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§ 821.50 21 CFR Ch.

I (4–1–11 Edition)

more requirements of this part accord- of the patient requires that such per-
ing to the procedures in § 821.2. sons have access to the information.
[58 FR 43447, Aug. 16, 1993, as amended at 67
Such notification will be pursuant to
FR 5951, Feb. 8, 2002] agreement that the record or informa-
tion will not be further disclosed ex-
cept as the health aspects of the pa-
Subpart D—Records and tient requires. Such notification does
Inspections not constitute public disclosure and
§ 821.50 Availability. will not trigger the availability of the
same information to the public gen-
(a) Manufacturers, distributors, mul- erally.
tiple distributors, and final distribu-
tors shall, upon the presentation by an [58 FR 43447, Aug. 16, 1993, as amended at 67
FDA representative of official creden- FR 5951, Feb. 8, 2002]
tials and the issuance of Form FDA 482
§ 821.60 Retention of records.
at the initiation of an inspection of an
establishment or person under section Persons required to maintain records
704 of the act, make each record and all under this part shall maintain such
information required to be collected records for the useful life of each
and maintained under this part and all tracked device they manufacture or
records and information related to the distribute. The useful life of a device is
events and persons identified in such the time a device is in use or in dis-
records available to FDA personnel. tribution for use. For example, a record
(b) Records and information ref- may be retired if the person maintain-
erenced in paragraph (a) of this section ing the record becomes aware of the
shall be available to FDA personnel for fact that the device is no longer in use,
purposes of reviewing, copying, or any has been explanted, returned to the
other use related to the enforcement of manufacturer, or the patient has died.
the act and this part. Records required
to be kept by this part shall be kept in PART 822—POSTMARKET
a centralized point for each manufac- SURVEILLANCE
turer or distributor within the United
States. Subpart A—General Provisions
[58 FR 43447, Aug. 16, 1993, as amended at 65
FR 43690, July 14, 2000] Sec.
822.1 What does this part cover?
§ 821.55 Confidentiality. 822.2 What is the purpose of this part?
822.3 How do you define the terms used in
(a) Any patient receiving a device this part?
subject to tracking requirements under 822.4 Does this part apply to me?
this part may refuse to release, or
refuse permission to release, the pa- Subpart B—Notification
tient’s name, address, telephone num-
ber, and social security number, or 822.5 How will I know if I must conduct
other identifying information for the postmarket surveillance?
purpose of tracking. 822.6 When will you notify me that I am re-
quired to conduct postmarket surveil-
(b) Records and other information lance?
submitted to FDA under this part shall 822.7 What should I do if I do not agree that
be protected from public disclosure to postmarket surveillance is appropriate?
the extent permitted under part 20 of
this chapter, and in accordance with Subpart C—Postmarket Surveillance Plan
§ 20.63 of this chapter, information con-
tained in such records that would iden- 822.8 When, where, and how must I submit
my postmarket surveillance plan?
tify patient or research subjects shall
822.9 What must I include in my submis-
not be available for public disclosure sion?
except as provided in those parts.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

822.10 What must I include in my surveil-

(c) Patient names or other identifiers lance plan?
may be disclosed to a manufacturer or 822.11 What should I consider when design-
other person subject to this part or to ing my plan to conduct postmarket sur-
a physician when the health or safety veillance?


