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第 27 卷 第4期 石 油 规 划 设 计 2016 年 7 月 7


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赵忠德* 焦中良 田瑛 杜艳 周放

赵 忠 德 等 . 国 外 成 品 油 管 道 发 展 现 状 、 发 展 趋 势 及 启 示 . 石 油 规 划 设 计 , 2016, 27( 4) : 7~ 9

关键词 国外;成品油管道;发展现状;发展趋势;启示
中图分类号:TE832 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-2970.2016.04.003

0 引言 [2]
与发达国家相比存在较大差距 。
截至 2014 年底,全球成品油管道里程已达 26.7 通过分析美国、西欧和俄罗斯成品油管网的发
×10 km,主要分布在北美、欧洲和俄罗斯等国家 展现状和趋势,总结出对我国成品油管道建设和管
及地区,管道输送已成为发达国家成品油运输的主 理的启示,以指导我国成品油管网布局和发展。
要方式。在美国成品油管道输送比例约 63%,在欧
1 国外成品油管道发展现状和趋势
洲成品油管道输送比例约 50%。发达国家的成品油
管道输量大、管道输送品种多、自动化程度高,表 1.1 美国成品油管网概况
[1] 4
现出相当成熟的设计、管理和技术水平 。 美国成品油管道里程约 15.3×10 km,具有管
1973 年,我国建成国内第一条成品油长输管 道输送比例高、管网布局密集、运输品种多等特点。
道,即青海格尔木—西藏拉萨管道(格拉线)。经过 美国成品油管道发展经历了三个大的阶段,即
近些年的发展,我国形成了连接西北、西南、华中 汽油管道时代(1920 年—1940 年)、成熟发展阶段
和珠三角地区的成品油管道输送系统,成品油管道 (1940 年—1960 年)和大型化发展阶段(1960 年
运营里程约 2×10 km,管道设计和运行水平也得到 —至今)。目前,美国境内成品油管网几乎遍布美国
较大的提高。但与发达国家相比,我国成品油管道 各州,管径小至 152 mm,大至 1 067 mm 不等。较
建设起步晚,区域内和区域间的互联、互通功能还 为典型的科洛尼尔成品油管道,可输送约 118 种成
未完全建立,管道覆盖面小,管道输送比例低,不 品油,输油能力达 1×10 t/a,管道长度约 8 000 km,

* 赵忠德,男,教授级高级工程师。1985 年毕业于华东石油学院油气储运专业,获硕士学位。现在中国石油天然气股份有限公司规划总院任副总工程
师,从事油气管道规划设计工作。地址:北京市海淀区志新西路 3 号,100083。
8 2016 年 7 月 赵忠德等:国外成品油管道发展现状、发展趋势及启示 第 27 卷 第 4 期

