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TEREX AERIALS SELF-PROPELLED BOOM LIFT MODELS TB44/50, TB60/66, TB85, TB100 = 7 FOR PARTS OR SERVICE CONTACT: Terex Aerials Terex Aerials 10600 W. Brown Deer Road 108 12th Street S. E. Milwaukee, Wi 53224 Waverly, tA 50677 Telephone: (414) 362-9300 Telephone: (319) SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Terex Aerials Courtstown industrial Park Little stand, Co. Cork, tretand Telephone: (353) 21-353011 352-3920 Facsimile: (414) 355-0832 Facsimile: (319) 352-5727 Facsimile: (353) 21-352368 Revision: July '98 P/N 17156 i! TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS AN IF OPERATION OF THIS MACHINE IS REQUIRED TO PERFORM SERVICE OR MAINTENANCE, THEN THE OPERATOR MUST READ AND UNDER- STAND ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE OPERATOR’S MANUAL BEFORE OPERATING THE AERIAL LIFT. DESCRIPTION SECTION NO. INTRODUCTION. . . 2. . we Foe 1 GENERAL INFORMATION & SPECIFICATIONS. eo BD MAINTENANCE & LUBRICATION. . . soe 3 SERVICE & ADJUSTMENTS. . So ee a TROUBLESHOOTING - oe Be .5 SCHEMATICS . 2. 2 0 2 Le se wo B INDEX. 2 6 2 en woe 2.7 Rev ‘1844/TBSO/TBEOTBEG/TB85/TB100 Paget t TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL INTRODUCTION ‘Owners, Users, and Operators: Terex Aerials appreciates your choice of our machine for your application, Our number one priority is user Safety which is best achieved by our joint efferts. We feel that you can make 2 major contribution to safety i you as the equipment owners, users and operators: 7. Comply with OSHA, Federal, State, and Loca! Regulations. 2. Read, Understand, and Follow the instructions in this and other manuals sup~ plied with this machine, 3. Use Good, Safe Work Practices in a common sense way, 4. Only have trained operators — directed by informed and knowledgeable super- vision — running the machine. 8. Only have qualified aerial lit mechanics perform the service and maintenance procedures provided in the *Service and Maintenance Manval’ The information, specifications, vendor information, and illustrations in this publication are based on the infor- ‘mation available al the time of approval for printing. Do to on-going changes and revisions by our many suppli- es, itis often impossible to show all changes or vaviations, We reserve the right to make changes at any time without obligation, \¥ there is anything in this manual that is not clear or which you believe should be added, please send your ‘comments to Customer Service Department, Terex Aerials #0600 West Brown Deer Road, Milwaukee Wiscon- sin §3224-1520, oF call (414) 362-9900 or fax (414) 355-0802. Thank you! THIS SYMBOL MEANS YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED! READ, UNDERSTAND, AND FOLLOW ALL. DANGER, WARNING, AND CAUTION DECALS ON YOUR MACHINE. Rev ‘T844/TB50/TB6O/TB6E/TBS5/TB100 Pages 3 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL INTRODUCTION Aerial lift ongavity and low-cost performance depend ‘on Periodic Maintenance, Troubleshooting and prop- er Sewvice and Adjustment procedures, {tis responsibilty of the owner, user, and operator to detect any unusual, sounds, odors, or other signs of abnormal performance that could indicate trouble ahead. By detecting any problems in their early stages, you can save yourself unnecessary downtime and your ‘employer a lot of money! Therefore, its also your re- sponsibility to use good judgment in detecting failures in quickly and repairing them. If you dor, one failure can lead to another. NOTE: THE SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE PRO- CEDURES PROVIDED IN THIS MANUAL SHOULD ONLY BE PERFORMED BY A QUALIFIED AERIAL LUFT MECHANIC, Before attempting to make an adjustment yourself, ask yourself it you have the RIGHT TOOLS, IF you have the PROPER TEST EQUIPMENT and IF you can accurately DIAGNOSE the cause of the problem. If you can't answer YES to all three questions, rely on your Distributor Serviceman. He