Sample Project 3 - MDG

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Prepared and Presented by

Michael M. De Guzman
 Company Profile
 Define Opportunity
 Measure Performance
 Analyze Opportunity
 Improve Performance
 Control Performance
 Company is a fictional Call Center named
Call-IN which cater to various industry that
needs inbound customer such as Telco,
Financial account and Technical support

Mobile Co. a fictional Cellphone service Provider

Which caters Call, Text, Data, Roaming and others
services associated with Mobile services and loosely
Based with the real world T-Mobile
Key Deliverables
Main Activities
• Project Charter
• Validate Business Opportunity • SIPOC
• Complete High-Level Process Map • Defined VOC - Critical Customer
• Define Customer Requirements Requirements

• Preparing Project Plan • Project Timeline/Pan

• Launch and Mobilize the Team • Stakeholder Engagement plan

• Gather VOC • Approval from sponsor/stakeholders

• Team Communication Plan
 Review the Project Charter
 Establish Ground Rules
 Benefits of Cost of the Project
Pleaserefer to
Charter Rules Code of
Conduct on
 ProjectTimeline
 Voice of the Customer

 Stakeholder Engagement Plan

 Project Timeline
 Project Timeline
from Sponsor/
 Team Communication Plan
Main Activities Key Deliverables
• Process Map( VSM/Intergrated
• Map Process in Detail Flowchart
• Determine what to Measure • Key Input Process and Output Measure
• Determine Current Performance • Operational Definition
• Managing Measurement System • Data Collection Plan
• Update Project Charter • Baseline Process Performance Collected
• “Quick Win” Opportunities
 See Appendix for more details
 There is almost 150 numbers of CCR listed (see
Appendix) to reduce, CQT will be assess first
then the resulting Paretto Analysis will reduce
the CCR of those CQT to be assess
 We run an Output-CQT ( see Appendix)
 The result is treated via Paretto and took the
 The CCR corresponding to the CQT who made
it on the cut will be treated on Output-CCR
 Due to concensus of members and for
efficiency, we unanimous decided to focus on
the 20% of the result
 Fun fact, we trace all the priority CCR all the
way back to the CQT to the Stakeholder , see
the CCR Winners on the Appendix to see more
 Aug 22 meeting raise up one concern in respect
to data Collection is the Hawethorne Effect
 Some of the Data are needed to be acquired
from the Expert as their feedback
 To confirm a Baseline Process Performance
before the survey is needed to get an accurate
picture what was the behavior in Giving our
Credits and Adjustments
 Any Adjustment made by the Supervisors/
Supports will not be counted
 Also we will concentrate on Canary System for
an easier coordination and since Canary System
needs opportunities on mitigating unnecessary

 And for this from the population of 2500 strong

our survey will be reduced to exactky 565
Active Experts for the Measurement and Survey
For Team Canary alone each day receives 8600 calls 40%-60%
involes adjusting . For Calculation we will use 50% to know the
average population of the calls doing adjustments

4340 Adjustment calls

577 calls will be surveyed divided by 7
82 calls to be scrub per day
Divided by 2 People to scrub and we will get
41 per person
Survey Results
Business Sided
>CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) trend Up
>FCR(First Call Resolution)trend Up
> Average Handling Time Minutes (AHT) trend
>Amount(Adjustments in USD)
>Adjustment Distribution
First Call Resolution FCR
Average Handling Time (AHT)
Normal Distribution Focusing on Courtesy
Customer Focus (Internal and External)
>Participation and Adjustment Intention
>Survey Accuracy
>Sales Adjustment
>Outtage Adjustment
>Case Adjustment
INTENTION(24 Aug – 2 Sep)
INTENTION (24 Aug – 2 Sep)

