from trnspa.ent crystal, nd a ball alamed dd thd mzed, to see a
Ti^'€ i6il1doF aLhaltqr€s

-'-- c\
J * L-oo
vd.1lt <-)<r
golden light issuing hom the hole, as the .hai. He is
man sits slmped on a rotting ed an. A b.eze has sprung up,
glorioc musi. fills the an. then the Cether, the Keepe. of the Seret. Turn gently hom the swet lands of Sume.,
stone itself fades, aBay in- to 172. and all aromd you the buds begin to
to the ai., leaving you alone in the quiet 121 ss?ll and blem. Spring has .ome to the
It is a shametul lictoryYou survey the Land of Changes. Turn to 137.
.arnage with griet now .hillingly aBare
1,1,7 that had you ben .ourteous to the old
You are alive, but teribly weakened by womd, and less gr@dy, this need not 124
your battle. In a daze you eat some P.o- have b@n: You might as sell keep the Never have you sorked so ha.d!
lisiont and then.raBl away. Turn to 19. ruby, though, and you .an take one of Dusting, polishin& s.rubbin& darnin&
the Br6nie knives if you Bish. Nos you s@m to be doing it all. And yet the
118 more you do, the better you f@l! By the
"AIds, I had thnqht .t of lnut time the storm is over you feel positive-
spi/it," the Moss Maiden mutters. Then 122 ly rqulenated. Over breakfast the Moss
she says a few garbled $.ords and sud' You sneak up behind the Mazzamaried' Maiden breaks her silen.e dd talks to
denly everything 906 hry. You .ub du as stealthily as you cd, hoping that
your eyes and you are sitting on a the sailing of the sind will hide the
hillside overleking the bright land of noise of your footsteps. Hos s ill yd at'
Slrl1frer. You a.e safely back home again ta.k the bizarre.reature with a sword "M! thild," sfu ttgin, 'yn! ha1'?
though you are not a hero . . . (s6), or B ith a .lub, if you have one (132)? th? lbk al .ne 'ha tuuld atn pljsh
qftat thjt8s, but yau hdu n t done all
lnu shaukl jt' this pldd. What tuotld
You turn and find you are facing t,rd You awaken dazed and besildered, to
the for6t! Again and again you try to 6nd you. body brui*d and $re. rA 2 lnu da? I rotul s.nd yD! fid . (turn to
look ba.k, dd fail. Wherever you look, rra), t set tine bark n ljttk sn lou tun
stamina points; D&D lo* 2 Hit Points. nake low rhnje and. (turn to 65),
the tra.k leads off into the forest. Final- You .aretully struggle to your feet,
ly, ahaid and .ontu*d, you walk resolved not to try turning ba.k again.
M send !o! on lout 'n! 'jth 'hat ljt
? help I ran (tw^ ro 135)." Which will
ba.kwards dd are instdtly ldked in You *t off down the tra.k B ith a resign-
the g.ip of an invisible !ice. You are held
rigid, as if the air itself has $lidified. You
choke dd splutter, but its grip grows
ever stronger, until you slip into un- 125
6nc.i.n<h.<c n,rn td 123 As you stumble a.ross the threshol4 you
hear an evil laugh, and gld.e up in ter'
120 ro.. Standing before you is the foul RED'
the ball of yam glows brightly in your CAe with his .ed eyes, long pointed
hands. Just as the Moss Maiden promis' t@th, blMdy hands, dd grisly han
ed you, it guides you forward. You sheding as far a his non'shod boots.
wander through the e.hoing tunels,
whi.h seen to wind on nd 04 until you
.o.n to a huge .hambe., o.namented there is a pikestaff in his hand dd
with stala.tites and stalagmites whi.h a faded red .ap on his head. Your heart
glow in .adint.olours. At the .ent.e of j! quails, fo. you knos that this Brosnie's
the .hmbe. a wizded. s hite'haned old greatest pleasu.e is to dle his .ap in the
ti'i€i6stb '€FAlilafftqr€S
of his vi.tims dd
the nert 130
very well be you! You mat You my wear a mdde, if yd have de
6ghthim. (tun to 88)- Othetu i*, start your fight.
sxILL 10 srAMrNA 10 MOSSMAIDEN IA sxlll 3 srAMrNA s
D&D: AC 3, HD 3, HP 22, D&D AC 9, HD 1, HP 5,
Damage 1 8 Damage 1 3
crrwiwc r.r 6 rdmds hrm t If you win, tun to 5a.
125 You regain .dsidsness, and rise shaki
You oath takd, Maidd hands
the Moss ly to ydr f@t. The storm is over. lun
yd an orb of puest .rystal and a ball to 153.
though it is a formidable weapd, the
"me orb is the &.r" she tells yd, .lub hd an affinity for evil. lt twists in
"otd the lotn lrill guide rau hnMtul, ydr hands as you strike, sparing your now dd the Changing is upd yd!
il rou u* it loiseu. M! na e is Li a opponmt its nnl for.e [A lose I sxrl the eelling dd shinking of the buds
fttudber the lett* ol ! notu, hr it pointj D&D fight at l whd using the vies with the eaying of the trees to
tu! help !ou. me serret is that lou .lub. If you have a mantle, yd may put it .reate a surging sa of movemmt that is
should seek Gethe4 the hoklet aI the d (trn to 88). If not, yd must fight the quite naseating. Ydr sds of diretion
erret! No , go, ! .hild, loith ! bless devilish creature. Co to 56 but if .mpletely .ontu*d, yd fall to ydr
yd mke 4 sudesstul atta.ks on it go kn@s, .oughing md ret hing- Will yd
try md struggle d (go to 1s8) or lie
133 whde yd are, hiding you face fiom the
As if your other miseries were not
dough already, you begin to ret h as
waves of sickness sw@p over yd. IIi 13A
Her dbrace heals all you ills restore
dedu.t 2 srAML",rA dd I SKLL poin! D&D
lose 2 Hit Points, and 6ght at I util you
all ydr chara.teristi.s to their stdting
levels. She studies yd dosely, staring at
.an take a Potion of Healing. Tun to 69.
you until you turn your head away with
this path is almost dear of leaves, dd
much less noisy. It leads you straight in- "My .rii4" she says, 'I see lou hane
to the wood, but after a while the tres ot plished all lou should i this
begin to dose in ardnd yd, md twigs pla.e. Whot 1@uLl lou osk ol he? I ran
and leaves again .over the grom4 .rack' se d lou hohe (tum to 118), o/ r.t r;n.

