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saoror (x) after tras ts 1 depression after few days of delivery & week in ‘eter lly sgn is seen in Da Which of the May | 2015 Which of the following is non ionising radiation: On ray, small bowel can be differentiated by by having b Haustar Peripherally placed concave coil of intestine Air fluid level For radiotherapy an isotope is paced in or around canect Medulated iz fi} ¢ Gl Chandigarh Set Assessment & Review : May 2016-2012 208. 209, 210, a. 212, 213. 2. 215. All are true about septic arthritis except: ‘a. Staph, Aurreus is most common causative organism 'b. Common in children c. Affect growth plate _at-E. coli isthe commonest causative organism Aspiration of joint fluid is used for diagnosis Features of fat embolism: a. Bradycardia Hypotension # Petechial rash Straight leg raising test is/are ps 2. Spinal stenosis ’. Spinal abscess Also called as trendelenburg test 4 Prolapsed intervertebral disc ee Sciatica Which of the following is/are true about the gait in sensory deficit: a. Antalgic gat b. Apraxic ©. Tredelenburg 4. Positive Romberg sign Apraxic gait JX Hypoxia ‘de Tachypnoea Which of the following is/are true regarding anaesthetic gas: 2 N20- increases efficacy of other inhalational agents b. Halothane- agent of choice in children .& Sevollurane is agent of choice in children 4. Isoflurane- smooth induction All are true about malignant hyperthermia except a. Occurs due to defect in ryanodine receptor . Caffeine halothane test on muscle fiber is used for diagnosis «. Halothane precipitates 4. Thiopentone triggers € Usually AD in inheritance ‘True about Endotracheal tube: 2 Most common used size for adult male is 8-8. 5 A€ Most common used size for adult female is 7-7. 5 © PVC tube is reusable by cleaning 4@ In children cuffed tube is not used €. Cuffs for aspiration of secretions ‘True about subarachnoid block (spinal anesthesia) a. Cannot be used in infant & children b. Can be given by unskilled doctor ¢. May beused when I. V access s no possible for intravenous drugs 4. Hypotension is most common side-effect 216, Indication of CVP line is/are: x. CVP monitoring in shock patient 36. Prior to major surgery se For administering inotropics through cyp, patients 4d. Inevery case of caesarean section 1p. For giving blood in patient with severe haem Memoria 217, True about acute paronye a a. Fungal infection of nail pulp b. Fungal infection of nail bed .&: Bacterial infection 4 hay Allergic recation Usually involve nail folds 218. True about Campbell de Morgan spots: ac Benign b, Malignant : Proliferation of blood vessel 4. Very painful & Cherry red in color 219. Which of the following disease is associated with ha, C infection: a: Lichen planus b. Psoariasis - Sjogren's syndrome . HUS . HSP 220. Which of the following statement is/are correct sb Scabies: ‘a. Number of lesion correspondent to number of mite b. Ivermectin not used for treatment ©. Itching worsen at night, 4. Not involve face in children All are true about Pitryiasis rosea except: 2% Usually self limiting b. Drug induced 5 Herald patch precedes eruptions by 1-2 weeks d. Caused by HHV 3&4 222. Exposure & response prevention technique ire we a. Schizophrenia » ocb ee Phobia @ Mania @. Depresion 221 wt a. 168. 164. 6s, “Watery carbohydrate 12 food are preciptating factors {ay occur afer pastrectony oF vayomy and drainage rans «sop gate emptying commen feature of both eth & late dumping syndrome nich of the following invare true Boerhaave syndrome sees dos to incrente ln thoracic esophageal pressure + Oar ern ec er rere Caused by severe vorniting Se hase poemetions ws compan A capone) Seyecomal uaa, sina corel te proteins Sana ip Associated with IgG4 related systemic diseases J Fibrosis of interstitial Unyroid stroma ‘e. Present with hypothyroidism Troe about Sick euthyroid syndrome: i Normal TSH 2 Této T3 conversion impaired ¢ High TSH 4 Téhigh € Increased reverse T3 Allare true about salivary gland tumor except Parotid gland is most common site of involvement Warthin tumour almost always found in the parotid gland Minor gland tumours are mostly malignant Parotid tumours are mostly malignant Superficial parotidecte neler in pleomorphic adeno Which of the following is/are true regarding surgical shunt for esophageal varices in portal hypertension: &. Prevention of esophageal bleed 26 Main indication of surgical shunt is a patient with Child's grade A cirthosis, in whom the ‘controlled by