fas the right tools, {esting equipment and service knowledge to pin-point the problem in minutes instead of the hours con- sumed in hit-or-miss methods. TIME IS MONEY! He will save it for you, Ifyou decide to attempt an adjustment yourself, follow @ logical TROUBLE SHOOTING PROCEDURE Don't simply repiace parts unt the trouble is found, (Once the cause of problem or malfunction has been diagnosed, take the corrective action specified in this manual. Follow the procedures given for the specific problem. if the difficulty is not covered, consult your ‘Terex Distributor, or the Terex Aerials Product Sup- port Deparment Page 4 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEO/TBE6/TB8S/TB100 Rev 4 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SECTION 2 DESCRIPTION GENERAL SERVICE INFORMATION RECEIVING A NEW MACHINE EXPORT PRESERVATIVE REMOVAL MACHINE STORAGE . GEN. CLEANING & PREP. FOR COMPONENT OVERHAUL WELDING INSTRUCTIONS. SPECIFICATIONS & RANGE DIAGRAMS. TORQUE CHARTS, QUICK REFERENCE CAPSCREW OR BOLT REPLACEMENT . RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST . MAJOR COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION ABBREVIATIONS . PAGE NO. . 2-7 - 2-32 . 2-33 2-34 2-40 2-44 Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEO/TB66/TB85/TB100 t TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL GENERAL INFORMATION Keep parts in order when large components are disassembled, particularly so when it has a great number of similar parts. Loosely reassemble assemblies whenever possible to prevent small parts from being lost. Keep sub-assembly parts together, but be careful not to get right and left hand parts mixed up. ‘When an assembly is removed to correct only one difficulty, it is good practice to recondition the whole assembly at that time to avoid repetition of work at a later date. Bolts and nuts should be placed into their respective holes when removing guards, cases, ete. so that the proper ‘bolts will be on hand for reassembling. Salety should always be the fist consideration when performing maintenance or service fo equipment. Always be conscious of a component's weight. Never attempt to move a heavy part without a proper lting de- vice. Ensure that adequate support is provided and that objects are set in a stable position. Any hydraulic component disassembly or reassembly must be done in a clean, enclosed environment by per- sonnel familiar with hydraulic systems and cleanliness procedures. Rev:2 Dec 97 ‘Te44/TBSO/TBEOT866/TB85/T8100 Page 2-4 ta! TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL RECEIVING ANEW MACHINE Before removing a new machine from the delivery vehicte: Check and follow the Operation & Maintenance Manual for untoading procedure. Check battery/batteries for cracks and for proper water level (it applicable). ‘Check for bent, broken or otherwise damaged functional components heck for sufficient cil levels, both hydraulic and angine {if applicable). Check for fluid leaks in hydraulic or fuel delivery systems, Check lug nuts for looseness. Upon receipt of a new machine the customer must: 1 2 3 4 Remove all packing materials and inspect for any damage incurred during transport. Complete the NEW EQUIPMENT CONDITION REPORT Complete the WARRANTY REGISTRATION. your machine is an export model, the export preservative must be removed. ekpont PRESERVATIVE REMOVAL Belore an export machine leaves the factory the exterior surfaces are given a coating designed to protect the Paint irom the envizonment encountered when shipping items overseas or for great distances. This coating can bbe removed using warm soapy water. Do not use a steam cleaner to clean of wash this machine. Do not spray water directly on any control pane's or electrical compartments, This preservative is applied to export machines only. Page 2-2 TB44/TBSO/TBGOTBGE/TBB5/TB100 Rev: 2 Dec 97 t TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL MACHINE STORAGE