Expert L5 An Module 08

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Module 8 Activity Notes

8A Find someone who … 8B Charades

Aims Aim
To practise the present perfect and sports vocabulary To practise sports vocabulary from Module 8a

Test link Activity type

Speaking Part 1: Introduction and interview A game of charades

Activity type Classroom dynamics

A mingling activity to find students who have done the Whole class
things in the table
Time taken
Classroom dynamics 20 minutes
Whole class
When to use
Time taken After 8a, Vocabulary, Activity 5, Page 123
20 minutes
When to use Make one copy of the activity sheet for the class. Cut
After 8a, Vocabulary, Activity 2, Page 123 into word cards and place them in a (plastic) bag, box or
other container.
Make one copy of the activity for each student. Procedure
1 Explain to students that they’re going to play a
Procedure miming game called Charades. Ask students if they
1 Hand out a copy of the activity to each student. know what that is.
2 Explain to students that they will need to go round 2 Explain that the bag/box/container contains a
the class to find people who have done the things number of cards with words related to sport on
listed in the survey. them. One at a time, students need to come up to
3 Demonstrate with a statement that isn’t in the the front of the class and take a word card out of
table. Write this on the board: Find someone who the container. They should not show their card to
has played tennis. Ask individual students: Have anyone. They should mime the word that is on the
you played tennis? until you find someone who has. card for the rest of the class to guess. Explain that
Write their name on the board and say: Fran has no speaking is allowed, only miming. To make it
played tennis. Ask that student: When? Report back clear, demonstrate with one of the cards.
to the class: Fran played tennis last year. 3 When a student guesses a word, they get a point. If
4 When they have found a classmate who answers more than one student guesses, they all get a point.
yes to a question, they should write their name in The student with the most points wins. Play until
the ‘Name’ column. They should then ask them a all the students have had a turn or until the words
follow-up question (e.g. When? Where? Which sport/ run out.
one?) and write the answer in the ‘Further details’
column. To check students understand that they
have to ask questions, elicit a question for each of
the statements in the list. The negative statements
will be more difficult for students, so you may need
to help them (e.g. Have you been a member of a sports
team? Have you ever done athletics?).
5 When they have found a name for a question,
they should move on to a different person. When
students have found a name for each statement
they should sit down.
6 Ask students to report back to the class some
things that they found out about their classmates,
(e.g. Jim has been a member of a sports team – the
football team at school.).

Expert IELTS 5 Teacher’s Online Materials © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Photocopiable
Module 8 Activity Notes

8C Test tips 3 Answer key

1 Do use the time given to read any headings and the next set of
Aims 2 Do use the questions to help you predict what the recording
will be about and what the answers might be. This will help
To practise articles (definite and indefinite); To revise
you focus on the answers when you listen.
useful Listening test tips
3 Do listen very carefully to the introduction because it gives you
more information about what you will hear.
Test link 4 Don’t panic if you miss an answer. Move straight on to the next
Listening Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 one so you don’t miss that.
5 Do listen carefully for signposting language (the first factor, the
Activity type second reason, etc.) so you know when the speaker is moving
Word choice task and gap-fill task on to the next question or when they are about to say the answer.
6 Don’t worry if you don’t understand a word. You may not need
Classroom dynamics to know it to answer the question.
7 Don’t spend time checking answers you have already written
Pairs and whole class
down. You can do this when transferring your answers to the
Time taken answer sheet.
8 Do make sure you transfer your answers to the answer sheet
15 minutes carefully so you do not lose points by writing an incorrect
number, letter or word.
When to use 9 Do spell words correctly or your answers will be marked
After 8b, Language development, Activity 5, Page 128 wrong. You can write in small letters or capital letters. If you
write in small letters, remember to use a capital letter for
Preparation names, etc.
Make one copy of the activity for each pair.

1 Divide students into pairs and hand out one copy of
the activity to each pair.
2 Explain that the activity contains a list of Listening
test tips. Ask students to read each tip carefully
and, in their pairs, to complete each gap with a/an
or the.
3 When they have finished, ask students to read the
tips again and to choose the most appropriate word
in italics to complete the tip.
4 Elicit answers and discuss the rationale behind
each tip as a class.
5 Ask students, in their pairs, to come up with one
more useful listening tip (e.g. Do read the instructions
to find out how many words or numbers you can write
in each gap.). Give them a couple of minutes to
brainstorm ideas and to write their tip in the line
provided on the handout. If there is time or with
higher level classes, students can gap the article(s)
in their tip and provide a do/don’t option for
another pair to complete.
6 Elicit the tips the students have come up with.

Expert IELTS 5 Teacher’s Online Materials © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Photocopiable

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