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S.Y. 2022-2023

Directions: Read and analyze the statements and questions below. Choose your best
answer and write it on your answer sheet.

1. What is the characteristic of Symphony?
a. A multi-movement work for orchestra
b. A multi-movement work for solo instrument
c. A multi- movement work designed for instrumental soloist
d. A multi-movement work for solo performer
2. What is the 1st movement of Symphony?
a. Fast: Sonata-allegro form c. Fast; Sonata- Allegro from slow-gentle
b. Slow: gentle, lyrical d. medium/ Fast: uses dance form
3. Which of the following names of composers and their compositions are correct?
a. Franz Joseph Haydn: Eroica c. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: The Clock
b. Franz Joseph Haydn: The Military d. Ludwig Van Beethoven: “The magic Flute
4. Most of the music of the Classical era is known as “The age of Reason or age of
Enlightenment”. What are the elements best described Classical music?
a. Humanism and Classicism rather than reason
b. Balance and Perspective rather than reason
c. Romanticism and Realism rather than Order
d. Reason and Individualism rather than Tradition
5. Which special type of music has accompaniment where the chord is played in this order:
Lowest note-highest note then repeats to create a smooth sound?
a. Symphony b. Allegro c. Concerto d. Alberti Brass
6. What best describes the music of Classical era?
a. Polyphonic b. Monophonic c. Homophonic d. Heterophonic
7. Why is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart called “The Child Prodigy”?
a. Because at his very young age he is already playing and composing musical pieces.
b. Because he is from the family of musicians
c. Because he was taught by the famous teachers and musicians
d. Because his music becomes the favorite of the mass
8. Why is Classical Period said or described to be the Age of Reason?
a. It is because of the church and their government.
b. It is because of the people wanted to have some changes in their music.
c. It is because people wanted to become famous
d. It is because most of the people supported and invested in arts and music.
9. Why is music of the Classical era denotes conformity with the principles of Greece and
Roman Literature?
a. Because arts were formal, elegant and simple c. Because arts were composed
b. Because arts were elaborate d. Because arts were classy
10.Why is Ludwig Van Beethoven described as the “Deaf Genius”?
a. Because he sings his music while playing piano
b. Because he plays piano even, he cannot hear it
c. Because he teaches students to become great musicians
d. Because he composes beautiful music even when he is deaf
11.What type of classical music is described by a multi-movement work designed for an
instrumental soloist orchestra?
a. Concerto b. Sonata c. Symphony d. classical Opera
12.What is the best characteristic among Ludwig van Beethoven’s works?
a. All themes in apiece are tied with many motifs
b. He used a single brass instrument and several dynamics
c. His music veered toward larger orchestra
d. He teaches his works to students to become great musicians
13.Which of the following classical music is NOT an example of Opera Buffa by Mozart?
a. “The Clock” b. “The Magic Flute” c. “Don Giovani” d. “Idomeneo”
14.Which Classical music is described to have a drama set to music where singers and
musicians perform in a theatrical setting?
a. Concerto b. Sonata c. Symphony d. Classical opera
15.Who among the classical composers below composed “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”?
a. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart c. Franz Joseph Haydn
b. Ludwig Van Beethoven d. Niccolo Paganini

16.What type of artwork from the Renaissance Period was characterized by its symmetry
and balance?
a. Architecture b. Painting c. Sculpture d. Mosaic
17.In what way do the Renaissance and Baroque influence the arts in the Philippines?
a. In 16th century, the Baroque style was brought by the Spaniards and Portuguese to
the Philippines.
b. The Baroque period in art history came directly after the Renaissance
c. Renaissance art marks the transition of Europe from the Medieval period to the Modern
d. All of the above
18.How will you describe the Baroque period?
a. It was a period of artistic styles in exaggerated motion, drama and tension
b. It was a period of economic progress
c. This period was characterized by symmetry and balance
d. The art marks the transition of Europe from Medieval
19.Why did Michelangelo consider as the great living artist in his lifetime?
a. Because his work was admired for its clarity, form and ease
b. Because he was known as the ultimate Renaissance man
c. Because he was known for his works and bas-reliefs
d. The number of his works in painting, architecture rank among the famous in existence

20-24. Who is the artist who made the following visual arts? Choose the letter of your
answer below.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

a. Leonardo c. Donatello e. Bernini

b. Michelangelo d. Velasquez f. Rubens

25.Which artwork is considered as one of the world’s most reproduced religious picture?
a. Pieta b. Madonna c. Monalisa d. The Last Supper
26.Which era or period is described as an era with economic progress and also known as
the rebirth period?
a. Baroque b. Renaissance c. Classical d. Romantic
27.Who among the choices below is NOT an artist of the Renaissance period?
a. Davinci b. Raphael c. Bernini d. Donatello
28-30. Classify the following art forms whether it is from the Renaissance or Baroque Period.
a. Renaissance b. Baroque

28. _ 29. 30.

