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~ Operation of pump OUT T Gsing IN Teageley — Pump is a device that moves Liquid or gases b hani S Mechanical past Action. — Pump have 5 Intet —> Outlet —> Impeller > Casing — Buring operatun , liquid enter the pump From Suction grde. Cin) - The pressure of Uquid is lowest at this point. Seem website: @) 2 facebook page: Mechanical is a life ERS facebook group: Mechanical is a life Y; mail: life side - liquid pressure is highest at this Positive Displacement -make aflurd move | - Impart Velocity & en . g Pressure te the y CraApaied & ixed Flure| as (t moves moment of the Fluid ast a ' Pp er through the and Fotaw or Impeller and clisplacing. Subsequently, that trapped volume -- Called ( Kinetic Pump) (nto a discharge Pipe /- pump operate by developing a high Velocity | and Converting the Velocity to pressure in a aiFPusing Flow passage Bynamic ebsite: ~ e/EWNa wi facebook page: Mechanical is a life facebook group: Mechanical is a life mail: life Fr © fositive Displacement pump Rotary Reciprocating Linear @® Rotary pump —> Require very Close Clearance between the rotating pump & ater outer edge makrng it rotate at a slow & Steady Speed. —p IF it operate at hgh Speed, he. Plural Cause EROSION —=— website: a facebook page: Mechanical is a life & facebook group: Mechanical is a life mail: life ol 5 Rotary pump I - Screvo Coen © pump the bquid ts “wo screws Have a Cylinderica) Pushed between turning against rotor encased in two gears €ach other to asimilar| Pump the liquid shaped housing. eS website: facebook page: Mechanical Is a life facebook group: Mechanical is a life mail: life ® Re The energy changer eccur by two man Parts of the pump -» Impeller —»/ Ga simq ee Casing ¥s Collect the Uquid scharged ky the impeller & Convert Some oF Velocity energy te pressure energy. website: facebook page: Mechanical is a life facebook group: Mechanical is a life mail: life Axial Hired Radial Flow Flew Flaw © Axial Flow — High Flow , Lew pressure -Lit Eluicl ina direction parallel to impeller shaft. @ Nixed Flow ——— = Meduim Flow, Meduim pressure - Push Fluid out Prom the pemp shaft at an angle greater than 90°. © Rachial Flow ~ low Flow, High pressure. _ Accelerate Fluid along the impeller bladen Prependicular te the shaft. fase eee I sale facebook group: Mechanical is a life mail: life ®) Special pump Canti le Set Turbine ee pump pump ® Gnti lever pump A Centrifugal pump with leng Cantilever desiqn Used in Sump pump appkcations. @ Tet pump ; A Kinetic pump with efector attached at discharge cut let ® Turloine pump eRe Te A Centri Pugal pump use the p Sure In Com binatow with @ retary mmechanisr totth numerous small impellers and Uanes to transfer energy te aflud. . website: facebook page: Mechanical is a life © facebook group: Mechanical is a life mail: life as S ¥ yy 5 NPSH Net Positive Suctvon Head V The differane between inlet pres and the lowest Pressure Level inside the pump. VW NPSH is very impertant m order to Prevent CAVITATION inthe pump. su @ Cavitation = Formation eF bubbles in liqurel 3 developec im areas of Lew Pressure sround im peller. — The imploding PP these Eabpie> leadte albrg shock waves in srde the pump. - Causing a big clamage ta the im pelle or the Casmng. @ aa Bubble Collapsing / Implosion @ =e Bubble Formation occur ebsite: @)2 Oai= wi facebook page: Mechanical Is a life facebook group: Mechanical is a life Fy mail: life 5 NPSH —e NPSHa (Available) as per site a —> NPSHr (Requirecl) The mini i at tre pe te required > “ NPSHg = Wee Be He + Hy - Hyp Ga where: Ha Atmospheric pressure Hz2-» Vertical distance between Liquid sur Face tm the supply tank & Center Line 8 pump. Hr o> Friction losses in sucton Piping Hy - Velocity head at the pump suction Hyp -» Absdute vaper pressure of Liquid at the pumping temperature, website: facebook page: Mechanical is a life facebook group: Mechanical is a life mail: life Find the remaining equipment hook up In HVAC PART O2 .. Pump hook up ( \ A) Inlet line \_/ 1- Gate valve 2- Strainer 3- Flexible joint 6- Pressure gauge [2] 7- Drain valve 8- Ec centric reducer a Outlet line 1- Gate valve 3- Flexible joint 4- Check valve 5- Balance valve ( Optional) 6- Pressure gauge website: facebook page: Mechanical is a life = facebook group: Mechanical is a life - mail: life

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