管径 152 mm~914 mm 不等,为世界最大的商用成 km(其中俄罗斯境内 1.64×10 km,乌克兰境内 0.12
[3] 4 4
品油管道 。 ×10 km,白俄罗斯境内 0.12×10 km,哈萨克斯坦
4 4
美国的成品油管道发展相对成熟,主要以管道 境内 0.03×10 km),其中干线 1.54×10 km,支线
维护和管理为主,管道运营高度市场化,大多属专 0.37×10 km。俄罗斯成品油管道分布较广,连接俄
业化公司管理。输送和销售业务分离,用户或销售 罗斯欧洲部分的 14 座炼油厂,以及白俄罗斯的两家
公司在交易中心通过长期、短期和现货等多种方式 炼厂(莫济里和新波洛茨克),地域分布从克麦罗沃
从生产商处购买成品油,然后通过签订合同选择某 州到乌克兰与匈牙利边界和拉脱维亚的文斯皮尔斯
管道作为承运商,在管道终端取得油品进行使用。 港。俄罗斯的成品油管网呈现较明显的跨国特征 。
管道不参与资源与市场的交易,管道仅作为运输商 俄罗斯地域广阔,且以能源出口为导向,推动
收取管道输送费。 了成品油管道的建设步伐。最近几年的主要目标是
美国跨州管道由美国联邦能源管理委员会 将波罗的海和黑海沿岸的成品油管道投入使用,增
(FERC)负责管道的经济监管,州内管道由美国各 加俄罗斯港口的出口能力,最大限度地降低对邻国
州管理委员会管理,美国运输部(DOT)管道安全 港口的依赖。按照俄罗斯石油运输公司战略发展规
办公室负责行业的安全措施监督。 划,2020 年前俄罗斯石油运输公司计划除新建项目
1.2 西欧成品油管网概况 外还将扩建现有成品油管线,将成品油管线的接收
4 4
西欧地区成品油管道里程约 2.7×10 km,连接 能力提高 70%,使之在 2020 年达到 5 450×10 t/a
法国、英国、意大利、德国、荷兰、比利时、西班 的水平,即还需修建约 2 280 km 管道。近期俄罗斯
牙和奥地利等国,主要集中在北约成员国,广泛连 规划的成品油管网系统扩建工程包括西兹兰—萨拉
通炼厂、机场、油库等,呈现跨国、跨区域的格局。 托 夫— 伏 尔 加 格勒 — 新 罗 西斯 克 干 线 成品 油 管 道
从 20 世纪 50 年代开始,西欧各国普遍开始建 (南方项目)、基里什—普利莫尔斯克干线成品油管
设商用成品油管道,60 年代中期以后建设加快,到 道、科斯托沃—纳格尔纳亚(莫斯科)成品油管道等。
70 年代末,西欧各国先后建设了 90 多条大大小小 俄罗斯对石油出口进行过调整,如 2007 年 4
的成品油管道,实现了炼厂与主要经济区的连接。 月签署了关于《成品油运输公司并入石油运输公司》
北约管道系统在西欧成品油管网中占据重要地位, 的命令,强调压缩原油出口,增加成品油出口,以
由希腊管道系统(GRPS)、冰岛管道系统(ICPS)、 获取更大的利润,在一定程度上促进了俄罗斯成品
北意大利管道系统(NIPS)、挪威管道系统(NOPS)、 油管道发展 。俄罗斯的成品油管道建设和输送主
葡萄牙管道系统(POPS)、土耳其管道系统(TUPS)、 要由俄罗斯石油运输公司承担,呈现出较强的国家
大不列颠联合王国政府管道(UKGPSS)和存储系统 意志,与我国的成品油管道发展模式具有相似之处。
等 8 个国家管道系统和北欧管道系统(NEPS)、中
欧管道系统(CEPS)等 2 个跨国管道系统构成。该
2 国外成品油管道发展启示
系统管道总里程约 1.2×10 km,油库总储油能力为 1)综观国外主要国家成品油管网布局,呈现出
4 3
550×10 m 。管道系统将分布在北约组织成员国内 明显的跨国、跨区域、网络化特征。各国家或地区
的油库、空军基地、民航机场、泵站、公路及铁路 均根据自身国情开展成品油管网建设,例如美国主
装运站、炼厂、接转油站连为一体。 要立足于国内,实现国内成品油管道对炼厂和目标
西欧成品油管道覆盖主要国家,管道发展相对 市场的连通,并大力建设支线管网,实现了较高的
成熟,以管道维护和管理为主。由于国家众多,各 成品油管道输送比例;欧洲主要依托欧盟、北约等
国的条件和基础不同,管道运营方式没有统一模式。 一体化背景,加大区域内各国管网系统的互联互通;
北约管道系统内,除两个跨国管道系统分别由管道 俄罗斯则由于历史原因,以及与欧洲的能源供应关
管理机构统一管理外,其他各国的管道系统均由各 系,呈现出部分跨国、跨区域的布局特征。
国国家机构独自管理。欧洲成品油管网的管理特点 在国内,从地区炼油能力、成品油需求匹配看,
是产权多国所有、跨国运输量大、监管因地制宜、 炼油能力缺口较大的地区是华北、华中、西南地区,
多种模式并存。 炼油能力过剩的地区主要是东北、华东、西北。东
1.3 俄罗斯成品油管网概况 北 地区 成 品 油 需通 过 船 运 向沿 海 和 沿 长江 区 域 供
截至 2014 年底,俄罗斯成品油管道约 1.91×10 应;而西北地区成品油则通过已建的西部成品油管
第 27 卷 第4期 石 油 规 划 设 计 2016 年 7 月 9