31.What is the general term referring to the Do’s and Don’ts’s in social dancing?
a. Behaviour b. Character c. Dance demeanor d. Dance etiquette

32.How would an individual use the knowledge and skills learned in social dancing to
enhance the community’s fitness?
a. Through rendering an intermission number with partner during fiestas
b. By making social dancing a lifetime fitness activity
c. Sharing the skills by teaching community folks, young and old, about social dances
d. By coordinating with community officials in conducting social dancing program for the
33.What is being implied by the line “May I have this dance?”
a. A boy forcing a girl to dance
b. A boy who treats a girl with respect even in dancing
c. A boy with no one to dance with pleading
d. A boy who wishes to dance with somebody
34.Which of the following statements best describes social dances?
a. Social dances can be competed c. Social dances improve social skills and fitness
b. Social dances are for pairs only d. Social dances entertain people
35.What is the correct sequence of step patterns in Waltz? Arrange the following step
1. R Close Change (Backward)
2. Natural Turn (Movements are done simultaneously)
3. Step Turn
4. L Close Change (Forward)
5. Reverse Turn (Movements are done simultaneously)
a. 1,2,3,4,5 b. 4,2,5,1,3 c. 5,4,3,2,1 d. 4,1,3,2,5
36.Which is NOT included in the dance etiquette in a social dancing activity?
a. Wear appropriate dancing attire
b. Insists in executing difficult dance steps including aerial combinations with your partner
c. Ask someone promptly if you wish to dance with him or her
d. Always follow counter clockwise as line of direction in social dancing
37.In social dancing, a boy leads while a girl follows. What values can be developed
in such training?
a. Leadership b. Obedience c. Respect d. All of them
38.How does social dance contribute one’s fitness and well-being?
a. It helps an individual to be physically engaged and active to prevent lifestyle diseases
b. It cures lifestyle disease
c. it helps prevent sedentary lifestyle-related diseases
d. It develops one’s talent in dancing
39.Which kind of dance is intended primarily to get to know other people in attendance
to a certain social function?
a. Gathering Dance b. Social Dance c. Party Dance d. Occasional Dance
40.What do you call a social dance which includes the dance steps: Weight transfer, R
Chasse Fw, Alemana Turn and New York?
a. Cha-cha-cha b. Swing c. Tango d. Waltz

41.It is a cluster of physiological, behavioral and cognitive phenomena of variable

intensity in which the use of drugs takes on a high priority thereby creating a
strong desire to take the substance.
a. Drug misuse b. Drugs c. Drug Dependence d. Drug Abuse
42.It is the use of a substance for non-medicinal purpose.
a. Drug Abuse b. Drug Misuse c. Drug tolerance d. Drugs of Abuse
43.What are the substances or chemicals which when taken into the body either
through nasal, oral, transdermal, or intravenous way have psychological,
emotional, and behavioral effects on a person?
a. Drug misuse b. Drugs c. Drug Dependence d. Drug Abuse
44.It is the use of a substance incoherent or inconsistent with the prescribed dosage
or frequency of use.
a. Drug Abuse b. Drug Misuse c. Drug tolerance d. Drugs of Abuse
45.These are drugs commonly abused by users.
a. Drug Abuse b. Drug Misuse c. Drug tolerance d. Drugs of Abuse

46-50. In the statement below, write the Domains of Life which Affect the Drug Use

and Abuse. Get your answer on the box below.

a. Personal c. Family
b. Peers and Friends d. School and community

46.History and Patters of drug use

47.Involvement in fights and conflicts
48.Poor social skills and interaction
49.Easy access to gateway drugs
50.Formation of friendships

Prepared by:


Teacher I MAPEH Teacher II MAPEH

Checked by:

Head Teacher III MAPEH

Noted by:


School Principal III

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