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Simultaneous measurement of ultrasonic velocity and sample thickness and its

application to NDE of composites.

David K. Hsu and Michael S. Hughes

Citation: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 90, 2358 (1991); doi: 10.1121/1.402135
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Published by the Acoustical Society of America


Simultaneous ultrasonic velocity and sample thickness measurement and application in composites
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 92, 669 (1992);
to do the matrix inversion.The SVD methodcoupledwith the finite- 11:00
elementmethod implementationof HIE enabledthe extensionof the
8PAb9. The effects of ultrasound on membrane-bound ATPase
near-field acoustical holography technique from two- to three-
dimensionalsources.Test resultsare given. activity. Mumtaz A. Dinno (Dept. of Physics,Univ. of Mississippi,
University, MS 38677), Robert J. Fisher, John C. Matthews,
Lawrence A. Crum, and Wendy Kennedy (Univ. of Mississippi,
University, MS 38677)
Ultrasoundfrequencies rangingfrom 26 kHz-10 MHz are usedin a
8PAb6. Reconstruction of transducer surface velocity distributions numberof applicationsvaryingfrom cell disruptionsto therapeuticand
from a limited number of acoustic pressurefield measurements.J. R. diagnosticprocedures.Previousresultsfrom our laboratoryhave dem-
Blakey (Dept. of Physics,Univ. of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 onstratedthat 1-MHz ultrasoundat therapeuticintensitiescausessig-
5XH, U.K.) nificantchangesin the electrophysiological propertiesof epithelialtis-
sues.The natureof thesealterationsindicatedthat, amongothereffects,
The accuratepredictionof the acousticfieldof a transducerrequires
the Na/K-dependent ATPase activity of the tissuewasreduced.In this
a detailedknowledgeof its surfacevelocitydistribution.The normal
study,the effectsof ultrasonicirradiation (30 kHz) on enzymeactivities
surfacevelocitydistributionof pistonlikeplane transducerscan be de-
in two modelsystemshavebeenexamined:onemembraneincorporated
ducedfrom a suitablespatialtransformationof the acousticpressure
(Na/K-dependent ATPase in inverted erythrocyte ghostsfrom rat
distributionmeasuredover a planeparallelto the transducersurface.
blood) and the other in "free" solution (ATP-dependent firefly
This methodnormally requiresa largenumberof time-consuming pre-
luciferin/luciferasereaction). Ultrasonicirradiationproducedirrevers-
cision measurementsand a correspondingcomputationaleffort. Less
ible decreases in the activityof the enzymein eachsystem.At present,
intensemethodsof transducercharacterization,which can predict ra-
the analysisleadsone to concludethat sono-chemical(includingfree
diation fieldsto an acceptableaccuracy,are thereforeof someinterest.
radical) and not thermaleffectson the enzymemoleculesare responsi-
The "effectiveradius" method is a well-known exampleof such an
ble for the activitydecreases. Theseresultssupportthe hypothesis that
approach.This contributiondiscusses a methodof reconstructingap-
the effectsof ultrasonicirradiation were, in part, due to effectson the
proximatesurfacevelocitydistributionsfrom the inversionof the axial
activity of Na/K-dependentATPase. Furthermore,the resultsof this
pressuredistributionand presentssometypical resultsobtainedfrom
studydemonstratethat sono-chemical-induced enzymeactivitychanges
this approach.
may representa muchmore commonand pervasiveeffectthan is com-
monlyrealized.[Work supportedby the NIH underGrant No. 5-RO1-

