Soal KD.3.1 Kelas X

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Alamat : Jl. Raya Sosok – Tayan, Desa Menyabo, Kec. Tayan Hulu, Kab. Sanggau Kode Pos 78562
NSS : NPSN : 30107642

Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester/Program : XI / IPA-IPS
Waktu : 45 menit
Hari/Tanggal : ... Agustus 2022

Intruction : Choose the right answer by crossing A,B,C,D or E !

This dialogue is for number 1-2 !

Galih : Hello, Via.
Via : Hi, Galih. Nice to see you.
Galih : Nice to see you, too. How are you?
Via : Fine, thank you. And you?
Galih : I am very well, thanks.
Via : May I introduce my friends? This is Ayu, Zara and Riko.
Galih : How do you do everybody? Glad to meet you.
Ayu : How do you do Galih? Glad to meet you, too.
Galih : Are you all students?
Zara : Yes, we are.
Galih : I am sorry, friends. I have to go now.
Riko : Okay! Goodbye, Galih.
Galih : Good bye, everybody. See you next time.

1. May I introduce my friends?"

The expressions above to express....
A. a greeting
B. a parting
C. a congratulation
D. an introduction myself
E. an introduction people

2. "How do you do, everybody?"

Everybody means ....
A. Galih
B. Riko
C. Via, Ayu, Zara, and Riko
D. Ayu, Zara, and Riko
E. Via, Ayu, and Zara

1|P age Ulangan KD 3.1

Kelas X
3. If someone asks you "how do you do?
what do you answer to that expression?
A. How are you?
B. How do you do?
C. What is your name?
D. You're welcome
E. I am fine. Thank you.
4.Joko : Sri,…. ...
Sri : I am delighted to meet you.
Santo : I am delighted to meet you, too
The most appropriate expression is ………..
A. Santo is my friend
B. Santo wants to meet you
C. Don't you know Santo is my friend
D. Please introduce yourself
E. I would like you to meet my friend, Santo
5. Dani : Ratih, this is my sister, Dina.
Ratih : Hi, nice to meet you.
Dina : " …...... "

A. I am fine. Thank you.

B. I hope you nice
C. Thanks you for you
D. Nice to meet you, too
E. See you.
6. What is your expression to introduce yourself if you meet someone for the first time?

A. Ayu, this is Galih, my friend here

B. Have you met my friend. Via?
C. Hello, may I introduce my self
D. Hello, nice to meet you friend.
E. I must introduce myself

This dialogue is for number 7-10 !

Complete the following conversations with the most appropriate words or phrases
Irma : Excuse me,..... (7) Cahyo?
Cahyo : Yes, . .... (8)
Irma : . ... (9)? I’m Irma. How do you do?
Cahyo : ... (10), Irma.

7. A. How are you ...

B. How do you do ...
C. I’d like to introduce myself. I’m ...
D. Are you ...
E. Have you met
2|P age Ulangan KD 3.1
Kelas X
8. A. that's right
B. nice to meet you
C. have we met?
D. how are you?
E. how have you been?

9. A. May I introduce a good friend of mine?

B. Excuse me. Do you know my friend?
C. May I introduce myself?
D. Have we met before?
E. What is your name?

10. A. I am fine. Thank you.

B. Very well. And you?
C. Nice to meet you.
D. How do you do?
E. How are things?

Do it carefully !
Good luck !
May you be more successful in days to come !

3|P age Ulangan KD 3.1

Kelas X

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