Question Papers İİ

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\ \ , .

, nhr,111 ,·
'-• " l',n )~' \'" r',, ··\ll'I: fromrnm ,1hr rro ,, 'l'rtlon ol mot ' hO\\ mg hy arrow
s the cell to cell
a ,oo l hai1 10 x, h·m .Stud
i:,,n, ncturn 1) • y the diav.ram an An,w th 1·
er e oU<"" ir,,
l _. ~~i) Lt1bcl the parts I to 6
(S) •

} J Iow docs the water

r~ach to
.. • • " 1
, '\ thcstcm from Root hairs ?
State any two charactcrsitic
of roots that enable them
' to
absorb water .
~ tf o n 5 -
:\. Gi wn bc lm , \S . .
a drn grn m of an ex pe nm .
en t .Study the diagram
Questions tha t follow- and Answer the
· (5)
"\ .1 Name the process
being studied in the expe
riment .
~ ~ b y does the lev
el of liquid rise in the vertic
al tube ?
~ ~ t i n e the proces
s mentioned in (i)
,~ en tio n two advantage Tap wa ter
s of this process to plants .

~~ 8" < er the follow
'- "" '-~ What are the tw (5)
o divisio
~ { j Who is called the Fathernsoftha t follow during cell divisi
~· is ascent of sap ?
What is Cell cycle ?
(v) Name the type of cell
division that occurs in me
ristems of plant .
Question 6 -
a. Th e figure shows sex
determin&tion in hu ma
~What are the rig ns .
ht substitutes for (S)
the numbers 1 to 6 ? FATHER
~What is the sex XY
"' by 3, 4, 5,6?
of the individuals represent
ed r-1-i.
~ Who is responsi
ble for the sex of the offspr
male or female ?Why ? ing

. ,..,iv~ol~gica_l terms for

the followi~g -
, (i)~enet1c make-up of
an orgamsm .
·· The structure that initia
tes cell division .
Kidney shaped cells surrou
nding the stomata.
MA set up used for comparing the
results of an experiment.
~The amount of ten
sion developed in a system
on account of solute p~ cl
es on it.
"-\'11 10\11 ~( ll!JOl .~AN ( , 11
IIH ~ I l \ II 11 \ 1 20222~
.. 1 n \ M \Hh.~ Hft1 211

l\\.llU 1 II O N~
1l !\ft\ m.rt II q11 , ,,w,,, It ,1 111 ,, ( 111111 \ 11111 111\ 111111 1111, 11 H1111 " h om 11, t 111111
do,1 c on th e ~amc thtet
u \ U " m , ml! .111 , h ,111, ,. 1 ,1111:lt H 111 I,. 11111,1 hi•,, Ii 111 h 11hm, 11 uml 111101 hr
11 , ·, , ,, ur lh c "''"•'I
(l 1) t' · .,,,,,·o f •' " <''11111 ,, 111 knv: \\ 1tl 11·,111t in lo-., ol 111111 k~
,,, ) 1 . ,· ll 1.t~·,t 111.11 I,.,' ',11 ,111ntt111t'
l I {It p,11 ,, ot 11m•,Uo11-i ·" (' clvmju hr l!fkef~.

Sl t ' llO\ \ ( \l l'KI\IPT ALL QUESTIONS)

, · ",·,·1 i \):! P,.-pl1sit ,\ ccounl with the Federal Bank and deposit-,? 500 per mc,nth
·, . . l' A t' J . Calculate

~- anicle is~ 800. A dealer purchases it at a discount of 20 % on the hst price
, . -.:.-: _-._- .:::1

..::~ ~ ~ , .,' .1 .:-c.s,omer at its list price . The rate of GST

is 8% . Find
. r.,. ,35~ ~ -~ 20, e by the dealer
{-t~ [..--._ paid by lhe customer including GST
from a point P which is 7 cm from
C asrr_.:~ a :ir:::le of radius 4.2 cm Draw two tangents
tb~ ~~utr~. \\rite lhe measure of each tangent.

