Group 2 AOL Typesof Assessment

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❑ Assessment is an essential and powerful tool in the teaching

and learning process. Moreover, it is a process of obtaining
data with which we could measure student competence and
learning outcomes.

❑ The process begins with the identification of specific target

goals before collecting and interpreting the information.
Classifying and synthesizing of the gathered data are possible
through the use of different assessment techniques.
In what ways do our students achieve
more learning outcomes?
What are the ways with which we
could measure students’
❑ Assessment of student learning requires the use of a
variety of techniques for measuring outcomes which plays
a significant role in effective teaching and learning
❑ Assessment shall be used primarily as quality assurance to
track student progress to the attainment of standards,
promote self-reflection, and personal accountability for
one’s learning and provide a basis for the profiling of
student program. (DepEd No.73, s 2012)

❑ Paper-and-pencil tests or quizzes are best examples of traditional

assessment which mainly describe and measure student learning
outcomes. Most of the time, teachers still engage themselves in the
utilization of traditional assessment. Law and Eckes (1995) state that
traditional assessments are single-occasion tests which measure what
learners can do at a particular time.

❑ Traditional assessments are indirect and inauthentic measures of

students learning outcomes. This kind of assessment is standardized and
for that reason, they are one-shot, speed-based, and norm-referenced
(Bailey, 1998). Traditional assessment often focus on learner's ability of
memorization and recall, which are lower level of cognition skills
(Smaldino, 2000).

❑ With the above findings in the use of traditional assessment,

there has been a movement from traditional assessment toward
authentic assessment. Authentic assessment focuses on the
analytical and creative thinking skills, students to work
cooperatively and that reflect student learning, student
achievement, and student attitudes of relevant activities.
The commonly reported dimensions of authenticity are grouped
into three broad categories (Frey, 2012):

A. The Context of the Assessment

▪ Realistic activity or context.
▪ The task is performance-based.
▪ The task is cognitively complex.

B. The Role of the Student

▪ A defense of the answer or product is required.
▪ The assessment is formative.
▪ Students collaborate with each other or with the teacher.
C. The Scoring
▪ The scoring criteria are known or student-developed.
▪ Multiple indicators or portfolios are used for scoring
▪ The performance expectation is mastery.

Wiggins (1989) argues that teachers should "test those

capacities and habits we think are essential and test them in
context. Make them replicate within reason, the challenges at
the heart of each discipline."
Four Basic Characteristics of Authentic

1. The task should be representative of performance in the


2. Attention should be paid to teaching and learning the

criteria for assessment.

3. Self-assessment should play a great role.

4. When possible, students should present their work publicly

and defend it.
1. Authentic assessments are direct measures.
❑ The main purpose of authentic assessment is to be able to
use the acquired knowledge and skills in the real world.
Forms of assessment task must be applied in authentic
situations. This could be done also by teachers by asking
the students to use what they have learned in some
meaningful way. (e.g. conducting a science experiment –
hypothesis testing, developing feasibility study,
calculating savings).
2. Authentic assessments capture constructive
nature of learning.

❑ In the constructivist point of view, learners should create

knowledge and meaning based from from schemata. Thus,
assessments cannot just ask students to repeat information
they have received . students must also be asked to
demonstrate that they have accurately constructed meaning
about what they have been taught.
3. Authentic assessments integrate teaching,
learning, and assessment.

❑ In the authentic assessment model, the same authentic task

used to measure the students' ability to apply the
knowledge or skills is used as a vehicle for student
learning. Problem solving and decision making skills are
best exemplified by this purpose. Students are learning the
process of developing a solution to a problem by simply
applying the meaningful concepts.
4. Authentic assessments provide multiple paths
to demonstration.

❑ Students may have different ways by which they could

demonstrate what they have learned. Similarly, authentic tasks
tend to give the students more freedom on how they will
demonstrate what they have learned. By carefully identifying
the criteria of good performance on the authentic task ahead of
time, the teacher can still make comparable judgments of
student performance even though student performance might
be expressed quite differently from student to student.
Attributes of Traditional and Performance
Attribute Traditional Assessment Performance Assessment

Assessment Activity Selecting a response Performing a task

Nature of Activity Contrived activity Activity emulates real life

Cognitive Level Knowledge/ Application/ analysis/

comprehension synthesis
Development of Solution Teacher – structured Student – structured

Objectivity of Scoring Easily achieved Difficult to achieve

Evidence of Mastery Indirect evidence Direct evidence

❑ Assessment for Learning pertains to the use of formative
evaluation to determine and improve students' learning
outcomes. Assessment of Learning uses summative evaluation
which provides evidence of students' level of achievement in
relation to curricular learning outcomes.

❑ Teaching and learning plans are based on the results of

formative assessment which provides feedback on the
effectiveness of teaching and learning process. Summative
assessment on the other hand is used to determine how much
students have learned at the end of term, unit or academic year.

❑ Formative Assessment refers to the frequent, interactive

assessment of student progress to identify learning needs
and shape teaching (0ECD, 2005). Without any inter- or
intra-individual consensus as to what the term formative
assessment means, it is difficult to have a well-formed
body of research (Popham, 2011).

