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Monday, July 28, 2003 1

Computer Virus
by Douglas A. Turner, Esq.

With the recent events at home and abroad, we can do very well without any
more threats to our security. The World Trade Center and Pentagon plane
crashes, the Anthrax scare, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are enough to
put us all at the edge of our seats. And if our computers were alive, they’d
probably feel the same way, too.

Of course, terrorism is nothing new. Neither are computer viruses. The concept
of a computer virus can be traced all the way back to 1949 when the Hungarian-
American mathematician John Von Neumann, at the Institute for Advanced Study
in Princeton, New Jersey, proposed that it was theoretically possible for a
computer program to replicate. In the 1950s, Bell Laboratories tested the theory
by means of a game called Core Wars. The game involved players who created
tiny computer programs that attacked, erased and tried to propagate on an
opponent's system. The term virus was coined 33 years later by an American
electrical engineer (Fred Cohen) to describe a self-replicating computer
program.1 The rest is, shall we say, history.

Today, there are more than 58,000 virus threats -- more than most of us would
ever imagine could exist. Although a number so large is enough to cause the
hairs on our backs to stand on end, we need not lose sleep over it. Proper
knowledge and background information - and of course, preparation - are our
best defense against this threat.

First things first, a virus is a malicious code but not all malicious codes are
viruses. The major/common types of malicious codes are the Virus, the Trojan
Horse, and the Worm. Each is described in brief below. With respect to each,
however, it is important to bear in mind that a malicious code is merely a
computer program crafted by another human being. He or she may be a
researcher, a prankster, an outright vandal, a neophyte to the world of
programming, a hobbyist, a complete loony or a genius. Regardless, he or she is
still a human being who can (and eventually will) be outsmarted by other
programmers. Many of these programmers work for anti-virus companies.
Some of the most widely-known anti-virus companies are Symantec (Norton),
McAfee, Trend Micro (PCcillin), AVG, and F-Secure.

Virus. A virus is a self-replicating computer program that interferes with a

computer's hardware or operating system (the basic software that runs the
computer). Viruses are designed to replicate and to elude detection. Like any
other computer program, a virus must be executed to function—that is, it must be
loaded from the computer's memory. After loading, the virus's instructions must
then be followed by the computer. These instructions are called the payload of
the virus. The payload may disrupt or change data files, display a message, or
cause the operating system to malfunction.2
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Trojan Horse. This harmful computer program was named after the popular
wooden horse the Achaeans used to fool – and eventually destroy – the people
of Troy. It usually appears to be innocent-looking and interesting, such as a
game or screen-saver, but when runs, it can do many nasty things such as delete
files, capture user-names and passwords (and send them to another person), or
allow a hacker to control your system. It does not replicate itself, however, and it
cannot execute itself unless a user actually runs or executes the code that
triggers it.

Worm. A worm is a self-replicating program. It crawls and slithers through

systems and eats up storage space, slowing the computer down. It doesn't alter
or delete files, but it can cause significant trouble when systems get so filled up
with the worm that they break down.

Other Types of Viruses. Another malicious program is called Logic Bomb. It

is activated when certain conditions apply, such as when a particular date and
time is reached, or when a specific order or combination of characters is typed.

False Threats. There are real threats and there are false threats. Hoaxes
spread like wildfire in the internet via forwarded mails – courtesy of users who
believe the virus warnings received from friends, relatives, or colleagues. Signs
that a virus warning is probably a hoax would include a message with (1) a tone
of urgency and even panic; (2) a claim that the government or an authoritative
company has issued the warning; and (3) urgent advice to send it everyone you
know. Not only do these forwarded mails cause unnecessary traffic in the
information superhighway, they can also be carriers of some real viruses. In
addition, hoaxes and chain letters may be used by spammers (bulk mailers of
unsolicited mail) to harvest legitimate e-mail addresses for their use. Remember
that, instead of believing and forwarding these messages, it is always safer to
check out the anti-virus sites for latest updates on virus alerts and also hoax sites
such as and Hoaxbusters for verification.

It is also very helpful to be vigilant in all respects. Be aware that the people who
create viruses can use known hoaxes to their advantage. A good example is the
AOL4FREE hoax. This began as a hoax warning about a nonexistent virus. Once
it was known that this was a hoax, somebody began to distribute a destructive
trojan horse (recall that a trojan horse differs from a virus in that it does not
reproduce itself) in a file named AOL4FREE, which was attached to the original
hoax virus warning!”

Avoiding Trouble. As computer users, we can avoid being terrorized by

malicious codes by preparation and vigilance. Here are suggestions which offer
a measure of protection:
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?? Always create back-up files. Copies on your hard disk are

recommended but having other back-up copies, such as on a CD-R is
?? Install anti-virus software and keep it updated. Update anti-virus
software at least once a month if not more often.
?? If you are accepting submissions via e-mail (resumes, applications,
etc.), specify that you only accept documents within the e-mail
message. Do no accept attachments.
?? Delete e-mail attachments as much as possible. The only safe
attachment is a deleted one. If you really need the attachment, save it
first then have your anti-virus software scan it before you open the file.
?? If you receive an unexpected attachment from a name you recognize,
you may try contacting or e-mailing that person and ask what it is and
what it does before opening it.
?? It is also recommended that if your e-mail software has the ability to
automatically run JavaScript, Macros or other executable code, it is
better to disable this feature.
?? For those who like to chat, it is best not to accept any file sent through
?? Close the preview pane of your e-mail program because it opens the
e-mail message automatically. Remember that some worms already
have the capability to hide in the body of an e-mail (mostly html).
?? Have an emergency system boot disk on hand.
?? For Local Area Networks, it is safer to keep the write-access
privileges to a bare minimum. Executable files written on one user's
computer should not be readable on another user's.
?? Avoid swapping of disks. If it’s unavoidable, make sure to scan the
disk using your anti-virus software.
?? Obtain software only from trusted sources.
?? Install a firewall program, especially if on cable or DSL.
?? If you are running a company, it is good to specify to your employees
the guidelines concerning computer viruses and security, and the
risks involved if they are not careful.
?? Have an expert’s phone number in hand and ready at all times so you
know who to contact in case something untoward happens.

Finally, after all is said and done, we must remember Nick's First Law of
Computer Virus Complaints: Just because your computer is acting strangely
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or one of your programs doesn't work right, this does NOT mean that your
computer has a virus.3

Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation.
"Virus (computer)," Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation.

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