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The Quantum Space Time Fractal Harmonic Codex

{C} Vic Showell November 2008

Be sure to review the CONCLUSION section as well!

The Mars Pentad Octagon Grid Tile Expanded,
with central tile diamond crystal style Geometry

The Quantum Space Time Fractal Harmonic Codex


This is the second addendum to the recently released

Mars Pentad Time Pyramids II

The first addendum is basically the introduction to this addendum.

You must read the two prior accompanying pdf documents to follow the math,
and to understand the process of analyzing this Codex.

From the discoveries made in the ancient Egyptian and Mayan math
was found that ancient Phi was valued at [1.62] = [aPhi].

In analyzing the Egyptian simplified Codex using the number [22],

and following that with the angle tangents of [22] and [68] degrees,
literally amazing mathematical harmonics were exposed that had to be
apparent to the Egyptians and then the Mayans, or initially the Olmec,
and of course before that the Atlanteans and those lost civilizations.

Using the [22] as a “Codex”, the breakthrough came by simply dividing

the basic tetrahedral angle value into the Egyptian Pyramid base number [22].
[22] / by [19.5] = [x], then [x] squared = tangent [51.845] degrees, this being fully
[0.001] degrees off the slope of the Saqqara pyramid analyzed previously.
Then the fantastic result came to be:
[22] / by [19.5] =[x], and then [x] squared twice = [aPhi] = [1.62].

The Mayan and Egyptian systems can be summarized as having two important
numeric values in which their entire spiritual mathematics evolved from. For Egypt:
Egypt Kemi = [12960000] = [3600] squared, or basically just [360] calendar days,
which then can be attributed into a pentagonal style calendar count involving Phi
and multiples of the number [54] and [72], in which sine of [54] degrees = [Phi / 2],
and tangent [72] degrees / by Phi = Sqrt of [3 .61803399]. The interior pentagon angle
of [72] degrees is bisected by two [36] degree angles and cosine [36] = [Phi / 2],
correlating [36] numerically into the [360] calendar = [10 x 36] and [12 months x 30].

The number [72] connects into the Mayan Long Count, the MLC:
MLC[187200] / by 72 = [26000] which equals 100 times the Tzolkin [260].
Mayan Long Count [1872000] MLC = [13] x [144,000].
Therefore since both cultures used [aPhi] as a calculative, then a common conversion
factor should be able to be established to work both systems together.
The predominant numeral thus is [144] and it’s multiples like the Baktun [144,000],
which are divisible into both the MLC , and the Kemi to garner specific quantum
planetary space time functionalities.
Kemi [12960000] / by [144] = [90,000]. MLC [1872000] / by [144] = [13000].
MLC [1872000] = [144] x [260] Tzolkin x [50], and Tzolkin [260] = [13] x [20].
The slope of the Saqqara pyramid is [51.84] degrees, and [72] squared = [5184].
[72 x 2] = [144] , and [5184] / by [144] = [36]
[5184] = [288] x [18] or [576] x [9]
Kemi [12960000] / by [5184] = [2500].
MLC [1872000] / by [5184] = [361 .111111]. Now take result of [361 .1111],
and decimal variate to [3611 .11111], also looking at te Jupiter sidereal:
[3611 .1111] / by [4333 .33333] Jupiter = [0.83333] = [Pi / Phi sq.] = [585V / 702M].
Thus a nice neat conversion factor would be appropriate to be found to accommodate
all the above in a comprehensive “Codex” conversion factor as a proof.
Looking at the evidence presented by the calculations with [22] and [19.5],
and the establishment of [aPhi] = [1.62],
this author found that conversion factor using the ancient numbers.
Utilizing the decimal variation system in the [19.5] value we get an equation in which
the inverse works excellently as well:
[1.95] / [aPhi] = an Egyptian Quantum Space Time Harmonic Conversion constant.
This can also be quantified from an ancient perspective simply as [195] / by [162],
thus eliminating the decimals, as the Egyptians most likely used their numbers as.

I will name this the Khufu Constant, or simply for calculative purposes the {KhC}.
The inverse is thus [1 / KhC]. The Khufu Constant [195 / 162] = [1 .203703703703~].
This constant “recoils” the mathematics back and forth between the Kemi [12960000],
and the MLC[1872000].

Kemi [12960000] x {KhC} =[15,600,000], then / by MLC = [8.3333] = 10[Pi / Phi sq.]
The decimal variant used as [1560] = 2 x [780] Mars synod,
and equals the [585] Venus synod x [2. 66666].
The MLC [1872000] / by Dresden Codex [702] = [2666 .6666].

[864] is an important Egyptian number. Kemi / by [864] = [15,000].

The diameter of the sun is [864,000] miles.
[864,000] x {KhC} = [1,040,000], then / by [260] Tzolkin = [4000],
So to simplify just use [104] as the extrapolated Tzolkin multiple [4 x 26 = 104].
[104] / by [9]= [11. 5555555],
with the [9] being of highest mathematical cultural importance in all cultures.
Then MLC [1872000] / by [11 .5555555] = [162,000] or [aPhi] x [100,000]!

The Mayan spiritual numbers in the Mars Pentad calendar use the [13],
by virtue of the Tzolkin [260] = [13 x 20].
Pentagonal value [108] x [5] = [540] degrees of the pentagon,
and also symbolizes the [108] Mayan dimensions, and thus {KhC} x [108] = [130]!

{KC} x Egyptian value [25920] = [31200], then / by [260]Tz = [120].

[72] squared = [5184], then x {KhC} = [6240] = [8] x [780] Mars synod.
[6240] / MLC[1872000] = [0.00333333] or sin of tetrahedral [19.47122] / by 100.
[72] x {KhC} = [86 .66666] = [780]Mars synod / [9].
[72] x {KhC} = [86 .66666], then / by [2] = [43 .33333], the Jupiter sidereal set.

So two grand finales would be to use The Nine, as [9] squared = [81],
[81] X {KhC} = [97.5], then x [2] = [195], which is the numerator of the KhC.
The [90] degree angle x {KhC} = [108.333333]
[108.33333] = Omkulkancoatl Codex Mars Pentad angles [19.5 / 18] x 100.

The Khufu Constant = [1.95] / [aPhi], or [195] / [162].

