Blessings CHPT Four

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This chapter focuses on the presentation of results collected from the investigation. The findings are also discussed. The
analyses were also done in relation to the demographic data of the respondents and the research questions examined.


Table 1: Sex Distribution of Respondents

Sex Group Frequency Percentage

Male 12 12
Female 18 18
Total 30 30
Data in Table 1 shows that 12 of the respondents were males while 18 of the respondents were females. This clearly shows that

majority of the respondents were females.

Table 2: Distribution of Respondents by Age

Age of Respondents Frequency Percentage

21-25years 4 4
26-30years 22 7
31-35years 4 4
36years and above - 4
Total 30 30

Results in Table 2 shows that the age range of 4% of teachers fall in the range of 21-25 years, while  22% of them are in the age

range of 26-30 years, 4% of teachers fall in the range of  31-35 years, 36 years and above was not represented. This means that

majority of the participants are from the age range of 21-25years

Table 3: Distribution of Respondents by Class

Educational qualification Frequency Percentage

OND/NCE 5 15
HND/B.Ed 25 85
Masters - -
P.hD - -
Total 100 100
Results in Table 3 shows that 5% of teachers fall in OND/NCE, while  25% of them fall in HND/B.Ed . Masters and P.hD was
not attended to. This means that majority of the participants are in HND/B.Ed.

RESEARCH QUESTION ONE: Do Secondary School Teachers have Access to ICT for School Work?
Table 1: Distribution on Teachers Access to ICT tor School Work

S/N Item SA A SD D Mean Std.D Remarks

1 Teachers have easy access to World Wide Web which 4 5 11 10 2.1 1.82 Disagree

enhances easy access to online information

2 Teachers have access to video conferencing/online 3 4 13 10 2.33 1.29 Disagree

streaming which facilitate easy teaching and learning

of Biology

3 Teacher have access to ICT resource which helps in 6 5 10 9 2.13 1.91 Disagree

the teaching and learning of Biology.

4 Teachers in secondary school have access to computer 2 5 8 5 1.47 1.53 Disagree

5 Teachers in secondary school are assigned to individual 1 3 17 9 1.87 1.46 Disagree


Source: Field Work, 2023

In Table 1 show that respondents disagree with the all the items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; that teachers have easy access to World Wide

Web which enhances easy access to online information with the mean score of 2.1 and standard deviation of 1.82, they disagree

that teachers have access to video conferencing/online streaming which facilitate easy teaching and learning of Biology with the

mean score of 2.33 and standard deviation of 1.29, that teacher have access to ICT resource which helps in the teaching and

learning of Biology with the mean score of 2.13 and standard deviation of 1.19, they disagree that teachers in secondary school

have access to computer with the mean score of 1.47 and standard deviation of 1.53, they also disagree that teachers in

secondary school are assigned to individual computers with the mean score of 1.87 and standard deviation of 1.46. Hence

questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were all rejected because they do not meet up with the mean standard deviation of 2.50.

RESEARCH QUESTION TWO: What is the ICT Knowledge of Teachers Teaching Cell Structures and Functions in

Secondary School?

Table 2: Distribution on the ICT Knowledge of Teachers Teaching Cell Structures and Functions in Secondary School

S/N Item SA A SD D Mean Std.D Remarks

6 Teachers have training in computer literacy 2 4 16 8 2.0 1.26 Disagree

7 There are seminars on computer literacy for teachers 7 2 10 11 2.17 1.96 Disagree

8 I as a teacher can operate a computer 6 4 18 2 2.46 1.79 Disagree

9 I as a teacher do not have basic knowledge of ICT 15 10 2 3 3.23 2.85 Agree

10 Teachers in secondary school teach without ICT 25 2 3 0 3.73 3.26 Agree

Source: Field Work, 2023

In Table 2 show that respondents disagree with the items 6, 7, and 8; that teachers have training in computer literacy with the

mean score of 2.0 and standard deviation of 1.26, they disagree that there are seminars on computer literacy for teachers with the

mean score of 2.17 and standard deviation of 1.96, that I as a teacher can operate a computer with the mean score of 2.46 and

standard deviation of 1.96, they agree with item 9 and 10 that I as a teacher do not have basic knowledge of ICT with the mean

score of 3.23 and standard deviation of 2.85, they also agree that teachers in secondary school teach without ICT with the mean

score of 3.73 and standard deviation of 3.26. Hence questions 6,7, and 8 were all rejected because they do not meet up with the

mean standard deviation of 2.50.

RESEARCH QUESTION THREE: What is the Use of ICT by these Teachers for the Teaching and Learning Purpose?

Table 3: Distribution on the Use of ICT by these Teachers for the Teaching and Learning Purpose

S/N Item SA A SD D Mean Std.D Remarks

11 ICTs resources are useful in the teaching and learning 19 5 4 2 3.37 2.98 Agree

of Biology .