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 822.3
822.12 Do you have any information that 822.35 Can you inspect my manufacturing
will help me prepare my submission or site or other sites involved in my
design my postmarket surveillance plan? postmarket surveillance plan?
822.13 [Reserved] 822.36 Can you inspect and copy the records
822.14 May I reference information pre- related to my postmarket surveillance
viously submitted instead of submitting plan?
it again? 822.37 Under what circumstances would you
822.15 How long must I conduct postmarket inspect records identifying subjects?
surveillance of my device? 822.38 What reports must I submit to you?
AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 331, 352, 360i, 360l, 371,
Subpart D—FDA Review and Action 374.
822.16 What will you consider in the review SOURCE: 67 FR 38887, June 6, 2002, unless
of my submission? otherwise noted.
822.17 How long will your review of my sub-
mission take?
822.18 How will I be notified of your deci- Subpart A—General Provisions
822.19 What kinds of decisions may you § 822.1 What does this part cover?
make? This part implements section 522 of
822.20 What are the consequences if I fail to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
submit a postmarket surveillance plan,
my plan is disapproved and I fail to sub-
Act (the act) by providing procedures
mit a new plan, or I fail to conduct sur- and requirements for postmarket sur-
veillance in accordance with my ap- veillance of class II and class III de-
proved plan? vices that meet any of the following
822.21 What must I do if I want to make criteria:
changes to my postmarket surveillance (a) Failure of the device would be
plan after you have approved it? reasonably likely to have serious ad-
822.22 What recourse do I have if I do not verse health consequences;
agree with your decision? (b) The device is intended to be im-
822.23 Is the information in my submission
considered confidential? planted in the human body for more
than 1 year; or
Subpart E—Responsibilities of (c) The device is intended to be used
Manufacturers outside a user facility to support or
sustain life. If you fail to comply with
822.24 What are my responsibilities once I requirements that we order under sec-
am notified that I am required to con- tion 522 of the act and this part, your
duct postmarket surveillance?
822.25 What are my responsibilities after my
device is considered misbranded under
postmarket surveillance plan has been section 502(t)(3) of the act and you are
approved? in violation of section 301(q)(1)(C) of
822.26 If my company changes ownership, the act.
what must I do?
822.27 If I go out of business, what must I § 822.2 What is the purpose of this
do? part?
822.28 If I stop marketing the device subject The purpose of this part is to imple-
to postmarket surveillance, what must I
ment our postmarket surveillance au-
thority to maximize the likelihood
Subpart F—Waivers and Exemptions that postmarket surveillance plans will
result in the collection of useful data.
822.29 May I request a waiver of a specific These data can reveal unforeseen ad-
requirement of this part? verse events, the actual rate of antici-
822.30 May I request exemption from the re-
quirement to conduct postmarket sur-
pated adverse events, or other informa-
veillance? tion necessary to protect the public
Subpart G—Records and Reports
§ 822.3 How do you define the terms
822.31 What records am I required to keep? used in this part?
822.32 What records are the investigators in
Some of the terms we use in this part
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

my surveillance plan required to keep?

822.33 How long must we keep the records? are specific to postmarket surveillance
822.34 What must I do with the records if and reflect the language used in the
the sponsor of the plan or an investigator statute (law). Other terms are more
in the plan changes? general and reflect our interpretation


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§ 822.4 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–11 Edition)