Deep in thdght, you return to the

ing and sapping underfot- Will you bork so thot lou ight ok your
tun ba.k (go to 119) or .a(y on .,'di..s a'd, {tun ro 6s), at send lau on
ha.k through the woods. Without real- tuoy tuith n'hat little help I .a
ly where yd are going, you
regardless (go to 154)? lout
3;?ic (turn to 135X" Whi.h will yd
walk for sme while, until yd come to 135
a leafy dell with a pillar of ro& in the the Moss Maidm gives you two fareell
presnts d orb of the purest .rystal, 139
and a ball of yarn. She sighs rather sad'
You crun h your way out of the wod,
12' ly, d if sory to *e yd go.
and ba.k into the valley: it is a relief to
The trek thrdgh the weds seem in- ''I ra do nohr lou than te||
ort be dt frm uder those lowering tres!
teminable, dd ydr spirits get lNer lou to seek the guatulio n*. Nalo go, You sholl aldg the elley, djoying the
md lNd. You stop for a litde while, dd .liid. " And she leads yd out of the nesl ff d your shoulders and the piping of
rest, before .dtinuing. Tum to 79. the skylarks above you- At last you espy
135 a break in the heet md turn toward it.
The Br@nies do not hinder your depar' ''You hd,e killed ow G@ Lad!]" .ays
ture. As yd
stride thrdgh the wedt 140
a br@ze blMs up, blowing warmly from ''You hane plu.ked the heaft Jio When you awake, yd f@l stiff md
the sweet lands of Smea dd all ow Guardian," intdes dothd. "Fdr weak. You ache in eery joint, dd yd.
around yd the buds begin to sell md limbs don't sem to wmt to work. You
bl{ld. Spring .mes to the Land of BrMies raise their gaze d@n at your hdds, md are mor
Changes. Tun to 137. ti6ed to see that they have be.ome bony
II: sKrLL 6 srAMlNA 10 and twisted the hands of d m.idt!
D&D AC HD 1, You rush to a mi(or whi.h hangs d the
lfs warm dd humid inside, dd rather wall it is true! You have beome old
glomy. A reoltingly dnry oH wmm '
HP 2, t,3,6,4,7,4,4,
overnight! IF: deduct 3 sKrL md 6
squats beside a6re- She looks up at yd, Ddage 1 3
If you win througb tun to 121. STAMINA (rmove the same frm your In'
be.kons with a glowing poker and itial sores d well!); D&D: rdove s Hit
doaks. "$r ,y n.." Will yd do a she 13' Points (from ydr Initial s.ore te), and
says (turn to 171), or choose a seat a lit' As yd walk, the wind grows eer frm now on fight at 2. lf yd $rvive
de turther away (turn to 82)? shonger, blowing from all dire.tids
ti'i€i6stb o1'F aii?6Ur
l4l stdds at the dd of the village streeL In- 154
the obje.ts prove to be strings of onions trigue4 yd approa.h it. lun to 23. the tra& begins to ndrow, and in the
and cloves of garlic, dd sokedred distdce yd hear a p{.uliar thdping
hams. You may take eme of the* if you L47 noise, which *em to be drawing eer
wish, giving you 2 Provisids' worth of Ala! This is the only pla.e where the .los€r. Will you go to investigate it (tum
food. If you haven't dde so alreadt youhom .dnot help you, for the deathly to 29) or wait d the tra& (tum to 16)?
may now investigate the shelves (go to silent Cwyllion steal eund! lddrils of
96) or the dpboards (tuf to 152), or icy .old rea.h out for you, dd you 155
Having inflicted a hail of blows on yd,
leave the hrt dtirely (go to 64).
the BroMies abddd you in the w@d.
142 148 Yd are btui*d all over and you dkle
Ym grab the pmel of ydr swoid and As you stagger dwardr the writhing is sprained. Ydr sword-am feels