The Goal is to give adjustment after the Outtage is Fixed and only to the days covered
by the outtage
The one we are going to measure is Credits and
Adjustments in Particular the one involving
Courtesy Credits and Adjustments since it is the
biggest part of a Controllable Excessive Adjustments
This is for Adjustments for Courtesy Credits
 Top FMEA needed to be prioritize
After Sep 20 Group Focus Meeting of St Gabriel, St
Francis and St Benedict ( the Highest sum in Courtesy
Adjustments ) as well as San Benigno, St Michael and
St Magdaline (Lowest sum in Courtest Adjustments)
we are also going to include the following as well
with the Advice of TL Pathene (Team Budha also one
of the lowest sum )
>Sum Courtesy Adjustments per Team
>VL Taken per Team
>Average Over Time Hours per Team during survey
Team Courtesty Adjustments
Team Courtesty Adjustments
Courtesy Adjustments Defects
Courtesy Adjustments Defects
Courtesy Adjustments Defects
VL Leave taken from 1 Feb 2022 to 2 Sep 2022
VL Leave taken from 1 Feb 2022 to 2 Sep 2022
VL Leave taken from 1 Feb 2022 to 2 Sep 2022
Average Hours of weekly Over Time
Average Hours of weekly Over Time
Additional Tollgate for Measure Phase Updated
Oct 3, 2022
Key Deliverables
Main Activities

 Data-Driven Process
 Identify Waste/ Analysis
Variation  Set of possible Causes
 Determine Potential  Validate Root Causes of
Root Causes Defect(s)
 Validate Root Causes  Definitive SMART Problem
 “Quick Win” Opportunities
 General Flow per number of minutes
 Escalation Flow
 Below USD 25 Adjustment (Ideal)
 Below USD 25 Adjustment (in Gemba)
 Below USD 25 Between 31-100
 Case Ticket
 OuttageTicket
 Customer Service Side Sales
 End of Call
 We will divide the date from Pre-Survey (15
Aug – 21 Aug ), Cold Survey (24-26 Aug ) and
Survey Proper (27 Aug to 2 Sep)
 We will check for the percentage of each
Adjustment Reason
 How the biggest Adjustment Reasons are
affecting Client Level Metrics
 How the Adjustment Reason will affect Expert
Level status such as Stress and End Customer
Adjustment Demmanded Adjustments
Adjustment Reason Frequency
Adjustment Reason Frequency Trend

Presurvey Soft Scheduled

Survey Survey
Adjustment AmountTrend per Adjustment Reason

Presurvey Soft Scheduled

Survey Survey
Due to the trend our team will focus on controlling

We will compare how it affects Client- Level

Metrics and what may be the reason for Courtesy
Adjustments and trends
Entire Pre Survey , Soft and
Scheduled Survey
Paretto on Amount Spent(USD)
Paretto on Success Percentage
However to be more accurate we will consider the
Data that we have collected from 24 Aug- 2 Sep

The PreSurvey data and Surveyed Data differences

Are due to Hawthorne Effect

Which we can count already as an unexpected

Improvement by itself
Soft and Scheduled Survey
Paretto on Amount Spent(USD)
Paretto Success Percentage
Comparison of Percentage
Courtesy Adjustments per Team
15 Aug -2 Sep
VL Taken per team (1 Feb 2022-2 Sep 2022)
Team Average OT Hours
Additional Hypothesis Testing after 20 Sep Focus
Group Meeting basing on VLs Taken and Hours
of Over time (TM ) per Group

Since the ANOVA tool is limited to 5

We shall base the testing to Top 2 Highest
Courtesy Adjustment ( St Gabriel and St Francis )
one Random median Team (San Beda) and 2 of
the lowest Courtesy Adjustments ( St Michael and
San Benigno)
Key Deliverables
 Main Activities
• Potential Solutions
• Generate Innovative Solutions
• Prioritized Solutions
• Select Best Solutions
• “To Be” Process Map
• Evaluate Impact and Benefits
• Risk Assessment
• Agree solutions with key stakeholders
• Projected Process Performance
• Solution Implementation Plan
• Pilot plan
• Implementation Risk Management
• Improvement Validation
 Note: some of the proceedures are combined
with others since they are just one and the
 Batch 1
 Batch 2
 Batch 3
 Addressing Identified High Risks
 Addressing Identified High Risks
 Team Pilot test Collection plan
 Team Pilot test Collection plan
 Team Pilot test Collection plan
 Team Pilot test Collection plan
 Goal Goal: Downwards
 TrendGoal: Downwards
 Incentive Matchup
 Adjustment Reason Tagging QA Game
 Effects of Excessive Overtime vs Controlled OT
 Define what is a Defect for a Courtesy
 Any amount above USD 25.00
 Any amount that is adjusted for Sale
 CSAT below 7 (Detractor)
 FCR 1 Failed
 AHT above 20 mins (we will remove this for now)

