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GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) GENERAL INFORMATION (PART 1) (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the questions. Mark only one answer for each item. ALLOWED. following STRICTLY NO ERASURES 1, There shall be a Vice-President who shall have the same qualifications and term of office and be elected with, and in the same manner, as the President. What is the minimum age requirement for a person to be qualified as a vice-president? a. Thirty (30) b. Thirty-five (35)! Forty (40) d. Forty-five (45) 2.Who shall have the exclusive impeachment? a. House of Blue Ribbon Committee (. House of Representatives! ¢. House of the Senate d. Speaker of the House power to initiate all cases of 4 ¢ 3.A politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory. a, Country c. Community b. Sovereignty @ state! 4.The Congress, by a vote of of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting separately, shall have the sole power to declare a state of war. v @). Two-thirds | s c. Three quarters b. One-half oun d. Minority 5. Juan is residing here at the Philippines for about 11 months. How many! | Month/s should he still reside so that he will be a qualified voter 7 a. 4 months ¢. 2 months | b. 3 months _ a @ 1 month 6. Educational institutions, other than those established by ates groups and mission boards, shall be owned solely by citizen oe Philippines or corporations or associations at tent ise centum of the capital of which is owned by such citizens. c. Bighty a. Fifty 4G. one-hundred (by sixty | : sence Scanned wth Camscanner GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 1(PHIUPPINE CONSTITUTION) f. Freedom constitution is a kind provisio: kind of constitution? a. Fidel V. Ramos b. Manuel L. Quezon g.%t is the Constitution used by t commonwealth period until 1973. a. The Malolos Constitution € b. The Biak-na-Bato q Constitution 9. it is the inhabitants or population » put should be politically united. \. People c. . Sovereignty a. number ig not definite 3 b 10.No person shall be a Senator unless he is 4 natural-born citizen of the Philippines and, on the day of the election, is at least years of age. a. Thirty | - Forty ( Thirty-Five d. Forty-Five 11.What constitution was being ratified leading to the abolishment of congress and was replaced by the Batasang Pambansa as the legislative branch. i a. 1935 constitution ¢. 1973 constitution! b. 1943 constitution d. 1987 constitution 12.The legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives. How many is the composition of the Senate? a.6 c, 18 b.121 @ 24 13.What are the forms of government in which the political power is exercised by a few privilege class? @ Oligarchy and Aristocracy b. Aristocracy and Monarchy | c. Theocracy and Fascism d. Democracy and Tyranny 14.An element of state that includes the land within the boundaries of the state, the air space above the land, the inland waters like i rivers, the springs, lakes, bays, mineral and natural resources, an the twelve miles of the sea beyond the state’s coastlines. INSP ERIC SAWATI CATTE Scanned wth Camscaner (GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) 7. Freedom constitution is a kind provisional constitution. who made this kind of constitution? a. Fidel v. Ramos ©. Cory Aquino b. Manuel L. Quezon d. Ferdinand Marcos 8.It is the Constitution used by the Philippine government from the commonwealth period until 1973. a. The Malolos Constitution c, The 1935 Constitution b. The Biak-na-Bato d. The 1901 Constitution Constitution 9. It is the inhabitants or population which its number is not definite but should be politically united. a. People | c. Territory b. Sovereignty d. Government 10.No person shall be a Senator unless he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines and, on the day of the election, is at least years of age. a. Thirty | c. Forty (®) Thirty-Five a d. Forty-Five 11.What constitution was being ratified leading to the abolishment of congress and was replaced by the Batasang Pambansa as the legislative branch. Z a. 1935 constitution ‘@. 