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Magmatic Deposit

(Endapan Magmatik / Konsentrasi Magmatik)

Dr. Ir. Irzal Nur, MT

Prodi S1 Teknik Kuliah Genesis Cebakan Mineral (21D11121602)

Pertambangan 28 Februari 2023
 Magmatic ore deposits is characterized by its close
relationship with plutonic intrusive rocks, or
intermediate-mafic intrusive rocks.
 Actually the deposits are the igneous rocks itselves,
with contain economic metals.
 The deposits is a magmatic product, which
crystallized directly from magma.

Bateman (1962)
Sketch of primary ore deposits genesis (Darijanto, 1997)
McQueen (2005)
Terms often used for the deposit (synonyms)

 Magmatic segregations deposits

(endapan segregasi magmatik)
 Magmatic injections deposits
(endapan injeksi magmatik)
 Igneous syngenetic deposits
(endapan sin-genetik batuan beku)
 Orthomagmatic deposits
(endapan ortomagmatik; ortho = langsung)

Bateman (1962)
Orthotectic and pneumotectic
 In fact, magmatic deposits are not simultaneously formed,
some formed earlier (“early magmatic”) and some later
(“late magmatic”).
 Magma, after crystallized, the remains is still in liquid phase
(immiscible liquids = cairan/larutan yang tak dapat
tercampur). To distinguish magma and immiscible liquids,
imagine water and oil.
 Graton and McLaughlin called orthotectic for deposits
formed directly from magma only, and pneumotectic
(pneumo = sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan air atau gas)
for deposits formed from partly magma and partly
immiscible liquids.
 The term orthotectic has the same meaning with
orthomagmatic, introduced by Niggli.

Bateman (1962)
Sketsa pembentukan endapan bijih primer (Darijanto, 1997)
Primary deposits (Darijanto, 1997)

 Magmatic; direct from magma, gravitational settling.

 Pegmatitic; magma injection; dyke, sill, stockwork.
 Pneumatolitic; chemical reactions of magma gases and
liquids with surrounding rocks; metamorphic contact;
baking and hardening effects.
 Hydrothermal; aqueous magma residue; cavity filling
and metasomatism.
 Volcanic; end (latest) products of magmatic-related
deposits; lava flow, volcanic gas exhalation, hot spring.
Classification of magmatic mineral deposits and processes
Types Processes Examples
I. Early Magmatic:
A. Dissemination Disseminated crystallization without Diamond pipes; some corundum
concentration. deposits.
B. Segregation Crystallization differentiation and Bushveld chromite
C. Injection Differentiation and injection. Kiruna, Sweden
II. Late Magmatic:
A. Residual liquid Crystallization differentiation and Bushveld titanomagnetite;
segregation residual magma accumulation. Taberg; Iron Mt., Wyo.;
Bushveld platinum
B. Residual liquid injection Same, with filter processing, and, or, Adirondack magnetite; Kiruna,
injection. Sweden; pegmatites.
C. Immiscible liquid Immiscible liquid segregation and Insizwa, S. Africa.
segregation accumulation.
D. Immiscible liquid injection Same, with injection. Vleckfontein, Bushveld, S. Africa

Bateman (1962)
I. Early Magmatic Deposits
I.A. Dissemination
 Crystallization of magma in plutonic (deep level)
environment will produce granular plutonic rock, where
coarse-grained early crystals disseminated in the rock.
 If the crystals are abundant and economic, then a
dissminated magmatic deposit is formed.
 The entire or part of the igneous rock is composed by
mineral deposit, and each crystal can or can not be in form
of phenocryst.
 Mostly the deposit form is intrusive bodies (dyke, pipe, stock
or plug), the size are generally bigger than other deposits.
 Examples: kimberlite diamond pipe in Kimberley, South
Africa and disseminated corundum in nepheline syenite in
Ontario, Canada.