Total of 4 Opportunities for Defects

 15-21 Aug Pretest Performance
 24 Aug 2 Sep Survey Performance
 We are to compare the performance of Two
Fully Tested Team St. Maur and St Scholastica
 And compare
 15-21 Aug Pretesting
 24 Aug – 2 Sep Survey Test
 17-23 Sep Beta Testing Result
 St Maur

15-21 Aug Pre Testing

24 Aug – 2 Sep Survey

 St Scholastica

15-21 Aug Pre Testing

24 Aug – 2 Sep Survey

 Conclusion
 The plan is successful able to lower down the
Courtesy adjustment to USD 25 with minimal
effects on CSAT and FCR1
 As for AHT than can be a project on the next
LSS Project though overtime once familiarity
sets in it will decrese gradually.
 To further help AHT, a sales Quiz will be
added on the QA Quiz
 Conclusion
 QA Quiz shall be given starting on the 24 of
Oct and will be self Paced to prepare the
Experts on the Solutions deployment starting
Nov 1
 With the Excempttion of Blackfriday Loco-
MoCO Weekend (Nov 4-6) and other
prediction made my TimeKeeper strictly NO
 Critical Dates 1-2 Nov(Possible OT) and
 25-27 Nov BlackFriday LocoMoco Weekend
 No Ready to Receive Call is allowed after Required
OT Reached 1 hour mark
 Newly onboarded Experts Oct 2022 Batches are
excempted from QA Check for the new Resolution
 Critical Metrics
 Courtesy Adjustments
 OT Hours
 FCR1
 Sales and related Adjustments
Main Activities
Key Deliverables
• Anticipate Change Management
Needs • Process Control Plan
• Standardize & Document Processes • Standard Procedures
& Write Control Plan
• Handover documentation
• Mitigate Implementation Risks
• FMEA revisited
• Develop Implementation Plan
• Signed off Benefits Realization
• Implement & Monitor Processes /
Control & Replicate • Replication Opportunities checked
• Closure & Recognition • Approval from sponsor/stakeholders
 Simplified Version
 Detailed Version

Cheatsheet Title

KB Article and
KB Policy Title

number for
that date

 CHEAT SHEET Maintenance Control List

Here is when the

Cheetsheet is to
be installed . In
the event that a
Cheetsheet is not
placed on the
areas they
supposed to be
present, the
Maintenace Team
can replace it
 CHEAT SHEET Maintenance Control List

This was an update in

preparations for MoCo
Loco Blackfriday

While the Updates on

20 Oct are retained
 CHEAT SHEET Maintenance Control List

This was an update in

preparations for Month
Long MoCo Promotion
Merry MoCo

The 20 Oct Updates are

retained, 1 Nov
Cheatsheet is removed
Which 30 Nov Cheet
sheet is installed
 MoCo Hub
This is for Experts to access
>QA Quiz which they can acess at how many times, to get Higher Scores
>Keep Track of Adjustment Limits and the number and reasons of
Adjustment made
>KPI Scores
Can be access in CallIn landing page
 MoCo Hub

From CallIn Landing

Page once Logged in,
click on MoCo Hub
Icon. In the event its not
appearing click More
Icon (not the
Anoucement More) and
search it. It will be
helpful by creating
shortcut by clicking
Custom Shortcut Keys
 MoCo Hub

For Security all

Personel of Mobile Co
has to log in. This is for
Experts, SME, QA and
even Leadership Roles
from Supervisors,
Managers OM

TimeKeepers however
cannot access MoCo
 Expert Access on MoCo Hub

This is the Interface

Page for Experts

We will go only to the

QA Quiz , Credit
Review and Metrics
review while on the
next page , other
buttons that will not be
thoroughly tackled will
be explained
 Expert Access on MoCo Hub