Ql[ STIO~ 2
Find the
("" '" .. ~::: ti:.: polynomial 2x -kx + ( SK-3) x-8 is divided by x-2, the remainder is 14.
3 2

{ [3]
\<alue cf k c L Q

:-\\o ~oins are tossed. r :.,<l the probability of getting

{il no head
f:l} at!east one head ?_
1~~1 atmo~! on~ i:ail J

co-ordinates of
( c Jn what rauo s the join of ( 5,2) and ( 3,-3) divided by the x-axis? Also find the
:he point ofimersecuoa H - 1 y ?) I . [4]

Qt,ESTfO'.\' 3
1~; :.1y Sha'1 has a Recurring Deposit Account in a post office for 3 years at 6 % p.a. simple interest.
ff he gel'> ' 1332 as interest at the time of maturity, find:
(,) momhly instalment
f ,J maturity value
Cb 1 Construct a regular hexagon of side 5 cm. Draw a circle to circumscribe it
, ';\Y \ I
' (' mhlr,' \I ,,I 11111' ,l'f llll' II\ \ 11 I' .1111 \\ II 111 IIll I ll'l ll I'
I 111rl
\ II\ 1\- , ,, \ md H ~ ) y
' ~
\ It

I'( \,1)



r~\.\~ •
"" - .
.,t :•t_ $, t-~· s1. Nt.\~t1.•~i f11,m -h. '-5 x2 . g polyno . .
t-2x- l 2 so that the resultin
, ' :\-- • mial 1s exactly,divi siblf3J

\ l\ -- -
~~) of .1mcks
MR P Discount .
12 Rs 400 20% 8%
5 Rs 250 10% 18%
8 Rs 120 Nil 5%

Fme. 'i:e amount of bill . ~ ; r 7 ~ {Z.

a., ~l r Sanjay opened a recurrin
g deposit account in a bank. He
months . At the time of maturity depo.sited nsoo per month for 30
he iot { 49650.Find :
(i) interest earned by Mr Sanjay
\ (ii) the rate of interest.
(b-X Construct an equilateral triangl [3]
e of side 4.8 cm. Draw incircle. Wr
ite the measure of its radius. [3]
fa A ( 3,6) , B( 1, -2) and C ( 5, 8)
are the vertices of a triangle. P and
AB and AC respectively. Qare the midpoints of the sides
(i) Find the co-ordinates of P
and Q
(ii) Show that PQ =!.BC
,. [4]

"'--· Q\$ ST ION 6

'~ kiil has a recurring deposit account in
a Bank. He deposits Rs 2,500 per
At the time of maturity he receives month at 10% p.a ..
Rs 66,250 .Find the time
QC ES TIO :'\ 8
oo ± z=-e ~: .rs o: ~ v : : .
x!-- ~ :u -::. __
b Vii::en x-2 a:ic x-:-3
(a) fi;: d ti:e of a and
l nu >. :o :\.h =n £ ~- 'z ·E::"J>S..."""-2 :tr:·
z.3 2. _..: k~ ~
Bh opa
<bJ Goods ' ~ :ce s are sol d from
Mfi l25 lu:ra) . :f: ne :-are ofGST :s s~; ~c ±.e
~E : :::ie..:.e zr ~fu:::::,._~
frolli. ~ft:mbru ro Pm :e 0\1
is {4,000. find;
(i) ;-;'et GST paid a: ;vfumbai [.3 J
e inchrding GS-:-.
v.-~ose .:e::...-u:.: :s :::.2 .fin
ler a: Pun d
(ii) total amount paid by dea Yenices of ±e irr n~ e .D C
x,5 ) and q -1, y J are ite -
(c) A ( 3,-2 ) ,B(
the :ength of side AB .
" the values of x and y. Als o find
--:.!X ~y
OX 9 3 - 2x2-3 and x2 -p x -L JeaTe ±e S2I
ue ~ c c -...-t~ ~~ is ri.'" -~,
d the vaiue of p if p x ... .) j

m s: o:·-;i:'=-: 0:i :be lisr

00. A v.,ilole sae p!!.rc!!2.Se-s :, a: 2 &
article is { 120 p:::;::e. Tr:e :-et:i.!e:- se:is i:
a discouo: of 2(r c on ::he :s
The list price of an
er sells it to a reta iler at
price. The wholesal are~
The rare of GST is 18%. Caico1
to a customer at irs list price.
iler to the govt :.!J
(i) Net GST paid by the reta cus rome:- ro buy rh:.s 2..-ncle.
T pai d by the
(ii) total amount including
GS d ±e •crobabi.lm- · o7.-!!ertin"7«
ffled dec k of 52 car ds one caid is drawn at random. Fin ~