❑ Formative assessment can be defined more specifically

as “All those activities undertaken by teachers, and by
their students in assessing themselves, which provide
Information to be used as feedback to modify the
teaching and learning activities in which they are
engaged” (Black & William, 1998). The results of
formative assessment leads to identifying its goal in
improving and motivating the students to enhance

❑ Formative assessment occurs at three (3) points of instruction:

(1) during Instruction: (2) between lessons; and (3) between
units. Most formative assessments occur during instruction
(William & Leahy, 2007). This is when teachers are actively
engaged in assessing student progress as they instruct.
Teachers are observing and using questions, giving feedback
in informal targeted ways. This is typically based on quizzes,
observation, student self-assessment, and other major
assessment which are given at the end of these time frames.

❑ Formative assessment fosters learning with understanding

which benefits both teachers and students by providing the
teachers with information on student learning needs. By enabling
appropriate adaptation of course material and teaching
strategies, formative assessment ment promotes a reflective
teaching process that results in better teaching and better
evaluations from students (Richlin, 1998).

❑ Traditionally, summative assessments are conducted at the end of

each section or unit to find out student achievement.
Characteristics of Formative Assessment
Characteristics Formative Summative

Purpose To provide on-going To document student

feedback and adjustment to learning at the end of an
instruction. instructional segment.
When Conducted During instruction and after After instruction

Student Involvement Encouraged Discourage

Student Motivation Intrinsic, mastery-oriented Extrinsic, performance –


Teacher Role To provide immediate, To measure student

specific feedback and achievement and give
instructional correctives. grades.
Characteristics of Formative Assessment
Characteristics Formative Summative

Learning Emphasized Deep understanding, Knowledge and

application, and reasoning. comprehension.

Level of Specificity Highly specific and General and group oriented


Structure Flexible, adaptable Rigid, highly structured

Techniques Informal Formal

Impact on Learning Strong, positive, long-lasting Weak and fleeting


❑ Norm-referenced assessment gives us information on

what the student can perform by comparing to another
student. It describes student performance in the class by
comparing to others. Teachers can actually rank the
achievement of their students; as a result, there is a
limited percentage of competition for those who are high
Summary Comparison of Two Basic Approaches to Achievement
Norm – Referenced Criterion – Referenced

Principal Use Survey Testing Mastery Testing

Major Emphasis Measures individual Describes tasks students

differences in can perform.

Interpretation of Results Compares performance to Compares performance to

that of other individual. a clearly specified
achievement domain.
Content of Courage Typically covers a broad Typically focuses on a
area of achievement. limited set of learning
Nature of Test Plan Table of specification is Detailed domain
commonly used. specifications are favored.
Summary Comparison of Two Basic Approaches to

Item Selection Procedures Items are selected that Includes all times needed
provide maximum adequately to describe
discrimination among performance. No attempt is
individuals (to attain a made to alter item difficulty
reliable ranking.) Easy or to eliminate easy items to
items are typically increase the spread of
eliminated rom the test. scores.

Performance Standards Level of performance is Level of performance is

determined by relative commonly determined by
position in some known absolute standards
group (ranks fifth in a group (demonstrates mastery by
of 20). defining 90 percent of
technical terms).
IV. Contextualized and Decontextualized
❑ In contextualized assessment, the focus is on the
student's construction of functioning knowledge and the
students' performance in application of knowledge in the
real work context of discipline area.

❑ Assessment tasks reflect the goal of learning.

❑ According to Biggs (2011), decontextualized assessment

includes written exams and term papers, which are
suitable for assessing declarative knowledge, and do not
necessarily have a direct connection to a real-life context.
IV. Contextualized and Decontextualized

❑ Decontextualized assessment has been overemphasized

compared to the place declarative knowledge has in the

❑ A common mistake is to assess only the lead-in

declarative knowledge, not the functioning knowledge
that emerges from it. (Bings and Tang, 2011)
V. Analytic and Holistic Assessment
❑ Analytic assessment refers to specific approach in the assessment
of learning outcomes. In this procedure, students are given
feedback on how well they are doing on each important aspect of
specific task expected from them. Assessment then is made specific
based on the importance of the performance. With this, assessment
shouldn't be undertaken in part but must address the whole

❑ Holistic assessment refers to a global approach in the assessment of

a student-learning outcome. Sadler (2009) pointed out that in holistic
assessment, the teacher or the assessor has to develop complex
mental responses to a student's work and in evaluating the student's
work, the assessor provides a grade and supports it with a valid
justification for assigning the grade.
V. Analytic and Holistic Assessment

❑ Holistic assessment could be in the form of reflection papers

and journals, peer assessment, self-assessment, group
presentation and portfolio. The application of the various
assessment methods need to be tailored in a way that it will
enhance a student's persona strength. Subsequently, the
correct application of holistic assessment in the various areas
study is expected to improve the student's learning outcome
(Akubuilo, 2012).
The commonly reported dimensions of authenticity are grouped into three broad
(a) The Context of Assessment
(b) The Role of Student; and
(c) The Scoring (Frey, 2012)

Authentic assessment has four basic characteristics:

(a) The task should be representative of performance in the field;
(b) Attention should be paid to teaching and learning the criteria for assessment;
(c) Self-assessment should play a great role; and
(d) When possible, students should present their work publicly and defend it.

Other types of assessments are:

(a) Formative Evaluation and Summative Evaluation;
(b) Norm and Criterion-Referenced Assessment;
(c) Contextualized and Decontextualized Assessment; and
(d) Analytic and Holistic Assessment.
Thank You!
AOL – Group 2

Almendral, Princess Pauline

Avorque, Joy
Balasbas, Cyrel Andrei
Baleros, Edgar Allan
Belen, Maria Christine
Cadacio, Katrina Nichol
Manriquez, Princess Arah
Salazar, Teresa Lorraine

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