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Assignment: Foronda, Cynthia (2019). A Theory of Cultural Humility. Lean Library.

1. What is the problem?

How theory of cultural humility provides clarity of the related concepts, influences, and outcomes? How
can this theory help learners recognize the multiple factors that lead to discordant perspectives and exude
flexibility to foster positive outcomes?

2. What is the method used?

Strategies included concept analysis, statement analysis, theory synthesis, and theory analysis. The
theory was informed by various sources of data and developed inductively.

3. What are the findings?

The theory of cultural humility is designed to guide individuals, group leaders, or community leaders to be
able to thrive in a diverse, complex world. By being aware of diversity, power imbalances, and multiple
layers of context that affect perspective, conflict can be expected and embraced in a positive way. By
enacting cultural humility, mutual benefits result.

4. What are the conclusions?

The theory of cultural humility presents a new approach toward approaching diversity and conflict. The
application of the theory may foster a better understanding of the multiple considerations involved in being
culturally humble, as well as provide definition and clarity to the related concepts, influences, and
outcomes. Many institutions describe problems such as lack of teamwork, toxic environments, incivility,
and misunderstandings. By appreciating the many variables that lead to diversity and power imbalances,
one can seek to identify common goals, collaborate, and empower one another. Through helping learners
view conflict through a different lens, they may be able to flatten hierarchies, better value humankind, and
exude flexibility to resolve conflict positively.

5. How will the findings and conclusions be useful to you as a future teacher?

I'll be able to thrive in a diverse, complicated environment, so definitely. Conflict can be anticipated and
welcomed in a constructive way by being conscious of diversity, power disparities, and the many contexts that
influence perspective. Cultural humility is practiced, and both parties gain.

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