1973 constitution | b. 1943 constitution d. 1987 constitution 12.The legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives. How many is the composition of the Senate? a.6 c. 18 b. 121 @ 24 13.What are the forms of government in which the political power is exercised by a few privilege class? @ Oligarchy and Aristocracy b. Aristocracy and Monarchy | ¢. Theocracy and Fascism d. Democracy and Tyranny 14.An element of state that includes the land within the boundaries of the state, the air space above the land, the inland waters like the rivers, the springs, lakes, bays, mineral and natural resources, and the twelve miles of the sea beyond the state’s coastlines. FINSP ERIC SAWATI CATE Scanned wth Camscanner GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) a. Country c. Natural Resources @, Territory ; d. Continent 15.The following are the importance of the constitution, EXCEPT one; a. Basis of all the laws to be implemented in a certain country b. Gives direction to all actions the government will undertake (Qk It will make the people to become powerful and wealthy ' d. Through the constitution, the decisions and all that concern the country are defined 16.Based on Article IX, Section 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the following are the Constitutional Commissions which shall be independent, except one; @}) Commission on Higher Education | ‘b. Civil Service Commission c. Commission on Elections d. Commission on audit 17.An aspect of sovereignty where the supreme or absolute power of the state to enforce its will on the people within its territory implying that the government must possess adequate powers to control and xegulate the conduct and affairs of the people within the territory a: Internal sovereignty | b. External sovereignty c. Inside sovereignty d. Outside sovereignty 18.Government exists and should continue to exist for the benefit of the people. (@) The statement is a general truth ! b. The statement is just an assumption ¢. The statement is a fallacy d. There is no basis for judgment 19.It stated the holding of a constitutional convention that would draft the constitution of the Commonwealth government that would exist in the country. a. 1897 Constitution! =~ 6. /Phivagpine: consti tabden. ® Tydings McDuffie Law d. 1943 Constitution 20.When is the regular election of the Senators and the Members of the House of Representatives? a. Second Monday of April ©. Second Monday of June @® Second Monday of May | d. Second Monday of October FINSP ERIC SAWan CATTE | | ‘Scanned with amsScanner GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 2 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) 21.1t is a characteristic of sovereignty where the state is not subject to other powers. (@ Absolute | c. Permanent b. Comprehensive d. Indivisible 22.What are the four elements of state? @) People, territory, sovereignty, government | b. People, constitution, territory, government ¢. Government, law, peace, territory d. Constitution, people, land, independence 23.Who is the presiding officer for impeachment trials against the President of the Philippines? @ Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. ‘B. Speaker of the House c. Chairman, Electoral Tribunal | d. Secretary, Department of Justice 24,The executive power shall be vested in the President of the Philippines. What is the minimum age of a person to be elected as a President? a. 25 ce. 354 b. 30 @ 40 25.Who among the following was not elected during the last May 2007 senatorial election? a. Sen. Juan Miguel 2ubiri b. Sen. Francis Escudero @) Sen. Franklin Drilon e Sen. Allan Cayetano} 26.The sovereignty is perpetual as long as the state exists because ‘sovereignty is an inherent attribute of the state. What characteristic of sovereignty is this? a. Absolute © Permanent si b. Comprehensive Indivisible 27, There shall be a Vice-President who shall have the same qualifications ‘and term of office and be elected with, and in the same manner, as the President. He may be removed from office in the same manner as the President. How long is the term of office of the said government officials? a.3 years ©) 6 years b. 4 years d. 8 years \ } Sy my encsavncore I ‘Scanned with amsScanner GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) 28.It is a written instrument containing the proposition and required number of signatories and shall be in a form determined by and submitted to the Commission on Elections. a. Bill c. Proposition b. Law d. Petition 29.All are the characteristics of a good written constitution, except one: a.It must be broad or comprehensive b. It must be brief or concise | @. tt must be general a, It must be clear and definite 30.It refers to the agency through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and carried out. B covernment c. Constitution b. Sovereignty i d. Laws 31.What if President Benigno Aquino and Vice President both died is a plane crash, who will act now as a President? @. President of the Senate 1 b. Speaker of the House of Representatives c. Chief Justice d. Chosen from the congress 32.What are the 3 main branches of the Government of the Philippines? a. Senate, Supreme Court, Congress b, Presidential, Unicameral- Parliamentary, Bicameral-Parliamentary @ vestorerive, Executive, Judicial) The Legislature, The Senate, The. Supreme Court 33.The 1987 Philippine Constitution is the current constitution being applied today which was made by the Constitutional