prepare for battle,but the MMzamaried- w@d .onquers your resistm.e, and you twisted md nmb, md may ee be
du is made mostly of air, dd evd the aie si.k. Ff: Ice 2 STAMINA points, D&D: broke- FF: dedu.t4 STAMINA points md
kedest blade ha litde effet upon it. lf lose 2 Hit Points. Tun to t3- l sKrLL poin! D&D: lo* 3 Hit Points dd
you have a mmtle, you may put it d 6ght at 2 until yo! .an be healed. You
(turn to 88). If nol yd must fight the L49 mrstfind help and soon. Turn to 2t.
Yd loks dif-
step, panting . . . The tra.k
MAZZAMARIEDDU ferdt, dd yd wonder how far you 156
l:[: sKLL 9 srAMrNA 12 have come. You look armd, and qui.k- The hnwl .f the wind rakcs m . ncw
If yd hit it, dedu.t only 1 point from ly reali* yd are lost. FI: lose I LUCK note md through the Mithing trees you
its STAMINA instead of the lsual two. R a +inning cloud of an md vapour.
D&D: AC 3, HD 2, HP 72. It is the MAZZAMARIEDDU, a wind
Dmage 1 6 150 spirit whi.h .d dly travel whd it s€es
If you suNive, tum to 11t- Suddenly, you per.eive that the wail in- rhc hl..d nf . mrrrlcrerl m.n lr is f..-
.reases in pit h, dd yd se alead of ing away frm you, and yd knd you
yd a whnling knot of wind whi.h has are probably safe if you stay on the tra&.
Bodies litter the woodland fler, then formed itself into d almost-hmd Will yd ignore the .reature (tun to
small limbs twisted cruelly in attitudes shape- Yd stagger tNards it, caring lir 114) or lea@ the track dd tale it by s-
of death- Yd are saddded that you tle for any dangd it may threate. Tum
should have slain e mnt dd wonder to18.
if they would have hurt you at all. Ydr 157
.dfidd.e is shakd- (IIr los 2 LUCK 15',1 the Brownies' village is a .heery little
points-) You shake your head, dd con- An ol4 cra&ed voi.e .alb ott, E teL" pla.e of out huts and well'tdded
titue ydr jomey- Before you set off dly obey tum to 108. gardds. As you walk doM what ap-
again yd may take one of the Brownie's pears to be the main street, to a
knives, if you wish- Now tum to 12t- 1a2 large hut, which towers over the su-
Without warning the Mzmdieddu rmding dwellings. No one *.ft the
strikes you a mighry blow, knocking the rdotest bit interested in what yd are
sdd frm your glap. FF: Tat yout doin& so ym deide to enter it. Will you
Lu.k; D&D: Test lout Derknt!. ll yo! pr+are ror what might be inside dd
make the roll tum to E3: if nol tum to draw your sword before you dtd (tum
190. to 1t0), or Indk md wait to be inviGd
in (go to 1s1)?
Yd stmd up in fiont of the pillar of 158
rdk- Leking carefully, yd .an se that Yd fight your way thrdgh the wind-
its sides aie ea.h intricately .dved with whipped bran.hes, dimly aware that you
an arcme letter- Yd trace thd with have shayed orf the ha.k, and are feel-
ydr finger, and then press one- ing very ill. fI: lo$ 2 srAMrNA points;
D&D: los€ 2 Hit Points. Turn to 150-
Willitbe:A tum to 105,
You grab your sword by the blade, rais-
144 L turn to 1Ea, oi
ing it pomel up to form a dcs. The
Yd are nearing the limit of you Mazzamrieddu gives a ho(ible .ry and
reeuces, whd you se a huge spherical
collapses in on itselt then vnishes, leav-
nest'like building wove from twigs and
ing only a small pile of (20) gold piftes
moss- Will you stop dd investigate the
strange building (tum to 86) or pass it
and a battered red hood- Yd may take
by (go to 110)?
these if you wish- lun to 112.