The Quantum Space Time Fractal Harmonic Codex

Is introduced with the Mars sidereal of [687] days,
and the Earth Lunar Year of [364] = [13] full moons x [28].

Using [364] ---------Æ [463] is the reverse number.

[463] / by [364] = [1.271978022] = tangent [51.826~] degrees.

Sqrt of modern Phi = [1.27201965] = tangent [51.827~] degrees.
Sqrt[aPhi] = Sqrt[1.62] = [1.272792206] = [51.84~]degrees , and [72] sq. = [5184].

To show how Mars and the tetrahedral Mars Pentad are so incredible:

Mars sidereal [687] --------------Æ [786] is the reverse number.

[687]M / by [786] = [0.874045802],

which will be referred to as [687]Q to alleviate excessive typing.

[687]Q times [1.61803399] = Square Root [2].

[687]Q x [2.61803399] =[x], then divide by sqrt[8]= [0.809029729] = sin[54] degrees!

[687]Q x [2.61803399] =[x], then divide by Pentad Octagon Sqrt[32] = tangent[22].

Square root [6], then times above [x] = [2 .288281617], then squared = [y],
And then [y] squared = ten times modern Pi! Very close!

[687]Q times sin or cos [45] degrees = inverse Phi!

[687]Q x [3.61803399] = Square Root [10], and [3 .61803399] / by sqrt [5] = [Phi].

Speed of Light in km/sec = [299792.5],

[687]Q] x Speed of Light = [262032] = essentially Mayan [aPhi] x [10,000]
Mayan [aPhi] was determined to be [aPhi +1] = [2.62].

Last but not least, [687]Q x pyramid mile [6084] = [x], then divide by Sqrt[2] = [y].
[y] = [3760 .1779252], now square [y] twice = [2] x ten to 14th power !!!
Thus with this above page on the Mars sidereal, which was the last page of the
prior accompanying Quantum Space Time Fractal Harmonic Code document,
I can start fresh and dive into the Codex theory and possibilities.

To continue with the above page mathematics and the Mars sidereal [687],
I will supply a fresh equation set that had been omitted by sheer chance.

And to show fantastic space time harmonic cycle, I will use the [22] degree angle,
from which was found the Speed of Light in derivation, and the Kemi.

[687] / by [786] = [0.8740448902], then x [2.61803399] = [2 .288281617] = {A}

[2 .288281617] squared = [5 .2362327~] = {A} squared.
Kemi [12960000] x tangent[22] = [5236179. 887] = B, compare that to [A] squared.
Square root of the above value [5236179. 887] = [2288 .2700~] = SqrtB.
Now to compare values [A] to sqrt[B].
[A] =[2.28828] and [2288.27]= Sqrt [B]. Virtually identical but for a decimal placement.

This cannot be a coincidence, and as such exposes an unique functional harmonic cycle
of important ancient cultural spiritual numerologies, and modern physics constants
such as Pi, Phi, and [e], and the planetary time lines such as the Mars sidereal [687],
as calculated with above.
So the premise of “designer solar system” gains some momentum,
as the sacred geometries become apparent in the structures of these functions.
Thus we have two choices left there, an alien species far beyond technologies
that travel by space ship, or it is the Intent of God designing the solar system,
and either way, the sacred geometries are “sacrosynchronized” as well as sacrosanct!

The sacred geometries expand synchronistically into the fractal cosmos

along the Quantum Flux Fractal Highway and the flow of God’s Intent.
Flux in this context is meant to mean a cohesive fusion of flow in fractal expansions.
God exists beyond time, and the point source from within the Infinite Abyss
emerges as the quantum foam from a microcosm within the dimensionless point itself,
and that birthing of quantum foam at the lotus blossom of conception,
exists at juncture in the Eternal Now,
beyond “time” just as God creates Intent from.
The “doorway” of the Star Gate is a virtual transdimensional portal that exists
in a stasis of the Eternal Now. The Star Gate invariably uses acoustical and light
components of gold and diamond if manufactured in the author’s opinion.
Natural Star gates exist, of which planets can pass through, if not stars and galaxies,
under the proper multiversal conditions of energies unleashed in ways that modern
science and physics are still unable to account for.
The Quantum Space Time Fractal Harmonic Convergances are the Star Gate
in a mathemtical sense of the harmonics exhibited, especially when thinking of
acoustical frequencies and light wavelengths and spiral force universal energies.
And back to the Mars sidereal and the Aztec [378] pyramid to proceed!
The Aztec [378] Pyramid follows the mathematical constructs of the Saqqara pyramid.
Here I will use the Mars [687] day sidereal tetrahedral [19. 47122061].
The calculations on the image show a lot of the number [336].
This is a number found in recent quantum physics documents.
Quote from link:
This idea can be applied to Klein modular curve which could be seen as topological deformation
of E8 exceptional symmetry group. The original curve has [336] fold symmetries corresponding
to exactly triangle pieces of which it is made.
The [336] triangles are considered to be degree of freedom or dimension.

Note the Base length of this pyramid at [594] time based units.
Mars sidereal [687] divided by [19 .47122061] = [35.28284198], now take that Sqrt.
Sqrt[35.28284198] = [5.9399~] = [5.94] = [594] base length of the Aztec [378] pyramid.

This means that you can take the pyramid base [594], square it, then x [19 .47122061],
and you will get [6870147] days, or 10,000 Mars [687] sidereal, off by [2 / 100,000].
The above diagram and math are meant to supplement the theoretical premise
of this “Quantum Space Time Harmonic Codex”,
by virtue of exposing a fantastic mathematical coincident, that cannot be coincidence.

Next in test analysis would be “ 2 digit codes” in a Harmonic Codexing.

I will not waste too much time on these, as it is far better to go on to 3 digit codes.
So will take a couple of the more important numbers in this long term study,
set in 2 digit format for required prerequisite to advancement to 3 digit code.

I will use variations of the exact tetrahedral angle [19 .47122061],

Such as the [19 .47122061] / [10] = [1 .947122061] as a constant as well.

Since my Mars Pentad work used the [13] as a foundation to ascribe values
for the planetary timelines, such as [13] x [60] = [780] mars synod,
I will start with that number.