Commission. Who is the head of the Constitutional Commission? ‘ a. Plebiscite c. Felipe Calderon | Cecilia Mufioz Palma d. Isabelo Artacho 34.The State shall pursue an independent foreign policy. In its relations “with other states, the paramount consideration shall be national sovereignty, territorial integritY, national interest, and the right to self-determination. a. The first statement is correct b. The second statement is correct ] k © Both statements are correct d. Both statements are incorrect Ant ' Han BMY | ‘Scanned with amsScanner GENERAL INFORMATION — PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION} 35.It refers to the community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control. a. Sovereignty b. Nation ¢. Citizenship @. State 36.Which of the following has the sole power to try and decide all cases of impeachment? (@ Senate 1 °b. Ombudsman c. Electoral Tribunal d. Both Houses in joint session 37.It is a type of state sovereignty where it is vested upon person or group of persons who succeeded in displacing the legitimate sovereign a. Legal sovereignty ¢. Popular sovereignty b. Political sovereignty @ de Facto sovereignty | 38.It is an introduction of a written constitution which explains the constitution and enumerates the general objectives of the constitution. a. Bill of Rights © Preamble 1 ©. Amendatory Process d. Civil rights 39.All of the following constitute the meaning of political science, except; a. A basic knowledge and understanding of the state b. It is primarily concerned with the association of human beings into a political community Common knowledge every events taking place in the society | d.It deals with the relationship among men and groups which are % subject to the control by the state 40.The Supreme Court shall be composed of a Chief Justice and fourteen Associate Justices and may sit en banc. banc? a. As a group c. As a division\ @) As a whole d. As a single person What is the meaning of en 41.The State affirms as a primary social economic force. a. Agriculture ansoencswan care RI ‘Scanned with amsScanner GENERAL INFORMATION — PART 3 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) b. Overseas Filipino Contract Workers =) Labor | d. Security 42.The State shall defend: (1) The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and the demands of responsible parenthood; (2) The right en to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation and other conditions prejudicial to their development; (3) The right of the family to a family living wage and income; and (4) The right of families or fam: associations to participate in the planning and implementation of policies and programs that affect them. (@ all the statements are correct b. All the statements are incorrect c. Only statements 1, 2, and 3 are correct a. Statement 1 is incorrect 43.It is a type of state sovereignty where the supreme will of the state expressed by the electorate like in the choice of public officials/officers during election. a. De Facto sovereignty fe) Political sovereignty b. Legal sovereignty “d. Popular sovereignty 44.Who has the administrative supervision over all courts and the personnel thereof? a. Municipal Trial Court c. Court of Appeals b. Regional Trial Court a Supreme Court 45.Which has the sole power to initiate all cases of impeachment against the President of the Philippines? a. Senate ce. Committee on Ethics bb. Any taxpayer @ House of Representatives 46.wWhat is recognized by the State as the foundation of the nation? (2) Family c. Community B. Barangay da. Citizens 47.70 guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service, what is prohibited by the State? ~ @) Political dynasties b. Political patronage c. Partisanship d. All of these INSP ERICSAWAT CATTE | ‘Scanned with amsScanner GENERAL INFORMATION — PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) 48.Arranged the sequence of governments during the revolutionary era: 1. The Dictatorial Government 2. The Revolutionary Government 3. The Biak-na~Bato Republic 4. The First Philippine Republic a.2314 c.4132 (3124 d.1234 49.It is a development of the constitution the gives renewed vitality to reflect the people’s will and enables the government to meet new challenges a. Statutory Elaboration c. Usage b. Judicial Interpretation @). Formal Amendment 50.The Members of the Supreme Court and judges of lower courts shall hold office during good behavior until they reach what maximum age? a. 55 c. 65 b. 60 @) 70 51.It is an essential part of the constitution which enumerates the rights of the people protected by the constitution from abuses and oppression, it is also vital in maintaining the democratic way of life and traditions. a. Preamble ¢. Civil rights b. Amendatory Process @ Bill of Rights 52.The territorial and political