'o 160
But the wind grows stronger, gGting
Yd stmble, dd the last sight you s@
is Red.ap's .ruel pike thmting ttuards @ aroud yd fiom all dnetids and now
the Chdging is upon yd! the stma.h-

6l tuning selling md shinking of the
buds vies with the $aying of the trees
An an imt elder tree, so gnarled and to .reate a restless sea of movmdt that
twisted that it l@ks alnost hmm, ts. is qrite naGeating- Turn to 133-
ti'i€i6stb '.OF Alilafftqr€S

151 A mighty blM flings you thrdgh into 112

Vair y you shuggle to draw you sword. a Smer pature hme at last, but nak- Cether leks up at you as yd app.oa.h.
As Redcap's pike plmges tnards you ed and foreer shamed. Ydr adventure
heart, sords of the Saded Sdiptures '?r idrtl"he .ries. "Alr8 so long
poor mbidden from you lips. Red.ap so long! Htue lou ! rtuon? M! rtuh
gives a dimal yell and vanishes, leaving ol sang?" Well have yd got it? lf you
behind him de of his ldg t@th. You
may take this if you wish; now go to
the womn leads yd
to a pallet by the
6re, nd gestures for yd to lie down. If not, all you .an do is bl6. your
C.atetully you fling ydr*lf upon it, and horn, for there is no other way dt of
162 thispla.e for you.lurn to 49.
Yd opd de of the tupboards. lt is
mu.h larger than yd expe.ted, md vdy 113
Several BrMnies are waiting outside
dark. Suddenly something gives you a the gmtle ro&ing of the wind makes
violent shove, propelling you into the
they lokat you k@nly for m instdt,
yd f@l sl@py. Will you .eturn to the
then cheer with delight to see the Mark
darkness dd slming the door behind village to rest in one of the huts (turn to
d ydr forehead. Iu.n to 91.
90), or ke+ walking (tum to 137)?

