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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Electricity being one of the most important necessities of our lives can be
harvested in many waves. Harvesting it and making use of it to power the desired
applications of the same, by means of solar, thermal and wind may subject to
availability and can be scarce. The high availability of RF waves around us can be
used to minimize the drawbacks of the other harvesting technologies. Radio waves are
all around us, it is a type of electromagnetic wave that can travel through the air as a
wave and can penetrate through surfaces where light, heat and wind are absent. Using
these radio wave’s frequencies for producing electricity can come in handy. Radio
frequency energy harvesting is a process of extracting energy from radio waves that
are either naturally occurring or generated by electronic devices. The EM wave energy
scavenger is a quiescent technology that can capture and convert electromagnetic
energy into usable (DC) voltage. It can be used to power small electronic devices,
such as sensors, or wearable devices, as it uses less energy than traditional methods,
such as batteries. The power density output from these can go up to 40uW/cm 2. The
proposed system uses an antenna of desired requirements to capture these RF waves
and these waves are converted to electricity with the help of matching networks and
rectifier circuits and are then stored and used in the needed times. It is proposed to use
2.4GHz/3.2db gain antenna to harvest energy from the RF signal which in turn,
rectified by receiving the harvested energy via the matching network. The received
signal can be rectified and quadrupled using Schottky diodes to improve the signal
quality. As RF signal is available in surplus in the free space, generation of the desired
voltage from the RF signal can be achieved.

Under The Guidance Of

Asst.Prof- Sel.G

JOSHUA R (142220106048)
KAVYA S (142220106058)
KRISHNA RAJA S (142220106063)
MANIVANNAN C (142220106071)

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