8PAb7. Simultaneousmeasurementof ultrasonic velocity and sample

thickness and its application to NDE of composites.David K. Hsu 11:15
and Michael S. Hughes(Ctr. for NondestructiveEvaluation,Iowa State
Univ., Ames, IA 50011 ) 8PAb10. Simulated capillary blood flow measurement using a
nonlinearultrasoniccontrastagent. Beth Schrope,Vernon Newhouse
Ultrasonicvelocityis widely usedfor nondestructiveevaluationof (BiomedicalEng. and ScienceInst., Drexel Univ., Philadelphia,PA
materialproperties.In caseswherethe thicknessof the testpieceis not 19104), and Volkmar Uhlendorf (Research Labs. of ScheringAG,
preciselyknownor variesspatially,it is desirableto be ableto determine Berlin, Germany)
the ultrasonicvelocityand the samplethicknesssimultaneously. In im-
mersiontests,the velocityand the thicknessmay be determinedsimul- A systemis proposedfor measuringslow,smallvolumebloodflow,
taneouslyby measuringa numberof times-of-flight[cf. Kuo et al., J. such as that found in the capillary beds.The method relies on the
Acoust. Soc. Am. 88, 1679-1682 (1990)]. In this work the "simulta- injection of a strongly nonlinear echocardiographiccontrast agent,
neous"methodwastestedin four differentconfigurations of pulseecho whoseechoesare then analyzedby a modifiedDoppler process.The
and through transmissionand was applied to the characterizationof contrastagent is necessaryto increasethe signal-to-clutterratio from
porosityin graphitepolyimideand graphite-epoxycomposites. In ad- the small blood volume,and to distinguishthe blood movementfrom
dition, the velocity-thickness
methodwasalsoimplementedwith water othermovingstructures,suchasvesselwallsor surroundingtissue.The
squirters.[Work supportedby Centerfor NDE, Iowa StateUniversity.] nonlinearpropertiesof this saccharide-based contrastagent are de-
scribed,as evidencedby experimentalevaluation.The contrastagent
and signal-processing modalitywere then testedin a bloodflow simu-
lator, at velocitiesaslow as 1.5 mm/s, with goodresults.In addition,an
analysisfor applyingthis techniquein vivowas conducted,accounting
for the dynamicand acousticparametersof the physiologicalenviron-
8PAb8. Pulse phase-locked loop technology-basedmethods for
ment. Finally, somespecificapplicationsfor this methodare discussed,
measurementof ultrasonic velocity. John H. Canttell and William T.
includingits limitations.[Work supportedby NSF and ScheringAG.]
Yost (NASA LangleyRes. Ctr., M.S. 231, Hampton, VA 23665-5225)

A new instrumentbasedon a constantfrequencypulsephase-locked

loop concepthas been developedto accuratelymeasurethe ultrasonic
phasevelocityin condensed matter.Measurements of the soundvelocity
in ultrapurewater are reportedin which both dampedand undamped 8PAb11. Ultrasonic attenuation spectroscopy research for food
transducersare used with the instrumenttogetherwith reflectorsof
dispersionmeasurement.Wang Yinguan and Wei Jingsheng(Inst. of
variousthicknessesplacedin the soundpropagationpath. An analysis
Acoust.,Tongji Univ., 1239 Sipin Rd., Shanghai200092,The People's
of measurements made with the new instrument and similar measure-
Republicof China)
ments,takenunderidenticalexperimentalconditions,usinga popular
variable frequencypulsed-phase-locked loop instrumentis reported. Theoreticalresearchwork hasbeendonefor understanding the prin-
Uncertaintiesin both measurementsystemsare analyzedand discussed. ciple of the ultrasonicabsorptionin food dispersion.Four ultrasonic
A methodfor measuringinherentphaseshifts,not addressed by previ- attenuationmeasurement methodshavebeendeveloped.Theseare the
ous investigators,within the variable frequencypulsedphase-locked through transmission method, through transmission substitution
loop systemand a derivationof the equationsthat governits use as a method,pulseechosubstitutionmethod,and pulseechomethod.The
bolt-tensionmeasuringdeviceare presented.The effectsof a finitepulse first threemethodscompareechoescollectedfrom a referencematerial
length on the measurements of phasevelocityin dispersivemedia are of knownultrasonicpropertieswith that of the sample.The lastmethod
addressed. comparesreflectedechoescollectedfrom measurements on the sample

2358 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 90, No. 4, Pt. 2, October 1991 . 122nd Meeting:AcousticalSocietyof America 2358

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