[13] / by [31] = [x], then x [1 .947122061] = [0.8165~]= Sqrt[0.6667~]!

This is coincident enough to Sqrt [0.666666~] and in the first Mars Pentad pdf,
Sqrt[0.666666~] = [0.8165], aligns exactly as the Mars Jupiter synod of [816.5] days.

[31] / by [13] = [x] then / by [1 .947122061] = Sqrt [1.5], exact at [1 .4998~].

Sqrt [1.5] is half of Mars Pentad length Sqrt[6].

I will move quickly forward and use [54] because sin[54] degrees =[Phi / 2],
[540] degrees in a pentagon, and [2 x 54] = [108], then x 5 = [540].
I also get to use the [45] degree angle by convenience!
[45] / by [54] = [0.833333] = [Phi sq. / Pi]= [585] V synod / by [702] Dresden Codex.
[54] / by [45] = [1.2] = [Pi / Phi sq] and 12 sq. = [144].

Since [72] squared = [5184] and the Saqqara pyramid angle is [51.84], I will use [72].

[72] / by [27] = [2.666666] and MLC[1872000] / by [702]= [2666 .6666]

[27] / by [72] = [3/8] = [0.375]
[18] / by [81] = [2/9] = [0.222222~]

[0.222222~] x [1 .947122061] = tangent [23.3978355], now square that twice!

[23.3978355] squared twice = [299711], about [81] km/sec under {C} in km/sec.
[0.222222~] x [19 .5] = [4 .333333] or the Jupiter sidereal [4333 .3333] set!

[52] / by [25] = [2.08], and [208] = [260]Tzolkin x [0.8],

[20.800] is the double Sqrt. of [MLC / 10]! Credit Richard Bartosz for that!
And the grand finale of 2 digit codex: Use [64].
[46] / by [64] = [x], then [x] times [1 .947122061] = [1.4]
and [1 .4] = the equation [Phi x e], then divided by [Pi].
Actual value gained was [1.3995~], and that is close enough to [1.4] IMO,
to be taken as Harmonic Convergence into the universal constants.

Three Digit Code Space Time Harmonic Codexing

The Earth Lunar year [364], and other applications could be:
[364] / by [463] = [x], then / by [1.947122061] = tangent [22] degrees!
And the actual value derived is [21.987] degrees.

Thus a direct reversal of the numbers is the Prime Harmonic,

designated as the [Ph], like the purity of water flowing as Quantum Flux.
This equation above would be the [Ph-1] Harmonic.

A [Ph-2] Harmonic would then be a different arrangement of the denominator:

[364] / by [436] = [x], then x [1 .947122061] = tangent [58.40] degrees.
Standard western astronomical Venus sidereal is [584].

Another ]Ph-2] harmonic would be [643] / [364].

[643] / [364] =[x], then x [1.61803399] = tangent [70.71675] degrees.
The number [70.71675] / by [100] = sin and cos [45] degrees,
and the tangent of tetrahedral angles extremely closely.

[441] / by [144] = [1.75]sq. = [3.0625], then / by [7/6] = [2.265]= sqrt [6.890~]

and [689] is the ancient Mars sidereal of [13 x 53].

[441] / [144] = [3.0625], then x [1 .947122061] = [x], then [x]sq. = [35.5581~]

You can use the value [35.558], and watch how it plays out:
[35.558] x MLC [1872000] = [66564576],
then the Kemi [12960000] / by [66564576] = [0.1947] which is a close decimal variant
of [19 .47122061]
[66564576] / by Kemi [12960000] =[x], then x [19. 47122] = [100 .00 72]!
An unusually close convergance to [100].

The coincident set from the above value [35 .558] is [3555555],
as [0.355555] x [585] Venus synod = [208] = [260]Tz x [0.8].
Now take that [0.355555] x MLC[1872000] = [665600],
And then the Kemi [1296000] / by [665600] = [19.47115],
closing in on tetrahedral number [19 .47122061].
Thus the [3] digit coding performs masterfully in a harmonic codexing
of important space time and physics numbers. This reveals an ever increasing
complexity of definitive Harmonic Conchordances in Space Time fractal flow,
which was recognized by the ancient cultures as the sacred geometries,
which utilized the scared numbers in calendar functions.

Next I will do an amazing heliospheric Space Time Harmonic Codex,

with one of my favorite numbers [234].

[234] is my 3 digit code for the Speed of Light from the first Mars Pentad pdf.
Uusing the [9], as used in the Saqara pyramid Side Angle slope arctan[0.9],
we get [0.9] x [260] Tzolkin = [234].
Then [23.4] squared twice is [29.45] km /sec over the Speed of Light in km/sec.
Close enough, and to put the icing on the Mayan chocolate cake,
[234] / by [702] M = [0.333333] = sine of tetrahedral [19 .47122061].

[234] / by [432] = [0.5416666], then x [702]M = [380.25] = [19.5] squared!

[234] / by [432] = [0.5416666], then x [360] = [195] !

[234] / by [432] = [0.5416666], then x [780] Mars synod = [422.5], and [65]sq.=[4225]

[234] / by [432] = [0.5416666], then x Kemi [12960000] = [7020000],

correlating the Mayan Dresden Codex [702]!

[234] / by [432] = [0.5416666], then x Egyptian [25920] = [14040],

[14040] = [18 x 780M], = [24 x 585V] = [20 x 702M]

[234] / [432] = [0.5416666], then x [72] = [39]

[234] / [432] = [0.5416666], then x [108] degree pentagon angle = [58.5],
and [58 .5] correlates directly to the [585] Venus synod.
[234] / [432] = [0.5416666], then x [540] pentagon degrees = [2925] = [5 x 585V]

[234] / [432] = [0.5416666], then x [5184], or 72sq. = [2808]

[280800] = [360 x 780M] = [480 x 585V]
[2808] = [2.1666 x 1296] where [216.66666 x 20] = 4333 .3333]Jupiter sidereal.
[2808] = [4333 .33333 J x 0.648], and [648 / by 702] = [12 /13] = [18 / 19.5],
with [18 / 19.5] being angles in the Mars Pentad “codexing”.

[234] / [432] = [0.5416666], then x [144] = [78], then x [10] = Mars [780] synod.

