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Unit 8 promoting public health Bethan may

What is public health?

Beveridge Report (1942)

 Just after WW2 promised were made by the government to create a more equal society
 Sir William Beveridge wrote a report on the ways on how people on lower incomes could be
 December 1942 Beveridge published a report saying that all people of working age should
pay a weekly contribution. Benefits would be paid to people who were sick, unemployed,

The beginning of the NHS

 Clement Attles government crested the NHS based on the proposals of the Beveridge Report
 White paper was published in 1943 which the British medical association did not like
 Structure was established by the nation health service act and launched on 5 th July 1948

Acheson Report (1998)

 Donald Acheson was asked to review inequalities in health in England and to identify priority
areas for development of policies to reduce them.
 The report included a list of 39 recommendations for addressing health inequality.

Strategy one- saving lives: Healthier Nation (1999)

This strategy was released by the labour government which had clear links to Acheson Report,
proposing to tackle the root causes of ill health, including air pollution, unemployment, low wage,
crime and poor housing.

Aims of public health

 Planning national provision of healthcare

 Promoting the health of the population
 Identifying and monitoring the needs of the population

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