subdivisions of the Republic of the Philippines are the following; except one, Regions c. Cities , Provinces d. Municipalities 53. (A) The President and the Vice-President shall be elected by direct vote of the people for a term of six years which shall begin at noon on the thirtieth day of June next following the day of the election and shall end at noon of the same date, six years thereafter. (B) The President shall be eligible for any re-election. (C) No person who has succeeded as President and has served as such for more than four years shall be qualified for election to the same office at any time. a. Statements A, B, and C are all correct b. Statements A, B, and C are all incorrect c. Only statement C is incorrect Only statement B is incorrect 54. type of social contract theory where men are rational beings and could make use of natural law for their own good but they needed the FINSP ERIC SAWATI CATE Scanned wth Camscanner (GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) state to maintain services, and settle a. Social Contract peace and order, provide them with essential their conflicts. Theory of Thomas Hobbes (b) Social Contract Theory of John Locke ¢. Social Contract Theory of Jean Jacques Rousseau d. Social Contract Theory of Thomas Edison 55.In a democratic and republican state, the supremacy of the civilian authority over the military is best exemplified in which of the following? a. The Defense Secretary is a non-military officer (B\ The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the AFP ‘c. Regular Trial Courts try criminal cases against policemen d.The police force is tasked to serve and protect the people 56.Provinces with respect to component cities and municipalities, and cities and municipalities with respect to component barangays, shall ensure that the acts of their component units are within the scope of their prescribed powers and functions. Who shall exercise general supervision over local governments? a. Mayor c. Vice- President (b) President d. Governor 57.The Vice-President may serve for- a. More than two successive terms b. One term only @\ Not more than two successive terms ‘. Three successive terms s@.Under the Spanish colonial government, who directly governed the Philippines? ‘a. The Governor-General c. The Royal Audiencia b. The Viceroy of Mexico @ The King of Spain 59.ho is authorized to adopt a new name for the country, a national anthem, or a national seal, which shall all be truly reflective and symbolic of the ideals, history, and traditions of the people? a. President €: Senators @ congress d. House of Representatives 0.According to the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the following are ‘citizens of the Philippines; except one, Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this Constitution; b. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines; FINSP ERIC SAWATI CATE ‘Scanned with amsScanner GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) g; Those who are naturalized in accordance with law. @) Those that are residing in the Philippines for 10 years 61.1t shall be composed of a citizen armed force which shall undergo military training and serve as may be provided by law. It shall keep a regular force necessary for the security of the State. a. Philippine National Police (b) Axmed Forces of the Philippines €. National Bureau of Investigation d. Philippine Army 62.1t means of enjoying liberty and happiness such as property ownership, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and right of domicile. fa) Civil rights c. Rights of accused persons ‘b. Political rights d. Administrative rights 63.Sovereignty is the supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience because it is the- a. Will of the ruler cg. Master of the people b. Enacted by law (@ Will of the people 64.Who shall exercise general supervision over all local government units? a. Chief Justice, Supreme Court b. President of the Philippines c. Chairman, National Police Commission é& Secretary, Department of Interior and Local Government 6§.Mario, Filipino citizen, wants to exercise her right to suffrage. wnat ghould be his minimum age for her to be qualified as a voter? a.17 c.19 (by 18 a. 20 66.It says that the state was developed out of man’s economic wants, man tn isolation could not produce all his needs and wants, to satisfy his wants and need, he has to associate with other men to exchange goods - a. Instinctive Theory c. Natural Theory @ Economic Theory d. Patriarchal Theory 67. It is a characteristic of sovereignty where the supreme authority o: ‘supreme will is the monopoly of the state ie G) Indivisible c. Temporary b. Divisible d. Comprehensive FINSP ERIC SAWANT CATTE a ‘Scanned with amsScanner GENERALINFORMATION = PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) @8.What