Profile Button It is shape as a
Profile A furthur dive on Speedometer to
Exper’s basic info Expert’s Moco Profile remind the Expert
It also has the TL’s like Manager, Manaer’s
how much time
name and email for Email and Center. No
easy access info Password can be remaining before
changed here End-of-Month

Adjustment Limit
The red part gives
information how
much the Credits
made and the Green
is the amount that
can still be given. It KPI at a Glance
also indicates A quick glance if the
potential incentive Expert is hitting
target KPI for the
Quiz MTD month
The current score for * Indicates targets to
QA Quiz and be qualify for
Ranking. Only the top incentive and Red
50% will get incentive means Hitting below
for Quiz but Target
sometimes can be
stretched to 80% Annoucements
depending on Budget All CallIn Moco
Annoucement is
Feedback channel here
All MoCo Feedback can
be access here
 Expert Access on QA Quiz
Once the Quiz button
was click on the home
page this will appear
showing the current

If you take the Quiz

then you will be given
10 Multiple Questions
per Quiz. The Correct
ones will be added to
the score

Quiz can be taken as

much as one can. Each
beginning of the Month
the score resets to Zero
 Expert Access on QA Quiz
A Random Question
will pop then the
Expert has to select
what he/she/zhe
thinks is the right
answer. Once hit Check
the right answer will be
revealed. If the Expert
has a dispute on the
question just click
dispute to report the

Each Quiz as a refernce

number but it will not
be displayed to prevent
leaking of answers
 Expert Access on Credit Review

Experts can review all

Adjustments they have.
If an Expert provided
an invalid Adjustment
it will flash RED
A Parenthesis () will
display around the
amount indicating that
the Adjust was reversed
due to Dispute

Experts can also listen

to their call but within
CallIN authorized PC
for Security Reasons
 Expert Access on KPI Hub

This will give an idea

for Experts not only
their number but also
possible action plan to
direct their
performance to the
right trajectory
FCR1, FCR7 AHT will
show graphs MTD.
Sales will show how
many of the Sales Order
already Successfully
received by the End
We will focus on CSAT
 Expert Access on KPI Hub

Clicking the Expand

Button will give the
results as well as the
Comments given by
the End Customer who
participated on the

Let us see the Comment

made by the Neutral
ratings at 18 Nov, shall
 Expert Access on KPI Hub
Yikes that is one
Dissatisfied Customer
only saved by Amber’s
impecable softskills

Someone will call that

Customer to fix MoCo’s
relationship with him

This are the kind of

Comments that will
push our services to be
better. We Do LISTEN
to our Customers-
 QA Access on QA Quiz
This is where a QA can
Enter, Edit and release a
Quiz. Only an
Authorize Senior QA
can enter here

And Quizes has to be

collected and proof
read before it to be
published in Typreform

Lets Expand one of the


QA Quiz can only be

access within CallIn
Authorize Stations only
 QA Access on QA Quiz
Quiz Scores
It will show both the
Team Sum Score as
well as Individual
 QA Access on QA Quiz
This will show the
Percentage of Answers
correctly per Quiz Item
Red will indicate that
the Quiz has a below
50% correct Scores and
may indicate
knowledge Gap, QA
can focus on educating
Experts on this gap

Press the Expand

from Control # to see
the Quiz Item
 QA Access on QA Quiz
On the otherhand
Orange may alert that
there was an Error on
QA Part that the Expert
may Detect. As of now
the Minimum Error to
be considered for an
Alert is 20
Editing a Quiz will
reset the # Takes,
Correct% and
Complains counter

Press Expand Icon

to see all Complaints
and from whom
 KPI Access for Above Expert Roles
KPI Check
This can be access both
QA, Supervisors, SME
that are morethan 3
months on Duty ,
Managers and evern
Operations Managers.
Dates can be selected
and even individual
Reds ( and other
Colors) is an Alert that
needed to be Check for
Example someone did
Adjust illegally , can
check by clicking the
Cell or the Expand
button. Once the Notice
is accepted then the
color will be gone
 KPI Access for Above Expert Roles
KPI Check
In this example we
have clicked on Sta
Cecilia Adjustment
Alert and it shows 2
recent offender of
Courtesy Adjustment
The Call Listening is
available for checking
and Action plan on the
Expand Button