of the law. This section of the part de- (j) Serious adverse health consequences
fines the following terms: means any significant adverse experi-
(a) Act means the Federal Food, ence related to a device, including de-
Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 301 vice-related events that are life-threat-
et seq., as amended. ening or that involve permanent or
(b) Designated person means the indi- long-term injuries or illnesses.
vidual who conducts or supervises the (k) Specific guidance means guidance
conduct of your postmarket surveil- that provides information regarding
lance. If your postmarket surveillance postmarket surveillance for specific
plan includes a team of investigators, types or categories of devices or spe-
as defined below, the designated person cific postmarket surveillance issues.
is the responsible leader of that team. This type of guidance may be used to
(c) Device failure means a device does supplement general guidance and may
not perform or function as intended, address such topics as the type of sur-
and includes any deviation from the de- veillance approach that is appropriate
vice’s performance specifications or in- for the device and the postmarket sur-
tended use. veillance question, sample size, or spe-
(d) General plan guidance means agen- cific reporting requirements.
cy guidance that provides information (l) Surveillance question means the
about the requirement to conduct issue or issues to be addressed by the
postmarket surveillance, the submis- postmarket surveillance.
sion of a plan to us for approval, the (m) Unforeseen adverse event means
content of the submission, and the con- any serious adverse health consequence
duct and reporting requirements of the that either is not addressed in the la-
surveillance. beling of the device or occurs at a rate
(e) Investigator means an individual higher than anticipated.
who collects data or information in
support of a postmarket surveillance § 822.4 Does this part apply to me?
plan. If we have ordered you to conduct
(f) Life-supporting or life-sustaining de- postmarket surveillance of a medical
vice used outside a device user facility device under section 522 of the act, this
means that a device is essential to, or part applies to you. We have the au-
yields information essential to, the res- thority to order postmarket surveil-
toration or continuation of a bodily lance of any class II or class III med-
function important to the continuation ical device, including a device reviewed
of human life and is used outside a hos- under the licensing provisions of sec-
pital, nursing home, ambulatory sur- tion 351 of the Public Health Service
gical facility, or diagnostic or out- Act, that meets any of the following
patient treatment facility. A physi- criteria:
cian’s office is not a device user facil- (a) Failure of the device would be
ity. reasonably likely to have serious ad-
(g) Manufacturer means any person, verse health consequences;
including any importer, repacker, and/ (b) The device is intended to be im-
or relabeler, who manufactures, pre- planted in the human body for more
pares, propagates, compounds, assem- than 1 year; or
bles, processes a device, or engages in (c) The device is intended to be used
any of the activities described in to support or sustain life and to be
§ 807.3(d) of this chapter. used outside a user facility.
(h) Postmarket surveillance means the
active, systematic, scientifically valid Subpart B—Notification
collection, analysis, and interpretation
of data or other information about a § 822.5 How will I know if I must con-
marketed device. duct postmarket surveillance?
(i) Prospective surveillance means that We will send you a letter (the
the subjects are identified at the begin- postmarket surveillance order) noti-
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

ning of the surveillance and data or fying you of the requirement to con-
other information will be collected duct postmarket surveillance. Before
from that time forward (as opposed to we send the order, or as part of the
retrospective surveillance). order, we may require that you submit


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 822.9

information about your device that Subpart C—Postmarket

will allow us better to define the scope Surveillance Plan
of a surveillance order. We will specify
the device(s) subject to the surveil- § 822.8 When, where, and how must I
lance order and the reason that we are submit my postmarket surveillance
requiring postmarket surveillance of plan?
the device under section 522 of the act. You must submit your plan to con-
We will also provide you with any gen- duct postmarket surveillance within 30
eral or specific guidance that is avail- days of the date you receive the
able to help you develop your plan for postmarket surveillance order. For de-
conducting postmarket surveillance. vices regulated by the Center for Bio-
logics Evaluation and Research, send
§ 822.6 When will you notify me that I three copies of your submission to the
am required to conduct postmarket Document Control Center (HFM–99),
surveillance? Center for Biologics Evaluation and
Research, Food and Drug Administra-
We will notify you as soon as we have tion, 1401 Rockville Pike, suite 200N,
determined that postmarket surveil- Rockville, MD 20852–1448. For devices
lance of your device is necessary, based regulated by the Center for Drug Eval-
on the identification of a surveillance uation and Research, send three copies
question. This may occur during the of your submission to the Central Doc-
review of a marketing application for ument Room, Center for Drug Evalua-
your device, as your device goes to tion and Research, Food and Drug Ad-
market, or after your device has been ministration, 5901–B, Ammendale Rd.,
marketed for a period of time. Beltsville, MD 20705–1266. For devices
regulated by the Center for Devices and
§ 822.7 What should I do if I do not Radiological Health, send three copies
agree that postmarket surveillance of your submission to the Document
is appropriate? Mail Center, 10903 New Hampshire
(a) If you do not agree with our deci- Ave., Bldg. 66, rm. G609, Silver Spring,
sion to order postmarket surveillance MD 20993–0002. When we receive your
for a particular device, you may re- original submission, we will send you
quest review of our decision by: an acknowledgment letter identifying
the unique document number assigned
(1) Requesting a meeting with the Di-
to your submission. You must use this
rector, Office of Surveillance and Bio-
number in any correspondence related
metrics, who generally issues the order to this submission.
for postmarket surveillance;
(2) Seeking internal review of the [75 FR 20915, Apr. 22, 2010]
order under § 10.75 of this chapter; § 822.9 What must I include in my sub-
(3) Requesting an informal hearing mission?
under part 16 of this chapter; or Your submission must include the
(4) Requesting review by the Medical following:
Devices Dispute Resolution Panel of (a) Organizational/administrative in-
the Medical Devices Advisory Com- formation:
mittee. (1) Your name and address;
(b) You may obtain guidance docu- (2) Generic and trade names of your
ments that discuss these mechanisms device;
from the Center for Devices and Radio- (3) Name and address of the contact
logical Health’s (CDRH’s) Web site person for the submission;
(http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/ombudsman/dis- (4) Premarket application/submission
pute.html). numbers for your device;
(5) Table of contents identifying the
[67 FR 38887, June 6, 2002, as amended at 72 page numbers for each section of the
FR 17399, Apr. 9, 2007] submission;
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

