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Adi Ili

Adam Etinson
PHIL 431 – Ethics
21st March 2013
Short Essay Questions


Q: Do gays and lesbians have a right to marry, in your view? Why or why not?

"I, ____, take you, ____, to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife), to have and to hold,

from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,

until death do us part". These Marriage vows are promises each partner in a couple makes to

the other during a wedding ceremony.

Does Gay Marriage, compared to straight marriage, shares the exact same; vows, values,

promises and commitment to one another? If so, should they receive same legal opportunities

and rights as straight people? The answer is simple, yes. This means we compare straight

couple needs with gay couples’, and say they are basically the same.

To me, is it almost as if asking "does the sun shine in every morning?" However,

unfortunately, it is not so crystal clear to all, and not everyone merely agrees with this


There are a few topics that truly stand out in this profound debate. In order to answer

this argument, we should answer these three main asserts: 1) the purpose married couple is to

procreate and raise a family. Therefore, it is unnatural. 2) Religions prohibit it, therefore it

should be illegal. 3) Homosexuality is disgusting, unhealthy transforms diseases, and can

and should be "cured".

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1) Many people oppose this Idea of modern gay family, claiming it is simply

unnatural. Many things that we do are unnatural such as being kind to one another, being

left-handed, being tall, heart transplants, advanced technology, even same sex animals

participate in gay sex. According to," Cnemidophorus neomexicanus, a

species of lizard found in New Mexico (hence the name), Arizona and northern Mexico.

They’re grow anywhere from 16.5 to 23 cm and have seven yellow stripes running down

its length. They’re all female". This fact alone; contravene the claim that same gay sex is

in fact unnatural, when happening in nature, naturally. If gay sex were damned for this

"unnatural" reason; masturbation, oral sex, sex using condoms, and even sex by women

during pregnancy or after menopause should be condemn for the same reason.

Modern science today, gives the opportunity for male gay couples to be able

raise a family and have children thanks to egg donors and surrogate mothers. Many

gay couple today even plants both of their seeds inside the egg donor womb during

the fertilization process, in order to create two biological fetuses, one to each father,

yet biologically siblings as well. Most of them follow this method in order to become

as much "normal" and "natural" family as possible. Modern science also proves that

there is no difference in gay couple raising a child, or a straight one, in influencing or

motivating towards a gay life. If any, they are probably born to a more broadminded

accepting environment.

Part in our society, sadly, does not know how to truly accept slightly different

family types, and believe only two main figures- a mother and a father should be the

only one to raise a family. Thus, it means not only gay couples, but single mothers

and fathers are also at risk in being distinguished from equal rights as a minority.

What if, tragically, a young father dies, leaving his wife alone to raise their children as
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a widow, will their children become less of anyone else's? Of course not. Thus, the

idea of single form of family as a father and a mother as the best type is arbitrary.

The largest study of gay families is the U.S. National Longitu dinal Lesbian Family

Study, claims that the teenage children of lesbians actually succeed better than

teenagers from traditional homes. Sometimes the children of gay parents are being

bullied at school, and this is extremely hard for any child. However, the study shows

that "these children have fewer behavioral problems and they do better both socially

and academically than their peers."( Rachels, James) there is no good reason to be

against gay families. When it comes to parenting, it is up to the parent's education and

not the parent's sexual orientation or sexual desires to determent how well the child

will succeed in life.

2) There are several cited ancient Biblical texts concerning homosexuality in the

Old Testament; "Do not lie with a male as one lies with a woman; it is abhorrence.”

(Leviticus 18:22). Moreover, in the Jewish tradition, there is also a belief that all

human beings are created in the Divine, “And God created humans in God’s own

image, in the image of God, God created them; male and female God created them.”

Genesis 1:27. In Congressional testimony in support of ENDA, Rabbi David

Saperstein (Reform Jewish Movement) said that “regardless of context, discrimination

against any person arising from apathy, insensitivity, ignorance, fear, or hatred is

inconsistent with this fundamental belief. We oppose discrimination against all

individuals, including gays, lesbians, and a bisexual, for the stamp of the Divine is

present in each and every one of us.”