Machines being placed in storage must be adequately protected ftom deterioration during the period of idle~ ness, This will ensure that they can be restored to active service with @ minimum effort. Before removing this aerial litt from service for extended periods, it should be prepared for storage as prescribed in the following paragraphs. The specific procedure to be followed depends upon the expected period of storage. SHORT TERM STORAGE - 30 DAYS OR LESS ‘Short term storage requires minimal preparation. ‘The AERIAL LIFT should be thoroughly cleaned, lubr- caied in accordance with Section 3, and painted sur- faces retouched where the paint has deteriorated. Exposed portions of all hydraulic oylinders should be coated with multipurpose grease. Coat unpainted metal surfaces with multipurpose grease after removing any rust accumulations. LONG TERM STORAGE - 30 DAYS OR MORE Long term storage requires greater preparation than short term storage and must be undertaken with greater care. ‘The MACHINE shouid be prepared as follows: 1. Perform the short term machine storage preparation, making certain that All points with grease fittings are liberally lubricated, 2. Drain and efi the hydraulic reservoir. Refer to page 3 ? when servicing the reservor. 8, Distribute the new hydraulic fluid to all parts of the system by operating all functions, 4. Clean and tape the battery cables after removing end storing the battery, 5. Coat the external ring gear of the swing bearing with ‘open gear lubricant. 6. Fill the hydraulic reservoir to the top AFTER THE MA- CHINE IS PARKED IN ITS STORAGE SPOT. 7. Refer to the engine manuals) and foilow the engine manufacturer's procedures for long term storage. 8, Coat exposed cylinder rods with grease. RESTORING AERIAL LIFT TO SERVICE Remove the AERIAL LIFT from storage via the follow. ing procedure 1. Remove preservative lubricants from all surfaces. 2. Check all fluid levets, adding or draining as required. 3. install the battery, it removed and reconnect battery cables. 4, Refer to the engine manuals) and follow the engine manufacturer's procedures for returning the engine 40 service, 5. Lubricate the aerial lift according to the maintenance schedule on page 3 - 2. 6, Make a thorough visual inspection of the entire aerial lit, placing special emphasis on the condition of all hycraulic hoses. Rev: 2 Dec 97 ‘T844/1B50/ B60/TB66/TBBS/TB100 Page 2-3 6 TEREX AERIALS ‘SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, GENERAL CLEANING, INSPECTION & PREPARATION FOR MAJOR COMPONENT OVERHAUL A. Clean parts having ground and polished sur- faces, such as gears, bearings, and shafts with solvent type cleaners such as emulsion cleaners, oF petroleum solvents excluding gasoline, Do not clean these parts in a hot tank solution or sodium, hydroxide, orthosillcates or phosphates. When leaning, ‘remember to clean andior replace breathers if applicable. CAUTION Exercise extreme care to avoid skin rashes, fre haz- «ards and inhalation of vapors when using solvent-type cleaners. 8. Rough parts such as gear case housings may be cleaned hot solution tanks with mild alkali solu- tions providing these parts are not ground and polished. The parts should remain in the tank Jong enough to be thoroughly cleaned and heated through. This will aid and speed up the evaporation of the cleaning solution and the rinse water. Exercise care to avoid skin rashes and inhalation of vapors when using alkali cleaners. Parts cleaned in solution tanks or with atkali cleaners should be thoroughly rinsed after clean- ing to remove all traces of alkali, ©. Parts should be thoroughly dried immediately after cleaning. Use soft, clean, lint-free absor- bent paper towels of wioing rags free of abrasive material such as lapping compound, metal flings. oF contaminated oil. Bearings should never be Gried by spinning with compressed air. ©. To prevent corrosion, parts that have been cleaned and dried, then inspecied, should be reassembled immediately and coated with a light, film of oil. E. Its impossible to overstress the importance of careful and thorough inspection of component parts prior to reassembly. Thorough visual inspection for indications of wear or stress, and the replacement of such parts as are necessary will eiminate costy and avoidable unit failure. 