(6) Description of the device (this

may be incorporated by reference to
the appropriate premarket application/


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§ 822.10 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–11 Edition)

(7) Product codes and a list of all rel- use of your device when designing a
evant model numbers; and surveillance approach.
(8) Indications for use and claims for
the device; § 822.12 Do you have any information
(b) Postmarket surveillance plan; that will help me prepare my sub-
(c) Designated person information; mission or design my postmarket
(1) Name, address, and telephone surveillance plan?
number; and Guidance documents that discuss our
(2) Experience and qualifications. current thinking on preparing a
postmarket surveillance submission
§ 822.10 What must I include in my and designing a postmarket surveil-
surveillance plan? lance plan are available on the Center
Your surveillance plan must include for Devices and Radiological Health’s
a discussion of: Web site and from the Food and Drug
(a) The plan objective(s) addressing Administration, Center for Devices and
the surveillance question(s) identified Radiological Health, Office of Surveil-
in our order; lance and Biometrics, 10903 New Hamp-
(b) The subject of the study, e.g., pa- shire Ave., Bldg. 66, rm. 3219, Silver
tients, the device, animals; Spring, MD 20993–0002. Guidance docu-
(c) The variables and endpoints that ments represent our current interpre-
will be used to answer the surveillance tation of, or policy on, a regulatory
question, e.g., clinical parameters or issue. They do not establish legally en-
outcomes; forceable rights or responsibilities and
(d) The surveillance approach or do not legally bind you or FDA. You
methodology to be used; may choose to use an approach other
(e) Sample size and units of observa- than the one set forth in a guidance
tion; document, as long as your alternative
(f) The investigator agreement, if ap- approach complies with the relevant
plicable; statutes (laws) and regulations. If you
(g) Sources of data, e.g., hospital wish, we will meet with you to discuss
records; whether an alternative approach you
(h) The data collection plan and are considering will satisfy the require-
forms; ments of the act and regulations.
(i) The consent document, if applica-
ble; [75 FR 20915, Apr. 22, 2010]
(j) Institutional Review Board infor-
mation, if applicable; § 822.13 [Reserved]
(k) The patient followup plan, if ap-
§ 822.14 May I reference information
plicable; previously submitted instead of
(l) The procedures for monitoring submitting it again?
conduct and progress of the surveil-
lance; Yes, you may reference information
(m) An estimate of the duration of that you have submitted in premarket
surveillance; submissions as well as other
(n) All data analyses and statistical postmarket surveillance submissions.
tests planned; You must specify the information to be
(o) The content and timing of re- incorporated and the document number
ports. and pages where the information is lo-
§ 822.11 What should I consider when
designing my plan to conduct § 822.15 How long must I conduct
postmarket surveillance? postmarket surveillance of my de-
You must design your surveillance to vice?
address the postmarket surveillance The length of postmarket surveil-
question identified in the order you re- lance will depend on the postmarket
ceived. You should consider what, if surveillance question identified in our
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

any, patient protection measures order. We may order prospective sur-

should be incorporated into your plan. veillance for a period up to 36 months;
You should also consider the function, longer periods require your agreement.
operating characteristics, and intended If we believe that a prospective period