is the physical element of the state? a, All the lands and seas that the state can protect +All islands and waters where it can be reached by Filipinos s\ The territory where the people reside ALL of the above @9.An element of state that includes the land within the boundaries of the state, the air space above the land, the inland waters like the rivers, the springs, lakes, bays, mineral and natural resources, and the twelve miles of the sea beyond the state’s coastlines. a. Country c. Natural Resources Bi Territory d. Continent 70.What theory explained that state came into existence out of conquest, force, or coercion, there were always strong leaders who can assert their leadership and power to the people who are subjected to obey theiz law? a. Rational theory (@: Force theory b, Leadership theory “Gd. Social contract theory 71.These laws drafted by the Congress and are approved by the upper and lower house which are administered throughout the country. a. Tax laws (©). National Laws b. Civil code d. Administrative code 72.It refers to the substantial and procedural aspect of protection of life, liberty, property, and equal protection of the laws. (@ Due Process c. Rule of Law . Jurisprudence d. Principles of Law 73.1t explains that states were formed by means of social contract of men who lived in a state of nature, which means that men lived together without a super-body to establish peace and order and settle conflicts a. Social system theory c. Force Theory @, social contract theory d. Social Economic Theory 74.In the legislative branch of our government, the term “lower house” refers to the - a. Senate b. Congress Minority Group House of Representatives 75.0rdinances are laws passed by the local government bodies in the provinces, cities, towns and barangays. Who is the one formulating the provincial ordinances? a\ sangguniang Panlalawigan b. Sangguniang Panlunsod . msencawsn cre IM ‘Scanned with amsScanner GENERALINFORMATION = PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) c. Sangguniang Bayan d. Sangguniang Barangay 76.What is the state policy of the 1987 Constitution? a. The State can work for globalization (B, The State should develop a self-reliant and independent national economy effectively controlled by Filipinos ¢. The State may sell lands to foreigners a. The patrimony of the nation is now for sale 77,1t is considered the oldest origin of state in which it claims that state is created by God. a. Religion theory ¢. Godness theory b. Providence theory @ Divine Right Theory 78.It is a kind of constitution that not embodied in a single written instrument. It is an evolved constitution from customs and traditions. a. Written Constitution c. Unreadable Constitution (B) Unwritten Constitution d. Readable Constitution Vv 79.1t refers to any person who practices politics such as being @ government official. a. Politics @ Politician b. Government d. Political practitioner 80.How many months of residency preceding a national election is required to qualify as a voter? a. 6 months c. 10 months b. 8 months @ 12 months g1.who has the power to interpret the contents of the 1987 Philippine constitution? A a. Congress @ Supreme court b. President . Judiciary 82.which of these refers to the political status of membership which Gmplies the most vital question of allegiance and protection in a - state? a. Residence . Suffrage b. Birth Citizenship g3.1t is the ability or capacity of one government to perform or act effectively. a. Conduct @. Power b. Authority \ d. Law es | ‘Scanned with amsScanner (GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 3 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) 84.The Philippines according to the 1987 Constitution a. May allow US ships and planes with nuclear the Visiting Forces Agreement b. May relax on this policy c.May allow nuclear-armed ships to enter select @ should not allow US and other foreign ships and nuclear weapons to enter Philippine ter. tory 85.If the President-elect fails to qualify, who shall act as Preside: until the President-elect shall have qualified? a. The Chief Justice c. The House Speaker b. The Senate President (@. The Vice President 86.What was the civil government established during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines? a. The Japanese Imperial Government b. The Philippine Republic c. The Puppet Government of Japan @. The Philippine Executive Commission 87.Political science changes its study as times goes by. when is beginning of the modern period? - a. 12% century ¢. 