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Roll No


fime- Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 60 Minimum
Passing Marks: 22
NOTE:- Attempt all questions. Questions no. 1 is compulsory.
Ql. Attempt any five questions. (Not more than 50 *'ords each). (5x2=10Marks)
i. Explain the term "Drain of Wealth".
ii. The National Anthem Jana Gana Mana vr'as f-rrst sung in the Calcutta Session of the
Indian National Congress on27 December 1911 (True,l talse)
iii. The Swaraj Party was founded b1 Chittaranjan Das and \,Iotilal Nehru as the Congress-
Khilafat Swaraj Party on l st .Ianuary 1923 after the Gar a amual conference in December
1922 of the INC. (True/ false)
iv. Who founded the Zamidaru Assiociation?
v. The British IndianAssociation uas fbunded in 1851 at Calcutta. (True/ false)
vi. Under which Act was the rule of India transtemed to British Crou'n from the East India
vii. What are the provision of Minto- \,Iorle1 Retbms act of 1909?
viii. Write any 2 salient features of Tire Goverr,ment of India -{ct of 1935.
ix. "The drain of wealth u-as the portion of India's ueaith and economl'that was not
available to Indians lor consumption." Eramine the statement b). giving any two
x. What n'as the motive of constructins railu-ar s br the British sovemment?
srciror - e
Q2. Discuss the contribution of \\'illiam Bentick. Lord Dulhousie and Lord Lyttoon. (10 Marks)
Write a note on the \\raren Hasting's plan of 1772 and indicate its inf-luence on the
svstem ofadministration of Justice in India.
Q3 "The Indian Economic Problems are a legac1 of the British Raj" Discuss. (10 Marks)
Bring out the imponance of Ary a Samaj and Ramakrishna \'lission in socio-religious reform
Q1. Discuss the refbrms in Public Services, Relations uith Princell' States. Administrative Policies
andExtreme Backwardness of Social Services, (10 Marks)
Write a note on spread of modern education in British tndia. Discuss the works of Pandit
Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar.
Q5. Review the causes of the Failure of the Revolt of 1857A.D. What were their effects? Explain.
(10 Marks)
Write the formation of Indian National Congress and about some of its important sessions.
Discuss aimand objective of Indian National Congress.
Q6. Trace the development of Priry Council as final court of appeal from British overseas
possession and estimate its contribution to the growth of law in India. (10 Marks)
Discuss Govemment of India Act 1858 and Morley Minto Reforms.

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