Bateman (1962)
Kimberley diamond
 Diamonds are disseminated in the whole kimberlite
rock, and the entire kimberlite pipe is mineral deposit !
 Diamonds occur in form of phenocrysts.
 First, diamonds begin crystallized in magma chamber,
then brought up together with the ascending
surrounding magma, and may “grown” inside, before
the magma perfectly consolidated.
 Therefore, there is no diamond concentration before the
magma completely consolidated.
 First discover: 83.5 carat (16.7 gram) in 1871, in
Kimberley town, South Africa.

Bateman (1962)
Plan and section of Kimberley diamond pipe (3,600 feet
deep), Kimberley, South Africa.

Bateman (1962)
Classification of magmatic mineral deposits and processes
Types Processes Examples
I. Early Magmatic:
A. Dissemination Disseminated crystallization without Diamond pipes; some corundum
concentration. deposits.
B. Segregation Crystallization differentiation and Bushveld chromite
C. Injection Differentiation and injection. Kiruna, Sweden (?)
II. Late Magmatic:
A. Residual liquid Crystallization differentiation and Bushveld titanomagnetite;
segregation residual magma accumulation. Taberg(?); Iron Mt., Wyo.(?);
Bushveld platinum
B. Residual liquid injection Same, with filter processing, and, or, Adirondack magnetite; Kiruna,
injection. Sweden(?); pegmatites.
C. Immiscible liquid Immiscible liquid segregation and Insizwa, S. Africa.
segregation accumulation.
D. Immiscible liquid injection Same, with injection. Vleckfontein, Bushveld, S. Africa

Bateman (1962)
I.B. Segregation
 This is a mineral deposit that concentrated (from magma) in early
stage as a result of crystallization-differentiation by gravitation
(before the magma consolidated). Thus, its often termed as liquid
magmatic deposit.
 The most popular mineral of this type is chromite.
 The segregation process performs during the “sinking” of heavy
crystals, that were previously formed in early stage, to the lower
parts of magma chamber.
 General characteristics: lenses and relatively small sizes.
 Other deposit forms: bands, stringers, disconnected bunches.
 Most known example is chromite deposit in Bushveld, South Africa;
stratiform bands of chromite with uniform thickness and nearly
parallel to pseudo-stratification of its mafic host rocks (anorthosite,
gabbro, and pyroxene gabbro). The deposit is extended in miles !

Bateman (1962)
Bushveld chromite

Upper chromite horizon in Bushveld

complex, Pritchard’s workings,
Kroonendal, Transvaal, South Africa.

Chromite bands (black) in stratified anorthosite, Dwars River,

Transvaal. Note convergence of some chromite bands and
inclusion of anorthosite surrounded by chromite.

Bateman (1962)
Classification of magmatic mineral deposits and processes
Types Processes Examples
I. Early Magmatic:
A. Dissemination Disseminated crystallization without Diamond pipes; some corundum
concentration. deposits.
B. Segregation Crystallization differentiation and Bushveld chromite
C. Injection Differentiation and injection. Kiruna, Sweden (?)
II. Late Magmatic:
A. Residual liquid Crystallization differentiation and Bushveld titanomagnetite;
segregation residual magma accumulation. Taberg(?); Iron Mt., Wyo.(?);
Bushveld platinum
B. Residual liquid injection Same, with filter processing, and, or, Adirondack magnetite; Kiruna,
injection. Sweden(?); pegmatites.
C. Immiscible liquid Immiscible liquid segregation and Insizwa, S. Africa.
segregation accumulation.
D. Immiscible liquid injection Same, with injection. Vleckfontein, Bushveld, S. Africa