[234] / [432] = [0.5416666], then x MLC [1872000] = [1014000],

[1014000] / [780]M = [1300]
[1014000] / [117] Mercury synod = [8666 .6666] = 2x Jupiter [4333 3333] sidereal.
[1014000] / [10759] Saturn sidereal = [x], then / by Pi = [30]!
[234] / [432] = [0.5416666], then x solar diameter [864,000] = [468,000]
And [468,000], thus as [468] / [702] M = [0.66666], and [0.66666] x [3] = [2].
Sqrt [0.6666] is a fundamental building block within the Mars Pentad as:
[3] x Sqrt [0.66666] = Sqrt [6] Pentad length.

[234] / by [432] = [0.5416666], then x [936] = Mayan number [507],

and [507] / by Mars synod [780] = [0.65] = Mars Pentad angles [19.5] / by [30]

[234] / [432] = [0.5416666], then x Mayan glyph [819] = [x],

then [x] / by [7/6] = [380.25] = [19.5] squared!
And the [7 /6] is an attribution to Sitchin’s cylinder seal translation of the 7 Dots
as Earth and [6] pointed star as Mars.

The Speed of Light [186,000] and inverse Phi =[0.618]

Do you see immediately what these two numbers have in common?
They both use the numbers [1], [8], [6].
Thus the author is able to test into the Quantum Harmonic Codex with
both the Speed of Light and inverse Phi at the same time by virtue of both numbers
having the same 3 digit code assembly in the quantum soup.
Often when we see in my work minor variations in extrapolative analysis,
i.e. factors of error that are within reasonable consideration,
and the author calls this an invariable “microcosmic random” in Quantum Flux,
which is seen in actual physical universal constructs and timelines that follow
fractal expansive spiral force.

With Harmonic Codex quantum possibilities one can take inverse Phi
and rearrange the number itself, and “recoil” it back into itself through divisions
or multiplications, in a variety of methodologies.
Once again though, one needs to look for the “Coincident Value” at times,
due to Quantum Flux between the sacred geometries as numbers diverge.

Saturn sidereal [10759] offers an insight into Quantum Space Time Flux.
Using the Tzolkin [13], then [10759]S / by [13] = [x], then x [Pi] = [2600.0304],
The [2600] is ten times Mayan Tzolkin, and the [0.0304] dfifference,
is part of Quantum Space Time Flux with flow variables that are unmeasurable.
However, when harmonic number codes converge,
then intense results occur, and as such I will take inverse Phi = [0.618]
and the Speed of Light [186,000], and rearrange the numeric quantum alignment
for inverse Phi, but keep it more consistent to a higher order for Speed of Light {C}.

Decimal variation has been explained well in the last pdf,

Thus there is no difference between [681,000 / 186,000] and [681 / 186].
For this exercise inverse Phi [0.618~] has a secondary order of analysis,
by virtue of the number [618] recoded as [186 and 681].
In this case the Speed of light has a primary order by virtue of the division
being directly a “recoil” of the reverse number structure, [186----Æ681].

The Harmonic Codex optimizes the obvious important Egyptian numbers

that work within the Egpyt Kemi value of [3600] squared = [1296000],
which of course is an extension of the [360] day calendar,
the [360] degrees in a circle, and also falls into pentagonal geometry numerals.

The Harmonic Codex optimizes the obvious important Mayan Tzolkin [260]
spiritual calendar numbers, and the connection directly of them to the planetary
timelines as described in the Mars Pentad tetrahedral based Cosmic Calendar.

Thus we have pentagonal Phi based geometry with tetrahedral geometry utilized
in tandem in the Harmonic Codex search, often unified by my equation:
[Phi sq. / Pi] = [0.8333333]= [585] Venus synod / [702] Mayan Dresden Codex Mars.

Thus the first and best Harmonic Codex analysis to display is [681 / 186].

I will use these important Egyptian numbers, the Kemi [12960000], as [1.296],
And the numbers [2 .592] and [5 .184] as:
[Kemi / 500] = [25920], thus decimalized as [2.592] = 2 x [1.296],
and [5 .184] = [2] x [2 .592], and [4] x [1 .296].
[5 .184] is also like the pyramid slope as [51 .84] degrees = arctangent SQRT[aPhi],

[681] / by [186] = [3.661290323], then x [5 .184] = [18 .980~],

and the amazing coincident is : Mayan Calendar Round = [18,980] days.
Note: sqrt [360] = [18.97366]

[681] / by [186] = [3.661290323], then x [1.296] = [4.7450~] = 1/4th [18.980].

Now, Quantum Flux invariables dictate recognizing the “Coincident Harmonic Set”.
[4.7450~] squared twice = [506.94], and that is recognized as Mayan [507].

[507] is a Harmonic Codex conversion factor in this case.

Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [507] = [x], then x [780] Mars synod = [2,880,000].
Suddenly we are in the Egyptian system with [2,880,000].
Kemi [12960000] / [288] = [45000].

Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [507] = [x], then x [585] Venus synod = [2,160,000].
Kemi [12960000] / [216] = [60,000].

[681] / by [186] = [3.661290323], then x [2.592] = [9.4900~], almost sqrt[90].

BUT, this [9.4900~] will shows how the Harmonic Codex operates, by virtue of
recognizing Coincident numbers to be applied.
Take that [9.4900~] and square it [2] times, = [8111.042~],
Recognized as numeric set [811111111~].

[0.8111111] x Kemi [12960000] = [10512000].

Now take the aforementioned important Egyptian number [288],

[10512000] / by [288] = [36500], and you certainly recognize the [365] Earth year.

Why is [288] important numerically in Egyptian numerology?

For one it is [2] times [144] = [12] squared.
It is one half of [576], which = [9 x 64] or [8 x 72].
Kemi [12960000] / by [576] = [22500], or 100 Venus [225] day sidereal.

Both [288] and [576] work in the Mayan Long Count system as well.
MLC[1872000] / by [288] = [6,500] , and MLC [1872000] / by [576] = [3250].
[225] and [325] are also primary numbers from the Mars Pentad extrapolations.

A series of equations that follow Harmonic Space Time Codices [681] and [186].

[186] / by [681] x tangent[68] = [0.676], and [676] = [26]sq. correlating [260] Tzolkin.
Tangent [68] degrees is used in conjunction with findings in the prior pdf.