From a well shu

· black face card
(ir not diamond
(iii) red queen
(iv) a card below 7
SAi\ 'I IIOMJ,, SCHO OL, .~A ,(;t,f
ht llNJ I TkS'J l':XAM ( 2022 21 J
s l'l) -\
SIJB - IIINDJ MAHK', 1$() ·20
NA:\tl~ - Mqh i ~b_g_o~' -' ·
Oriv Ocu HOLL i''H1. - } (J~

11 111
· <'I\
10 tin, /HI/J<'I' 11111,1 hi' 11 111/r'n on tfw /Jfl/J<'r 11mvidfld H/parately.

) ou will nm he allowed lo write dum,p thr j,nt 15 mmule.t 1

. 1111s time 1.1 lo he ,pent 1n rearlmY, the que.1/ton paper

11 at the head of thi\·paper 1.1 the time allowed/or writinY, the am wen
The tmte l!."'"
7his paper comp,;,·es two .l'ection.l' Section A and Sec/ion IJ.
Attempt all questions form Section A.
the two hrJ/Jkt you have
A.llempt any.four questions.from Section B, answering at least one question each from
studied and any two other questions.
The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in brackets [ j.
SECTION-A (40 Mark5)
~ P,-,--n->"T R--~ (Attempt all questions.) ·
w-=r ~ Pl+-i~ftia ~ -q ~ fclmT ~ ~ 1Ix 250 W-Gf cfqJ frrci~ ~ , (15J

~ 1. \iFt+i&.11 Fch<11'1c: I' ~ fcrlf<T 1Ix 250 ~ c'fq)' m~ ~ I

. ~1ai1x '1qo1 (pf +fITTtf ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I

3. cp'+ft., ~ W~ ITT 1ft" m "GfTcf t I ' ~ C'l',¢',Rffi * 3lJ£lR w ~ %AT

~ I 3T~ ~ ~ ~ I
4 ftra,cp Ul?lT qJl' fuarr ~ ffi <t W!2T W!2T ~ flqjiA 0 1 ~ ffl -g I fcrmm
~ -q fue:rcB" cBT ~ ~ ~ t I 3fCR NlT IBlffcn * fcrlTTT if cfcffif ~ ~
fcp-~ ~~3l 1%u frcA" cITT ~~cf r?
s ;fRr~ ~ITT cii-'tZ TR'ff ~ l~ITT cITT 3TTE TTx~ ffl~lf flct,T

,t,urt.,"tock com· 14053121!02 page I


n ·Tl mf ~ I
~ -~ c:....... rJ.~rn ~~ ,ro-rn 'f)T ~ ~ ~ ~ "C[c3 ~ m <f> \mR ftcft if ~ I

4~ •,, - ,::, ,;>, "??,"'" 7~ -;r:; ~ w 31A4 ,....

-:g =;,i, ch~~¥£ 11IIT? <TA ct?r
-;:: ~ c;::;_;- '"'- ~, ,t ~?
?.. --;,-,r,~ ,~ ,. &,,..,, '"'.,,.c, -::f 1~ ,;; ~ cfix ~Cl!
--,:;--7 ~ -i er,__ qii ,., ~ ~
t ?~~~

pa ge 2
(~"C lx3i l4CP )-~t lPTT <TU , ~ t f r R W,
~~ ~-:.: :: ~ "=
~ xl 4 m
~ \1CW ~ § 1)
rl; tj(\;'( S-~~ I _
m s.P!kff<1ftrn an@xUf <IT T~ ~ ;fR)- ~ ~ ffi~ .132 ~ - &--:: 0 ~ ~., ;;
,,~ ~ ~ ~ "ffifR ~ -g I ~ ~ -1 ~
t \JG T~c f>6 T~- ctru fi~~ c1T I "

2 'ITT\Nf ~ rp]"cpeff ~ <Tm3Dxcmr?