Bateman (1962)
I.C. Injection
 This deposit formed/concentrated by crystallization-differentiation
(magma differentiation).
 Formed earlier or synchronously with formation of its associated
rock-forming minerals (igneous pyrogenic minerals).
 This deposit is not preserved in its accumulation site (magma
chamber and its upper parts), but injected to the surrounding rocks
(host rocks).
 Deposit characteristics: the deposit forms or structures are clearly
shown effects of injection process to the surrounding rocks; cross-cuts
the rocks, contains rock fragments, in form of dykes, or other forms
of intrusive body in the surrounding rocks, some even
metamorphosed the wall rocks.
 The most known examples: magnetite (iron ore) deposit in Kiruna,
Sweden (the largest magnetite deposit in the world); titaniferrous-
magnetite deposit in Cumberland, Ireland; and parts of the
chromite deposit in Bushveld, South Africa.
Bateman (1962)
Kiruna magnetite

Plan and cross section of magnetite deposit, Kiruna, Sweden. 1, Greenstone; 2,

conglomerate; 3, syenite porphyry; 4, magnetite; 5, quartz porphyry; 6,7,8, sediments.
Bateman (1962)
The Kiruna Mine
 The Kiruna mine is the largest and most modern
underground iron ore mine in the world, located in Kiruna in
Norrbotten County, Lapland, Sweden.
 The mine which is owned by Luossavaara-Kirunavaara AB, a
large Swedish mining company, has an annual production
capacity of over 26 million tonnes of iron ore. In 2008 the
mine produced 27.5 million tonnes of iron ore.
 The Kiruna mine has an ore body which is 4 km long,
80 m to 120 m thick and reaching a depth of up to 2 km.
 Since mining began at the site in 1898, the mine has
produced over 950 million tonnes of ore.

Bateman (1962)
The Kiruna orebody
 The Kiruna orebody was formed following intense
volcanic activity.
 Iron-rich solutions precipitated the iron on to a syenite
porphyry footwall.
 Then the ore bed was covered by further volcanic
deposits, quartz porphyry, and sedimentary rocks.
Later the whole body was tilted to its current dip of
50 to 60°.
 Having a grading of more than 60% iron and an
average of 0.9% phosphorus, the ore contains a very
pure magnetite-apatite mix.

Bateman (1962)
Classification of magmatic mineral deposits and processes
Types Processes Examples
I. Early Magmatic:
A. Dissemination Disseminated crystallization without Diamond pipes; some corundum
concentration. deposits.
B. Segregation Crystallization differentiation and Bushveld chromite
C. Injection Differentiation and injection. Kiruna, Sweden (?)
II. Late Magmatic:
A. Residual liquid Crystallization differentiation and Bushveld titanomagnetite;
segregation residual magma accumulation. Taberg(?); Iron Mt., Wyo.(?);
Bushveld platinum
B. Residual liquid injection Same, with filter processing, and, or, Adirondack magnetite; Kiruna,
injection. Sweden(?); pegmatites.
C. Immiscible liquid Immiscible liquid segregation and Insizwa, S. Africa.
segregation accumulation.
D. Immiscible liquid injection Same, with injection. Vleckfontein, Bushveld, S. Africa

Bateman (1962)
II. Late Magmatic Deposits
 Mineral deposit that crystallized in the last periods of
 The crystallization occurred soon after the main rock-forming
minerals (silicate minerals) or igneous pyrogenic minerals
crystallized; note the different with the early magmatic
 Therefore, this deposits are generally cut, suddenly
terminated, or react with the rock-forming minerals.
 This deposit are mostly associated with mafic igneous rock,
and is a product of vary crystallization-differentiation,
gravitational accummulation of residual liquid, immiscibility
liquid, and other types of differentiation.
 Pegmatite deposit, which mainly formed by injection or
segregation, is included in this deposit type, as it formed
from crystallization of residual liquid.
Bateman (1962)
II.A. Residual liquid segregation (RLS)
 During magma differentiated, the remaining (residue)
magma will soon rich in silica, alkali compounds (acid
compounds), water, and often iron and titanium.
 This residual liquid then flowed-out or segregated-out,
leaving the pyrogenic crystals, and then crystallized forming
a residual liquid segregation deposit in the central parts or
in lower layers of magma chamber.
 Deposit characteristics: parallel to the structures of igneous-
host rocks; the host rocks include: anorthosite, norite, gabbro,
or other similar kind of the rocks.
 Examples: titaniferrous magnetite bands in Bushveld, South
Africa; platinum deposit in Iron Mountain, Wyoming, USA;
titaniferrous iron ore deposit (reserve reaches 450 million
tonnes) in Taberg, Sweden.