12 Internet/computer makes teaching and learning of 13 9 5 3 3.07 2.71 Agree

Biology accessible to many.

13 ICTs resources are not important in delivery good the 4 5 11 10 2.1 1.82 Disagree

teaching and learning of Biology .

14 ICTs resources are useful tool in disseminating 24 3 2 1 4.27 3.19 Agree

information about the teaching and learning of


15 I don’t think ICTs resources are important in 3 4 13 10 2.33 1.29 Disagree

mobilizing people for the teaching and learning of


Source: Field Work, 2023

In Table 3 show that respondents agree with the items 11, 12 ,and 14; that ICTs resources are useful in the teaching and learning

of Biology with the mean score of 3.37 and standard deviation of 2.98, that Internet/computer makes teaching and learning of

Biology accessible to many with the mean score of 3.07 and standard deviation of 2.71, they also disagree that ICTs resources

are useful tool in disseminating information about the teaching and learning of Biology with the mean score of 4.27 and standard

deviation of 3.29, they disagree with item 13 and 15 that ICTs resources are not important in delivery good  the teaching and

learning of Biology with the mean score of 2.33 and standard deviation of 1.29. Hence questions 11 , 12 and 14 were all rejected

because they meet up with the mean standard deviation of 2.50.

RESEARCH QUESTION FOUR: What are the Challenges Faced by Teachers in Using ICT for Teaching and Learning of


Table 4: Distribution on the Challenges Faced by Teachers in Using ICT for Teaching and Learning Of Biology

S/N Item SA A SD D Mean Std.D Remarks

16 Inadequate funding of learning materials is a major 12 10 6 2 3.07 2.61 Agree

challenge affecting the effective the teaching and

learning of Biology in secondary school.

17 Lack of technical-know-how impedes the 21 5 2 4 3.57 3.14 Agree

teaching and learning of Biology in secondary


18 Network/power failure breakdown does not 18 6 1 5 3.23 2.91 Agree

affect the teaching and learning of Biology in

secondary school

19 Inadequate use of teachers can also affect 15 9 3 3 3.2 2.83 Agree

the teaching and learning of Biology in secondary


20 Inadequate and unreliable ICT infrastructure does 2 4 16 8 2.0 1.26 Disagree

not really affect the teaching and learning of

Biology in secondary school.

Source: Field Work, 2023

In Table 4 show that respondents agree with the items 16, 17, 18 and 19; that inadequate funding of learning materials is a major

challenge affecting the effective the teaching and learning of Biology in secondary school with mean score of 3.07 and standard

deviation of 2.61, they agree that lack of technical-know-how impedes the teaching and learning of Biology in secondary school

with the mean score of 3.57 and standard deviation of 3.14, that network/power failure breakdown does not affect the teaching

and learning of Biology in secondary school with the mean score of 3.23 and standard deviation of 2.91, they agree that

inadequate use of teachers can also affect the teaching and learning of Biology in secondary school with the mean score of 3.2

and standard deviation 2.83, they disagree with item 20 that inadequate and unreliable ICT infrastructure does not really

affect the teaching and learning of Biology in secondary school with the mean score of 2.0 and standard deviation of 1.26. Hence

questions 16, 17,18, and 19 were all rejected because they meet up with the mean standard deviation of 2.50.

The discussion of finding is based on the analysis of the research question carried out. This study affirms the impact of
information communication technology in the teaching and learning of biology in Oredo local government of Edo state .The
results shows the important of ICT in secondary school.

The results from research question one shows that the respondents disagree that secondary schools biology teachers have access
to ICT for school work, teachers do not have access to World Wide Web, video conferencing, and individual computers. This
findings collaborate with the study of Akiniyi,(2005) he opined that teaching will be made easy if teachers have access to ICT.

The results from research question two shows that the respondents disagree that teachers have knowledge of ICT in teaching

cell structures and functions in secondary school, that teachers do not have computer literacy, no seminars on computer literacy,

an teachers can not operate computers . This findings collaborate with the study of Akinola (2014) he opined that Experience has

shown that a variety of support and enabling mechanisms must be implemented to optimize teacher use of ICTs.

The results from research question three shows that the respondents disagree that ICT is useful to teachers for the teaching and

learning purpose, that ICT makes teaching and learning accessible to many. This findings collaborate with the study of Adamu

(2018) that ICT is used as a tool for students to discover biology topics, solve problems, and provide solutions to the problems in

the learning process. 

The results from research question four shows that the respondents disagree that there are challenges faced by teachers in using

ICT for teaching and learning Of Biology. This findings collaborate with the study of Abe (2015) that a widespread investment in

ICTs in education is probably not possible in most developing countries. It is, therefore, critically important to better understand

the costs and benefits associated with ICT types and uses in various educational situations in order to effectively target scarce


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