4. Inspect all bearings and replace any that are wor, pitted or damaged in any way. Remove parts needing replacement with a suitable pullet or in a press with sleeves. Avoid the use of drifts and hammers, as they may easily mutilate or severely distort component parts. 2. Inspect all gears for wear or damage. Gears which are scored, pitted, ridged or worn should be replaced, F._ If repair is evident, repiace all worn or damaged parts, Hex nuts with rounded corners, all lack ‘washers, oil saats, o-rings and gaskets should all ‘be replaced at the time of overhaul Page 2-4 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEOTBEE/TBES/TB100 Rev: 2 Dec 97 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, WELDING INSTRUCTIONS [aICAUTION When doing repair welding on your aerial itt take precaution attaching your ground to the component ‘being repaired, This will etiminate the chanoe of arc- ing through a bearing, cylinder, etc., damaging the ‘component. Paint should be removed from the sur- face to be used as the “ground” (eth) [AICAUTION Use necessary precaution when welding around fuel tanks, oil reservoir, batteries, tubing and pressure systems, CAUTION When welding close to glass, cylinder rods, or any Polished surface, provide adequate protection from splatter. CAUTION} ‘Always disconnect the battery cables and applicable grounds before welding. if equipped with an engine, ever weld when the engine is running. [AICAUTION Do not weld on wet surfaces since this will cause hydrogen embritiement of the weld, ‘Always have a fie extinguisher on hand in case of fire. Adequate ventilation and dry area are neves- sary. Protective clothing should be used and ail per- sons in the welding area should have protection for their eyes. AWS CLASS £7018 Low hydrogen rod for normal repairs on low allow to medium carton steel. All posi- tion welding, good penetration and crack resisting up to 80,000 yield. Also suitable for repair of previous intershield welds, AWS CLASS E11018G Low hydrogen fod for repair (on high strength allow steel such as T-1, 80,000 to 100,000 yiatd. Alt position welding, good penetration and high tensile strength up to 110,000. NOTE: Low hydrogen rod E7018 must be used within Jour (4) hours upon removal from a freshly opened container or from a storage oven. Low hydrogen rod E110186 must be used within 1/2 ‘hour upon removal from its container or from a stor- age oven. Rev: 2 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEO/TB66/TB85/TB100 Page 2-5 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS & RANGE DIAGRAMS DESCRIPTIONPAGE NO. SPECIFICATIONS TABLE (TB44) 2 RANGE DIAGRAM (TB44) L so. B10 GENERAL DIMENSIONS (TB44) Le et SPECIFICATIONS TABLE (TB50) BB RANGE DIAGRAM (TBS). . 2... co Belt GENERAL DIMENSIONS (TBS0) 2 2 2... 2218 ‘SPECIFICATIONS TABLE (TB60) . . . i BT RANGE DIAGRAM (TB60), ©. 2B GENERAL DIMENSIONS (1860). 2... 2-19 SPECIFICATIONS TABLE (TB6) . . - Bet RANGE DIAGRAM (T8866). 6. 2-22 GENERAL DIMENSIONS (TB66) 5 5... 2-23 SPECIFICATIONS TABLE (TB85) 2 2 2... 2285 RANGE DIAGRAM (TBS). 28 GENERAL DIMENSIONS (TB85) ce BRT SPECIFICATIONS TABLE (T8100). . 2. 2... . 288 RANGE DIAGRAM (TB100._. fe 2x80 GENERAL DIMENSIONS (TB100). . 5 2... . 