Bateman (1962)
II.B. Residual liquid injection (RLI)
 The iron-rich residual liquid, discussed in section II.A, if disturbed (i.e., intruded
again), may be: (a) sprayed-out to lower pressure sites, upper parts of the
consolidated magma or in surrounding rocks, or (b) slowly filtered-out, forming a
residual liquid injection deposit.
 This is defferent with the residual liquid segregation deposit, which previously
discussed, where the first is normally moved (segregated), whereas the second is
pushed-out (injected).
 Deposit characteristics: the ore body is mass, sill or dyke which are irregular in
shape, generally cut the primary structures of host rocks, or cut other rocks enclosing
 If the injection of this iron-rich liquid also rich in volatile elements, then
pneumatolitic deposit will formed.
 This deposit is generally dominated by magnetite (Fe3O4) and ilmenite (FeTiO3).
 Examples: titaniferrous magnetite associated with mafic igneous rock in Adirondack,
New York, USA; titaniferrous magnetite deposit in Iron Mountain, Wyoming, USA;
magnetite deposit in Kiruna, Sweden.

Bateman (1962)
II.C. Immiscible liquid segregation (ILS)
 For a mafic magma wich rich in Fe-Ni-Cu sulphides, after cooling,
can differentiated/separated immiscibly from the main magma and
drop and accummulated down in lower parts of magma chamber,
forming a mineral deposit called immiscible liquid segregation,
which is rich in sulphides.
 The sulphides will still remain in form of liquid until all silicates
(pyrogenic minerals) crystallized.
 Deposit characteristics: mostly disconnected bodies, in the lower
parts of intrusion body, particularly if there is a depression in the
lower parts (see figure).
 The mineral deposit generally composed of: pyrrhotite (FeS),
chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), and pentlandite [(Fe,Ni)S] which associated
with mafic igneous rocks, mainly gabbro.
 Examples: Ni-Cu sulphides deposit in Insizwa, South Africa (figure),
Ni-sulphide deposits in Bushveld (South Africa), Norway, and in
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
Bateman (1962)
Insizwa nickel-copper

Generalized diagram of Insizwa type intrusion. Black, differentiated basalt zone carrying nickel-
copper sulphides.

Bateman (1962)
II.D. Immiscible liquid injection (ILI)
 The sulphide-rich liquid, discussed in section II.C, if disturbed (i.e.,
intruded again) before consolidated, can sprayed-out to lower
pressure sites, upper parts of the consolidated magma or in
surrounding rocks, and form a mineral deposit called immiscible
liquid injection.
 This is obviously the typical type of the late magmatic deposit,
intruded older rocks, and contains brecciated fragments of host
rocks and foreign rocks; associated with dyke; the ore minerals
penetrate, corrode, alter, and even replace the silicate minerals; the
deposit body is irregular.
 If the sulphide-rich liquid also rich in volatile elements, then
hydrothermal type deposit will formed.
 This deposit is dominated by nickel.
 Examples: Ni deposit in Vlackfontein, South Africa; Ni deposit in
Norway; Ni-sulphide deposit in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.

Bateman (1962)
Tugas 2
 Buat resume ringkas tentang endapan magmatik.
Jangan lupa sebutkan jenis endapan mineral
karakteristik dari setiap tipe endapan magmatik.
 Tulis tangan di kertas A4, maksimal 2 (dua)
halaman. Kumpulkan pekan depan pada saat
sebelum kuliah 3 (tiga) dimulai.

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