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Enumerate the developed tourism destinations located within its boundaries.

Describe using
this following format:
 Name of Destination
 Location within the Area
 Brief Description


2. Baguio is found nearly 1,400 meters (4,600 feet) above ocean level, settled inside the
Cordillera Central Mountain range in northern Luzon. The city is encased by the region of
Benguet. It covers a little area of 57.5 square kilometers (22.2 sq mi).
3. Baguio is the top objective to go to if you have any desire to enjoy some time off from the
tropical climate in the marshes. With normal temperatures going from 15-23°C, the city seldom
encounters temperatures higher than 26°C in any event, during the hottest pieces of the year.
In view of this environment, Baguio is additionally home to lovely plants that wouldn't for the
most part endure somewhere else in the province. Likewise nicknamed the City of Pines, you'll
be in for a treat with every one of the lovely blossoms and lavish vegetation as you enter the
area. It will really feel as though you're entering an alternate world.

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