sclerotherapy 12: Reduce the pressure in the portal circulation by diverting the blood into the low. pressure systemic circulation 4. Distal splenorenal shunt preserve blood flow to the liver True about cleft lip 2. Occurs dit defect in fusion of frontal & nasal process Only bilateral cases are associated with cleft palate © Repaired in neonatal period 4 Unilateral cases are more common in left side ‘Which of the following is/are true regarding management of 4 trauma presenting with shock: 4 Transfusion of PCV-FPP-Fiatcict should be in 1:1:1 ratio Jy First hemodynamic stabilize the patient, then go for CT sean Fist go for CT scan, then stabilize the patient & CVP line should be placed tial bleed has been 168, 175. May | 2015 All are true about acute appendicitis except 4. Clinically indifferent from Meckel diverticulum in children 6 Lymphoid hyperplasia may causes acute appendicitis Pain shift to right ie fossa Ultrasound is more diagnostic than CT scan Which of the following is true about esophageal edenoces- noms Obesity is sk factor '. Most common in middle & lower 1/3 < Tincidence in Barrett’s oesophagus 9 Squamous metaplasia isa risk factor Chronic gastroesophageal reflux an etiology of adenocat- True about intestinal pseudo- obstruction: May be caused by hypokalemia Bezoars can cause preudo-obstruction Neostigmine used in treatment May be associated with diverticulosis «Colonoscopy is contraindicated Truc about sigmoid volvulus: ‘> Most common spontaneous type in adult ©. Less fiber diet isa rsk factor Treatment include resuscitation & decompression Most common type of colonic volvulus : ‘© Low recurrence after conservative management f True about diverticular disease of colon: 2 Right side more common Jy Sign & symptoms indistinguishable from irritable bowel syndrome Profuse & painless bleeding 4: Sigmoid is most common site Which of the following is true about primary lymphoedema: 2 May be congenital py en 1s. Lymphoedema congenita more commonly occur bilaterally ‘& Condition improves with massage 4. Lymphatic hyperplasia Al are true about thymoma except: MC tumor in anterior mediastinum b. Treatment is thymectomy &- Symptomatic cases present as endocrine abnormalities 4. May be associated with myasthenia gravis Associated with thyroiditis |. True about invasive thymoma: 4. Benign in nature Jb: May be associated with EBV Malignant in nature 4 Epithelial cells are most commonly of the cortical variety ‘True about cystosarcoma phylloides: ‘a Usually bilateral Jr Usually occur in female over age of 40 See: Not involve nipple-areola complex ‘GI Chandigarh Self-Assessment & Review: May 2016 2012 4. Treatment is mastectomy of malignant lesio a Allare benign in nature ‘True about anorectal abscess 4, Ischiorectal is most common type b. Primary modality of treatment is antibiotic without drain Rupture can cause fistula formation, 4k Common in diabetics 4° Drainage of pus with antibiotics is mainstay oft Which of the following indicate poor prognosis Ranson & Glasgow scale of acute pancreatitis > Albumin 6 Alanine aminotransferase © Aspartate aminotransferase 1d Lactate dehydrogenase Base deficit Obstetrics & Gynaecology 178. Allare true about polyeystic ovarian disease (PCOD) except im Testosterone > 2 ng/ml b Infertility 1s High FSH/LH ratio. 4. Tnsul 2 TE2/oestrone (E1) ratio 179. Not true bout Endometriosis c @. Sampson gave implantation theo,” b. Cause infertity BE Szepo ACs 9 © Laproscopy is gold standard for diagnosis 48 Common in low socio-economic group 180. A young lady can be counselled for str inall except: 42 Awoman having no or few children may undergo steriiza tion b. Woman with HIV either taking or not taking ART can go for sterilization & Husband consent is present 4. Young lactating women more than 2 sterilization € Ifthe couple has 3 or more living children, the lower imit of age of the husband or wife may be relaxed atthe discretion ofthe operating surgeon 181. Nulliparous women have high risk of following cancer . Cervical cancer b. Vaginal cancer 2: Breast cancer 4. Ovarian cancer fe Endometrial Ca 182. Ancuploid in 1st Trimester is detected by: a. Nuchal translucency be MSAFP level ©. PAPP-A 44: Unconjugated estriol a B-hCG 176. 7, level years can go for 183, 184, 186. 188, 189. 