2-31 Fev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEQTB66/TBS5/TB100 Page 2-7 34 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS TB44 “Working Height (Maximum) 50H (15.24 m) Platform Height (Maximum) Va ft (18.41 m) ‘Stowed Height Tit. 1 in (2.16 m) | | Length (stowed) 25, 10-4 in (7.89 m) ‘Width 711 in (2.44 m) Platform - Dimensions 72 im x36 in x 44 in (1.8 x0.91 x 1.12m)-6" 96 in x 38 in x 44 in (2.4 x0.91 x 1.12 m)-B Horizontal Reach 37 tt. (14.27 m) | Boom Elevation “16" to 75" above horizontal plane Load capacity 6 ft, Platfornv@ ft Platform £650 ibs. (296 kg)/600 Ibs. {272 kg) - 2 peonie | Wheelbase Tek (244m) Whee! track 6 tt. 10 in (2.08 m) Tailswing 33 in (0.84 m) Turret Rotation 360" continuous rotation Turning curb radius 16 ft (49m) Travel speed 1 0103.25 mp.h. (010 5.23 kmh) Power source 62 hp (46.2 kw) 40.8 hp (20 kw) Ford LRG 423 (standard) Deutz F3L1011 Fuel tank capacity 25 gal (94.64) Hydraulic system Load sensing and pressure compensating ‘Max. operating pressure 2,500 psi (172 BAR) Reservoir Capacity 38 gal. (144 L) Tires (monofiled) 42x 16.58 PR. (Mono) Ground clearance 40.5 in (26m) Approx. shipping weight 12,000 fos. (5,443 kg) Wheel loading Max. concentrated floor loading pressure 470 psi (11.95 kg/sq-om) Whee! Load (maximum) 7350Ibs (3334 kg} Wing speed rating 25 mph (40.23 krvh) Gradeabilty 2WOIAWO 35%/55% Clearanice must be allowed for body paris for this and other work heights Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEOTBES/TBSS/TB100 Page 2.9 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL (16764) (824m) canem, caswem) (10.860m) 14m) ream (006m) sram ‘9.008 m) 1.526 m) (526m) 2.088 mp RANGE DIAGRAM MODEL TB44 BOOM LIFT 40 | 8 Lif = oem wham gat ills lt eB off witha alin elem Page 2-10 ‘TB44/TB50/TBO0/TBEGTB8S/TB100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TB44 BOOM LIFT GENERAL DIMENSIONS Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TB50/TBEOTBEE/TB85/TB100 Page 2-11 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, SPECIFICATIONS TB50 “Working Height (Maximum) S64. (17.07 m) Piatform Height (Maximum) ‘BOA. (15.24 m) | Stowed Height 7.7 in (2.31 m) Length (stowed) 28 ft, Bin (8.69 mm) Width Tit At in (2.44 mm) Platform - Dimensions 72 in x 36 in x 44 in (1.8 x91 x 1.12 m) | Horizontal Reach 43 ft. (13.11 m)} ‘Boom Elevation “16" to 75" above horizontal plane Load capacity 6. Platform 500 bs, (227 kg) = 2 peopie ‘Wheelbase tt (2.44 m) | ‘Whee! track 6. 10 in (2.08 m) Taliswing 33 i (0.84 ma) Turret Rotation 360" continuous rotation Turning curb radius 16H. (49m) “Travel speed 00.325 mph. (0105.23 kmh) | Power source ‘62 hp (46.2 ka) 40.8 hp (G0 kw) Ford LRG 423 (standard) Deutz FOL1011L Fue! tank capacity 25 gal (94.6 L) Hydraulic system Load sensing and pressure compensating ‘Max. operating pressure 2,500 psi (172 BAR) Reservoir Capacity (144 L) Tires (monofilled) 12x 16.5 8 PR. (Mono} Ground clearance 105 in (26m) ‘Approx. shipping weight | 15,500 tos. (7,031 kg) Wheel loading ‘Max. concentrated tloor loading pressure 196 psi (13.78 ka/sq-cm) Whea! Load (maximum) 8 480Ibs (3846 kg) Wind speed rating 25 mph (40.23 kmh) Gradeabilty| ‘2WO/4WO 25%6)50% * Clearance must be allowed for body parts for this and other work heights Rev: 4 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TB50/TB60/TB66/TB85/T8100 Page 2-13 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL RANGE DIAGRAM MODEL TB50 BOOM LIFT 490.280) | go (9766) 55 528m 3716 | a5} (282m aoscam | 351 14am | 50 sam) | 2s) (6.0562) dasram | 45: oem | ro] tm | ss oem | 2 I! | \ We) aaa e204 oy (1.586:m) J .824em) (2088) STE) (ORE My CLA) GAME m) (HOGER my (12.192) (13.716) Page 2-14 ‘TB44/TBS0/TBEO'TBEE/TBE5/TB100 Rev:4 Dec 97 tJ TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TB50 BOOM LIFT GENERAL DIMENSIONS (| \ LT Rev: 4 Deo 97 ‘TB44/1B50/TB6O/TB6G/TB85/TB100 Page 2-15 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, ‘SPECIFICATIONS TB60 “Working Height (Maximum) 66 ft (20.12 m) Platform Height (Maximum) 60 ft (18.29 m) ‘Stowed Height 86 in (2.59 m) Length (stowed) 26 ft 1-1/4 in (7.86 m} ‘Width 7491 in (2.41 mm) Platform - Dimensions 72 in x 36 in x 44 in (1.8 x94 x 1.12 m) Horizontal Reach 51 ft-4-5/8 in (15.66 m) Boom Elevation “20° 10 75* above horizontal piane Load capacity 650 tbs. (295 kg) ‘Wheeibase