[681] / by [186] = [x], then / by [1 .947122061] = [1.88036],

[1.88036]= tangent [61.995] degrees, or just [62] degrees.
[1.88036] x Earth [365.25] = [686.80], close enough to Mars sidereal [687],
off by a factor of [3 / 10,000].
Also using the number value from above of [62] degrees,
Speed of Light [186000] / by [62] = [3000].

[681] / by [186] = [X], then x [2.592] = [Y], and Sqrt[Y] = tan[72] degrees, [72.01].
and of course [72] squared = [5184] and the Saqqara pyramid slope is [51.84].
Thus in the above equation, the result of [72.01] degrees, and the 0.01] differential
becomes the Quantum Space Time Flux invariable of quantum flow and cohesion.

Now to expand the process into distant exponential realms.

[681] / by [186] = [x], then divided by tangent [68] degrees = [y].

Now square [y], totally [8] times on your calculator, = [3.397765] x [10] to 43rd exp.
Fortunately the author recognizes the Coincident value from an equation invented.
Not only does [3.397665] align with Mars radius [3397],
[3.397665] also aligns with [3398] which is an [e] constant.

Equation from the first Mars Pentad pdf:

Mars Radius [3397] decimalized times [any numeral], then divided by [e], = [A]
Then [A] x [8] = the original number.
The math constant [e] = [2.71828].
[0.3397] x [780]M synod = [x], then divided by [2.71828] = [y], then x [8] = [779.8].
The EXACT conversion factor is [0.3398].
Thus looking at the result [3.397765] x [10] to 43rd exp,
we see that value right between both constants offered of [3397] and [3398].
So test that value using the decimal variation system applied to the other constants:
[0 .3397765] x [780]M = [x], then divided by [2.71828] = [y], then x [8] = [779.88].

Moving forward with reversed equation:

[186] / by [681] =[x], then x [1.296] = tangent [19.4926] degrees = [19.5] tetrahedral.

[681] / by [186] = [x], then / by [2.592] = tan[54.70] degrees,

only 3/100th degree off tetrahedral [54.7356].

[186] / by [681] = [x], then x [1 .947122061] = tangent EXACT [28.00~] degrees!

[186] / by [681] = [x], then x [19 .47122061] = [y], and [y] = double Sqrt of [800]!

Now using inverse Phi [0.618] itself in the Codex with [186,000] = {C}.
Thus to eliminate excessive decimalizations in quantifying analysis:
Inverse Phi [0.618]---Æ [618], and Speed of light [186,000]---Æ [186].
This would be considered a secondary level harmonic, due to the numeric “recoil”
equation components not being a direct reverse numerically.
[618] / by [186] = [x], then x [1 .947122061] = [y],
now take Sqrt. of [y] = tangent [68.537398] degrees.
Now take that angle as a number [68.537398], then divide by [2 .61803399] = [26 .18].

[618] / by [186] = [x], then x [1.61803399] = [y],

then take the Square Root of [y], and that = tangent of [66 .66999] degrees.
The correlative set here is obviously the [66666] set.
Kemi [12960000] / by [66. 6666~] = [1944], now decimalize that to [1.944]
[1.944] x [780]M = [x], then divide by [585]V= Egyptian [2.592] or [25920].

The ancient math works as well!

Use [19.5] and [aPhi] = [1.62]
[618] / by [186] = [x], then x [1 .95], = [y], then / by [1.62] = [3.999~] = [4].

Now look at inverse [Phi] as [618], and [168].

[168] = 10 times [e / Phi], where [e] / [Phi] = [1.68].
Is This Ten times Planck’s Constant?
[618] / by [168] = [x], then / by [1.61803399] = tangent [66.2575~] degrees,
or the numeric value [66.2575] correlates very closely to [66.26],
and [66 .26] decimalizes as Planck’s [6.626], x 10 = [66.26].

This is how the Harmonic Codes work. There are minor differences sometimes.
They also mathematically spiral through the angles as Codex quantifications.
In the first Mars Pentad pdf, Planck’s constant was assigned as value [6.625],
This was for several reasons. Here are three reasons.
[6625] / by [25] = [265], correlating the [26.5] Pentad angle.
[6.625] / by [19.5] = [0.339744], which becomes the Mars radius [3397] in perfection:
[0.339744] x [780]M = exactly [265].
Ancient Mars sidereal as [13] x [53] = [689], then / by [6.625] = [104] = [4 x 26].

Now try [861] / by [168] = [5.125].

NOTE: Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [365.24] Earth days per year = [5125.4].
Now to Harmonic Codex the above paragraphed equation to perfection,
with another choice of inverse[Phi] and {C} parameters:
[816] / by [681] = [x], then x [1.296] = [y],
then Sqrt of [y] = tangent of [51.2541~] degrees!

Note the three numeric coincidences above in order of appearance:

[5. 125] then [5125 .4] then [51 .2541~] degrees!

[51 .254] x [365 .24] Earth Year days = [18720. 01], and MLC = [1872000]!
Now that is the Quantum Space Time Fractal Harmonic Codex!

{C} = [186,000] / by [861] = [216.02~],and [216] is an important Egyptian number.

[216] x [20] = [4320]= [12 x 360]. The Kemi [12960000] / [216] = [60,000].

The grand finale for now, back to the original [681] / by [186]:
[681] / by [186] = [x],
and then [x] / by [1.296] = tangent [70.50] degrees! Opposite = [19.5] tetrahedral.
AND! [681] / by [816] = [x], then [x] times [1.296] = [y],
and Sqrt of [y] = [1.04] = [4 x 2.6], with the [2.6] a decimal variant of [260] Tzolkin,
or 4 x 260 Tzolkin = [1040].

The Quantum Space Time Fractal Harmonic Codex,

and Solfeggio frequency [528], and the Mile [5280].

Fortunately again for this author is the fact that Solfeggio frequency [528],
and the mile value [5280], are the same derivative values in decimal variant form.
Thus I can do the summation of quick derivations with just Solfeggio [528].
The Solfeggio frequency [528] is known as the Healing Code frequency,
coined by author Leonard Horowitz in a circular model of Solfeggio frequencies,
with [9] nodal points of Solfeggio harmonic.