190. True about testosterone in female: A; > 50% testosterone secreted from o, b. > 80% testosterone secreted from oy £ ~0.5 ng/ml is plasma concentration” 4. Slight decease i the set08 3 ne fog y- Daily production of testosterone is ony. in Tree about Nonorynel-8 920.28 a. Decrease risk of HIV bs. Prevent STD infection rary , Remain effective for 1-2 hr aft ter application a Spermicidal action : ‘e Causes itching of vagi 8 female & Hing Feature of false labor. 2a Steady intensity of pain b. Cervical dilation ©. Discomfort isin the back and abdomen & Intervals remain long «©. Discomfort usually is relieved by sedation Which of the following is true about Partial mole a: Karyotype is 69 XXY or 69XYY b. High malignant potential vo4 s © BHCG level is <50,000 " 4. Thecan lutein cysts common ©. Immunostaining (p57KIP2) positive ‘Which of the following is lower segment vertical icine a. Simon 1 = hh bs Selheim. c= Kronig 4. Kerr ©. None Appropriate time of IUCD insertion is/are: a: Immediately after delivery BI week after delivery &: Post-puerperal period 4. Before mensteuation €_ Any time during lactation period True about combined oral contraceptive: 4 Pelvic examination is mandatory before prescribing O° by Pregnancy resumes soon after discontinuation ofp ©. Protect from endometrial cancer, cervical & ovarian 4 HIV antiviral drugs reduce effectiveness ofCOC © Pregancy rate equal to non-hormonal contacepé discontinuation True abot implanon: a, Releases > 67 ygiday of drug b. Prevent STD Life spam is 3 years 4. Contains LNG ©. Has 6 implants _—sS I Chandigarh Self-Assessment & Review: May 2016 -2012 un 12, 13. 4. us. 116. 17. ‘True about grommet insertion: 2 Small plastic tube aerating middle ear 'b. Maximum duration of grommet insertion is 5 month £¢ Healing occurs more quickly after extrusion than after removal 4 is placed anteriorly on tympanic membrane . Surgery is always needed to remove it ‘True about Vasomotor rhinitis: a. Iisa type of allergic reaction ‘6. Clinically simulate nasal allergy ‘ Nasal mucosa generally congested & hypertrophic 4d. Hypertrophy of inferior turbinate is commonly present e: Antichistaminics & oral nasal decongestant are used in treatment Structures preserved in radical neck dissecti a Internal jugular vein. (,, {oajh4iUt ‘b. Carotid Artery © Accessory nerve, tale (7 at Brachial plexus €. Sternocleidomastiod muscle , Feature of Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: a. Nasal polyp 1b. Perforated Nasal septum -€© Persistant sinus de Crusting of nasal mucosa @. Collapse of nasal bridge ‘True about vestibular schwanomma: 2 UlIhearing loss is common presentation b. Mostly malignant 's: Most common tumour of CP angle 4g Sensorineural deafness fe. Uncapsulated ‘Tensor of vocal cord includes: ‘a Arytenoid 4 haa. b. Thyroarytenoid €. Interarytenoid 4d. Posterior cricoarytenoid ¥ Cricothyroid, vot. abe All are true about vocal cord nodule except: ‘a. Caused by phonotrauma 46, Commonly occur at Junction of middle & posterior 1/3, €. Common at junction of A 1/3 with P 2/3 4. Common in teachers «. Treatment is speech therapy ‘True about allergic fungal sinusitis: a: Fungal hyphae is present in allergic mucin which is pathological hallmark b. Invasion of the sinus mucosa with fungus &: Allergic reaction to fungus 4. Antifungal treatment lead to improvement of symptom (Surgical clearance is mainstay of treatment 119. True about conductive hearing loss; a. Presbycusis bb: Cholestetoma . Acoustic neuroma ak. Perforation of tympanic membrane 2° Seraus otitis media True about Andy Gump deformity; a: Occurs due defects of the anterior man “e- Hemimandibulectomy can cause ‘¢, Marginal mandibulectomy can cause se Treatment is adequate reconsruction mandibular arch with plate & graft Foreign body in trachea & bronchus can cause 4x Bronchiectasis, Ik Atelectasis 120. ibaa an ke. Subcutaneous emphysema # Pneumothorax Sc 122, Pulmonary blood flow increased in ll xcept a. ASD - b. vsp «TOF 4. Transposition of great arteries (TGA) e PDA 123, Cauda equina is differentiated from conus medias presence of a._ Ankle jerk may lost by Knee jerk may ost Motor changes 4. Bladder & bowel involvement as inital presentation e. Root pain 124, Which ofthe following is/are the feature(s) af ead to increase in intracranial pressure: a Increase on supine position bb Most commonly presents as severe acute eadaske ¢. Pulsatile in nature 4. Throbbing character Analgesics are not very helpful 125. Early diastolic murmur is/are seen in a. Vsb b ASD . Mitral stenosis aE AR ‘eo PR 126. All are true about use of triptans in migraine 7° A. Used in prophylaxis of migraine Js. Efficacy increased with concomitant ws € Can be given for long term where