BR 244m} | Wheel track 67 in (2.01 m) Tailswing 42 in (1.07 m) Turret Rotation 360" continuous rotation Turing curb radius 16119 in (5.1 m) Max. concentrated floor toading pressure ‘Wheel Load (maximum) Travel speed 010 3.25 mph. (0 to 5.23 kmh) Power source 66 hp (49.2 kw) Ford LAG 423 (standard) Fuel tank capacity 40 gat (181 L) Hydraulic system Load sensing and pressure compensating ‘Max. operating pressure 2,500 psi (172 BAR) Reservoir Capacity 52 gal. (196 L) Tires (monofitied) 15x 19.5 13 PR. (loader lug) Ground clearance 40 in (25 m) ‘Approx. shipping weight 27,000 ibs. (9526 kg} ‘Wheel loading 64 psi (4.5 ko/sq cm) 10,500 tbs (4773 kg) ‘Wind speed rating 25 mph (40.23 kwh) Gradeability 30% * Clearance must be allowed for body parts for this and other work heights Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TB50/TBEOTBGS/TBES/TB100 Page 217 if TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL RANGE DIAGRAM MODEL TB60 BOOM LIFT (21.306 m asrem [est 8.280 m) [5 15.764) {54 524m 376m) | crzssem fa o.seam) | (ree cram [ast (6096 (orem) |i ‘2.008. | | rs2em [5-40 24m | 5 fem stem | asiem “7 gaéim “ coitam “7 astism © asitem tet 0m) Gate) NEM) OREN) 524m l 2. ¢ of rotation sete) Page 2-18 ‘TB44/TB50/TB60TB66/TB85/TB100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TB60 BOOM LIFT GENERAL DIMENSIONS 3350 7a 23en) | ROTATION 225.60 90.00 eaten ear8em) 19750 (288 Sy ‘ » 1g Ss poe TE eee 9600 a ee, sae AAS vaso aasem ; Fen) ol | wedbFeny Rev: 28 Dec 97 ‘T844/TBSO/TB6O/T B66/TB85/TB100 Page 2-19 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS T866 “Working Height (Maximum) 72 ft(21.95 m) Piaiform Height (Maximum) 66 it (20.12 m) Stowed Height 8h Gin (2.59 m) Length (stowed) 28 it 11 in (BBE m) | Width 7H tt in (241 mp | Platform - Dimensions 72 in x 3Gin x 44 in (1.891 x 1.32 m) Horizontal Reach 87 ft 4-5/8 in (17.43 m} Boom Elevation | 720° to 75° above horizontal plane Load capacity | 500 tbs. (227 kg) Wheelbase BH (2.44 m) Wheel track, BHT in {2.01 m) Tailswing 42 in (1.07 m) ‘Turret Rotation | 360° continuous rotation Turning curb radius 16 9in (5.1m) Travel speed 010 2.25 mpn. (0 to 5.23 km/h) Power source | 66 hp (49.2 kw) | Ford LRG 423 (standard) Fuel tank capacity 40 gal (151 ) ‘Max. concentrated floor loading pressure Hydraulic system Load sensing and pressure compensating Max. operating pressure 2,500 psi (172 BAR) Reservoir Capacity ‘52 gal. (196 L) ‘Tires (monofilled) 15 x 19.5 13 PR, (loader lug) Ground clearance. 10 in (25 m) Approx. shipping weight 25,000 ibs. (11,340 kg) ‘Whee! loading | 86 5 psi (6.1 kg/sq em) Wheel Load (maximum) 18,730 Ibs (4773 ka) Wind speed rating 25 mph (40.23 ki Gradeability 25% * Clearance must be allowed for body parts for this and other work heights Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘1B44/TB50/TB60/T B66/TB8E/TB100 Page 2.21 t TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 226m) [rs RANGE DIAGRAM MODEL TB66 BOOM LIFT 1.305 m) aaarem [os mh (78288-m) fo (6.768) fos (9524) 3710. Ja caren (90.668 m) 0.142 m) {9 (7820) (6.006 m casrem fs 08am fy (iseam | sau | eodey ro casrzm | Bali © bem (150m) (3048) Cosm) GAA) ORAM) (154m) Let 6 ot rotation c1skem "7 cabiemy 7 odes (08tam caatism cele om rai2m) 288 mt Page 2-22 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBSO/TBE6/TBRS/TB100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 bs TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TB66 BOOM LIFT GENERAL DIMENSIONS Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEOTBE6/TBA5/TB100 Page 2-23 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS TB85. Working Height (Maximum) * Platform Height (Maximum) 94 ft. (27.73 m) 85, (25.91 m) (Optional, Std with XT Package) Stowed Height 9, Tin (2.84 mm) Length (stowed) 6 Vin. (1.2m) Wadth (rmaximum) 7 itt in (2.41 mm) Horizontal Reach from CL. * 70 ft (21.3 m) Boom Angle (above horizontal) 475° {below horizontal) 140 Std. platform dimensions 72 in x 36 in x 44 in (1.8 x91 x 1.12 m) Load capacity (Maximum) 500 Ibs. (227 kg) Platform Rotation 160% ‘Wheelbase 12 (3.66 mm) ‘Wheel track 69 in (2.06 m) Turret Tailswing 38in, ‘Turret Rotation 360° continuous Turning radius (inside) 22 Bin Travel speed 0-30 mph, (0-4.83 Km) Gradeability ** 35% (19.39) Controls ProportionaliHydraulic Power source (Standard) Ford 2.31 gas 66 ho (49.2 kw) ‘Cummins 4B3.9 diese! 