3 ~ ~ ~ \NT ~ rp]" ~ cmr 1@ c;t ?

.;: ~:- __
4_~% RT -i'l~ ~~~ CfJ RW ~cf iT~ %2 r~; .,-. ,.__
~ 6 PF:.:i!tlff5{ct 3TefffiUl" cl5T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '!fffl-$ \:)(C"'( 1,- ?s-; I
·,, x1½f151cl cITT0 "<.'l7TT, ~? ft~ ITT -m I -m ~ ~ 5 -::,'i- :-~ ~:r - ~::

Nm t 1

1. xi½Plt;lcl rlTT il\JJRh~nx ~ rt ~ lf rmT 1TITT T.fc1i ?

2 x1½f151cl cf)l" rmr ~ m 3TTx cflIT ?

L ~ ·~~<R .) '3~f q<irr rtrr<TT ~ ?<fR .,Q~ . d1lfc-M cR't wt 7 [2]
' WT ~ q~ ~llli ~ fcITTrc1~ ffITT W ~ afR \RR cflff ~~? [3]

.! ~ ~ 11 c1<TT ~ cpl >fllffi fcITTrr 7Tm i ? [3]


~ a. rt'-1IB!~a tmrn cfiT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m <ff \mR ~I

~gm~ ~ .~~WCT I"

1.~tRcnl f f l ~ ~ I [2]
2. mWn~cfiw:f ~ c n l f f l ~ I [2]
3. ~ e Tt 3ITTi 3TT urm t ?3l'rx <f<TT? [3J
4. ~ cbi WTT ~ +rmT ~ cf<TT ~ i ? [31
™9 rt9@R9a tmmcf)T~~ ~~~mcf;~ ~,
uITcfi TmT 1 ~ ™ I

~~cmft"~ x=r:r~~~ l

1. ~ ~ q5T ~ cfi "fT1lR 1JFRT ~ ?

2. ~ ~ ~ c'lTPT TTn<IT 3lR q'lfr?

3. 'WT cn'r 1ITTTT ~ ~ ? \NR ~ +rmT en)- q'lfr c'lTPT ~ ?

4. ~ ~ >f:i ~ cn'r cJrlT tTR t ~ cr<IT - cr<TT fcITT1T ?
:r,1 10 f.1A~tftrn wrn <P l~ \fficfi ".fr'tT ~ lTq ~ ~ ~ ~ 1
\Ji..,jl ,11t:·1 :i) ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,

~ ·i ~ , ~~. ftcT T I"

1.~c n'R ~?~ ~cn Tq UR ~ I
~em f~ fcnm t ? [2]
2. ~ c!5T cpfu

3_\Jlll c!5T ~ ~ W T c!5T ~ ~ ~ ffl cnr cm-Tamm t? [3]

~ ~ cnT ~ ~ ~ I


~ 11 Piklfclf~e1 3l<RRUT cm-~~~~ lfq m ~ \ffiR ~ I

" ~ 3TT\if w, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ,~ ~ lfg ~ ~ ~ g3lT

ftp urtr ~ cpf lf'f ~ ~ ~ I"

1.~ ~cn Tqc ffil ~m cTT ~t?

2. -mil ~ cpf lf'f cITTTT ~ cfllT rffiT ~ ~ ?

3_qcffil ~ ~ cf<l"f ffi cf)1" %T?

4_qcffil cpf 'q"ITT - ~ ~ I

~ 12 P.k!~f(5ia 3lcJcRUT cm-~ ffl ~ ~ ~ mt \ffiR ~I

~ ~ ~ I"
"~tR ~°gt ~"IT T11T ~<rg Pi¢c fi"T7 i:f P i ¢
3lWT 3TTr ~ ~ I"

1 . ~ ~ 5l~cl lc11 ~? ~ cfllT?

2.~ cfil cllx-dfclcb ffl t ~~cf cm-T fcITTrr ?

