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TITLE: Measurement of Abstract Reasoning

Name: Syeda Fahmida Malik

ID: 1931709015
Course: PSY101L
Section: 32


SUBMITTED TO: Fariea Bakul Ma’am

Measurement of Abstract Reasoning


It is a psychological ability to solve a crisis using abstract reasoning ability where one uses one’s

intelligence without any concrete data or evidence. Not everyone has this same ability. Some are

gifted by birth. In North South University’s psychology lab, a participant was invited to conduct

an experiment where handouts were provided containing question-answer scripts, consent papers

etc. This participant is the independable variable (IV) and the abstract reasoning ability is the

dependable variable (DV). Within 25 minutes the participant had to answer 50 questions. Later,

the experimenter had to check the answers and depending on the scores one’s intellectual ability

focusing abstract reasoning was measured which is a subset of Differential Aptitude Test (DAT)

In order to understand one’s cognitive and psychological ability and functioning, in the field of

psychology there are certain tests to evaluate their behavior and understanding. A single test

won’t be enough to evaluate and identify the behavior. Some of the mentionable tests are -

● Intelligence Test

● Aptitude Test

● Personality Test

● Achievement Test

● Attitude Test

● Neuropsychological Test

● Vocational Test

● Direct Observation Test

● Sexological Test
Aptitude Test

The performance of the student is usually analyzed using this test. Mostly, during counseling

sessions in high school or school level use this format of test to evaluate the student’s skill.

As a test type, it is time bounded and contained 50 questions which had to be answered within 25

minutes. The rationale and logical reasoning ability is thus assessed.


To measure the abstract reasoning ability of the participant following a 50 set questionnaire in

MCQ format.


INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: A male participant of 22 years old

DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Scores of abstract reasoning ability


DESIGN: A single subject design was used.

Participant: A 22 year old male participant from North South University who belongs

from an upper middle class family.

Required Materials

● Questionnaire of 50 sets MCQ format with instructions

● Answer script

● Scoring rubric

● Stopwatch

● Abstract Reasoning Subtest of Differential Aptitude Test (DAT)

Differential Aptitude Test( DAT )

Pearson’s Differential Aptitude Test required for Personnel and Career Assessment procedure is

widely known as DAT which is profoundly used in assessing the performance of future recruits.

A series of questions are being used to evaluate the overall condition, competency and weakness

of the recruits.

6 subtests are present under this domain- verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, abstract

reasoning, perceptual speed and accuracy, mechanical reasoning, space relations, spelling and

language usage.

At present, the 50 sets of questionnaires will take non verbal close ended answers from the

participant which are questions with geometric shapes and sizes. The shapes and forms keep

changing and the answers analyze the test giver’s ability to identify the changes which helps the

authority to evaluate their reasoning ability with non concrete evidence.

Validity, Reliability and Practicality of DAT

As a Psychological test format, it is a test type which includes and assures the validity which is

how accurate the result is in order to use that data for work, if that type of test is reliable or not

that is if we can use that data for future reference or not and the practical availability of this test

type is present or not.

Scoring Rubric

Following the rubric pattern and principle of scoring the test, the experiment was conducted. The

raw score of the participant is the original test report.


On a chilly Saturday, a participant of 22 years old was invited to participate in the lab experiment

of psychology to analyze his abstract reasoning ability by the experimenter under expert’s

supervision. Handouts with a booklet of questionnaire, answer script, instruction sheet with

consent signing paper were handed in to the participant. The question booklet had 50 question

figures as problem figures and it was on the left column. To the right column there were five

possible answer figures. The participant had to choose the correct figure from the right column

within 25 minutes. Both speed and accuracy have been measured.


Abstract Reasoning Measurement

Gender Raw Score Percentile

Male 26 35

It is suggested to read the percentile point in the table as the ability representing zones and aren’t

distinct points.

Here, from the table we can observe that the amount in raw score is less than the actual percentile


From this study, we can now utilize the percentile score and set those into categories suitable for

the profession. We can analyze certain traits in behavior following any context. One can now

easily mentor his or her cognitive reasoning ability. This will allow us to grow and strengthen our

weaknesses. The amount or raw score of this experiment was below average or almost average

which is not demotivating at all. Rather, this wonderful research has introduced a new horizon

for those who can now easily utilize it. The participant can be suggested professional advice by

the career coach. Yet, factors like temperature of room and mental condition of the participant

perhaps was already unsteady which might have an impact on the result. Lastly, another factor

might be the time bounding feature of the experiment.

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