Rule 13

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RULE 13 Periods Of Filing Of Pleadings


Payment of Docket Fees – Jurisdictional For The defendant shall file his answer to the
Initiatory Pleadings. It is not simply the filing complaint within 30 days after service of
of the complaint or appropriate initiatory summons, unless a different period is fixed
pleading, but the payment of the prescribed by the court.
docket fees that vests a trial court with
jurisdiction over the subject matter or nature Extension of Time to File an Answer
of the action.
A defendant may, for meritorious reasons,
Failure to pay those fees within the be granted an additional period of not more
reglementary period allows only than 30 calendar days to file an answer. A
discretionary, not automatic, dismissal; defendant is only allowed to file 1 motion for
extension of time to file an answer. (Sec.
Filing and Service, Defined 11, Rule 11).

Filing- is the act of submitting the pleading Under the 2019 Amendments, a motion for
or other paper to the court. (Sec 2, Rule 13). extension to file any pleading, other than an
answer, is prohibited and considered a
Service - is the act of providing a party with mere scrap of paper. (Id.; also see Sec. 12,
a copy of the pleading or any other court Rule 15). The court, however, may allow
submission. Note that service may also be any other pleading to be filed after the time
made by the court. (see Secs. 13 and 18, fixed by these Rules. (Sec. 11, Rule 11).
Rule 13).
Where the Defendant is a Foreign Private
To Whom Service is Made Juridical Entity
1. Within 30 days after service of summons
1. If the party appears without a counsel – if there exists a resident agent. (Sec. 1,
service is to be made upon such party; Rule 11).

2. If the party appears by counsel - service 2.Within 30 days after service of summons if
upon such party shall be made upon his or there is no resident agent but there is an
her counsel, unless service upon the party agent or officer in the Philippines. (Sec. 1,
and the party's counsel is ordered by the Rule 11).
3.Within 60 days after receipt of summons
3. If one counsel appears for several parties by the home office of the foreign private
– same as above, but such counsel shall entity, if there is no resident agent nor agent
only be entitled to one copy of any paper or officer in the Philippines and summons is
served by the opposite side; made to the proper government office which
is tasked to send a copy of such to the
4. If several counsels appear for one party - home office of the foreign private entity.
such party shall be entitled to only one copy (Sec. 2, Rule 11). If the service of summons
of any pleading or paper to be served upon was made by publication, within the time
the lead counsel if one is designated, or specified in the order granting leave to
upon any one of them if there is no serve summons by publication, which shall
designation of a lead counsel. not be less than 60 days after notice. (Sec.
17, Rule 14).
Answer to Amended Complaint Proof of Personal Filing