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 822.20

of greater than 36 months is necessary Then, in accordance with the law, we

to address the surveillance question, must determine whether the des-
and you do not agree, we will use the ignated person has appropriate quali-
Medical Devices Dispute Resolution fications and experience to conduct the
Panel to resolve the matter. You may surveillance and whether the surveil-
obtain guidance regarding dispute reso- lance plan will result in the collection
lution procedures from the Center for of useful data that will answer the sur-
Devices and Radiological Health’s veillance question.
(CDRH’) Web site (www.fda.gov/cdrh/om-
budsman/). The 36-month period refers § 822.17 How long will your review of
to the surveillance period, not the my submission take?
length of time from the issuance of the
order. We will review your submission with-
in 60 days of receipt.
[72 FR 17400, Apr. 9, 2007]
§ 822.18 How will I be notified of your
Subpart D—FDA Review and decision?
Action We will send you a letter notifying
you of our decision and identifying any
§ 822.16 What will you consider in the
review of my submission? action you must take.
First, we will determine that the sub-
mission is administratively complete.

§ 822.19 What kinds of decisions may you make?

If your plan: Then we will send you: And you must:

(a) Should result in the collection of useful data An approval order, identifying any Conduct postmarket surveillance of
that will address the postmarket surveillance specific requirements related to your device in accordance with
question your postmarket surveillance the approved plan
(b) Should result in the collection of useful data An approvable letter identifying the Revise your postmarket surveillance
that will address the postmarket surveillance specific revisions or information submission to address the con-
question after specific revisions are made or that must be submitted before cerns in the approvable letter and
specific information is provided your plan can be approved submit it to us within the specified
timeframe. We will determine the
timeframe case-by-case, based on
the types of revisions or informa-
tion that you must submit
(c) Does not meet the requirements specified in A letter disapproving your plan and Revise your postmarket surveillance
this part identifying the reasons for dis- submission and submit it to us
approval within the specified timeframe. We
will determine the timeframe case-
by-case, based on the types of re-
visions or information that you
must submit
(d) Is not likely to result in the collection of useful A letter disapproving your plan and Revise your postmarket surveillance
data that will address the postmarket surveil- identifying the reasons for dis- submission and submit it to us
lance question approval within the specified timeframe. We
will determine the timeframe case-
by-case, based on the types of re-
visions or information that you
must submit

§ 822.20 What are the consequences if I accordance with the approved plan con-
fail to submit a postmarket surveil- stitutes failure to comply with section
lance plan, my plan is disapproved 522 of the act. Your failure would be a
and I fail to submit a new plan, or I prohibited act under section
fail to conduct surveillance in ac- 301(q)(1)(C) of the act, and your device
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

cordance with my approved plan? would be misbranded under section

The failure to have an approved 502(t)(3) of the act. We have the author-
postmarket surveillance plan or failure ity to initiate actions against products
to conduct postmarket surveillance in that are adulterated or misbranded,


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§ 822.21 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–11 Edition)

