Q and A

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Without mentioning a name, what should be the characteristics of a great

2. What important lesson have you learned in life and how would you apply
it as Mr/Miss LCNHS Global?
3. Is being proficient in the use of English language a prerequisite to
4. When can you say that a school is gender-inclusive and gender-
5. Would you rather be excellent but ill-mannered, or good-mannered but
6. How can our words change our world?
7. What makes you unique from among the other candidates?
8. What is the most important issue your generation is facing?
9. How did you prepare for this pageant?
10. If you could have the powers of any superhero, what would it be?
11. If given the chance to win, how do you want to remembered as
Mister/Miss LCNHS Global 2022?
12. What has been most challenging about your school experience during
COVID-19? 13. What has being a student during a pandemic taught you?
14. Would you rather live in a world without the pandemic or without
15. If you had a chance to discuss a social issue with world leaders, what
social issue would it be?
16. What steps or measures need to be taken to eradicate poverty?
17. If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for?
18. Are the youth of this generation more pressured to perform than the
youth of previous generations?
1. A great leader empowers everyone to promote gender equality and radiates
2. Our parents always lead us to the righteous path "We may hear hurtful words
whenever we commit but it actually prepares us to harsh reality of the world.
They only told us to be a better and stronger version of us.
3. I believe the proficiency in English language is prerequisite to globalization
because English is globally known as the universal language or second language
of most nations. For us to able to express and understood of other nations, Using
English as a language is a must.
4. A school is deemed to be gender -inclusive and gender responsive if the rule
and regulation implemented by the school it doesn't discriminate the different
gender, either homosexual or heterosexual.
5. I'd rather be good manner but ignorant because I believe the knowledge can be
gained and can be enhanced in a short span of time, compare with manner and
values of a person which I believe starts from their childhood and would take time
to change one's manner
6. Words is our medium to express our ideas, administrations and goals.
7. I am positively gorgeous with a good heart.
8. Early pregnancy is one of the most important issue in our generation is facing.
9. I prepare for this pageant, I read a lot, watch news and seek advices from
previous candidates of pageants.
10. If I could have powers of any superhero, I would like to have the power of time
to travel and foresee the future.
11. If i will be given a chance to win, I want to be remembered as a lady that is
outrageously confident but with overwhelming heart.
12. The education system specifically the modular learning system has been a
great challenge to almost all of us student during COVID-19.
13. Being a student during pandemic has taught me that our future lies to us not
to other people .our perseverance and initiative will mold a better future for us not
the people around us.
14. I'd rather live in a world without corruption because without corruption even
amidst pandemic there's a chance to survive and create a better world.
Corruption is like a black hole that sucks everything into its darkness and there's
no assurance what future lies ahead of it.
15. The education system is one of the social issue, I would like to tackle with the
world leaders, I would like to discuss and seek assistance from them to build
programs that would be beneficial to everyone especially to those kids or people
who can't afford to continue their education, Because I believe education is a
great part of betterment of everyone's future.
16. Proper knowledge dissemination or educate people on ways to eradicate
poverty. Introduce them with programs that can help them have livelihood either
agricultural or industrial.
17. If I were granted one wish, I would wish my parents to have a long life and a
better life because for them to see my accomplishments in future life. And also to
grant my father's wish to be a Miss Universe, someday. And I thank you
18. I believed we youth of this generation are more pressured due to several
factors we face, like pandemic which also hinders and slow down progress of us
youth due to limitations that covers us youth.

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