a. Where the plaintiff files an amended If the pleading or any other court
complaint as a matter of right, the defendant submission is claimed to have been filed
shall answer the same within 30 days after personally, the filing shall be proven by the
being served with a copy thereof. written or stamped acknowledgment of its
filing by the clerk of court on a copy of the
b. Where filing is NOT a matter of right, the pleading or court submission. (Sec. 16 (a),
defendant shall answer the amended Rule 13).
complaint within 15 days from notice of the
order admitting the same. An answer earlier Proof of Filing by Registered Mail
filed may serve as the answer to the
amended complaint, if no new answer is If the pleading or any other court
filed. (Sec. 3, Rule 11). submission was filed by registered mail, the
filing shall be proven by:
Different Manners of Filing
1. The registry receipt; and
Filing of pleadings and other court 2. The affidavit of the person who mailed it,
submissions shall be made by: containing a full statement of:
i. By personal filing; i. The date and place of deposit of the mail
ii. By registered mail; in the post office;
iii. By accredited courier; ii. That the document is in a sealed
iv. By electronic mail or other electronic envelope; iii. That the mail is addressed to
means, as authorized by the court in places the court;
where it is electronically equipped. (Sec. 3, iv. That the postage fully prepaid; and
Rule 13).
Proof of Filing by Accredited Courier
Different Modes of Service
If the pleading or any other court
Pleadings, motions, notices, orders, submission was filed through an accredited
judgments, and other court submissions courier service, the filing shall be proven by:
shall be served: 1. An affidavit of service of the person who
i. By personal service; brought the pleading or other document to
ii. By registered mail; the service provider; and 2. The courier's
official receipt and document tracking
iii. By substituted service; (Sec. 8, Rule 13). number.
iv. By accredited courier; (Sec. 16 (c), Rule 13).
v. By electronic mail, facsimile transmission,
or other electronic means; and Proof of Filing by Electronic Mail
vi. By other means as provided for in
international conventions where the If the pleading or any other court
Philippines is a party. (Sec. 5, Rule 13). submission was filed by electronic mail, the
same shall be proven by:
Proof of Filing, General Rule 1. An affidavit of electronic filing of the filing
party; and
As a general rule, the filing of a pleading or 2. A paper copy of the pleading or other
any other court submission shall be proved document transmitted or a written or
by its existence in the record of the case. stamped acknowledgment of its filing by the
(Sec. 16, Rule 13). clerk of court. (Sec. 16 (d), Rule 13)
Proof of Service -When service of notice is him/her. Service of such writ is the means
an issue, the rule is that the person alleging by which the court may acquire jurisdiction
that the notice was served must prove the over his/her person. (Cano-Gutierrez v.
fact of service. The burden of proving notice Gutierrez, G.R. No. 138584, 2000)
rests upon the party asserting its existence.
(Republic v. Wee, G.R. No. 147212, Mar. Purpose of Summons
24, 2006). Its purpose is two-fold: to acquire
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant
Proof of Personal Service , shall consist and to notify the defendant that an action
of: has been commenced so that he may be
a. A written admission of the party served; given an opportunity to be heard on the
or claim against him. (RIANO, 2019, p. 391).
b. The official return of the server; or
c. The affidavit of the party serving, Without service of summons, or when
containing a statement of the date, place, summons are improperly made, both the
and manner of service. (Sec. 17, Rule 13). trial and the judgment, being in violation of
due process, are null and void, unless the
Nature of Notice of Lis Pendens defendant waives the service of summons
Lis pendens, which literally means pending by voluntarily appearing and answering the
suit, refers to the jurisdiction, power or suit.
control which a court acquires over property
involved in a suit, pending the continuance Summons in Actions In Personam
of the action, and until final judgment. Its Where the action is in personam, that is,
notice is an announcement to the whole one brought against a person on the basis
world that a particular property is in litigation of her personal liability, jurisdiction over the
and serves as a warning that one who person of the defendant is necessary for the
acquires an interest over said property does court to validly try and decide the case.
so at his own risk or that he gambles on the Service of summons upon the defendants is
result of the litigation over said property. essential in order for the court to acquire
(Spouses Romero v. Court of Appeals, G.R. jurisdiction over their persons. (Velayo-Fong
No. 142406, May 16, 2005). v. Spouses Velayo, G.R. No. 155488, Dec.
6, 2006).
Actions Where Lis Pendens is
Appropriate Notice of lis pendens may be
applied for in actions affecting the title or the
right of possession of real property. (Sec. Summons in Actions In Rem and Quasi
19, Rule 13). In Rem An action in rem is an action
against the thing itself instead of against the
Reason for Allowing Amendments person. Meanwhile, an action quasi in rem
is where an individual is named as
Amendments are permitted so that the defendant and the purpose of the
actual merits of the controversy may proceeding is to subject his interest therein
speedily be determined, without regard to to the obligation or loan burdening the
technicalities, in the most expeditious and property. This is so inasmuch as, in in rem
inexpensive manner. (Sec. 1, Rule 10). and quasi in rem actions, jurisdiction over
the person of the defendant is not a
SUMMONS (RULE 14) prerequisite to confer jurisdiction on the
court provided that the court acquires
Summons is a writ by which the defendant jurisdiction over the res.
is notified of the action brought against
When Summons Are Issued Who May Serve Summons