14% century b. 13% century @) 15% century 88.He said that politics is a “ruthless egoism”, meaning it is being practiced by greed and selfish people. @. Niccolo Machiavelli c. Rene Descartes b. Isaac Newton d. Plato 89.What is the first constituent element of the state and the personal basis of the state? a. Government c. Public ® People d. Territory 90.Who advocated the separation of powers with check & balances among the legislative, executive & judiciary branch of the government? a. Rene Descartes c. Socrates 6 Montesquieu d. Nicollo Fontana 91.In the 1987 Constitution, the Constitutional Commissions, which shall be independent, are the (A) Civil Service Commission, the (B) Commission on Elections, the (C) Commission on Audit, and the (D) Commission on Higher Education. FINSP ERIC SAWATI CATTE Za ‘Scanned with amsScanner GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 3 (PRIUPPINE CONSTITUTION) ga. The Philippines accordi of freedom from nuclear wear a. May allow US ships an the Visiting Forces b. May relax on this po. c¢. May allow nuclear-armed @ should not allow us and " nuclear weapons to enter 5,If the President-elect fails until the President-elect sha. a. The Chief Justice b. The Senate President 86.What was the civil government estabi occupation of the Philippines? a. The Japanese Imperial Government b. The Philippine Republic c. The Puppet Government of Japan (@ The Philippine Executive Commission 87.Political science changes its study beginning of the modern period? a. 12% century b. 13% century ayo 88.He said that politics is a “ruthless egoism”, practiced by greed and selfish people. @ Niccolo Machiavelli c. Rene Descartes b. Isaac Newton d. Plato 89.What is the first constituent element of the state and the personal basis of the state? ; a. Government ¢. Public ® People d. Tex: ory 90.Who advocated the separation of powers with check & balances amo: the legislative, executive & judiciary branch of the governnent? a. Rene Descartes c. Socrates é ® Montesquieu d. Nicollo Fontana 91.In the 1987 Constitution, the Constitutional Commissions, which shall be independent, are the (A) Civil Service Commission, the (8) Commission on Elections, the (C) Commission on Audit, and the (D) Commission on Higher Education. ei rd | ‘Scanned with amsScanner GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) a- All the stated commissions are included \B. Only Commissions A, B, and C are included ¢. All of the stated Commissions are not included d. None of the above choices is correct 92.It is the art of managing men and materials in the accomplishment of the purposes of the state, included among which are functional studies, as those of legislative methods and procedure. ; Management A c. Supervision (b) Administration d. Systematic 93.Which one does not illustrate the principle that rights and duties are correlative? (2! The right of an unmarried pregnant teacher to abort her baby is in relation to her duty to protect her name b. The right to a living wage involves the duty of the employer to give the salary agreed upon and the duty of the employee to give a fair amount of work c. Right to life on the part of one person corresponds to the obligation on the part of other persons to respect such right d. The right of the state to compel citizens to military service is reciprocated by the duty of the state to protect citizens 94.The requirement for natural-born citizenship is - a. For the senators and congressmen only b. For the president, vice-president, and chief justice only c.For the president, vice-president, chief justice, senate president, and house speaker only For the president, vice-president, senators, congressmen, judiciary, and constitutional commission officers 95.Which one is the right to human dignity? a. Rest and leisure @. Freedom from all forms of racial discrimination c. Privacy in the family, the home and in correspondence d. Reparation and retribution for exploitation is the study of human behaviors and understanding human behaviors is essential in understanding political phenomena. @ Psychology c. Behavioral Disorder meecnganiey d. Mentality o7.What was the secret society founded in 1896 that precipitated the glorious revolution against the Spaniards? @) me Katipunan b. The Kalahi : FINS Enc saWan carte Pos | ‘Scanned with amsScanner (GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 1 (PHIUPPINE CONSTITUTION) c. The Biak na Bato Republic d. The Tlustrado 98.Philosophy is love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means ar moral self-discipline. It came from the Greek word which means a. Love of knowledge b. Love of truth los and Sop! ©) Love of wisdom d. Love of peace 99.The territorial and political subdivisions of the Republic of the Philippines are the provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays There shall be autonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao and © Cordilleras as hereinafter provided. a. Both statements are correct b. Only the first statement is correct (9. Only the second statement