道、兰郑长管道和兰成渝管道等向华中、西南地区 环节多,在输送过程中对成品油质量产生影响,而
输送。随着在建的锦郑成品油管道投产,国内的成 在国内只有国家汽柴油标准,相关的标准规范还不
品油骨干管道布局将得到改善,并进一步实现跨区 够完善;同时成品油混油量的增加给混油处理带来
域连接,但仍存在各石油公司之间成品油管网互不 困难,且存在混油损失、处理费等承担主体不明确
连通的局面。国家能源局 2014 年 2 月印发《油气管 等现象。特别是随着成品油管道的进一步网络化和
网 设 施 公 平 开 放 监 管 办 法 ( 试 行 )》( 国 能 监 管 多批次化,该问题将更加凸现。因此,我国应加大
[2014]84 号文件),要求油气管网设施在有剩余能力 成品油多牌号、多批次输送技术和标准研究力度,
的情况下,向第三方市场主体平等开放,提供输送、 深入研究顺序输送技术,明确成品油管道输送质量
储存等服务,以提高油气管网设施利用效率。随着 标准、混油损失承担主体等,切实提高成品油调运
成 品油 管 道 输 送业 务 的 公 平开 放 和 市 场竞 争 的 深 和管道运行效率,促进成品油管道的网络化发展。
化,国内成品油管网的互联互通将成为主流发展趋 4)应致力于关键技术和关键设备国产化,避免
势;另外随着骨干成品油管网的形成,为提高成品 过多依赖引进设备面临政治风险。
油管道输送比例,支线建设将成为重点发展方向。 随着今后我国大型管道建设的推进,关键技术、
我国成品油管网最终将形成资源多源化、管道网络 材料及装备国产化已成为一个不可逆的进程。我国
化、跨区域化、用户多样化的输配格局。 应继续推进成品油管道涉及的输油泵、大型阀门、
2)世界油气资源的发展、各地区消费量的增加 界面监测等设施和技术的研发,加快国产化建设进
以及区间贸易规模的不断扩大,促进了世界管道工 程,一方面降低管道备品备件费用,提高维修及时
业的快速发展,技术水平不断提高,各种新工艺、 性;另一方面有利于国内设备制造技术的提升。同
新材料、新技术、新设备不断被开发应用,大口径、 时由于国际形势复杂多变,关键设备的国产化可以
高压力管道的设计、施工技术也相对成熟,成品油 避免政治、经济因素而致的断货等风险,保障国家
管道正向着大口径、大流量、高压力、高钢级、多 能源供应战略安全。
批次方向发展。同时随着计算机、SCADA 系统、现
代通信技术、多媒体技术的应用,使管道系统的自 3 结论
[1] 中国石油管道公司管道技术中心信息与经济研究
3)国外成品油管网运营以多介质、多批次顺序 所.世界管道概况[M].北京:石油工业出版社,2009.
输送为核心技术,成品油的顺序输送使得成品油的 [2] 王 保 群 ,林 燕 红 ,代 运 锋 .我 国 成 品 油 管 道 现 状 与 展
网络化发展和灵活调配成为可能,目前国外的管道 望[J].石油规 划设计,2010,21(5):7-9.
顺序输送已取得较大的技术优势,例如美国科洛尼 [3] 宋 艾 玲 ,梁 光 川 ,王 文 耀 .世 界 油 气 管 道 现 状 与 发 展
尔成品油管道可输送多达百余种成品油,加拿大的 趋势[J].油气储运,2006,25(10):1-6.
[4] 金 坤 ,王 玮 .俄 罗 斯 油 气 管 道 的 现 状 与 趋 势 [J].石
Lakehead 管道可实现 46 种介质的顺序输送。
的多样化,推进多牌号、多批次的顺序输送技术将 收稿日期:2016-01-11
成为必然趋势。但是长输管道因距离远、周期长、 编辑:廉践维
52 July 2016 Petroleum Planning & Engineering Vol.27 No.4

capacity are designed in the paper. The available capacity calculation method of
natural gas pipeline network which is under current pipeline management system in

ABSTRACTS China is specified, which provides technology support for implementing the open
access regime of oil and gas pipeline system.