NSAI 4d. Given when NSAIDS is not effective of oe 1s isaot 151. Which of the following is the feature (s) of posterior cr Pl Chandigarh Self-Assessment & Review: May 2016-2012 144, Features of Constrictive pericarditis which differentiate with restrictive cardiomyopathy: Z Prominent y descent more common ‘b. Pericardial knock Third heart sound Thickened pericardium €. Right ventricular hypertrophy 145. CURB-65 criteria for severe pneumonia includes: & Confusion b Uremia 1% Respiratory rate 230/min 4. Systolic Blood pressure < 80 mmHg €. Diastolic blood pressure, systolic “50 mmHg 146. Which of the following feature favours emphysema rather than interstitial fibrosis: a. TFEVI we TRV & 4Peak expiratory flow 147, True about Kaposi sarcoma: Vascular tumor be Associated with HIV © Anticretroviral therapy is given in AIDS associated KS & Associated with Human herpes virus-8 Radiotherapy may be used in treatment 148. Hypomagnesemia may lead to: a. Hypotension b. Bradycardia & Torsade de pointes Tetany & Calcium should also be used in its treatment 149, Feature of unstable angina: a. 7 Troponin 4b Transient elevation of ST segment -< Depression of ST segment 4. Qwave eT wave inversion 150, Allare true about rheumatoid factor except: ‘& Also found in Sjogren syndrome 1h. May also present normally 1 Itis basically IgM 4. Its presence is diagnostic of rheumatoid arth dc LFEVI/FEV6 4 TTLC fossa fracture: ‘a. Bleeding from ear 4B. Discolouration of skin & collection of blood occur in the region of mastoid process Boggy swelling in the nape of the neck 4. Bleeding from nose e. CSF rhinorrhoea 152. 159, oe cep & Orchidectomy is treatment of choice a True about Psoas abscess a. Hip extension increases pain '. Staphylococcus is most common cause : Presented with back pain 4. T Bean cause ‘Causes referred pain to the hip & groin True about claudication: a. Always B/l b. Commonly present with pain in calf musce Pain increases with walking 4. Pain relieves with rest €. Most commonly occurs due to neurological case True about abdominal aneurysm: a. Size >4. 5 em is indication for repair b. Most common above renal artery €. Typical triad of ruptured abdominal aneurysm is faa less than 50% case 4. Associated peripheral aneurysm is also commen prt ©. Treatment with shuntgraft True about incisional hernia: a. Incidence is about 10-15% ofall abdominal walle b. Less chance in obese person . More common in woman 4: Commonly caused by lower abdominal surgery & May occur due to improper healing of abdominal inst Which of following is/are true in accordance 0 eet gastric carcinoma staging All gure tumours whose epicentre is win 524 the gastrooesophageal junction and extend ia i ‘oesophagus are now classified according 10 the gastric staging b. 5 Node involvement-N2 «. TIN2MO- Stage Il 4. Peritoneal spread is MO € Any tumour that perforates the serosa i n0¥ TA disease All are true about dumping syndrome except 4. Treatment consists of small meal at shor 4. PPI is very useful in treatment tasiid eral y rn 1 ws. BA 18, £ artery stenosis excep ae a ors car be used in bilateral renal artery stenosis Teen fe el haar ary Ace inhi Pe et and ee © Mad only in refractory cases ype the following causes glomerular proteinuria: J Amyloidoss * Maltiple myeloma oer ann om : Chylous pleural effusion occur in: “TB Malignancy SLE d. Thoracic duct injury Congestive heart failure Feature of parkinsonism includes all except: a Mask face b. Rigidity -& Intention tremor ._ Resting tremor «. Flaccidity Which of the following causes massive splenomegaly a. CLL 'b. Multiple myeloma «. Follicular lymphangitis 4 Gaucher disease €. Sjogren’ syndrome ACTH dependent cushing syndrome is/are caused by: “Pituitary adenoma Adrenal adenoma € Adrenocortical carcinoma 4 Pheochromocytoma MypergycemicHyperosmolar state (HHS) is characterized 5 3 Hyperglycemia b. Acidosis & Dehydration be Coma ‘Which of the following is true about Pheochromocytoma: 2 Sestabimi scan is done before surgery . Mostly are malignant 4 Sargery is mainstay of treatment # Prior a blocker is given © Prior B blocker is given — 136. Treatment of crohn's disease includes: » Steroid >. 