One coincidence of note is that [528] / by [Pi] = [168. 0676].

And [168] is 10 x [e / Phi], where [e /Phi] = [1.68]
And [168] is half of important physics E8 number [336].
Using the Primary Harmonic, the [Ph], as in water fluid purity of the numbers,
or one could call it the primary fractal expansion lattice just for intuitive value,
one extrapolates [528] and the direct reverse number [825].

[528] / by [825] = [0.64], and immediately we see [8] squared = [64],

and thus certainly harmonics are going to appear dramatically.

Remember Egyptian numbers [1296], [2592], [5184], also decimalized [5 .184].

[528] / by [825] = [0.64].

[0.64] x [5 .184] = [3.31776], then / by [1.61803399] = tangent [64.00] degrees !!!

That is outrageous!
Tetrahedral [19 .47122061] decimalized,
[0.64] x [1 .947122061] = [1.246158119]= tangent [51 .2541~] degrees.
We saw that earlier in another harmonic just in the last page!
[816] / by [681] = [x],
then [x] times [1.296] = [y], then Sqrt of [y] = tangent[51. 2541~] degrees.
So the exact same process applies as in the last page extrapolations:
[51 .2541~] x Earth year [365.24] = [18720.04~], or 1/10th MLC[1872000].

[0.64] x [Phi] = tangent [46.000] degrees!

Get ready, reversing the initial equation:

[825] / by [528] = [1.5625], then / by [1.61803399] = exact tangent [44.00] degrees!
And [44] x [120] = [5280], the mile.

Mix them up: Solfeggio frequency [528] has a Solfeggio counterpart [852].
[852] times [528] = [x],
then [x] / by [Pi], = [y],
and then take [y] squared = [2.050441056] x 10 to10exp.
Tangent of coincident numeral [2.050441056] = [64.00] degrees!

See what I mean?

Mayan Dresden Codex [702] and Mars [780] synod.

[528] / by [825] = [0.64]

[702 / 780], then times [0.64] = [0.576], with [576] being a prominent Egyptian number.
Kemi [1296000] / by [576] = [22500] or 100 Venus [225] sidereal.

[258] / by [852] = [x], then divide [x] by [1.61803399] = tangent of [10.600] degrees].
Numeral [1060] is an Omkulkancotal Codex derivation from the first Mars Pentad pdf,
[585] Venus synod x [1060] = [x] , then [x] / by [780]M = [795],
and [795] = the Pentad angles [26.5 x 30].
Also in my Pentad Cosmic Calendar ancient Mars sidereal was [13 x 53] = [689]M.
[689] M / [1060] = [0.65], and [780]M = [12 x 65], and [585]V = [9 x 65].

Now [528] / by [258] = [x],

now square [x] = 4/3[Pi]! With 4/3[Pi] as [4.1888], and [x] sq. = [4.1882].

[852] / by [582] = [x], and sqrt [x] = [1.21], and [11] sq = [121],
with [11] being half of [22] from the Saqqara pyramid base.

And to shorten and finalize this section:

[825] / by [528] = [1.5625] = [1.25] squared, and thus using the [1 .25],
[1.25] x [51. 84] degree Saqqara side face slope numerically = [64.8], or as [648],
and [648] / by [702M] = [12 / 13] = Pentad angles [18 / 19.5].

[825] / by [528] = [1.5625], then x [72]sq. or [5184] = [8100] = [90] squared!Å---!


[852] / by [528] = [x], then x [1 .947122061] = [Pi]
The actual Pi value achieved is [3 .141946962], and close enough to be important!
One can also just multiply in the above equation by [19 .47122061], and get 10 x [Pi].

[258] / by [528] = [x] then / by [1.166666] or [7/6] = [0.57],

See black hole frequency with [57].

The Egyptian Kemi [12960000] = Planet X [3600] year sidereal squared

Knowing that the Egyptian number system use the [360] base,
The Kemi value is a prime calculative for all systems.
In ancient times with ancient Phi = [aPhi] = [1.62], we get this result:

Kemi [12960000] / [aPhi] = [8,000,000].

The slope of the Great Giza pyramid and that of the Saqqara pyramid is [51.84].
[5184] = [72] squared,
and [5184] / by [1.62] =[3200]= Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [585] Venus synod.

So a good exercise would be to test the Harmonic Codex with the Kemi.
Thus to alleviate typing [12960000] -----Æ [1.296].
Also to remember is the [68] and [22] degree angles,
which performed magic in the first Quantum Harmonic Codex pdf.
Tangent [68] degrees times the inverse of PHI or [0 .61803399] = [x],
and [x] squared [3] times = [29 .97936~],
Take the value [29 .97936~],
and multiply by [10,000] = [299793.6],
= 1 km/sec over exact {C} in km /sec, [299792.5]Å----!
I think I have addressed [3] digit code in the harmonic codex as well as need be
defined to show a quantifiable consensus of validity to the theory possibilities.

The next step is obviously to continue [4] digit code, and that can become convoluted.
I will save most of that for the last addendum to this Mars Pentad Time Pyramids 2.
Simply the next step would be to go to Phi itself [1.61803399] as [1618] code.
Here are a couple of them:
Secondary [Ph]:
[1618] x [6181] = [10000858] fully [8 /100, 000] off exact [10000000].
[6181] / by [1618] = [x] , then [x] / by [1 .947122061] = Tangent [63] degrees.
[63 x 13] = Mayan glyph [819].

Primary [Ph]: [primary harmonic

[1618] / by [8161] = [x], then Square root [x] = tangent [24.00] degrees exact.

Secondary [Ph]:
[1618] / by [6181] = [x],
then [x] times [1 .947122061] = tangent [27.00] degrees exact.
[6118] / by [8116] = tangent exact [37.00] degrees.

[6118] / by [8116] = [x],

then [x] / by [1 .947122061] = [y],
then Sqrt. of [y] = [0.6222~]. Look at the coincident set [622222~]
[0.622222] x [585]Venus synod = [364] Earth Lunar Year,
when that [364] is viewed as [13] full moons per year x [28] days in a real month.
These [4] digit codes for [Phi] will be addressed in the next pdf.

Now I would like to introduce Leedskalnin number [7129] into the Codex,
Then lead that into pyramids that use the Khufu constant.