153 159 114

No hman hand made the hole that the Brownies mr.h th.dgh the wo.d Yd are uable to s@ the Cwyllid when
stone it is a Self-Bored Stde, the to their village, leaving yd
skulking in yd tun away from the stone, but you
dd visions .an be *en the mde.grMth .los by. the little set- .an *tue the icy tddrils of thei.
through it. Yd put your eye to the hole. tldmt seem pea.etul enough B.ill pre*nce as they .lo* in d you. Tun
Do you have the tull Mark of lrue Sight? yd dter (tun to 1st) or .etrace your to195.
if sq turn to ta. If not, tun to 63
But the wind gr6.s strdger, blowing
154 1ro frm all diretions md the Changing is
It Heals'All alright! lt's a deadly poie4 At the far dd of the darkded but sits upon you! The stoma.h'.hunine swell-
nd as s1n as you open the ja. you fate a disgGtingly dnty and very old womn.
is saled . . . You are dead inseluds. She .ises as you st+ into the room. Tun
The Br6.nies leap upon you and 111
you from your hidey-hole, belabouing She miles at yd, reealing a revolting
you s.ith sti.ks, stdes and their e.n set of .otten teeth. Thd she takes a red-
gnarled fists. You have no .hnge to de-
hot branding nd from the fire.
fdd yourself their onslaught is te sud-
den and violent. Tum to 155.
''Aft lou br t,
sr'dng.r?" she asks.
166 Are you? fA Test lour Lurk; D&D. Test
There is a .ipping s(md, a the very laut Wisdo . lf yd make it tun to 24;
fabri. of Time and Spac is torn aunder!
ti'i€i6stb '.OF Alilafftqr€S
ing and skinling of the buds vies s.ith 181 Sigh' As it is, I k o , not ,hot lou ,iU
the swaying of the trees to .reate a sea As you move a..oss the glade, you smse see peftops sa e ol thot lohirh is hid
of movement that is quite naGeating- something intangible reaching out de ,i11 be rdeale.l to !ou, pthops
HMever, yd sta.e resolutely ahea4 fit- towards yd. Yd .dld not kn@ it, but
ing ydr gre d the t.a.k which is the Csfllio4
this .learing is haunted by the
de stable obiet in this insde ldd. You hideoG female spnits who waylay Yd look at her, nd s@ to your
stagger onwards . . . Tum to 156- t.avellers- Tedble hands lay hold of yd, bsildermmt that her shape is vague,
and invisible talons rip md tear at your flu.tuating betw@n an old hag and a
176 flesh. Your advmture mds here . . . y(mg and beautinn woman. She pats
Yd dash thrdgh the glade, erpe.ting ydr hand .molingly-
invisible death to overtake you at any LA2
mment. But before you know it yd are the nert day, the Br@nies take yd d ''I wi e al th. ttuth is !ouB," trte
d tra& agai4 rffiing blindly until you a tou of their village. There are wd- Thd she rea.hes behind hd and
are dhausted- lurn to 149. drous things to be s@rr gardens produces a sall hot^. "BIa1o this at
and d.hanted pldts: one r@ off .ab' eed," she says, a d help ,i11 surel!
177 bages has diamonds glittering in its ra e to !au." Tun to 22.
the tooth makes yd impervious to leaves instead of dewdrops! (Yd may
weapds. The Moss Maidd cmot ham take $me if you s.ish no one will *e.) 185
you at all, nd you kill her easily. lurn the flders tinkle gdtly a
you pas, the dog a..epts the o.b, and bns its
and their whisper to yd of the heads in to you. "Pdss,
178 Sumer lands far away, filling you with li.,d," it g.owls at yd. You pass by.
a buning desire to be on your way. lun
Yd gre into the tuby's depths, feeling
delighted. It is redder than the reddest to28.
thing you have eer s@4 and utterly d- 183
tran ing. Whd you finally raise ydr
the bran hes of the tree trdble as you
Ydr wish, all along, ha b@n to return advd.e, and as yd put out you hand
eyes from its .ontemplatid, yd find to the lands of Surlmer. The Moss
you are sr(Mded by ..6.ds of to tdch it the tree shimmers md its
Maiden sighs d@ply.
Brownies. then eyes are filled with dtline .h ges. Will yd wait to s@
grief, and you se yd. death refle.ted "Alas, peare n'ill be loua, but laut what happms (turn to 80) or leave the
heatt s dnne, glory a d hetuis , iiii
enet be. BIer lour ham."
119 L87
Stiff dd sore, yd continue on your way Yd obey, putting the ho.n to your Yd continue walking thrdgh the forest.
until you cme to a huge, nest- lips dd bl@ing a mighty blast. Tum to Sometime later yd .ome to an old, ruin-
like building, woven frmtwigs and ed t6.e., whi.h rears up through the
moss. Will you stop and enter (tu.n to 184 tre6. Ahead of you there is a dootuay.
40), o. pass it by and k@p walking (turn As the fiery brand nears your forehea4 Will yd enter (turn to 12s), or pas it
to110)? you flinch, so that only half of its par
ten touches yd, and the old wman
the s.omn ba& hom you, as if You hear d ominous rmbling hum,
offdded. 'N4 lau k o i not gtatitu.le, ''Hod lou held lit , sttonge4 fau whi.h .ises in an instant to an ear-
ndr, " she mutters. Tum to 166. ,ould htut Soined the Matk af Ttue whine. A shdge mgical.rackl-