The court shall direct the clerk of court to The summons may be served by:
issue the corresponding summons to the
defendants within 5 calendar days from: a. Sheriff;
1. Receipt of the initiatory pleading; and b. Sheriff’s deputy; or
c. Other proper court officers;
2. Proof of payment of the required legal d. Plaintiff, upon authorization of the court in
fees. (Sec. 1, Rule 14). cases where:

But the court will not issue the Failure of the above to serve the summons,
summons, and instead dismiss the case, in which case it shall be served together
if the complaint, on its face, shows: with the sheriff;
1. That the court has no jurisdiction over the
subject matter; Summons is to be served outside the
2. That there is another action pending court’s judicial region; (Rule 14, Sec. 3);
between the same parties for the same
cause; e. Counsel of the defendant, whereby he
3. That the action is barred by a prior makes a special appearance to contest the
judgment; improper service of summons and was
4. That the action is barred by the statute of thereafter deputized by the court to serve
limitations. (Id., Sec. 1, Rule 9). summons. (Sec. 13, Rule 14).

Within 30 calendar days from issuance of PERSONAL SERVICE (SERVICE IN

summons by the clerk of court and receipt PERSON ON DEFENDANT)
thereof, the sheriff or process server, or
person authorized by the court, shall Personal service of summons is made
complete its service. (Sec. 20, Rule 14). by:
a. Handing a copy thereof to the defendant
Contents of and Attachments to the in person and informing the defendant that
Summons he or she is being served; or,
b. If he or she refuses to receive and sign
The summons shall contain: for it, by leaving the summons within the
1. The name of the court and the names of view and in the presence of the defendant
the parties to the action; (tendering the summons). (Sec. 6, Rule 14).
2. When authorized by the court upon ex
parte motion, an authorization for the When Substituted Service Can Be Made
plaintiff to serve summons to the defendant;
3. A direction that the defendant answer Substituted service can be made if the
within the time fixed by these Rules; and defendant cannot be served personally for:
4. A notice that unless the defendant so 1. At least 3 attempts; and
answers, plaintiff will take judgment by 2. On 2 different dates. (Sec. 6, Rule 14).
default and may be granted the relief
applied for. (Sec. 2, Rule 14). How Substituted Service Made
Attached to the summons are: Substituted service is effected by:
i. Copy of the complaint; and/or a. Leaving copies of the summons at the
ii. Order for appointment of guardian ad defendant’s residence to a person:
litem, if any. (Id.).
i. At least 18 years of age; may order and a copy of the summons shall
ii. With sufficient discretion; and be sent by registered mail to the
iii. Must be residing therein. defendant’s last known address; and
e. Any other manner as the court may deem
b. By leaving copies of the summons at the sufficient. (Sec. 18, Rule 14 vis-à-vis Sec.
defendant's office or regular place of 17, Rule 14).
business with some competent person. A
competent person includes, but is not When Extraterritorial Service Allowed
limited to, one who customarily receives
correspondences for the defendant; 1. The defendant is a non-resident;
2. He or she is not found in the Philippines;
If the server is refused entry upon making 3. The action involves:
his authority or purpose known, by leaving a. That which affects the personal status of
copies of the summons to the following: the plaintiff;
(a) Any officer of the homeowner’s b. That which relates to or the subject
association or condominium corporation; matter of which is property within the
(b) Chief security officer in charge of the Philippines, in which the defendant claims a
community or building where the defendant lien or interest, actual or contingent;
may be found. c. That in which the relief demanded
consists, wholly or in part, in excluding the
Service Upon A Defendant Where His defendant from an interest in property
Identity Is Unknown Or Where His located in the Philippines; or
Whereabouts Are Unknown d. That in which the defendant property has
been attached in the Philippines; and
How Service of Summons Effected 4. Leave of court is secured. (Sec. 17, Rule
In any action, service of summons may be 14).