Secondary [Ph]:
[7129] / by [9127] = tangent [37.99] degrees, or [38] degrees,
with opposite angle [52] degrees.

The first Mars Pentad Time Pyramids document has this pyramid:
with [38] and [52] degrees!
This pyramid above used the Mars Pentad [26.5] angle as sqrt [2 .65],
And the Tzolkin is represented by the pyramid base side length sqrt [2.6].
The Side Face angle is identical to the Side Angle of the Saqqara pyramid.
[330] MV is the Mars Venus synod when Mars is at [707] day sidereal.
{See first Mars Pentad pdf on the 707 day Mars sidereal}

Sqrt[8] base length is also the Mars Pentad grid length.

Leedskalnin [7129] and the pentagonal number [108] as a Pyramid below
uses Sitchin [7] and [6], from the cylinder seal translations,
and accompanies derivation of the Mars sol and the [2.66666].
[7129] / by pyramid base length Sqrt [28800] = [42],
and [42] degrees is the pyramid side angle.
Secondary [Ph]: Leedsdkalnin [7129] / by [1729] = Sqrt[17]!
Leedsdkalnin [7129] / [9721] = [0.733333] and Egyptian Codex [22] / [3] = [7.33333]
Jupiter sidereal [4333 .3333] / by Sqrt [7.3333] = [1600].
[7129] / by [9172] = [0.777256869] close to [7/9] = [0.777777],
Square the value [0.777256869] twice = [0. 36497~] = [0.365] rounded! [365 days].
Leedsdkalnin [7129] / by [1927] = [3.7], then / [3 .7] by [1 .947122061] = [1.90000~]
The next pyramid expands upon this into a deeper analysis and study!
Then the succeeding pyramid after that will approach:
The ancient Khufu Cosmologic Constant and the [702] Mayan Dresden Codex.

Item no.4 directly above has [120] squared as the Side Angle base diagonal squared.
The next Pyramid has BASE LENGTH Sqrt[23328] = 2 x Sqrt[5832].
This pyramid is an alternate Mayan [108] Pyramid by virtue of the base diagonal
to center point CP being [108] rather than the height in the previous [108] pyramid.
Note: The base length in this pyramid has Sqrt [5832], and this is the coincident number
that shows how the spiritual numbers harmonize with significance.
The Khufu Cosmological Constant [KhC]= [1.95 / aPhi] = and also =[195 / 162].
The [702] Mayan Dresden Codex [702] / by [KhC] = [583.2000]!

Take Note!
There is a cycle differential!
The bottom two harmonics in the above diagram are consistent with an initial value
that proceeds with a new value that then gains exponents as it expands.

However when using a constant as was used with the Leedskalnin [7129],
The cycle initiates with a starter harmonic, then changes as well,
but the cycle SPLITS!
I have no answer for this, and the math has been checked,

So to end this addendum here are some Solfeggio frequency derivations handy,
as I am trying to unravel that as well.
Leonard Horowitz, who has blessed [528] as the Love Code and Healing Code.


[852] / by [528] = [x], then x [1 .947122061] = [Pi]


[639] / by [396] = [x], then x [1 .947122061] = [Pi]

Both values deviate from true Pi by [0.0003543~].

Solfeggio values:
The tangent of the slope of the second Pyramid at Giza is [1.3333] = [53.13] degrees.
[639] x [1.333333] = [852]
[396] x [1.333333] = [528]

Using Leonard Horowitz’s [285] Solfeggio: and this one is excellent and proves
that extrapolating out and squaring of the values many times is valid.

[639] / by [285]= [x],

then divide [x] by [1 .947122061] = [y], then square [y] SIX times!
[y] squared SIX times = [8333 .3673], how harmonically coincident can one get?
Thus [Phi sq.] / [Pi] = [0.83333] = [585]Venus synod / [702] Mayan Dresden codex.

Solfeggio values [852] / by [396] = [x],

then [x] times [1 .947122061] = [4.189~] = [4/3Pi] = [4.1888~]
The Solfeggio frequencies will submitted in the last pdf, the final conclusion,
along with the Leedskalnin codes, and many other fine pursuits!
The Mars Pentad in Phi and Pi

This diagram show how the Universal constant [Phi sq. / Pi] = [0.833333],
can completely construct the Mars Pentad,
starting with interior length e = Sqrt[0.833333].

After reviewing my own work here, I see a huge volume of possibilities

concerning the Quantum Space Time Fractal Harmonic Codex.
Some of the examples are incredibly astute and it is thus hard to deny the validity
of such extravagant extrapolations.
The Mars sidereal [687] and the performances of this number with Phi,
achieving sqaure root of Two and more,
indicate an important correlation to the Mars Pentad landforms which create the
square root two rectangles and the tetrahedral geometries,
predicating another strong and thorough look at this area on Mars at Cydonia
by NASA, due to these fantastic results.

The question thus asked is:

Do the possibilities add up to anything that is worth extrapolating in
mathematical computer programs in the further extrapolations of what I called
3 digit and 4 digit code numerals in this Harmonic Codex?
I say that indeed it does, because we are looking at novel mathematics involving
a decimal free system which cycles IMPORTANT constants like Phi and Pi and [e],
through the pyramid angles, the pyramid lengths and the planetary time lines.

IMPORTANT numbers from both the Meso American calendar counts,

and the Egyptian calendar counts also perform these functions admirably
within this unusual Codex system.

Thus the “Codex” is a focal system on an exclusive mathematical Harmonic,

and that Harmonic happens to be a pyramidal math representation of all
the planetary time lines in the first 6 planets,
to include these numbers reaching right into the Speed of Light,
both in km/sec and miles / sec.

I also see the mass convolution of information that a reader must literally
mountain climb through, but then nothing is easy in life,
and something as possibly intensely incredible as this Harmonic Codexing
will be extreme in content as well.

For those of you that attempted to ferret through this long pdf,
Thank you,
And be sure to read the ancient Pi pdf in conjunction with this one.

end of this addendum {C} Vic Showell November 30, 2008

4 Digit Code and Egyptian value [1296]

The Egyptian Kemi [12960000] = Planet X [3600] year sidereal squared

Knowing that the Egyptian number system use the [360] base,
The Kemi value is a prime calculative for all systems.
In ancient times with ancient Phi = [aPhi] = [1.62], we get this result:

Kemi [12960000] / [aPhi] = [8,000,000].