Once the concern

Expert acknowledge on
the coaching sheet in
the email the Red Mark
will be cleared
 Expert Access on Escalation App
Escalation App

It is located on Expert’s landing

page this is where Expert can
escalate either a Victim of the 48
Hour Scam or demands
excessive Adjustments upon

CBN (Call back number )

should be also be heard on the
call in the case of the 48 Hours
scam And in some extent the
Credit Abusers which can also
expand to Verbal Abusers

Since the task of Auditing these

calls may take time a
WARNING is also displayed to
serve as a Deterrent to any
possible abuse from Experts
 QA Access on Escalation App
Escalation App

Once the report has been sent

by an Expert the Escalation of
Customer will be sent to QA
with CC to Supervisor,
Manager and OM
The report will be on display
once the BAN has been

All the reports made to the

Customer will show up as well
as basic information for the

It will also display the calls

made as well as Adjustments
made for easy reference

If the Audiolink is click will

launch the Audio/Screen
Recordings, notes and CSAT
made as well if any
 QA Access on Escalation App
Escalation App

Once scrolled down there is a

nifty checklist to ensure the QA
is never missed a step when
dealing with the case
 TL Access on Delegation App
Delegation App

Supervisor (TL short for Team

Leader) will announce the team
who is willing to volunteer after
shift for certain tasks
Once the he/she/zhe got the
hands willing then the
Supervisor will select
maximum of 3 then Send for
Approval for Manager’s review
Once the Manager Approve the
Email shall be sent to the
Experts and send a slack
message on tasks
The Email sent contains a link
in the even they have complaint
against the Supervisor and/or

Initially there would be a limit

of 3x an Expert can volunteer
but since not everyone are
willing, this restriction was
 TL Access on Delegation App
Delegation App

Once Request is approved this

will appear and the Supervisor
is given an opportunity to give
Feedback to the Expert as well
as Ratings

The Tasks given to the request

will automatically saved on
Historical record of the Expert
where other Supervisor ,
Manager, Operations Managers
and QA team can access

This Delegation task will also be

a basis for Promotion alongside
with Performance
 Time Keeper Decision Aide
Time Keeper Decision

Time Keepers already use a

Preexisting Workforce
Management Tool and is not
going to change anytime soon

What can we do though is a

System making it easier for
them to decide who to Prioritize
when OT is needed and to
monitor who should and
should not do OT
 Time Keeper Decision Aide
Time Keeper Decision


It will display both the
Calendars and the Team
available base on Priorities

Currently we are seeing the

Schedule on 31 Oct and we are
seeing the Present Date
Predicted when the Spike of
Calls will occur base on Pattern
and PromoSchedules the
Clients themselves has set

Since the Date will fall on a

Monday all Team that are OFF
during that time will also be
It will show their Priority
Quartile based on Previous
Month Ranking, Number of
Team and number of
 Time Keeper Decision Aide
Time Keeper Decision

Now what if a Storm Came on 8

Nov which caused a MoCo
Outsoursing to shut down and
making Calls Surge due to
routing calls to all Centers not
affected by Typhoon

The Manager of will call for an

OT 8 Nov then by default will
extend for 3 days

Let us Click the Calendar first

by Adding an Event then
sorting the Team we can see via
Color coding the Different Prio
Level and if they are off even
the Sum
The Send OT Request either for
that Date or UpComing Dates
(RDOT) to properly set the OT
Demmand without Exceeding 1
hour and 30 mins in OT Time
 Time Keeper Decision Aide
Time Keeper Decision

The number of members is

doesn’t necessarily means that
everyone will participate to
meet the OT needs

In our example the Time keeper

will need 150 Participants and
those who responded are only
105. thus The Time Keeper can
request for another OT request
tapping on Prio 4 to match the
Workforce required

The Time Keeper can also

request for a workforce in
Advance like a day or 2 days
before. In the Event more days
are needed to full for the Work
requirements just ADD EVENT
for Managers to Approve
 Time Keeper Decision Aide
Time Keeper Decision

