Lesson Plan-Friends

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Jalan Alternatif IPB, Cikarawang, Dramaga, Bogor, Indonesia 16680


Subject : Speaking 1

Month :I

Duration : 90 Minutes

Week/Day : WEEK 2-DAY 2

Topic : Friends

Goals :

Students are talking about friends.

Materials :

Talking about friends; Good friends, bad friends, best friends, etc.

Bridging :

Choose two students to be volunteer and ask their opinion about each other. Do they need each other?
Helpful or not? Good impact or bad impact? Etc. 20'

Main Activity :

Write on the board a friend in need is a friend in deed then ask students what their opinion about it.
Explore/brainstorm when they wanna talk about friends. 20' Guide students to make people should be
called good friend and bad friend. Help them to arran

Practice :

Students talk about good/bad friends based on their arrangement and explain it. It can be in pairs or
group of four. Or teachers also can provide leading questions to make the conversation rul well. 25'

Closing :

Review today's materials. 10'

Property :

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