Our American Republic Is in Trouble

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Our American Republic is in Trouble

Our country, our way of life, our freedom, and democracy in the entire world is in
imminent danger. The time for petty squabbling is over. As Americans, we need to wake up to
what is happening and band together to stop the destruction of the American way of life, not
just to protect ourselves, but to protect the entire world from servitude to a “new world order.”
The United States of America led the way to freedom in the world, and if she falls, so will every
country who has struggled to follow her lead.
I don’t pretend to be some omniscient entity that knows who is behind the plot to
destroy world freedom, but I am smart enough to recognize that it is happening. We all need to
become aware that we are being manipulated. We are being pitted against each other, divided
by whatever differences we have (race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or non-
belief, etc.) in order to blind us as we are stripped of any semblance of individual liberty. Please
understand that our ability to bicker over our differences is provided by the freedoms that exist
in the Constitution. Once it is destroyed, there will be no freedom of thought allowed that
differs from that of those in control, and don’t delude yourself, that won’t be in any ordinary
person’s favor, no matter what your political opinions are.
What may seem like
Americans, I call on you to recognize that the American people are currently a house
divided, and this is okay. Our way forward cannot be to annihilate those who don’t share our
political way of thinking. Our way forward is to respect and accept each other, while allowing
and celebrating our differences. That unknown entity is pulling strings to keep us in fear of each
other, to keep us in a fear-induced state of “fight or flight,” and blind us to a larger agenda that
is designed to strip us of our individual rights. That entity is laughing behind our backs as we do
their work for them so that they can destroy everything that we, no, actually the world holds
Whether we are liberal, conservative, or somewhere in between, our goal now should
be to preserve the Union. Recognize the damage that “cancel culture” is inflicting on our
society. Refuse to participate. Identify those in government positions who are striving to
preserve liberty and vote for them, regardless of party affiliation. Do this from the lowest
government level to the top. Practice your due diligence and learn about your candidates. Find
out if they are using you to further an agenda that keeps you fearing and hating your neighbor
or if they are working to preserve your freedom and that of the person you disagree with. At
the most basic level, we need to recognize that we are all different in a variety of ways, and
that’s what makes us strong. Don’t allow this to be turned against us. Fight back!

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