effected by publication in a newspaper of
general circulation where: Service Upon Minors and Incompetents
1. A leave of court is secured; and When the defendant is a minor, insane or
2. The defendant is designated as an otherwise an incompetent person, service of
unknown owner; or summons shall be made:
3. The defendant’s whereabouts are 1. Personally upon him or her; and
unknown and cannot be ascertained by 2. His or her legal guardian, if any; or in the
diligent inquiry, within 90 calendar days absence of a legal guardian, his or her
from the commencement of the action. guardian ad litem, whose appointment shall
(Sec. 16, Rule 14). be applied for by the plaintiff. (Sec. 10, Rule
Service Upon Residents Temporarily
Outside The Philippines SERVICE UPON DOMESTIC OR
How Service of Summons Effected
In any action where the defendant who resides What are Domestic Private Juridical Entities
in the Philippines is temporarily out of it, service
may be effected by: A defendant is a domestic private juridical
a. Personal service; entity when it is a:
b. Substituted service a. Corporation;
c. As provided in international conventions b. Partnership; or c. Association organized
where the Philippines is a party; under the laws of the Philippines with a
d. By publication in a newspaper of general juridical personality. (Sec. 12, Rule 14).
circulation in places and time as the court
Service of summons upon a domestic Proof of Service for Personal or Substituted
private juridical entity may be made in Service of Summons
the following hierarchical order: For personal or substituted service of
summons, proof of service shall be made:
1. To the juridical entity’s president,
managing partner, general manager, 1. In writing by the server;
corporate secretary, treasurer, or in-house 2. Shall set forth the manner, place, and
counsel, wherever they may be found; date of service;
3. Shall specify any papers which have
2. In the absence or unavailability of the been served with the process and the name
foregoing, to their respective secretaries; of the person who received the same; and
4. Shall be sworn to when made by a
3. If service cannot be made to the person other than a sheriff or his or her
foregoing persons or their secretaries, to the deputy. (Sec. 21, Rule 14).
person who customarily receives the
correspondence for the defendant at his MOTIONS
principal office; and
An application for relief other than by a
4. Should there be refusal on the above- pleading. (Sec. 1, Rule 15).
mentioned person to receive the summons
despite at least 3 attempts on 2 different Motion- is an application made to a court or
dates, service may be made electronically if judge for the purpose of obtaining a rule or
allowed by the court. (Id.). order directing some act to be done in favor
of the applicant. (Donton v. Loria, A.M. No.
Service Upon Prisoners P-03-1684, March 10, 2006).
When the defendant is a prisoner confined
in a jail or institution, service shall be Pleading- Written statements of the
effected upon him or her by the officer respective claims and defenses of the
having the management of such jail or parties submitted to the court for
institution who is deemed as a special appropriate judgment. (Sec. 1, Rule 6).
sheriff for said purpose. (Sec. 8, Rule 14).
Form of Motions
The jail warden shall file a return 5 calendar Generally, motions shall be in writing,
days from service of summons to the unless made in open court or in the course
defendant. (Id.). of a hearing or trial. If made in open court or
during trial, the motion must be immediately
Service of Summons Upon Entities resolved after the adverse party is given the
Without Juridical Personality opportunity to argue his or her opposition.
When persons associated in an entity (Sec. 2, Rule 15).
without juridical personality are sued under
the name by which they are generally or Contents of a Motion
commonly known, service may be effected
upon all the defendants by serving upon: 1. Statement of relief sought to be obtained.
2. Grounds upon which the motion is based.
a. Any one of them; or 3. Supporting affidavits and other papers
b. Upon the person in charge of the office or when required by the Rules or when
place of business maintained in such name. necessary to prove facts stated in motion.
(Sec. 7, Rule 14). (Sec. 3, Rule 15).