5-Aminosalicyic acid agents 's Azathioprine 4. Daclizumad # Adalimumab : 137. Energy selection in CPR according to AHA 2010 guideline islare: ‘a. Monophasic 120-200), Biphasic 360) 'b. Monophasic 200 |, Biphasic 360) . Monophasic 120 J, Biphasic 200} .g Monophasic 360 J. Biphasic 120-200 J «. Monophasic 360}, Biphasic 220] 138, Which of the following lesion represent tertiary syphilis: ‘a. Condylomata lata 'b. Matted lymph node © Condylomata acuminata d_ Tabes dorsalis . Gumma formation 139, Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct regarding syphilis in pregnancy & congenital syphilis: {Foetus has more chance of infection in 3rd T. M ‘be Syphilis can be prevented by giving penicillin in neonate ¢ [Finfant showing signs of syphilis, he/she should be given single dose of crystalline penicilin 4 If infant does not have any signs of syphilis, he/she should bee given benzathine penicilin “g. Foetus is most likely affected if mother is suffering from primary or secondary syphilis than late syphilis 140. Ascitic fluid with T SAG & Talbumin is/are found in: a TB a CHE ©. Cirthosis d. Pancreatitis «. Nephrotic syndrome 141. Which of the following dyads are correct: a. Pulsus paradoxus- Aortic regurgitation bb. Pulsus bisferiens- Aortic stenosis £. Water-Hammer pulse- Aortic regurgitation (A. Palsus parvus et tardus -Aortic stenosis, “e. Collapsing pulse- Aortic regurgitation 142, For cancer pain, ladder 2 step in WHO's pain step ladder includes: a, Oral morphine Injectable morphine < Codeine 4. Fentanyl ‘e/ Tramadol 143. ‘True about peptic ulcer: a. H. pylori causes peptic ulcer b. Eradcation therapy better than PPI therapy . Eradication therapy also contain PPI d. Duodenum ulcer is more commonly associated with H. pylori than gastric ulcer e. Gastric ulcer is more commonly associated with H. pylori than duodenal ulcer cS n. tn comparison to haloperidol, clozapine causes: iy. Weight gain & Agranulocytosis Sedation A Severe extrapyramidal symptoms «Less eliptogenic potential Minich of the following condition increase chance of sremia in patient treated with antidepressant: hypo if Old age b, Low weight © Cold climate 4. Obesity «Female ex Desmopressin is/are used in: 4& Diabetes insipidus fe Haemophilia A ce. Hemophila B Which of the following is/are teratogens: ‘a. Artemisinin by Aminoglycoside ‘e Carbamezapine 4: Retinoic acid fe. Phenytoin Which of the following is/are features of Triamcilone with respect to hydrocortisone: ‘a Florinated at carbon atom 9 bb Not used in oral form ‘c. Mineralocorticoid activity present ak More potent than hydrocortisone ZC Glucocorticoid activity is 5 times of hydrocortisone Esophageal varices 4. Von Willebrand disease Burkdholeria cepacia infection is/are typically associated with: 4 Cystic fibrosis 'b Chronic bronchitis Chronic granulomatous disease ‘4. Multiple myeloma «. Myeloperoxidase deficiency ‘T.saginata is differentiated from T. solium by presence of: . Hooks in scolex (head) ar 4 large pigmented sucker ‘& Uterus thin & dichotomous 4. Short neck 2: Egg is not infective to man True about gas gangrene: 4. a -toxin is main cause ofthe toxaemia associated with gas gangrene . Caused by mainly Clostridium intestinale © Low oxygen tension in tissue is important precondition 4. Devitalized tissue predisposes to gas gangrene € Not occur if dead tissue is not present n. 2. 74. 3. 76. 78. 79, ‘Truc about Botulinum toxin: a. Interfere with adrenergic transmission 16 Interfere with Cholinergic transmission Increase release of synaptic vesicles & Inhibit release from synaptic vesicles ce. Act also on CNS Which ofthe following is/are true about HIV-2: 4 HIV-2 first detected in West Africa in 1986 ’, Dnated blood is only screened for HIV-1, not HIV-2 RiGee virulent than HIV 1 jf More closely related to simian immunodef than HIV | 1m Mode of transmission i like HIV} Features of tage III HIV infection is/are a. Fever >38.50C b. Oral hairy leukoplakia ©. Candidiasis 4. Diarrhoea of >20 day duration fe. > 26% CD4 count in adults Microbiological organism can be recoverd from: 4. Sulphur granules of actinomycetes ‘Streptococci from Valve leaflet lesion in sheumatic valvullis [gf Petechial purpura for Meningococsi 4 Corynebacterium in pscudomembrane in throat Aare the feature(s) of chancorid except a. Ukerbleed easily. Painful © Bubo formation 1d. Typically indurated &. Caused by H. ducreyi ‘True about plague: a Seasonal spread b. No vaccine is available Tetracycline is used both for chemoprophylaxis & teat ment 4. Caused by gram negative motile bacteria fe Allages are equally affected Which of the following is picornaviridac x Polio virus 4 Coxasackie virus °C Rhinovirus 4 Corona virus . Reovirus| Ail are true about severe combined immunodeficiency except: ‘3 B&T cell deficiency b. Adenosine deaminase deficiency may occur Uf, affected child can survives beyond adolescence without treatment “4, Can transmit either as X-linked or autosomal recessive defect e. Person susceptible to recurrent & severe infections jency virus following dyads are corrects wih of cording t0 201 ge WMSpg sex ti 914 acorn 02 eensus CBR: 21. 