3. qcffil cfi"T ilfhRl?l 0 1 ~ I

page 5
~ 13 Pli--ifMt.c1 3lclffil1T <ITT ~ \ffl$ ~ ~ rrq m cfi ~ ~I
.. mm3f) Thf 1 11 \J"rR! 61 fcITT' :m-'57rr 3ftx zr•H ,w f<tr.r wrr<I ITTifT ,<P.ffitf, A ;_r,~

2 WIR ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ cfflT cnITT ?

3_-mc ct~~ WTTG q;r cfflT ~ t?

v -
"\\l\JJlo,11, ~( lf001..SA~<,LI
lN IJ l (l lP J)
,, \: ' '-il B PII\ ~l( ',\ I, 11,l> ll('A'I I()\. l\1Al<I<~ J()O I

(All the questions are compulsory)

~ What do you mean by growth and development. 2

~Give two differences between growth and development. 2

~~escribe the growth and development during adolescence. . 3

~~laborate the role of nut;ition in human growth and development. 3

I ~~hat do you mean 'by physical education. 2

~ h a t are the objectives of physical education accordin.g to leslie._ 2

~ ~ w does social development take place through physical education. 3

~ w does emotional development take place through physical education . 3


~ What do you mean by body types. 2

~Discuss the traits of Endomorph. 2

~iscuss the traits of Mesomorph. 3

"'4._ Discuss the traits of Ectomorph. 3

~ h i c h type of sports and games are suitable for Endomorph. 2

'- \ which type of sports can mesomorphs excel. 2

~ s t the objectives of physical education and explain any one of objective. 3

\ow does the objective of the physical development fulfilled through physical education. 3
~ '-Z.. l"t,~~ i.. , \t:,, hit t,towth ,md dt'v,,topme nt.
. 2
' ,, I l tlll'- whtch tnfluc·rnl' (?owtl, ,lilt I r 1PVC 1opr TH'n' of IHJm,m bein1",

~" ',, "the 11< <on.ii f.lrlm< whl• h n,!111,•nc" 1111111"11 uww ti , '"" l d<"vf'lopmenl
. . 3

~.' ~•h}, h I t'Xl'r<i,t' pl,1v ,1 rnh' 1 Vl •Iopm l'til • I xpl,lin 1n
1111• , n¼t I1 ,llllI 1I, brief 3

Suction• B
r, ou must ,1ttompt one question each of the two games)

~O•a-, a neat aco nan diagram of cricket ground with all specifications. 8

\. ~ Ex~}ain ~ te\ms in cricket:\

\ l\'o-!>a!I \. Bouncer ii~ Over-th row ·v. Hat-Trick
\ )'i) Explain about
' any 3 dismissal of batsman
\ Expla;.., about any 3 extras in Cricket.

'Wr'te a short note on Aerobic training.


a 1. Explain about power plays and fielding restrictions.

2. Explain when we can say that Innings closed.

3. Explain how test match is played.

b) 1. Explain any 2 fundamental Batting skills.

2. Explain any 2 fundamental bowling skills

c)l. If there is tie how can it be resolved in a Twenty-20 match.

2. Explain any 3 duties of umpires.

3. What do you mean by sight screen.

aUE 8} I ll(J rf 111

~I Draw l nl.'Jl Jf1d ( I,

~ Ht d11p,t1,n, f I
1 ··~ExplJin th~ lollni.v1r,,,
~\ t
I ' ill f, , Id 11111, 1,,,,,,1111, ,, ( I ,/( fl l 1
~~ r , rr 1•

~ "
1a1t y k1~J D111
\ 't K,, ~1~1d11,.u ki, k 111 1,, 1 ,1 i,, , v
rl t) Explain :-iho1n oil ~ idr•
uow the rn
"' 1 1,
fl){ " 1ck 1'• P1 rlci r1 nP tl

11J,t11;pla1n the spcu!1ca11ons of tlJ ,. li,Jll

QUE-9) (J

a) i) Explain any 4 duties of Referee .

ii) Exp ain any 4 duties of Assistant Referee.

b) Exp a·'l a, 14 fundamental skills of Football in d€!tailr,.
c) i) Exp ai, th e methods of fitness training of football playr.:r,;

;·1 Exp ai,., any 3 rules related to kicks from penalty marr.

ii'J Exp: ain an13 new Amendments in the rul•es of Foot-ball .


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