Naskah PTS Kelas V Bahasa Inggris

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1. Rudi : What are elephant motion organs?
Rani : They are ….
a. eye
b. Long nose and feet
c. Stomach
d. Wings
2. Tantri : does butterfly like nectar?
Nomi : ….
a. Yes, it is
b. Yes, it does
c. No, it, it isn’t
d. No, it does not
3. A snail moves using its….
a. Stomach
b. Tentacles
c. Abdominal muscles
d. Feet

4. Rani : Does girrafe walk using its stomach?

Niko : ….
a. Yes, they are
b. Yes, it does
c. No, they are not
d. No, it does not
5. Titan : How does the frog moves?
Noni : The Frog moves using…
a. Swim
b. Fly
c. Walk
d. Jump
6. Aminah : What is cat fish motion organ?
Nada : It is….
A. Wing
B. Tentacle
C. Fin
D. Stomach
7. A jelly fish moves using its
A. Stomach
B. Tentacle
C. Abdominal muscles
D. feet

8. Dino : How is the frog move?

Nino : ….
A. Swim
B. Fly
C. Walk
D. Jump
9. Aldi : is air bag birds respiratory organ?
Dika : ….
A. Yes, it does
B. Yes, it is
C. No, it is’t
D. No, it doesn’t
10. What the caterpillar motion organs?
A. Feet
B. Stomach
C. Leg
D. head

Read and learn the following dialogue!

Beni : “Good morning Mr, Anto, What are you doing?”
Mr. Anto : “Good morning Beni. I’m harvesting mustard greens and lettuce”
Beni : “Can I help you?”
Mr. Anto : “Sure, Because one of my employees is sick, so I need someone helping me to
harvest these vegetables”
(The dialogue for number 11-12)
11. How many person are in the dialogue?
A. Two persons
B. Three persons
C. One persons
D. Four persons
12. Does Beni help Mr. Anto in his garden?
A. Yes, it is
B. Yes, he does
C. No, it is
D. No, he doesn’t
Read and learn the text carefully!

Human and animal Motion Organs

Living things have a variety of characteristics that are displayed to diferent aspect : they
respire, move, respond to stimuli, reproduce and grow and are dependent on their
The movement of human and animal use organs to walk, run, jump, and swim
Tere are swim two types of Humans and Animals Motion. They are…
• Passive motion that is bone
• Active means are muscles
This motion devices will work together doing the movement and farming a system, it is
called the motion system
(The text for number 13-15)
13. There are the characteristics of living things, except!
A. They respire
B. move
C. Reproduce and grow
D. Stand up
14. Are jumping and swimming types of human movement?
A. Yes, they are
B. Yes, it is
C. No, They are not
D. No it is not
15. Are muscles passive motion?
A. Yes, they are
B. Yes, they are not
C. No, they are not
D. No, it is not
16. The butterfly use wings for….
A. Swim
B. Fly
C. Walk
D. Jump
17. The owl moves using its…
A. Feet and wing
B. Mouth
C. Wings
D. hand

18. you and I … not study English

A. is
B. are
C. does
D. do
19. Does the rabbit like to eat carrot?
A. Yes, it does
B. Yes, it is
C. No, it does not
D. No , it is not
20. How do humans changing body positions?
A. Swim
B. Walk
C. Jump
D. Fly
21. The lizard move using its…
A. Feet
B. Wings
C. Hand
D. stomach

22. There are animal can fly, except!

A. Bird
B. Rabbit
C. Butterfly
D. Grasshopper
23. There are move use this feet , except….
A. Cock
B. Goat
C. Snake
D. Elephant
24. This animal can jump , except…
A. Frog
B. Kangaroo
C. Fish
D. Grasshopper
25. Aldino : What is human respiratory organ?
Dina : Human respiratory organs is….
A. Lungs
B. Gill
C. Skin
D. Tracea
26. The repiratory organ of worm is….
A. Fins
B. Gill
C. Tracea
D. Skin
27. The air is … under the tree.
A. Hot
B. Warm
C. Smoked
D. Fresh
28. Covid 19 is one of… disease which found first in China
A. Motion
B. Respiratory
C. Skin
D. Digestion
29. Indonesia is called the… of the world because there are many trees
A. Lungs
B. Gill
C. Skin
D. Trachea
30. Mr. Jarwo … the tree next Sunday.
A. Cut
B. Plant
C. Fertilize
D. Water

31. Influenze is caused by….

A. Fungi
B. Animal
C. Bacteria
D. Viruses
32. The worm breathe using….
A. Lungs
B. Skin
C. Trachea
D. gills

33. Vehicle emission and forest fire is … pollution

A. Air
B. Water
C. Land
D. Sound

Read and learn the following dialogue!

Air Pollution
Siti, Dayu, and Edo go home together. They walk from school to their home. They see many cars
and they let out black smoke. It make air pollution.
Dayu : “Let’s take a rest friends”
Siti : “Come on. We sit under the tree” (They rest under tree)
Edo : “It is very fresh and cold here”
Dayu : “Ok, …let’s go home soon. It is very hot today
Siti : “Allright”
(The dialogue for 36-40)
34. How many people are these in the dialogue?
A. Three persons
B. Four persons
C. Five persons
D. Six persons
35. Where does the dialogue happen?
A. In the home
B. On the road
C. In the school
D. In the market
36. What the title of the text?
A. Air condition
B. Air pollution
C. Water pollution
D. Land pollution
37. Is the car let out the smoke?
A. Yes, it is
B. Yes, it does
C. No, it is not
D. No, It does not
38. Who take a rest under the tree?
A. Dayu
B. Dayu, Siti and Edo
C. Siti
D. Edo
39. Arrange to a good sentence!
Can –Smoking –lung cancer-cause
A. Smoking can not cause lung cancer
B. Smoking can cause lung cancer
C. Lung cancer cause by smoking
D. Smoking can lung cancer cause
40. The frog breathe using….
A. Skin
B. Lung
C. Gill
D. Lung and skin

41. Is the cow breathe using lungs?

A. Yes, it is
B. Yes, it is not
C. No, it is not
D. No, it is
42. What is it?

A. Skin
B. Gill
C. Lungs
D. Trachea
43. There are cause air pollution, except…
A. Black smoke
B. Forest fire
C. Fresh air
D. Black smoke from factory
44. The whale breathe using….
A. Lungs
B. Gill
C. Skin
D. Trachea
45. Read and Learn (The text for number 45-48)
Day of Planting Trees
Indonesia is lungs of the world. There are vast forest in it, but our forests are reduced now.
Because fires or illegal logging. The government and the society are triying to reduce the
damage with replanting trees in the environment.
November, 28 th is celebrate as the day of planting trees. The forest are planted various kinds of
the trees, including fruit trees. They can produce oxygen for our life.
Why is Indonesia called the lung of the world?
A. Because many forest in Indonesia
B. Because fires in the forest
C. People celebrate planting trees
D. They can produce the oxygen
46. Sari : When do we celebrate planting day?
Sasa : We celebrate it on….
A. November, 28 th
B. Oktober, 28 th
C. December, 22 nd
D. December , 25th
47. What is the title the text?
A. Day of produce the oxygen
B. Day of Planting Trees
C. Day of produce planting trees
D. Planting trees
48. The smoke can cause..
A. Lung cancer
B. Stomach cancer
C. Heart cancer
D. Skin cancer
49. Cat fish breathe using ….
a. Lungs
b. Gills
c. Skin
d. Trachea
50. Grasshopper breathes using…
A. Lungs
B. Skin
C. Trachea
D. gills

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