A motion for leave to file a pleading or answer;
motion shall be accompanied by the 3. Motion for postponement;
pleading or motion sought to be admitted. 4. Motion for the issuance of a writ of
(Sec. 10, Rule 15) execution; 5. Motion for the issuance of an
alias writ of execution;
Litigious Motions
Prohibited Motions
Litigated (Litigious) motions are those which
the Rules call for the service of copy thereof The following are prohibited motions:
upon the opposing party and which may be 1. Motion to dismiss, except for certain
set for hearing. (Tabujara III v. Gonzales- grounds; 2. Motion to hear affirmative
Asdala, A.M. No. RTJ- 08-2126, Jan. 20, defenses;
2009). 3. Motion for reconsideration of the court's
action on the affirmative defenses;
The following are litigious motions: 4. Motion to suspend proceedings without a
temporary restraining order or injunction
1. Motion for bill of particulars; issued by a higher court;
2. Motion to dismiss; 5. Motion for extension of time to file
3. Motion for new trial; pleadings, affidavits or any other papers,
4. Motion for reconsideration; except a motion for extension to file an
5. Motion for execution pending appeal; answer;
6. Motion to amend after a responsive 6. Motion for postponement intended for
pleading delay, save for certain exceptions. (Sec. 12,
has been filed; Rule 15).
7. Motion to cancel statutory lien;
8. Motion for an order to break in or for a Motion to Dismiss
writ of
demolition; A motion to dismiss is now a prohibited
9. Motion for intervention; motion, save for the following grounds:
10. Motion for judgment on the pleadings; a. Lack of jurisdiction of the court over the
11. Motion for summary judgment; subject matter;
12. Demurrer to evidence; b. Litis pendentia;
13. Motion to declare defendant in default; c. Res judicata; and
and 14. Other similar motions. (Sec. 5 (a), d. Prescription. (Sec. 12 (a), Rule 15).
Rule 15).

Non-Litigious Motions
Motion to Hear Affirmative Defenses
Motions which the court may act upon
without prejudicing the rights of adverse Under Sec. 12 (c) of Rule 8, the court shall
parties are non- litigious motions. They shall motu propio resolve the affirmative
not be set for hearing and shall be resolved defenses. Thus, a motion to hear affirmative
by the court within 5 calendar days from defenses is not allowed. However, for
receipt thereof. (Sec. 4, Rule 15). affirmative defenses under the first
paragraph of Section 5 (b) of Rule 6, the
The following are non-litigious motions: court MAY opt to conduct a summary
1. Motion for the issuance of an alias hearing. (See Sec. 12 (c) and (d) of Rule 8;
summons; 2. Motion for extension to file Sec 5 (b), Rule 6).
Motion for Reconsideration of the Upon the filing of the motion, the clerk of
Court's Action on the Affirmative court must immediately bring it to the
Defenses attention of the court. Thereafter, the court
Affirmative defenses, if denied, shall not be may:
the subject of a motion for reconsideration
or petition for certiorari, prohibition or a. Deny the motion outright;
mandamus, but may be among the matters b. Grant the motion outright; or
to be raised on appeal after a judgment on c. Allow the parties the opportunity to be
the merits. (Sec. 12 (e), Rule 8). heard. (Sec. 2, Rule 15).

Motion to Suspend Proceedings Without DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE

A Temporary Restraining Order Or
Injunction Issued By A Higher Court A dismissal with prejudice bars the refiling
Under the 2019 Amendments, a motion to of the complaint and, when the law permits,
suspend proceedings cannot be filed unless is subject to the right of appeal. (Heirs of
supported by a temporary restraining order Sadhwani v. Sadhwani, G.R. No. 217365,
or an injunction coming from a higher court. Aug. 14, 2019).
(Sec. 12 (d), Rule 15).
Dismissal Due to the Fault of the Plaintiff –
Motion for Extension of Time to File With Prejudice-The complaint may be
Pleadings, Affidavits or Any Other dismissed upon motion of the defendant or
Papers upon the court's own motion and shall have
A motion for extension to file any pleading, the effect of an adjudication on the merits,
other than an answer, is prohibited and unless otherwise declared by the court, if for
considered a mere scrap of paper. The no justifiable cause the plaintiff:
court, however, may allow any other
pleading to be filed after the time fixed by a. Fails to appear on the date of the
these Rules. (Sec. 11, Rule 11). presentation of his or her evidence in chief
on the complaint;
A motion for extension to file an answer can
only be filed ONCE. (Id.). b. Fails to prosecute his or her action for an
unreasonable length of time; or
Motion for Postponement Intended for
Delay c. Does not comply with the Rules of Court
or any order of the court. (Sec. 3, Rule 17).
Generally, a motion to postpone proceedings is
not allowed, except if it is based on:
a. Acts of God;
b. Force majeure; or Effect on Dismissal by Motion on the
c. Physical inability of the witness to appear Counterclaim
and testify. (Sec. 12 (f), Rule 15). The dismissal of the action by motion shall
not affect the right of the defendant to
The presentation of evidence must still be prosecute his counterclaim either:
terminated on the dates previously agreed
upon despite the grant of the motion to a. In a separate action; or
postpone the proceedings. (Id.). b. In the same action, after manifesting his
intention to do so within 15 calendar days
Actions Of The Court from the filing of the motion to dismiss by
the plaintiff. (Sec. 2, Rule 17).
Three Situations Involving the Effect of a disposition of cases and decongest court
Dismissal of a Complaint on the dockets.
Counterclaim Already Set Up
Pre-trial shall endeavor to persuade the
1. When the defendant files an answer parties to arrive at a settlement of the
raising therein an affirmative defense, as dispute, with due regard to the rights of the
well as a counterclaim, and upon hearing of parties.
the affirmative defenses, the court
dismisses the case – Under Rule 16, Sec. 6 Purpose of Pre-trial
of the1997 Rules on Civil Procedure, the
dismissal of the complaint shall be without The purpose of the pre-trial is to allow the
prejudice to the prosecution of the court to consider:
counterclaim in the same or a separate 1. The possibility of an amicable settlement
action. or of a submission to alternative modes of
dispute resolution;
Note: Rule 16 has been entirely deleted in 2. The simplification of the issues;
the 2019 Amendments. The previous 3. The possibility of obtaining stipulations or
grounds for a motion to dismiss are now admissions of facts and of documents to
affirmative defenses, with certain avoid unnecessary proof;
exceptions. (see discussions on affirmative 4. The limitation of the number and
defenses and motions; see also Sec. 12, identification of witnesses and the setting of
Rule 8 and Sec. 12(a), Rule 15) trial dates
5. The advisability of a preliminary reference
ii. When the plaintiff himself files a motion to of issues to a commissioner;
dismiss his complaint after the defendant 6. The propriety of rendering judgment on
has pleaded his answer with a counterclaim, the pleadings, or summary judgment, or
and the court grants the motion - Again, the dismissing the action should a valid ground
dismissal shall be without prejudice to the exist; 7. The requirement of the parties to:
right of the defendant to prosecute his
counterclaim in a separate action unless When Pre-trial is Conducted; When
within 15 days from notice of the motion he Notice of Pre-trial is Sent- After the last
manifests his preference to have his responsive pleading has been served and
counterclaim resolved in the same action. filed, the branch clerk of court shall issue,
(Sec. 2, Rule 17). within five (5) calendar days from filing, a
notice of pretrial which shall be set not later
iii. When complaint is dismissed through the than sixty (60) calendar days from the filing
plaintiff’s fault and at a time when a of the last responsive pleading. (Rule 18,
counterclaim has already been set up - The Sec. 1).
dismissal is without prejudice to the right of
the defendant to prosecute his counterclaim Complaint -is the pleading alleging the
in the same or separate action. (Sec. 3, plaintiff’s or claiming party’s cause or
Rule 17). causes of action. The names and
residences of the plaintiff and defendant
Concept of pretrial must be stated in the complaint. (Rule 6,
Sec. 3)
An undeniably important and vital
component of case management in trial Answer -is a pleading in which a defending
courts, the purpose of which is to abbreviate party sets forth his defenses. (Sec. 6, Rule
