Cybersecurıty Policies

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United Flags of Artificial

The Ultimate Realities
• Information is like water and can not be confined behind the walls of
a dam for a long time.

• Anything that is not quantum encrypted is not secure.

Global Problems
• Too many databases.
• Too much unstructured data without international standarts.
• Data is local, not international.
• Regulations are local.
• Data Traffiking is uncontrolled. Lack of global log-standarts.
• No Global CTA, Central (Data) Trafficking Agency.
• No global consensus on public and confidential data.
• Global lack of coordination between cyberspace and phsical World.
Public / Confidential Data
There is no global consensus on public and confidential data.

E.g. Is a Bipolar Disease Diagnosis on Healthcare data confidential?

Are the Log-data of a nationwide elections globally accepted as public data ?

Public Data and Confidential Data should be dissected at the global policy level and
technically at the database level and quantum encryption should be used if

“There are roads which must not be followed, armies

which must not be attacked, towns which must not be
besieged, positions which must not be contested,
commands of the sovereign which must not be
― Sun Tzu
Public /Confidential Data
Public should be educated on the nature and use of confidential / public data.

Public data should be opensource and be tracked, traced via time, location and
cyberspace stamps/beacons.

Confidential data should be quantum encrypted.

“There are roads which must not be followed,

armies which must not be attacked, towns which
must not be besieged, positions which must not
be contested, commands of the sovereign which
must not be obeyed.”
― Sun Tzu
Linking Cyberspace to Physical Space: Location Stamps
As of 2023 internet traficking can be tracked via log-records and all the cybersecurity problems are on the stage of tracking the traffick.
However, cybertracking is not linked to the physical world. Ever increasing mobile device application makes it worse.

Here, we propose a location beacon of global positioning information to link cyberspace internet trafficking to the pysical world. As such, every email, every
SMS message, every attachment (word documents, ppt., etc) includes a signature of electronic global location information along with the date and time
The signature must be a global obligation and breaking the rule must be heavily penealized to the extend of forgery. This requires 24/7 functioning of the
GPS information apps. Turning off the GPS information should be defined as a crime.
Otcomes: Works requiring Copyright protection will have the most accurate priority date and identity information.
In the case of an Earthquake, as recently experienced in Turkey and in Syria, the humaniterian financial aids will be directy targeted and traced to the
persons and their families located in the region at the very moment. Transfer of the financial aid can be tracked proved and declared to the globe in
The redundant databases of physical location and cyberspace will check and confirm eachother. As no information without global positioning tag/stamp will
travel in internet and hacking the position beacon/stamp is another line of solid defence that is punished heavily when broken.
Any satellite based activity can be traced via realtime GPS data.
CTA, Central (Data) Trafficking
An international authority of experts should trace, track and regulate international
public data traffick in realtime.
All the log-data should be shared globally with international authorities of law.
All the process should be translucent and shared with the public in realtime
Nations should share data-log stamps with the CTA Central (Data) Traffiking Agency
International Database Sharing Policies
• Sharing National databases is of great technological importance.
• Turkish eNABIZ Database is the particular example providing at least 100 times
more valuable information than that of t all the global clinical trials combined in
the world history.
• As long as the personal/confidential information is (quantum)encrypted there is
no problem with confidentiality.
• Sharing the nonconfidential parts of the databases freely will reduce the hacking
activities/attempts globally.
Preventive Measures for Cybersecurity
• Drug trafficking is a serious crime that is fueled by global profit margins. So are
the driving forces for cybercrimes. It is known that legalizing small amounts of
Cannabis use is the best way to combat drug trafficking. In fact in small amounts
Cannabis has a healing effect as an effective painkiller.

• Therefore, allowing public data flow under well deviced guidelines is of the
uppermost preventive importance.

• When hacking public data does not have a market value than there is no need to
perform hacking crime.
Upcoming AI
• The (near) future applications of AI will make data analysis orders of
magnitudes faster and more functional.
• Quantum encryption at the level of the database is the best
architecture as of today.
• CTA, Central (Data) Trafficking Agency should be in charge of the AI
standart controlls.
• Global academic consortium should decide about statistical cut-off
values that are fundemental for the future AI
• Global AI will device, write patents, and perform academic work faster and much
more effıcient in the coming decade.
• A global academic consortium should be formed and should decide about human
produced academic work versus machine generated academic work and ways of
differentiating and managing these work.
• Global academic consortium should decide about statistical cut-off values that
are fundemental for the future AI.
Intellectual Property
• As of 2023 IP-regulations are obsolete. It takes at least 3 years for a patent to br gratnted. In 3
years that technology of interest will particularly be outdated. International borders do not
prevent the individuals property rights but also prevent globall application of the technology of
• Suggestion: A Global Creative Work Data Repository.
• A global creative work data repository that is open to public in realtime will have the following
benefits. All the creative work is opensource and public enabling the inventors and national
authorities to analyse realtime data. The priority date is set in realtime. AI robots can check
plaigraisim, inventiveness and industrial application potential in realtime. AI robots can track the
global industrial application of the technology of interest and calculate the updated copyright-
fees accordingly, while Industries declaring their profits on the technology of interest globally.
• Novel Technologies can be implermented in real time.
• Nations can apply novel technologies accordding to their Industrial capacities in realtime.
Lessons to be learned from eNABIZ
• eNABIZ Database is the the first National healthcare data repository, an
architecture that does not get permission from US Senate for privacy concerns.
• Currently, Google has all the eNABIZ Data in her databases including patient
identity information that can be linked to all other national information unique to
• eNABIZ provided at least 100x more clinical information to the globe than all the
global clinical data obtained from clinical trials combined.

• Deciding about the private data portion in the database and protecting that
particular portion using quantum encryption is the solution.
Lessons to be learned from ITER

• ITER is the world's largest fusion experiment. Thirty-five nations are collaborating to build and
operate the ITER Tokamak, the most complex machine ever. However, recently a US startup,
Helion Energy outperformed ITER effort with an order of magnitude higher efficiency not only by
reducing the initial invesment but also by eliminating the water heating step.
• As ussual the innovation came from the unexpected direction making the ITER effort of 35
countries useless.
• A global data sharing policy would have definetly prevented that catastrophy if Nations could
have communicated through a global public creative work data repository which is well designed.

• Therefore, National representatives of technologies and policies should form a council under UN,
United Nations urgently.
• Helion Energies:
Realtime Data Sharing versus Sharing Data in Packages

• Realtime data flow is the future. However, as the globe we first have
to go through a stage where we have to learn sharing data Packages.

• While sharing data as packages we have to learn to dissect out the

confidential part of the data on huge databases.

• Once quantum encryption becomes a global standart we can share

the public portion of the data in realtime.
On Cyberwar
• “The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” ― Sun Tzu
• “To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.” ― Sun Tzu
• “There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.” ― Sun Tzu
• “who wishes to fight must first count the cost” ― Sun Tzu
• “know yourself and you will win all battles” ― Sun Tzu
• “The wise warrior avoids the battle.” ― Sun Tzu
• “What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.” ― Sun Tzu
• “Great results, can be achieved with small forces.” ― Sun Tzu
• “Ultimate excellence lies not in winning every battle, but in defeating the enemy without ever fighting.” ― Sun-tzu
• “It is easy to love your friend, but sometimes the hardest lesson to learn is to love your enemy.” ― Sun Tzu
• “Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.” ― Sun Tzu
• “do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat” ― Sun Tzu
• “You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked.”
― Sun Tzu

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