OF ARTICLES Research and Application of Polypropylene Grade Transition Control

23 System
Ren Lili, Zhan Ying, Chen Aijun, et al.
The control system of polypropylene grade transition in the paper was
The Strategy of Approval for Long-distance Oil and Gas Pipeline
1 Construction Project
realized based on the unit DCS system, which adopted four-layer architecture
including DCS layer, soft sensor system layer, advanced process control layer and
Luo Tianbao, Meng Shaohui, Zhang Zhanyi
grade switcher layer. The system has solved the problem with no quality online
At present, China is actively deepening the reform of investment system and
analyzer and closed-loop control in practice. The quality index is predicted at real time
administrative approval system, reducing the scope of approval substantially,
making use of soft measurement model such as melt index, ethylene content and
decentralizing approval authority and simplifying the pre-approval. Reduction of pre-
polypropylene. Combined with closed-loop control, the grad transition can be
approval and improvement of approval behavior have conformed to the development
achieved under advanced control system which can avoid inconsistency made by
of the market economy and have a huge impact on the approval of enterprise
manual adjustment. The system has been successfully applied in the polypropylene
investment projects. Therefore, it is necessary to improve and perfect the content and
unit of domestic petrochemical company, which ensures the stability of the safety
methods of project approval combined with the principles of reform. Combined with
production and product quality, and reduces the 35 percent of grade transition time.
the characteristics and difficulties of the approval of long-distance oil and gas pipeline
The result proves that the system is correct and practical.
project, this paper analyzes the difficulties and opportunities of the approval work of
long-distance oil and gas pipeline, and proposes some measures to promote the
approval of oil and gas pipeline which have guiding significance and reference value Advanced Experiences and Practices of Surface Facility Construction
for project approval under the new situation. 27 Projects in International Major Oil Company
Li Qing, Li Qiumang, Yun Qing, et al.
In terms of engineering design and engineering design management, there
Situation of Oil and Gas Field Surface Engineering and Development
4 Direction of Improving Quality and Effectiveness in the “Thirteenth
have gaps between the level of China Petroleum and international advanced level. It is
necessary to learn international advanced concepts and practices in order to optimize
Five Year Plan”
the engineering plan, improve the design quality, control the cost, and improve the
Tang Lin
intrinsic safety and environmental protection level from the start of engineering and
Combining with oil and gas field surface engineering progress achieved by
apply them in practice of construction projects so as to promote the overall quality and
China Petroleum during the “twelfth five-year plan”, complex situation and
standard of oil and gas field surface facility construction project. This article discusses
requirements of oil and gas field surface engineering in the “thirteenth five-year plan”
project management system, humanized design, pre-design, detailed design, design
are analyzed. In the face of new situation and requirements, China Petroleum oil and
review, design change management, safety assessment and value improving practices.
gas field surface engineering have to achieve increasing effectiveness development.
Comparisons are made with China Petroleum’s resent engineering and engineering
On one hand, field surface construction management needs to be paid special attention
management practices and suggestions are proposed. The paper can be the reference
efficiently, the process technology should be optimized and the engineering
to relevant design and management person at petroleum industry.
construction quality must be ensured. On the other hand, the management of existing
field surface production system is required to strengthen, safety production should be
absolutely ensured, system efficiency needs to be improved and the operation cost Selection of Processing Route for FCC Diesel
needs to be reduced. Six aspects of work which should be doing well to improve
quality and effectiveness development are proposed in the article at last.
31 Zhu Houxing, Song Aiping, Wang Xinping, et al.
With the improvement of environmental requirements, country upgrade fuel
quality standard. Producing clean diesel has become an important task and
Development Situation, Development Trend and Enlightenment of responsibility for the refining industry. In all kinds of diesel fractions, FCC diesel with
7 Foreign Product Oil Pipelines high sulfur content, high quality density, high content of aromatics and low cetane
Zhao Zhongde, Jiao Zhongliang, Tian Ying, et al. number, has gradually become the main bottleneck of diesel quality upgrading.
Long-distance pipeline is the main transmission method of the product oil, According to the forecast, the ratio of diesel oil to gasoline in the domestic market will
which have obvious advantage in transmission and distribution, energy saving and fell sharply during the “thirteenth five-year plan”, then how to reduce the ratio has
environmental protection. At present, the product pipeline networks are mainly become one of the main problems facing the refinery. Combined with the fuel quality
distributed at North American, European, and Russia, which have mature pipeline and demand, this paper analyzed the characteristics of FCC diesel processing
construction and management level. This paper analyzes development history, design technology and adaptability. The technology of using FCC diesel to produce gasoline
level and management experience of product oil pipelines at American, Western or aromatic can improve the quality of FCC diesel and reduce the ratio of diesel oil to
Europe and Russia, proposes the enlightenments for development of China’s product gasoline. The technology will have broad application prospects in the future.
pipeline, which promoting the product pipeline distribution of multi-resources,
pipeline network, interregional and user diversity, engineering level of high pressure,
Overview of Surface Engineering Gathering and Transportation
high steel grade, large diameter, digitalization, and intelligence. And also, the product
multi-batch transportation technology and standard specification need to be
39 Technology at Yanqi 2-Yan 128 Well A rea
Zhang Chunwei, Liang Yuru, Xue Hongbo, et al.
researched, localization of key technologies and equipment need to be realized.
Yanchang gas field belongs to the lithologic gas reservoir with low
permeability, low pressure, low output and low abundance, the terrain conditions are
Research of Calculation Method of the Available Capacity in Gas complex and the environment is harsh. Surface engineering gathering and
13 Pipeline Networks transportation is difficult. Combined with current situation of Yanchang gas field,
Guo Haitao, Zhou Shuhui, Sun Chunliang, et al. gathering and transportation system is established using ground gathering and
The available capacity is the most basic information of natural gas pipeline transportation optimization technique which improves the adaptability of gathering
system in the Third Party Access management. The accuracy of the technical capacity and transportation technology. This paper introduces Yanqi 2-Yan 128 well area
calculation is a foundation, and the operational reserved capacity is the key to project, surface engineering gathering and transportation technology process,
calculate the available capacity. Based on the related standards at home and abroad, technology characteristics and adaptation. Through practice at Yanqi 2-Yan 128 well
the factors which affect available capacity calculation of natural gas pipeline network areas, gas gathering technology under middle pressure has the features of low
are introduced, the standard of the operational reserved capacity is determined, and investment, low energy consumption, flexible operation, stably operation and
variety calculation methods of firm available capacity and interruptible available convenient maintenance. At present, the system is running smoothly and safely.

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