Most ancient biblical texts are easy to subjectively interpretation. People

might misinterpret these texts, and repulsed by gays and see them as less than human.
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Questioning these text would mean to them to question their entire life and being. On

the other hand, even the most religious people, do not always follow every single rule

that exist in the bible, simply because we do not live any longer in ancient times. To

curse your parents or commit adultery is defiantly considered wrong nowadays as

well, but we do not see them as worst or follow their punishment. Therefore we

cannot treat it as our only window to moral wisdom. Besides, marriage does not have

to be religious act but could be a civil one too.

3) Some people believe that homosexuals pose a danger to others. Because of that,

they are sometime too afraid to support Gay Rights, since it might alter their political

views first and promote promiscuity next. Supporting equal rights doesn't mean you

area definite democrat or republic, conservative or liberal. It cannot be a slippery

slope, because, it does not mean anything about you; accept for acknowledging the

right for privacy in one's life in choosing who to love and who to marry. It means you

are respectful, tolerant, caring person. It means that you believe in progress, and that

all human beings are equal. It means that you believe we all breathe the same way, get

hurt and bleed the same way, and that we all fall in love the same way.

Additionally, there is a serious misconception about homosexuality which

claims that engaging in gay sex activities will cause disease such as AIDS, and other

life-threatening illnesses. Furthermore, they believe that there are deadly

consequences to engaging in male homosexuality includes in promoting promiscuity.

According to the Anti-gay site ( ), "Active homosexuals are vulnerable to

dozens of sexually transmitted diseases 28 percent of gay men had more than 1,000

partners." Therefore, they believe homosexuals are vulnerable to dozens of sexually

transmitted diseases.
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This dehumanizing (that holds no actual firm facts) is very similar to the

discrimination that had been done to the African American community back in

slavery days, when they were prevented from voting since they were considered less

than the supreme white man, or compared to women rights denied, while believing

they have smaller brains, thus, they should not study, or vote. Preventing basic need

and rights from any kind of minority is simply wrong.

Some people suggest homosexuality is merely a choice, and that gay people

should "choose" wisely. To say that homosexuals should not act on their needs is

basically to condemn gay people to frustrating miserable lives. Gay people become

frustrated by "choosing" to become straight (disregard their own desires). "Both

homosexuals and heterosexuals discover who they are, once they reach a certain age;

nobody decides which sex to be attracted to."( Rachels, James).fortunately, not all

people are misconnected regarding this community.

According to research center’s PewResearch series of reports, which explores

attitudes about sexual orientation and identity, religion and public life project shows

there is a big positive change in attitude towards gay marriage in the last few years;

"this is due in part to generational change. Younger generations express higher levels

of support for same-sex marriage. According to their promising numbers, 68% of

Millennials in the United States, (1981 or later) in 2014 are in favor gay marriage

rights. However, they claim that even older generations have become more supportive

of same-sex marriage in recent years; Generation X (1965-80) 55% in favor, Baby

Boomers (1946-64) 48% are in favor, compared to 32% in 2001. Even the "Silent

Generation"(1928-45) in is not so silent- 38% are in favor while back in 2001 they

were only 20% (PewResearch).

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On this note, I believe it is firm to say homosexuality is not a choice one's

chooses while reaching adulthood. It is not a sin we should all condemn. Gay

people are just regular folks like me and you. Giving them the right to choose how

to live their lives, or who should they marry and how, is merely the least we

should do since it is not anyone's decision to make but theirs.

Men and women, not just in the United States, but all around the world, should be

able to peruse their happiness, whatever it may be, regardless to their sexual

orientation or desires.
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(PewResearch )"Gay Marriage Attitudes 2001-2014 - Pew Religion Project." Gay Marriage

Attitudes 2001-2014 - Pew Religion Project. Web. 18 Mar. 2014

( "Nature Is Gay: Is It Natural to Be a Homosexual?" HubPages. Web. 17

Mar. 2014.

Rachels, James. "Subjectivism in Ethics." The Elements of Moral Philosophy. Philadelphia:

Temple UP, 1986. 44-48. Print.

"Religious Action Center - Reform Movement Perspective." Religious Action Center -

Reform Movement Perspective. Web. 20 Mar 2014.

( )"Myths and Facts about Homosexuality." Myths and Facts About
Homosexuality. Web. 21 Mar. 2014

"Gay Marriage Attitudes 2001-2014 - Pew Religion Project." Gay Marriage Attitudes 2001-
2014 - Pew Religion Project. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.

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