List of Volunteers
Once we scroll down this will
display all the Time in Duty.
Since we cannot intergrate the
App to the Preexisting
Workforce Program the Time
Keeper has to look through this
if the Expert who is doing an
OT is included to the list

By using the Search either by

Name or the Expert ID
Timekeeper also will notify is
the Expert still is in Actual Shift
( not Exceeding 8 Hours Shift
time ( Green), on Overtime
Render Duty (Yellow) or
already Logged Out (Pink)
because they can still Log-in
like Personal Break or space
before resuming post shift task
 Sales and Refinement of OT Request
QA Quiz Schedule
 All Process Aides will be Based on Cheat Sheet
Scheduled from the previous Entry
 Laminated Cheat Sheet
 Laminated Cheat Sheet
 Laminated Cheat Sheet
 Laminated Cheat Sheet – for Experts, Supervisors, Managers and Time Keepers
 Laminated Cheat Sheet –Time Keepers
 Laminated Cheat Sheet – for Experts, Supervisors and Managers
 Laminated Cheat Sheet – for Supervisors and Managers Leadership
 Laminated Cheat Sheet
 Email only Cheat Sheet

This link is to Google

Docs of that is on the

On the Email itself

Are Process flow from
the SOP to as a
mnemonic TOOL
 Email only Cheat Sheet
Read-Only GoogleDocs
of the SOP
 Email only Cheat Sheet
 Cost of Poor Quality Identified and Addressed
 Savings that have been made
 Cost Reductions ( see on Financial Benefit
Analysis for Control Phase/ Benefit Analysis
and PPA for Control Phase )
 Opportunities Created
 Business Losts that has been Avoided
 Benefit Analysis and PPA for Control Phase
Basic Decorum
 With the exception of OM Canare everyone will
have an equal ranking during the meeting
 Mutual respect and proper decorum is expected
during project as stated by Employee handbook on
 All meetings shall be kept confidential

 Any Concerns, conflict or disagreement, feel free to

email OM Migs (
and CC me (temp_Michael_de_Guzman2022@Call- and we will do our best to address the
 All meetings shall be carried over Zoom which
will be covering between 45 to 75 mins
 Meetings shall be weekly Monday 1 pm Philippine
Time starting Aug 15 upon the everyone’s
 Members are expected to switch on their respective
Camera as a proper decorum
 No sharing of Zoom link and password outside of
member of the Project without the Approval of
Team Leader Michael de Guzman or OM Migs
 Recording of Zoom meeting will start 1 minute after the Zoom meeting
have started and can be access within 24 hours after the meeting have
 Unless turn to talk , Zoom shall be on mute, ONE MOUTH POLICY
 In the Meeting EOP is definitely encouraged though using Tagalog is fine

 Attendance will be expected at all time
 Meetings will be sent to the email and calendars and on our Slack Group
 In the event of unavoidable circumstances, please notify and email OM
Migs and me atleast an hour before the meeting
 Selected Expert(Rank and file who takes calls) for input shall be voted a
week prior meeting
 In the event a Participant can no longger fulfill his or her role on the
Project, each of the remaining member shall vote for the replacement. The
Final Decision shall be deliberated by Team Lead Michael de Guzman
and OM Migs Canare
 SME Conrad Gelo will take minutes of the meeting and in
the event Conrad is not available Team Lead Michael de
Guzman shall proceed on taking the minutes
 All are expected to Participate when given a the stage to
 All members with the exception of the guest Expert and
required to participate on Voting
 TL Lucy Videl is the one who will talk on the elected Expert
 All progress shall be updated on the Asana App and is
expected to be completed 2 days prior to the scheduled
 All Six Sigma Project is communicated only on our
dedicated Slack
Electronics ( continue)
 All progress shall be updated on the Asana App
and is expected to be completed 2 days prior to the
scheduled meeting
 All Six Sigma Project is communicated only on our
dedicated Slack
 Projects updates are on ASANA App to prevent
flooding Slack
 No guest Expert can be admitted on our dedicated
Slack or Asana Access
 All former member of the project shall be removed
from the Slack and Asana

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