is correct a. Both of the statements are incorrect 100. It refers to the philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct and of the rules and principles that ought to govern it. c. Psychology d. Behavior 101. The legislative, judiciary, and executive departments are - (a. Co-equal c. Independent b. Separate d. Closely-linked 102. Which statement supports the abolition of death penalty? a. Conviction followed by execution is a deterrent 6- Death penalty is uncivilized, cruel, and unusual form of punishment, depriving criminals of the ultimate right to life c. Recidivism in criminal cases is high d. Capital punishment fits the severity of the crime of murder 103. Who is the sole judge in all disputes relative to election returns and qualifications of the President and the Vice-President? a. Electoral Tribunal ¢. Commission on Election b. Commission on Appointment @ supreme court 104. Political scientists who focus on normative questions seek to discover the ideal way that politics should work. Who tried to define justice and the good society? a. Socrates c. Tarde ©, Plato d. Garofalo 105. What is the present nature of the Philippine Congress? rence / ‘Scanned with amsScanner (GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 2 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) a. Parliamentary a. . Coalition type @ Bicameral < ae d. Unicameral 106. (A) The term of office of elective local officials, except barangay officials, which shall be determined by law, shall be three years and (B) no such official shall serve for more than two consecutive terms. a. Both statements are correct b. Only the second statement is correct ¢. Both statements are incorrect . Only the first statement is correct 107. It is a kind of government where the ruler is coming from a royal family. a. Parliamentary (Q. Monarchy b. Democratic ‘@. Communism 108. What is the first city to be established in 1565 in the Philippines? a. Manila (@. Cebu b. Davao a. Iloilo 109. It is a government by the best members of the community. They are presumed to be of the highest intelligence and integrity, or elite in the society. Their social status, wealth and political power are inherited. @ aristocracy c. Oligarchy b. Bureaucracy d. Dictatorial 110. Which statement is guaranteed by the Civil Code of the Philippines? a. Both husband and wife are not co-equal () Both are given freedom to choose their occupation G. The husband has the right to object to the occupation of the wife d. The wife also has the right to object to the occupation of the husband 111. They act as a lever to maintain the balance between power and authority of government leaders. a. Non- government organization b. Laws and ordinances c¢. Election @ citizens 112. In a democratic country, this is the right of a person to vote and the right to be voted for. a. Democracy b. Voting power en | ‘Scanned with amsScanner (GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 1 (PHIUPPINE CONSTITUTION) c. Eminent domain 113. In case the President of the Phi among the following government of: him? 1, Chief Justice, Supreme Court 2. Secretary, Department of 3. Secretary, Department 4. Chief of Staff, Armed For 5. Secretary, Department a.2, 3, 4 bel, 3, 4 114. It concentrates governmental power in national government to which the const. units owe their existence and from ui and functions. a. Multiple Government c. Ruling Government b. Solitary Government Ge 115. A conflict between property rights and freedom in all of the situations, except; a.A disgruntled employee passing out leaflets in front of a hairdresser’s salon b. Protesters carrying signs outside a cinema in an enclosed shopping mall ©) Environmentalists carry signs at the entrance of an oil company d.A religious order soliciting funds and convert pool area of a condominium £ speech mi n the swimmi, 116. It is the fundamental law and supreme law of a state or government. a. Republic Act c. Presidential Degree @, Constitution d. Executive Order 117. (A) The President, the Vice-President, the Members of the supreme Court, the Members of the Constitutional Commissions, and the Ombudsman may be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, culpable violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and corruption, other high crimes, or betrayal of public trust. (B) All other public officers and employees may be removed from office as provided by law, also by impeachment . @} Only the first statement is correct b. Both of the statements are correct c. Only the second statement is correct d. Both of the statements are incorrect FINSP ERIC SAWANT CATTE ia ‘Scanned with amsScanner ‘GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART 1 (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) 118. This is the primary purpose of