76 hp (56.7 kw) Fuel tank capacity 40 gai (151 L) Hydraulic system Reservoir Capacity Tires (mono-tiled) ‘Load sensing and pressure compensating 52 gal. (198 L) 18x 19.5 13 PR, (loader tug) Ground clearance 10.88 in (0.28 m) Approx. shipping weight 37,000 Ibs, (16,783 kg) ‘Axle Weight TED Floor Loading TeD Wind speed rating 25 MPH (40.23 kin) Denotes clearance must be allowed for body parts **Gradeability data is theoretical and is limited by tite slip, stability, o engine oil pan design. Rev: 5 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TB50/TB6UTBEE/TB85/TB100 Page 2-25 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL RANGE DIAGRAM MODEL TB85 BOOM LIFT (90.88 my} 7480 |r tf | (28.286 ml wr (45:24 a} + (12162. a 148 my | a (6.096 mp) 2 ~ $e ig atte | ff | Chen) 1 elem lee) stam then lea Ueheiny ation efiaa Wien € of rotation (6.096 Page 2:26 ‘7844/1 B50/T B60/TB66/TB85/TB100 Rev: 5 Dec 97 if TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TB85 BOOM LIFT GENERAL DIMENSIONS Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TB50/TB60TBE6/TB8S/TB100 ‘Page 2-27 te TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ‘SPECIFICATIONS TB100 “Working Height (Maximum) 106 ft (32.31 m) Platform Height (Maximum) 100 ft (30.48 m) ‘Stowed Height 9 ft 0 in (2.74 m) Length (stowed) | 84 #86 in (10.52 m) | Width Bit 1 1/2 in (2.48 m) Platform - Dimensions 72 in x 36 in x44 in (1.8 x91 x 1.12 m) Horizontal Reach (Center of Turret) 67 it 4 in (20.52 m) Boom Elevation +15" to 75° above horizontal plane Load capacity 1500 Ibs. (227 kg) Wheelbase 12 ft (3.65 m) Wheel track. 6 ft in (2.07 m) Tailswing 35 in (89 m) ‘Turret Rotation 360° continuous rotation ‘Turning curb radius 16 ft 10 in (5.13 m) Travel speed 0 to.2.5 mph. (0 to 3.67 krvh) Power source ‘Cummins 483.9, 76 HP (56.7 kw) {water cooled diese!) Fuel tank capacity 40 gal (151 L) Hydraulic system Load sensing and pressure compensating Max. operating pressure 2,500 psi (172 BAR) Reservoir Capacity 52 gal. (196 L) Tires (monofiled) 16x 185 13 PR. Ground clearance 12 in (30 m) | ‘Approx. shipping weight 39,300 Ibs. (17,826 kg) Wheel loading Max. concentrated floor loading pressure | 76 psi Wheel Load (maximum) 21,000 ths. (2,526 kg) Wind speed rating 25 MPH (40.23 knvh) Gradeability 30% 1 75% with Hi-Torque * Clearance must be allowed tor body parts tor this and other work heights Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEQTBEG/TBE5/TB100 Page 2-29 (4 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL RANGE DIAGRAM MODEL TB100 BOOM LIFT (9048) 28.986 mj casa m (21.308 my (aaa (18288 m) (18.764 a (1524 a az716m] cam (90.068 m) orem) sam) om \ asrem| wl (2.048 |e x « sem! of] I @ © hp 1s24m) ~~ pose} eam) a9 Bae tm Teal" ceri abiam” cat Gowen) oan) sem) asad tess “teed asim of rotation Cgam| 6 (aessin) Page 2-20 ‘TB44/TB50/TBEC/TBEE/TBS5/TB100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TB100 BOOM LIFT GENERAL DIMENSIONS Rev: 28 Dec 97 ‘T1B44/TBSO/TB60/TB66/TBES/TB100 Page 2-31 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TORQUE CHARTS, QUICK REFERENCE ES - 100.0 TORQUE RATING FOR DRY/UNCOATED FASTENERS: ES - 100.1 TORQUE RATING FOR LUBRICATED/PLATED FASTENERS. APPLIED TORQUE SHOULD BE WITHIN 5% - ALL V ALUES SHOWN IN FOOT POUND: NOMINAE, ES - 100.0 ES- 100.7 ES- 100.0 | ES-100.1 DIAMETER GRADE 5 GRADE 6 GRADE 8 GRADE 8 (NINGHES) | RMCOATE) | rusRoceEmUTED) | gonruncomen) | mumcreoreareD mz 8 7 wz | 10 Si6 20 14 25 20 3/8 30 25 ao S| 76 50 40 75 55 12 80 60 110 85 96 115 85 160 200 | 5/8 160 120 225 