The slope of the Great Giza pyramid and that of the Saqqara pyramid is [51.84].
[5184] = [72] squared,
and [5184] / by [1.62] =[3200]= Mayan Long Count [1872000] / by [585] Venus synod.

So a good exercise would be to test the Harmonic Codex with the Kemi.
Thus to alleviate typing [12960000] -----Æ [1.296].
Also to remember is the [68] and [22] degree angles,
which performed magic in the first Quantum Harmonic Codex pdf.
Tangent [68] degrees times the inverse of PHI or [0 .61803399] = [x],
and [x] squared [3] times = [29 .97936~],
Take the value [29 .97936~],
and multiply by [10,000] = [299793.6],
= 1 km/sec over exact {C} in km /sec, [299792.5]Å----!

This extrapolation will be worked with the Primary Harmonic, the [Ph],
And that is using [1296] ----Æ [6921] as direct numeral reversal,
and not a mix of the numbers. This is refered to as [4] digit code.

To alleviate typing [1296] / by [6921] = [A] = [0.187256177].

[A] x tan[68] = [x], then x [1.33333] = [0.618], or inverse [Phi]

[1.33333] is the tangent of the slope of the second pyramid at Giza.

[A] x tan[68] = [x], then x [1.61803399] = [0.75]= [585]V / [780] M synods!

Sqrt [0.75] = [sqrt3 / 2], a fundamental component of the Mars Pentad geometry.

[6921] / by [1296] = [1/A], then divide by [1/A] by Egyptian value [2.592] = [x],
then [x] times [1.61803399] = [3.333~]!
[6921] / by [1296] = [1/A],
then divide [1/A] by [2.592] = [x],
And square that value [x], [5] times = [1.1110~] x 10 to 10exp.
[1.11111~] = Sqrt [1. 23456789], or [0.33333] sq. = [0.111111]

[A] x [585] Venus synod = Sqrt of [120000]!

[A] x [780] Mars synod = Sqrt of [21333.47], and use coincident set [2133333], then:
[0.213333] x Kemi = [x], then [x] / by [576] = [4800]
[0.213333] x Kemi = [x], then [x] / by [5184] = [5333 .3333], or set [533333].
Then using [0.53333333] x [585] Vsynod = [312] = the Tzolkin [260] x [Pi / Phisq.]
[0.53333333] x [aPhi] = [0.864]!
The sun has diameter [864,000] miles.
Kemi value [12960000] / by [864] = [15000].

[A] x tangent [68]degrees = [x],

then divide [x] by [7/6] = tangent of [21.666] degrees!
And [21.6666] x [200] = [4333 .3333] Jupiter sidereal!

[A] x [3750] = [702] Mayan Dresden Codex Mars,

actual value is [702.21] , then / [26.5] = [26.4985~]

[0.9] x [260] Tzolkin = [234]

[A] x [234] = Sqrt of [1920.01~] looked at as numeric set [192],
[192] is key in the Egyptian number system, as [192] = [8 x 24].
Kemi [12960000] / by [192] = [67500].

[1/A] x [234] = [x], then square [x] [4] times = [3.535699~] x 10 to 49exp.
Now take that value of [3.535699~] decimalized as [0. 3535699]:
[0.3535699] = tangent [19.472] degrees!

[6921] / by [1296] = [1/A], then [1/A] times Sitchin [7/6] = [x],

then [x] squared = [y].
Now square that [y] value [4] times to = [2.6566~] x Ten to 25 exp.
Correlating Pentad Arctangent [0.5] = [26.5650] in decimal variation.
This notes numeric sets with identical comparatives, [2.6566] to [26.565].

[1/A] x [1872] = [9997], very close to [10,000],

[1872] correlates the Mayan Long Count [1872000] MLC

[1/A] divided by [2.592] = [x], then [x] / by [1.61803399] = tangent [51.855] degrees,
and [51.855] is off exact [51.84] by [0.011] degrees.

[1/A] x tangent [22] degrees = [x], then square [x] twice = [21. 671~],
The coincident value is [21.66666], then x [200] = [4333 .3333] Jupiter sidereal.

[A] = [1296] / by [6921],

[A] x [117] Mercury synod = [x] and [x] squared = [480]!
[A] x Sitchin’s [7/6] = [x], then [x] times [1.61803399] = tangent [19.4677],
and that is very close to tetrahedral [19 .47122061].

[1/A] x tan[22] degrees = [x], then [x] / by [2.61803399] = [y],

and sqrt of [y] = tan[55.00].
[1/A] x tan[22] degrees = [x], then [x] / by [1.61803399] = [3.3],----Æ[3.3004]

[1/A] x tan[22] degrees = [x], then [x] / by [1. 947122061] = tangent [70].
That “70” degree tangent is exact at [69 .96~] degrees, and the closeness is posted.

Another close one in Quantum Flux variable:

[1296] / [6921] = [A],
[A] x [4333 .3333] J sidereal = [x], now square [x] twice = [4.3354] x 10 to 11 exp.,
noting the two coincident sets: [4333 .3333] and [ 4 .3354] is an unusual occurrence
in view of the extrapolation.

[A] x tan [68], = [x], then [x] times [1 .947122061] = [y],

then square [y], [3] times = [0.44].
and [44] x 120 = [5280] mile.

[A] x [1 .947122061] = [0.364610~] = tangent [20] degrees, at [20.03]

[0.364610~] squared rooted twice = [0.7770]

Thus before I get too convoluted in extrapolations, the point made

is that the critical numbers from the entire scheme of Egyptian and Mayan
spiritual sacred geometries and their spiritual calendar counterparts
to be inclusive of Phi, Pi , and [e], are predicated to perform within this
vast Codex system of cycling harmonics, sometimes exactly,
and sometimes excruciatingly closely.

[1618] / by [8161] = [x],

then [x] times [1.61803399] = [y],
then [y] times [1 .947122061] = tangent [32] degrees.
The above equation has an angle of [31 .989] degrees.
YES, that becomes a bit too convoluted but nonetheless look at only constants are used
in the derivations to achieve results
all art {C} Vic Showell

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