and against persons who commit pro- the Medical Devices Advisory Com-
hibited acts. Adulterated or mis- mittee.
branded devices can be seized. Persons (b) You may obtain guidance docu-
who commit prohibited acts can be en- ments that discuss these mechanisms
joined from committing such acts, re- from the Center for Devices and Radio-
quired to pay civil money penalties, or logical Health’s (CDRH’s) Web site.
[67 FR 38887, June 6, 2002, as amended at 72
§ 822.21 What must I do if I want to FR 17400, Apr. 9, 2007]
make changes to my postmarket
surveillance plan after you have ap- § 822.23 Is the information in my sub-
proved it? mission considered confidential?
You must receive our approval in We consider the content of your sub-
writing before making changes in your mission confidential until we have ap-
plan that will affect the nature or va- proved your postmarket surveillance
lidity of the data collected in accord- plan. After we have approved your
ance with the plan. To obtain our ap- plan, the contents of the original sub-
proval, you must submit three copies mission and any amendments, supple-
of the request to make the proposed ments, or reports may be disclosed in
change and revised postmarket surveil- accordance with the Freedom of Infor-
lance plan to the applicable address mation Act. We will continue to pro-
listed in § 822.8. You may reference in- tect trade secret and confidential com-
formation already submitted in accord- mercial information after your plan is
ance with § 822.14. In your cover letter, approved. We will not disclose informa-
you must identify your submission as a tion identifying individual patients.
supplement and cite the unique docu- You may wish to indicate in your sub-
ment number that we assigned in our mission which information you con-
acknowledgment letter for your origi- sider trade secret or confidential com-
nal submission, specifically identify mercial.
the changes to the plan, and identify
the reasons and justification for mak-
ing the changes. You must report
Subpart E—Responsibilities of
changes in your plan that will not af- Manufacturers
fect the nature or validity of the data
§ 822.24 What are my responsibilities
collected in accordance with the plan once I am notified that I am re-
in the next interim report required by quired to conduct postmarket sur-
your approval order. veillance?
§ 822.22 What recourse do I have if I You must submit your plan to con-
do not agree with your decision? duct postmarket surveillance to us
(a) If you disagree with us about the within 30 days from receipt of the order
content of your plan or if we dis- (letter) notifying you that you are re-
approve your plan, or if you believe quired to conduct postmarket surveil-
there is a less burdensome approach lance of a device.
that will answer the surveillance ques-
§ 822.25 What are my responsibilities
tion, you may request review of our de- after my postmarket surveillance
cision by: plan has been approved?
(1) Requesting a meeting with the Di-
rector, Office of Surveillance and Bio- After we have approved your plan,
metrics, Center for Devices and Radio- you must conduct the postmarket sur-
logical Health (CDRH), who generally veillance of your device in accordance
issues the order for postmarket surveil- with your approved plan. This means
lance; that you must ensure that:
(2) Seeking internal review of the (a) Postmarket surveillance is initi-
order under § 10.75 of this chapter; ated in a timely manner;
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

(3) Requesting an informal hearing (b) The surveillance is conducted

under part 16 of this chapter; or with due diligence;
(4) Requesting review by the Medical (c) The data identified in the plan is
Devices Dispute Resolution Panel of collected;


