Graydon Hall

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Answer the following question.

1. Examine the Graydon Hall Project Report. Give separate heading for each erosion
and sedimentation control measure proposed in this project and discuss each
measure in 2-3 bullet points.
The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan outlines techniques and actions to stop erosion and
subsequent sediment movement during the Project's surface preparation, construction,
operation, and closing phases. Plans for the mine site, utility lines, and access roads are all
included in this.

While sediment control is intended to confine eroding material on-site, erosion control
methods are primarily meant to prevent detachment and transportation of soil particles.


 Erosion and sediment control (esc) measures will be put in place before and kept up
during the building phases to stop silt from getting into the water. All damaged
erosion and sediment control measures should be replaced, repaired, or both within 48
hours after inspection.
 During the duration of the procedure, all impacted regions must be kept to a minimum
and either temporarily stabilized or permanently fixed. The erosion and sediment
control techniques shown on the designs may need to be updated or modified when
site circumstances change in order to prevent sediment runoff from leaving the work
area. Elective estimations must be carried out right away to reduce anticipated natural
impacts if the recommended actions on the plans fail to prevent the entry of a
malicious material, and a Toronto district protection authority implementation office
should be soon contacted. When necessary, additional safety measures must be kept
on-site and used.
 All operations, including maintenance techniques, shall be controlled to prevent
petroleum products, debris, concrete, and other corrosive materials from entering the
water. Water will be used to undertake vehicle maintenance, refuelling, and a
minimum of 30m of vehicle refuelling.


The existing haul road crossings of watercourses and runoff, a 300 m

stretch of the haul road that is located very next to the lower reach of the building (across
from the processing area), and property boundaries next to the roadway are all critical places
with sensitive receptors.


As boundary impediments along exterior Task limits and the edge of the road, Silt
Fencing will be implemented. Silt fences are transient barriers supported by geotextile-
covered posts that are anchored into the ground. A key is put between the posts into the
ground below the fabric. Typically, silt fences are built at capture locations along the toes
of slopes and the banks of watercourses. Placement allows for maximum sediment
ponding and settlement. These structures limit sediment movement by separating
sediment from runoff that is sediment rich.

When sediment concentrations behind silt fences exceed 30%, capacity issues should be
addressed, and cleaning should be done as needed. Silt fencing will gradually disappear
as flora stabilizes the slopes of the dyke and berm. Inspections must be performed often.



A temporary rock pad placed at vehicular entry and exit points on a building site.

 Find where the public roads have curves or steep slopes.

 Construction entrances provide a site where mud may be removed from tyres prior to

vehicles entering a public road. If the vehicle's movement over the gravel pad is not

sufficient to remove the majority of the mud, the tyres must be washed before

entering a public road.

 If washing is employed, a way to collect the wash water and the sediment before they

are removed from the site must exist. Construction entrances and stabilizing of

construction roads should be employed jointly to reduce the amount of mud that cars

pick up. If sediment control is utilized throughout the remainder of the construction

site, this practice will only be successful.

 Exterior controls for disturbed regions are temporary sediment barriers that trap and
remove silt and debris from sheet flow runoff on work sites.
 When runoff passes through a sediment barrier (such as a silt fence, rock/soil berm,
sediment bags, fibers log, etc.) and is ponded to allow for settling, it can be practically
 Some designs, such berms and ditches, use perimeter controls to collect and transfer
sheet flow to larger treatment sites, like sediment traps, where particle removal can be
handled in a variety of ways.

 To be used under the right conditions for drainage. From April to December.
 Depending on the parameters of the soil and the conditions of the site, non-woven
geotextile or woven geotextile should be taken into consideration. Woven geotextile
should have an equivalent opening size of 0.25mm or greater.
 Geotextile should be replaced on a regular basis if sediment buildup prevents drainage
or as directed by the city of Toronto.

Stormwater runoff gathers up silt and other impurities as it travels over pavement and along
the ground. The concentrated flows will be directed into transit structures like storm sewers
or underground storage tanks at specific collection points like inlets and drains by a well-
designed surface water runoff collection and drainage system.

The cost-effective and easy way to prevent catch basins from becoming clogged is with a
siltsack. Stopping sediment and silt from entering catch basins on construction sites is a
simple, cost-effective method.

Quite often, treatment normally occurs at or close to the perimeter control barrier, such as a
silt fence, rock berm, or fibre log. In other situations, sheet flows may be guided to a
treatment area, such as a sediment trap, sediment basin, or other BMP, with perimeter control
berms or ditches. In an erosion prevention and sediment control system, perimeter controls
are frequently brought adjacent to the downgradient borders of disturbed areas and soil
stockpiles. In many views, they operate as the last line of defence. They are also used to
protect work zones and surrounding waterbodies.

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