340 2012 + Ciera erty rate-886 in 2012 § DR: 7 in 2012 fe predictive vale es tie ely Seeing et amaminatr contains positive resi by screening test > Numerator contains positive result by agnostic est JNatminator contains positive result by diagnostic H Nomeator contains postive reslt By screening test & diagnostic test both, so. Incubatory carriers are: & Polio 1B Diphtheria ¢ Anthrax a Pertussis 4 Hepatitis B 100, Which of the following disease have carrier stage: az Staph, aureus 'b. Group B Streptococcus ie Hepatitis B & Typhoid @ Hemophilus influenza 101. True about Silicosis: 1c. Birefringent particles are seen under polarized light in lung nodule Fibrosis of lung .. Stopping the exposure reverse the progression Impairment of total lung capacity €. Notifiable disease 102. Which of the following is not zoonosis: & Gonorrhoea Pertussis Anthrax 4. Brucella e. Salmonella paratyphi B Cronin 103. Periosteum of orbit is strongly attached to" ‘& Medial wall oforbit, —b. Lateral wall of orbit €. Floor of orbit 4. Roof of orbit -e: Sutures lines 104. Poor prognostic factor for retinoblastoma includes: a > 4mm size of tumour > 2mm size of tumor 4 Associated glaucoma A. Undifferentiated tumour cells '& Sclera involvement = in 107. 108. 109. 110. 108. May | 2015 ‘True about A-V pattern heterotropia squint 2 The terms ‘A’ or 'V" pattern squint are labelled when the amount of deviation in squinting eye varies by more than 10" and 15%, respectively, between upward and downward gaze by. The terms i or 'V’ pattern squint are labelled when the amount of deviation in squinting eye varies by more than 20° and 25°, respectively, between upward and downward gaze. . Usually, overaction ofthe inferior oblique or weakness of superior oblique leads to a A pattern & overaction of the Superior oblique or weakness of inferior oblique to an V pattern At Usualy overaction ofthe inferior oblique or weakness of superior oblique leads to a V pattern & overaction of the Superior oblique or weakness of inferior oblique to an A pattern (¢. Oblique muscle dysfunction is the commonest cause of AV pattern Truc about congenital esotropia: ‘a. Onset is only after 1 year of age J Amblyopia may develop ‘e- Angle of deviation is usually fixed & large dd. Surgery should done after 2 years ‘True about lens of eye: » Avascular Growth takes place throughout life Derive its nutrition from aqueous humour Transparent Ectodermal in origin sures of ocular ischemic syndrome includes all except: Microaneurysm Dot & blot haemorthage ‘More common in elderly women than men Disc edema Amaurosis fugax are ocular emergency except: Eye injury ‘Sympathetic ophthalmitis Retinal artery occlusion cRVO .. Bacterial endophthalmitis are true regarding cornea except: Endothelium help in maintaining dehydrated state Oxygen is mostly derived by epithelium directly from the air through tear film Glucose supply for corneal metabolism is mainly derived from the aqueous ‘de Corneal thickness is more at center than periphery & Richly vascular zekbre zeeneee CT07 ee irri Se eos Gl Chandigath Self-Assessment & Review : May 2016 - 2012 80, ‘Truc statement regarding NK cells are all except: 90. 2, as, 87. 89, a. Also called a5 Large granulad lymphocyte '. Can kill viral infected cell” he “wera Forms first line of detence 2%, 4 d Can kill tumour cell - .#- No role in cell mediated immunity True about Swine fu: 4 Older bird influenza vaccine is equally effective in swine ay K Ostelmaviris effective in prevention on & Zanamavie can be used for treatment 4 Influenza vaccine provides immunity just after vaccination Laboratory finding (s) of a patient having chronic hepatitis B infection with low viral load: 2% HBsAg bo Anti-HBs Anti-HBe AL Anti-HBe IgG 90 ©. HBeAg a Death in hanging occurs due to all except 93, a. Asphyxia . Vagal inhibition 6: Vagal stimulation 4d. Cerebral ischemia e. Venous congestion Grease collar is formed by: a. Railway injury, . Bullet exit wound b. Gutter fracture 4. Bullet entry wound Which of the following is/are type of abrasion. . Pattern b. Imprint 94, © Graze d. Stretch ©. Scratch 1. B.C Section dealing with punishment for voluntary causing grievous injury a 321LP.C b 3221 