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 822.31

(d) Any reports required as part of Subpart F—Waivers and

your approved plan are submitted to us Exemptions
in a timely manner; and
(e) Any information that we request § 822.29 May I request a waiver of a
prior to your submission of a report or specific requirement of this part?
in response to our review of a report is You may request that we waive any
provided in a timely manner. specific requirement of this part. You
may submit your request, with sup-
§ 822.26 If my company changes own- porting documentation, separately or
ership, what must I do?
as a part of your postmarket surveil-
You must notify us within 30 days of lance submission to the address in
any change in ownership of your com- § 822.8.
pany. Your notification should identify
any changes to the name or address of § 822.30 May I request exemption from
the company, the contact person, or the requirement to conduct
the designated person (as defined in postmarket surveillance?
§ 822.3(b)). Your obligation to conduct You may request exemption from the
postmarket surveillance will generally requirement to conduct postmarket
transfer to the new owner, unless you surveillance for your device or any spe-
and the new owner have both agreed cific model of that device at any time.
that you will continue to conduct the You must comply with the require-
surveillance. If you will continue to ments of this part unless and until we
conduct the postmarket surveillance, grant an exemption for your device.
you still must notify us of the change Your request for exemption must ex-
in ownership. plain why you believe we should ex-
empt the device or model from
§ 822.27 If I go out of business, what postmarket surveillance. You should
must I do? demonstrate why the surveillance
You must notify us within 30 days of question does not apply to your device
the date of your decision to close your or does not need to be answered for the
business. You should provide the ex- device for which you are requesting ex-
emption. Alternatively, you may pro-
pected date of closure and discuss your
vide information that answers the sur-
plans to complete or terminate
veillance question for your device, with
postmarket surveillance of your de-
supporting documentation, to the ad-
vice. You must also identify who will
dress in § 822.8.
retain the records related to the sur-
veillance (described in subpart G of
this part) and where the records will be Subpart G—Records and Reports
§ 822.31 What records am I required to
§ 822.28 If I stop marketing the device
subject to postmarket surveillance, You must keep copies of:
what must I do? (a) All correspondence with your in-
You must continue to conduct vestigators or FDA, including required
postmarket surveillance in accordance reports;
with your approved plan even if you no (b) Signed agreements from each of
longer market the device. You may re- your investigators, if your surveillance
quest that we allow you to terminate plan uses investigators, stating the
postmarket surveillance or modify commitment to conduct the surveil-
your postmarket surveillance because lance in accordance with the approved
you no longer market the device. We plan, any applicable FDA regulations,
and any conditions of approval for your
will make these decisions on a case-by-
plan, such as reporting requirements;
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

case basis, and you must continue to

(c) Your approved postmarket sur-
conduct the postmarket surveillance
veillance plan, with documentation of
unless we notify you that you may stop
the date and reason for any deviation
your surveillance study.
from the plan;


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§ 822.32 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–11 Edition)

(d) All data collected and analyses tiated to investigate recalls or other
conducted in support of your similar actions, and inspections initi-
postmarket surveillance plan; and ated specifically to review your
(e) Any other records that we require postmarket surveillance plan. We may
to be maintained by regulation or by also inspect any other person or site
order, such as copies of signed consent involved in your postmarket surveil-
documents, evidence of Institutional lance, such as investigators or contrac-
Review Board review and approval, etc. tors. Any person authorized to grant
access to a facility must permit au-
§ 822.32 What records are the inves- thorized FDA employees to enter and
tigators in my surveillance plan re-
quired to keep? inspect any facility where the device is
held or where records regarding
Your investigator must keep copies postmarket surveillance are held.
(a) All correspondence between inves- § 822.36 Can you inspect and copy the
tigators, FDA, the manufacturer, and records related to my postmarket
the designated person, including re- surveillance plan?
quired reports. We may, at a reasonable time and in
(b) The approved postmarket surveil- a reasonable manner, inspect and copy
lance plan, with documentation of the any records pertaining to the conduct
date and reason for any deviation from of postmarket surveillance that are re-
the plan. quired to be kept by this regulation.
(c) All data collected and analyses You must be able to produce records
conducted at that site for postmarket and information required by this regu-
surveillance. lation that are in the possession of oth-
(d) Any other records that we require ers under contract with you to conduct
to be maintained by regulation or by the postmarket surveillance. Those
who have signed agreements or are
§ 822.33 How long must we keep the under contract with you must also
records? produce the records and information
upon our request. This information
You, the designated person, and your
must be produced within 72 hours of
investigators must keep all records for
the initiation of the inspection. We
a period of 2 years after we have ac-
generally will redact information per-
cepted your final report, unless we
taining to individual subjects prior to
specify otherwise.
copying those records, unless there are
§ 822.34 What must I do with the extenuating circumstances.
records if the sponsor of the plan or
an investigator in the plan § 822.37 Under what circumstances
changes? would you inspect records identi-
fying subjects?
If the sponsor of the plan or an inves-
tigator in the plan changes, you must We can inspect and copy records
ensure that all records related to the identifying subjects under the same
postmarket surveillance have been circumstances that we can inspect any
transferred to the new sponsor or in- records relating to postmarket surveil-
vestigator and notify us within 10 lance. We are likely to be interested in
working days of the effective date of such records if we have reason to be-
the change. You must provide the lieve that required reports have not
name, address, and telephone number been submitted, or are incomplete, in-
of the new sponsor or investigator, cer- accurate, false, or misleading.
tify that all records have been trans-
ferred, and provide the date of transfer. § 822.38 What reports must I submit to
§ 822.35 Can you inspect my manufac- You must submit interim and final
turing site or other sites involved in reports as specified in your approved
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