court proceedings, ensure prompt 4) It may be an answer to a complaint, a
counterclaim or a cross-claim but not to a
reply. Since it responds to a claim, an Reply - is a pleading, the office or function
answer is called a responsive pleading. of which is to deny, or allege facts in denial
(RIANO, 2019, p. 323). or avoidance of new matters alleged in, or
relating to, an actionable document. (Rule 6,
Counterclaims -is any claim, which a Sec. 10). It is the responsive pleading to an
defending party may have against an answer. (RIANO, 2019, p. 367).
opposing party. (Rule 6, Sec. 6)
Effect of Not Filing a Reply
Negative Defenses -refer to the specific
denial of the material fact or facts alleged in If a party does not file such reply, all the
the pleading of the claimant essential to his new matters alleged in the answer are
cause or causes of action. (Rule 6 Sec. deemed controverted or denied. No
5(a)) admission follows from the failure to file a
reply. (Rule 6, Sec. 10)
Compulsory Counterclaim
Requirement of Signature
Elements of a Compulsory Counterclaim The complaint must be signed by the
plaintiff or counsel representing him/her
1. Arises out of or is necessarily connected indicating his/her address. (Sec. 3(a), Rule
with the transaction or occurrence which is 7)
the subject matter of the opposing party’s
claim; The signature of the counsel constitutes
a certification that he or she:
2. It does not require for its adjudication the 1. Has read the pleading and documents;
presence of third parties over whom the and
court cannot acquire jurisdiction; 2. That to best of his knowledge,
information, and belief, and formed after an
3. The court has jurisdiction over the inquiry reasonable under the circumstances:
amount and nature of the case; and i. The pleading is not being presented for
any improper purpose, such as to harass,
4. It must be cognizable by the regular cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly
increase the cost of litigation;
courts of justice. (Rule 6, Sec. 7, see Alba v.
Malapajo, G.R. No. 198752, January 13,
2016). ii. The claims, defenses, and other legal
contentions are warranted by existing law or
Permissive Counterclaim -A counterclaim jurisprudence, or by a non-frivolous
argument for extending, modifying, or
is permissive if any of the elements of a
reversing existing jurisprudence;
compulsory counterclaim is absent (see
prior discussion on Elements of Compulsory
Counterclaim; see also Sec. 7, Rule 6). iii. The factual contentions have evidentiary
support or if specifically, so identified, will
likely have evidentiary support after availing
Nature of Cross-claims- A cross-claim is
of the modes of discovery;
any claim by one party against a co-party
arising out of the transaction or occurrence
that is the subject matter either of the iv. The denials of factual contentions are
original action or of a counterclaim therein. warranted on the evidence or, if specifically,
Such cross-claim may cover all or part of so identified, are reasonably based on belief
the original claim. (Sec. 8, Rule 6). or a lack of information. (Sec. 3(b), Rule 7)
Requirement of Verification 6. Summary of the witnesses’ intended
Generally, a pleading need not be verified testimonies, as supported by judicial
or under oath except only when verification affidavits attached to the pleading; and
is required by a law or by a rule. (Sec. 4, 7. Documentary and object evidence in
Rule 7) support of the allegations contained in the
pleading. (Sec. 6, Rule 7)
How Verification is Made
Every pleading shall contain in a methodical
A pleading is verified by an affidavit of an and logical form, a plain, concise and direct
affiant duly authorized to sign said statement of the ultimate facts, including the
verification. The affiant shall allege the evidence on which the party pleading relies
following attestations: for his or her claim or defense, as the case
1. The allegations in the pleading are true may be. (Sec. 1, Rule 8).
and correct based on his or her personal
knowledge or based on authentic If a cause of action or defense relied on is
documents; based on law, the pertinent provisions
2. The pleading is not filed to harass, cause thereof and their applicability to him or her
unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase shall be clearly and concisely stated. (Id.).
the cost of litigation; and
3. The factual allegations therein have
evidentiary support or, if specifically, so
identified, will likewise have evidentiary
support after a reasonable opportunity for
discovery. The signature of the affiant shall
further serve as certification of the
truthfulness of the allegations in the
pleading. (Sec. 4, Rule 7).

Effect of Lack of Verification

A pleading which is required to be verified

but lacks the proper verification shall be
treated as an unsigned pleading which
produces no legal effect and is dismissible.
(Sec. 4, Rule 7).

Contents of a pleading

The following are the contents of a pleading:

1. Designation of the pleading;
2. Allegation of the party’s claims and
defenses; 3. Reliefs prayed for;
4. Date of the pleading (Sec. 2, Rule 7);
5. Names of witnesses who will be
presented to prove a party’s claim or

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