RC © 323LR.C d 3241 PC £ 351LRC Post- mortem caloricity is/are seen in: a. Drowning b. Elderly € Strychnine poisoning d._ Sunstroke €. Cholera 95. ©. Cold environment 4. Drowning e. Warm air 96. Which of the following toxic agent is removed by hemodial- ysis, but nat by gut detoxication through activated charcoal a. Theophylline b. Benzodiazepines © Phenobarbitone 4. Ethylemne glycol e- Ethanol Allare true about eruption of teeth a First deciduous teth erupt in onan A, First permanent teeth erp arg, ‘€, Cannineteth erupt ear than ey 4 Cannine erupt after 2nd molar ‘et 6 Central incisor erp aretha inc ich of the follow “Tetanus Hepatitis B ‘Which of the following vaccine is Ci in £ BOG CBs HICH, salen ger Ea 6 Oralpoliovaccine SE MEA rat & Measles t wad, Scope fy a patient opto hy 2. Measles » Bcc 6. Rubella 4. Yellow eer Hepatitis B Which ofthe following is/are true re earding refer & woman except: = a Reference man is aged b/w 18-29 years & weighs Reference man is aged biw 1829 years & weg Sy «: Reference man: he is engaged in 8 hous of which usually involves moderate activity 4. Reference woman is aged b/w 18-29 years & weigh th «. Reference woman: height of 161 meter & BM All ofthe following are true regarding water supp ex a. Earlier recommended target of supply norm ii was 40 Iped 'b. 150-200 liters per capita is considered a a algae Supply to meet the needs for all urban domestic pape 1 In 8th 5 ~yr plan target set was 200 ped & aces source of water < 200 meter forruralaras 4. For metto cities with population > 10 lakh, tps Iped © For municipality with population biw 1-10 ih" 100-135 Iped Deprivation index includes a: Edveation be Income ¢. Working child 4. Drop out of child from school ‘ Physical disability oat Which of the most common cancer in Indian cording to latest data of ICMR: a. Cervix . Vagina 2 Breast 4. Ovary €. Oral cavity v0. 1s, 16, 18. 20. 2 PGI Chandigarh Selt-Assessment & Review: May 2016-2012 nase Sulphur of cystein are not used) utilized in body for the following process/product &. Help in conversion of cyanide to thiocynate >. Thiosulphate formation § [stroduction of sulphur atom in methionine 4. Disulfide bond formation b/w two adjacent peptide Which one of the following statements about protein struc ture is correct: 2 Proteins consisting ofonepolpepiecan have uaernary 5. The formation ofa dslade bond ina protein requires that the two partcpaing eens eaidue be aan eh other inthe primary cence ste nea The stability ofquacenryavactn ences mailya resl of coven bends Soong ene The denaturation of precios ays ed to irevesble los ofsccondaryandcrion arta The information requted forthe cvrect fling of a Protein & contained in the sonic sagen at wrong teppei Truc about reine ete ie a. Form part of dag o> 8 4° Transported from intestine to liver by via chylomicrons €. Acti take port in eco A implicated in prom ciepeon os ‘ Fibrosarcoma a. 25% affected & 50 % carrer, if one parent affected 445, Which ofthe following dyads are correct: b. 50% affected & 75 % carrier, if both parent affected x WBC east- Acute pyelonephritis . 75% affected, ifboth parent affected Jb Broad cast-CRF d- 50% affected, if one parent affected ¢. Eosinophilic cast-intersital nephritis . Allcarrier irrespective of either one parent affected or both de RBC cast- Glomerulonephaitis parent affected ; f. Broad cast; chronic pyelonephritis ees gb Barts is said when numberof genelocl 46, Alpha fetoprotein is/are increased in affected is va, Yolk sac tumour 'b Seminoma al b2 ‘¢. Dysgerminoma ‘de Non-seminoma 63 a4 fe. Hepatocellular carcinoma None ‘PGl Chandigarh Self-Assessment & Review : May 2016-2012 47. True about hemophilia B a. Factor 8 deficiency A Factor 9 deficiency & Xlinked disorder 44 Clinically indistinguishable from hemophilia A €. Fresh frozen plasma given for treatment 48. Truc about primary biliary cirhhosis: 56 4 More common in female 1b Periportal fibrosis © May be ssociated with Rheumatoid disease 4. Jaundice may be present 49. Finding in histopathology of brain in rabies includes: Negri body Nodule Neuronophagia Vacuolar degenerative changes Inflammatory cell 50. True about hyperacute rejection in renal transplant: 38 4. Occur within few days of transplant b. Tell involvement << Blood vessel thrombosis 4. Eosinophilic infiltration € Bell infiltration 51, True about gluten sensitive enteropathy a. Diet should exclude barley, wheat & rye 59. '. Intestinal biopsy is diagonstic Anti IgA endomyeial antibody is