my postmarket surveillance plan? postmarket surveillance plan. In addi-

We can review your postmarket sur- tion, we may ask you to submit addi-
veillance programs during regularly tional information when we believe
scheduled inspections, inspections ini- that the information is necessary for


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 860.3

the protection of the public health and tion panels in making their rec-
implementation of the act. We will also ommendations and by the Commis-
state the reason or purpose for the re- sioner in making the Commissioner’s
quest and how we will use the informa- determinations regarding the class of
tion. regulatory control (class I, class II, or
class III) appropriate for particular de-
PART 860—MEDICAL DEVICE vices. Supplementing the general Food
CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES and Drug Administration procedures
governing advisory committees (part 14
Subpart A—General of this chapter), this part also provides
procedures for manufacturers, import-
Sec. ers, and other interested persons to
860.1 Scope.
860.3 Definitions. participate in proceedings to classify
860.5 Confidentiality and use of data and in- and reclassify devices. This part also
formation submitted in connection with describes the kind of data required for
classification and reclassification. determination of the safety and effec-
860.7 Determination of safety and effective- tiveness of a device, and the cir-
ness. cumstances under which information
Subpart B—Classification submitted to classification panels or to
the Commissioner in connection with
860.84 Classification procedures for ‘‘old de- classification and reclassification pro-
vices.’’ ceedings will be available to the public.
860.93 Classification of implants, life-sup-
porting or life-sustaining devices. § 860.3 Definitions.
860.95 Exemptions from sections 510, 519,
and 520(f) of the act. For the purposes of this part:
(a) Act means the Federal Food,
Subpart C—Reclassification Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
860.120 General. (b) Commissioner means the Commis-
860.123 Reclassification petition: Content sioner of Food and Drugs, Food and
and form. Drug Administration, United States
860.125 Consultation with panels. Department of Health and Human
860.130 General procedures under section
Services, or the Commissioner’s des-
513(e) of the act.
860.132 Procedures when the Commissioner ignee.
initiates a performance standard or pre- (c) Class means one of the three cat-
market approval proceeding under sec- egories of regulatory control for med-
tion 514(b) or 515(b) of the act. ical devices, defined below:
860.134 Procedures for ‘‘new devices’’ under (1) Class I means the class of devices
section 513(f) of the act and reclassifica-
tion of certain devices.
that are subject to only the general
860.136 Procedures for transitional products controls authorized by or under sec-
under section 520(l) of the act. tions 501 (adulteration), 502 (mis-
branding), 510 (registration), 516
AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 360c, 360d, 360e, 360i,
360j, 371, 374. (banned devices), 518 (notification and
other remedies), 519 (records and re-
SOURCE: 43 FR 32993, July 28, 1978, unless ports), and 520 (general provisions) of
otherwise noted.
the act. A device is in class I if (i) gen-
EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to eral controls are sufficient to provide
part 860 appear at 73 FR 35341, June 23, 2008. reasonable assurance of the safety and
effectiveness of the device, or (ii) there
Subpart A—General is insufficient information from which
to determine that general controls are
§ 860.1 Scope. sufficient to provide reasonable assur-
(a) This part implements sections 513, ance of the safety and effectiveness of
514(b), 515(b), and 520(l) of the act with the device or to establish special con-
respect to the classification and reclas- trols to provide such assurance, but the
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

sification of devices intended for device is not life-supporting or life-sus-

human use. taining or for a use which is of
(b) This part prescribes the criteria substanial importance in preventing
and procedures to be used by classifica- impairment of human health, and


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