ti'i€i6stb '.OF Alilafftqr€S
ing omes from the stone, d without things I ran nalo grant you, but lau "For .ry ort as high as .r staB and
waming a blaze of energy shoots out of ust .ha6e beh&e the . Will lou o e o! iale the . But I kndr the
it, frying yd to a disp in an instant. ha1'e your Sratest oisl (tu.n to 183) dr
low hean's desne $Dn ro 196)7'
189 ''Will lou betu it? Behr I tell, lou
the's body lies before you. As ust s iear to undeftoke this quest, ot
you watch, it fades away, leaving the .lub 194 else die i the, .npr." Will yd swear
and mantle behind it. You my take these the Fa.han is plainly .dtu*d by your {tun to 126), or hold to your wish to
if you wish, then pah ydr way ba.k to ta.ti.s. He dithe.s for a shile then his retun to the l ds of Smmer (turn to
the ha.k. Iu.n to 115. tmper gets the better of him nd he ,)?
leaps onto the tra.k- Irmediately he
slumps the t.a.k is d.aining his merg/! 19'
190 Yd *ize you. chance nd leap to atta.k Lifting the tatte.ed hide flap whi.h
Even as you tumble for ydr eor4 the
Mumarieddu is upon yd, its t@th setues a a der, you mter the dwelling.
II: sKrLL 4 srAMrNA 6
tearing at you. throat. You. advdtu.e D&D AC 8, HD 1, HP 4
Damge I 3 198
If you suvive, tun to 5. Where ordinary .abbage leaves hold
raindrops, these hold dimonds! You
Yd hold the pendant aloft, and the may take $me if you wistr dd then
Cwyllid paus. You have cleverly given 195
you.self a .han.e. EE: Tat laut Lurk, Ydr swo.d is useless agaict the
D&D: 'Iat lour Ddfclify. lf you make ghoulish Csyllion. You. dly hope is to 199
the roll, tun to 3; if not, go instead to rh through the .learing and hope you they are all in brow4 with shagg/
62. make it. fA lour Lurk; D&D: T?st bea.ds nd long han. they are
lour Delbnt!. lf ytu ate su..esstul tun BROWNIES, little people who despite
192 to 1t6; if nol turn instead to 62. their size on prove to be ddghty and
Will yd leave this terrible (tun fereious wadiori There are eight of
to 8), o. stay here and wait dt the storm
(go to s3)? 196
''Welkh6enl" the Moss Maidd .ries.
''I htar lout heott tlos true! I k o ' ol Yd tell Gether of the quest laid upon
193 a quest greoter tho an! let or yd by the Moss Maidd. He falls sildt,
''Yau hane ,isAo os cll as Ttue
S'glt" the wdan says. For this taath thinking d&ply, it set:fu. At last he rai*s
ptuterts its beartr ltu any \tupon. AII his ey6 to you.s, and nods.
else: irha, pa1tt, I pdsess, but nat Yd listen enthralled 6 she tells you
of the great mountains ''I deed, I think that this k o ledge
surmding the
,as i te ded ht yd!," he says. "Ir is
edge of the wo.ld, nd how tales tell of
She leks at yd thoughtfully. "Tlc the * of the Univer* itslf whi.h true that no an day srale the ou
Mork oJ Ttuth is upo !ou, and thert lies hidden beyond thm. She also says tai s ol wintet, lor the! lon a
js glat! in lout eles. I o the Mds that no one has yet foud a way adoss atuund the ,ond. But thet is o tuay
Moiden, ad av Xifts or ieT@ u det the although hat lies beland
I .o not te||. But I da k o , that he tuho
'ould trd,el to the Edge al the Wand
ust liat iek the Stupa al the Lost
La d. And the Lost Land, it is said, Iies
belond WbneL Il lou loill go ther lout
rfud begins her, in the rnEns ol r
ki gda , and I ,ill shdr lou the

He smiles at you, dd lays his hand

).4 upon you. shoulder. But litst, !
lrie d, ,e ust rejoire, a d ake
errr,hr toda! Ia deltuered, a d !

-.o_E- -=

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