specific 4. Mucosal hyperplasia Corer 52. Mechanism of action of gabapentin is/are: © Enhances GABA release b. Agonist at GABAA receptor « Acton NMDA receptor 4. Prolongation of Na+ Channel Inactivation 2 Inhibition of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels 53. Which of the following is/are true regarding muscarianic action except 2 Miosis b. Detrusor muscle contraction © Dicylomine is antimuscuarnic drug used for smooth ‘muscle relaxation 4 Cardiac muscuranic receptors are predominantly M 3 type Ssalivary gland secretion ea 54. Disease modifying drug (s) used in treatment of rheumatoid a 2. Neproxen ©. Abatacept €. Methotrexate thritis & crohns 6. b. Nabumetone 4. Monoclonal antibodies Levetiracetam is commonly used for, 4 Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy b. Absence seizure © Generalised nic clonic seizure 4 Complex partial seizure Act through GABA Penicillinase resistant penicillin is/are a Methicillin bb Cloxacillin < Ampicillin 4. Dicloxacillin True about Jarisch - H. - d. Woccur due to allergy to penicillin is "it acquire én resistance by inactivation or degradation by east, Which of the followings are feature of bensadinga Mi Loe Increased appet £GI ; : uo ted All are true about acyclovir except: me: ph ation for activation % Tag od mai rine an SIE of clofaziamine includes ry a leth aU b. Th dg © Skin pigmentation ed ‘Gastrointestinal disturbances Tene . Weight gain a week . A person was on chemotherapy for mediastinal tumour. Now he develops Bah S| hearing loss. Most probable case ofthis coin’ © Cisplatin b. Btoposie : Doxorubicin & Metoteste 4 rue SNVILE WUESTION a herald § Which of the following is true regarding renal handling of substances: 1 Whit he ollowing structure) pass rough adductor inti alae obeats —— b. Amount of Na+ absorb is in excess than secreted s Semon seen € Percentage reabsorption of Nav is more than K+ peered 4 Inabolt em (in meq) Nav is more excreted than K+ « mee €. Total amount of urea filtered is completely excreted 4. Saphenous nerve 9. Vaomotor tap to fsa noc seal e. Tibial nerve " medulla is/are from: 2, Which of the following statement(s) is true regarding axillay Inhibitory input from caudal ventrolateral medulla artery: + Excitatory inputs from cerebral cortex va hypothalamus 2. Start from upper border of clavicle Inher inputs rm crcl corto thon 4 Ulnar nerve lies medially to distal 1/3 of artery 4. Inhibitory inputs from brain stem reticular formation Radial nerve lies posteriorly distal 1/3 of artery €. Inhibitory inputs pain pathway 4 Aailay vein lis laterally to proximal 1/3 ofthe artery yg Parasympathetic stimulation results in: ¢. End at lower border of pectoralis minor dgvire 3, Facial development takes place byw a 4 48 week b. 8-10 week «. Detrusor muscle relaxation 12-14 week 4. 18-20 week @. Mydrisis & 6-10 week €. Contraction of bronchial muscle 4. Muscle having double nerve supply 11. Which ofthe following ae feature of blood-brain barvier: a. Digastric muscle b. Omohyoid muscle 4 Thick basement membrane «. Trapezius 4. Thyrohyoid muscle b. Podocyte €. Adductor magnus Closely associated layer of astrocyte 5. Which of the following is true regarding vertebral column 4 Tight junction curvature: «Decreased vesicles in endothelial cells A Primary curves are concave forward 12, For Growth hormone testing, which of the following Lumbar curve is primary stimulate the secretions of Growth hormone: «& Thoracic curve develop when infant start walking 2° Glucagon Insulin 4 Cervical appear when the infant starts supporting its head ©. Cortisol 4. Water deprivation “€ Lambar curve appears when the child assumes the upright fe. Arginine posture b ‘Which of the following is true about myoglobin: 4 Bind 1 mol of oxygen per mole of myoglobin b, Dissociation curve ia rectangular hyperbole Gays © Itscurvelies right ofthe hemoglobin carve A Bind oxygen at low PO? presure Pepsinogen, the inactive form of pepsin, is secreted by: < ee capene 2. nterstial cell of Cajal b. Chief cell & Paneth cell Een . Goblet cell €. Zymogen Calls ‘Type LIB muscle fibers are different from type I fiber with having: rs Mucopolysacchidosis, which is a lysosomal storage disease, ‘occurs due to abnormality in: ar Hydrolase enzyme @ Small diameter b, Dehydorgenase enzyme . Calcium reWlease by sarcoplasmic reticulum is low c. Lipase enzyme © Fast fatigable 4. Phosphatase 4 Color pink € Acetyl-CoA carboxylase © Faster acting

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