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“”Film Treatment

Grayson Caron

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media for hours, wishing you
were someone else? I think we are all guilty of comparing our lives, our bodies and our habits
to others who we dont even know. My film is going to go over the topic of body image, eating
disorders, comparing yourself to others, missing out on social events etc.

The first topic is the unrealistic beauty standards on social media and how it effects
many people. This film is based off the struggles of body image and this is a very big part of it.
When we look at pictures on social media, the celebrities are not all honest with fans. The
majority of them use filters, editing, or have gotten surgeries done to look the way they do.
This can be extremely dangerous especially to teens and younger fans because they believe this
is the way they are supposed to look.

Social media correlates with the way we view ourselves. I intend to use this in my film
by showing me looking in the mirror and pictures of celebrities popping up. This will be used
as what is going on in my head, comparing myself to what I see online. I will use lighting and
sound to display the way I am feeling inside, to show it on the outside. This will support my
film because it will be the start of my film and be the example of what starts many peoples
eating disorders, negative thoughts about oneself etc.

The second topic in my film is obsessively scrolling on social media, ads promoting
unhealthy habits, and how if effects you. I will use this by starting off watching youtube and
an ad will pop up, talking about losing a certain amount of weight in a tiny time period. Then
we will see the character thinking about the differences between my body and the ones shown
online. This is important to my film because the point of my film is to show how many teens-
younger children feel about theirself and this will help portray this in my film.

As social media and technology has increased throughout our generation it is teenagers
and younger children who will feel this the most and relate. This relates to my first topic
because this is what really leads us to comparing ourselves. When you see ads talking about
how certain body types are undesirable, it can trigger you and lead you to wonder what is
undesirable about yourself. I will portray this feeling by dim lighting. This topic relates to the
first one because it is another type of toxic social media.

The unrealistic beauty standards lead to many unhealthy habits. I will include how this can
lead to eating disorders, depression, etc. This topic relates to the first two because it is basically
the aftermath that social media has on many people. This is important to my film because it is
the true reality that happens to many people. I will show calorie counting and use a dutch
angle in this scene to show feelings of unwell.

My film will talk about body image and the things that effect it. The main topics are
comparing yourself to others, unrealistic beauty standards, and the unhealthy habits and
mindset that comes with all of these topics. I am deciding on if I want a happy ending about
self discovery and loving yourself or if I want to keep it about the negatives to really focus on
the not so positive aspect. I am hoping that the audience will realize that many people
struggle with these things and they are not alone.

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