attain by providing laws to effective law enforcement. a. Crime prevention and control b. Peace and order the state which the government could regulate the people’s conduct and @ Domestic order and tranquility @. Limitation of people’s right 119. What are the two known written codes during the the Philippines? @. Maragtas and Kalantiaw Codes b. Sumakwil and Sulayman Codes c. Panay and Subanon Codes d. Hammurabi and Ur Nammu Codes pre-Spanish era in 120. It is a body of fundamental laws, rules, customs, norms, standards, and principles to which the government operates and defines relationship between the government and its citizens. a. Law c. Rules and Regulation 0. Constitution d. Principle 121. A kind of government where the government powers are divided between the central government and its local government units as specified in the constitution of the state. a. State government @ Federal government b. Democratic government d. Centralized government 122. Under the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the power of the President to declare Martial Law is limited to how many days? a. 15 days g. 30 days b. 25 days . 60 days 123. Which one is the human right to life? a. Equal treatment before the law Fair trial €. Political independence d. Freedom from inhuman punishment 124, It is the right and obligation by all citizens, who are at least 18 years of age, and qualified by law, to vote in the election of national and local officials of the government without literacy property, or other substantive requirement, . @. suffrage ¢. Voting power b. Election d. Civil Right roo encoun IRI ‘Scanned with amsScanner GENERAL INFORMATION — PART 3 (PHIUPPINE CONSTITUTION) 125. The goals of the national economy are (A) a more equitable Gistribution of opportunities, income, and wealth; (B) a sustained increase in the amount of goods and services produced by the nation for the benefit of the people; and (C) an expanding productivity as the key to raising the quality of life for all, especially the under- privileged. a. Statements A, B, and C are all incorrect b. Only statements A and B are correct (©. Statements A, B, and C are all correct ‘a. Only statements B and C are correct 12€. They are rules, policies or guidelines which are passed for the people to follow for their common good. 2) Laws c. Social agreements 5. Regulations d. Rules and orders 127. It is defined as written instrument by which the fundamental powers of the government are established, limited and defined and by which these powers are distributed among the several departments or branches for their and useful exercise for the benefit of the people. a. Laws @. Constitution b. Statutes d. Ordinances 128. The bicameral system of legislation is designed to serve as a check and balance to avoid the passage of “ill considered bills”. Who composes the Bicameral system? a. Judiciary and the Lower House b. Senate and Department of Justice © Senate and House of Representatives d. Congress and Executive Department 129, It is a doctrine and principle which describes and supports a constitution as the supreme law of the land. a. Constitutional supremacy é Constitutionalism b, Governmental constitution d. Constitutionalist 130. Written constitution had evolved from customs and traditions. what country is subscribing this kind of constitution? a. Philippines c. Germany @ England d. China 131. In the area of education, the 1987 Constitution provides that all educational institutions shall include as part of the curricula the study of — INSP ERIC SAWATI CATTE Za ‘Seenned with CanScanner GENERAL INFORMATION ~ PART (PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION) . a. Values education ¢. The Constitution b. Moral recovery program d. Jose Rizal’s Life and Works 132. The following are citizens of the Philippines except: a. Those fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines b. Those who are born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority c. Those who are naturalized citizens of the Philippines in accordance with law (9. Al1 of the above are true 133. What kind of government was installed under the 1973 Constitution under the Marcos regime? a. Modified Presidential system (. Modified Parliamentary system c. Military system d. Bicameral system 134. It ig the right of the State to interfere with personal and proprietary rights in order to enhance the welfare of the people. a. Power of taxation c. Power of law enforcement (B, Power of eminent domain d. Police power 135. A tool in studying politics which focuses on actual behavior of political actors, rather than on formal rules. Traditionalism Behavioralism &. Post behavioralism d. Post traditionalism FINSP ERIC SAWATI CATTE zy ‘Scanned with CanScanner

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