170 | 3/4 280 210 400 300 | 78 450 340 640 485 1 680 515 970 720 1-18 | 840 635 1,380 1,030 1-1/4 4,200 890 1,930 1,450 1-3/8 1,570 1175 2,540 1,900 1-112 2,080 1,580 3,380 2,830 1-3/4 2,090 1,825 5,300 3,980 2 3,200 2,750 7,990 6,000 2414 5,360 4,000 11,680 8,760 2-4/2 7,300 | 5,500 15,990 12,000 ‘The above information was compiled for U.N.C. Threaded Fasteners. ‘CHECK BOLTHEAD GRADES ‘MARKING 70 DETERMINE GRADES GRADE OF FASTENER, Page 2-32 ‘TB44/TBSO/TB60/TB66/TB85/TB100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 ti TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL CAP SCREW OR BOLT RERLACEMENT The following table contains many of the more common torques used when performing ser- vice or maintenance on the aerial lif, and may be used as a quick reference Table 1: AREA TORQUE WHEEL/LUG NUTS (ALL WHEELS) 175 ft. lbs. (476 Nem) Lubricated TORQUE HUB MOUNTING BOLTS 170 ft. Ibs. (231 Nem) Lubricated (Loc-tite) DRIVE MOTOR MOUNTING BOLTS STEERING TIE-ROD CASTLE NUTS ROTATION GEAR BOX MOUNT BOLTS: ROTATION GEAR BOX MOTOR BOLTS ROTATION/SWING BEARING BOLTS 175 ft. tos. (306 Nem) Lubricated (Loc-tite) PLATFORM RETENTION NUTS: ENGINE ISOLATION MOUNT BOLTS BOOM EXTEND/RETRACT CABLES 15 - 20 ft. lbs. (20.3 - 27.1 Nem) NOTE: 1) Any bolt or capscrew replacement must be of the same grade or greater than the original. Grade markings are shown below: NOTE: 2) in the absence of a specified torque always tighten the fasterner to the torque value suggested in the standard torque table provided on the previous page. NOTE: 3) Fasterners employed in ertical applications must have a thread locking compound applied (Loc-tite 242 or equivalent), when in doubt of this requirements “always” apply thread locking compound BOLT HEAD MARKING onape 2 GRADES «GRADES woe QOS Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘1844/TB50/TBEOTB66/TB85/TB100 Page 2-33 bd TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL. RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST NOTE:1 THE PARTS LISTED REFLECT ITEMS WHICH MAY BE DESIROUS TO HAVE ON HAND ENABLING RAPID REPAIR OF YOUR TEREX AERIALS BOOM LIFT DURING THE COURSE OF IT'S NORMAL SERVICE LIFE. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE ALL INCLUSIVE, OTHER PARTS MAY BE REQUIRED DUE TO UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES. PART NUMBERS ARE SUBJECT TO. CHANGE AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PRODUCT. NOTE:2 PARTS LISTED MAY HAVE MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS, SEE NOTES IN REMARKS COLUMN, [ret PatNo | Descripton Remarks 0 | GENERAL ASSEMBLY: rawr, vecats, ere. ot eH | 1 Pegee macys sovonar eaen 2 | pana, oney, “rover aac 3 | wexozze DCA, DANGER TAR SWNT + | zoo DECAL “DANGER KEEP LEAR 5 | aor DECAL, “NOT ELECTAKALLY NSILATED™ 6 | sec%09 OFCAL,RECTIONA ARROW, “GREEN? 7 | earso DECAL, DIRECTIONAL ARFOM, “UE ® DECAL, GASETROL smn meno ° DECAL DIESEL FUEL ONLY oesaoane sey DECAL HORAULIC SYSTEM LUD DCA, ATTACH SAFETY BT DECAL, 0" RING ATTACH SAFETY BELT DECAL, ‘DANGER, HIGH VOLTASE DISTANCE, * DEOAL, BATTERY WATER LEVEL DECAL "DANGER DO NOT OPERATE." DECAL, LOAD CAPACITY 450 185 DECAL, LOAD CAPACITY £0018 DECAL, LOAD CAPACITY €00 185 DECAL, LOAD CAPACITY 680185 DECAL, AERIAL CONTROL 80x DECAL, AERIAL CONTROL BOX TAPE, IARNING, YELLOW WLACK STRIPE DECAL, LACD RANGE DAGRAM DECAL, LACO RANGE OWAGRAM i ‘COUPLING, PRESSURE TEST i BASE ASSEMBLY: BUSHING, STEERING YOKE ASSEVBLY ar2i69 | BUSHING, STEERING YOKE ASSEVALY 22179 (WASHER, THRUST s4ai0) || BUSHING, STEERING CENTER AFM || BEARING, ROD ENO, STEERING TE ROD || BEARING, ROD ENO, STEERING TE FOD e00ss0 | SEAL KT, STEERING CYLINDER (TEXAS HYDRAULICS eooate | SEAL, TORQUE HUB ox0st9 | SEAL, “OUTBOARD, TORGUE HUE INPUT SHAFT 20868 % 28 2 so | mee 3 2 3 By Page 2-34 ‘TB44/TBS0/TB60TB66/TB85/TB100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 tf TEREX AERIALS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Description aw Remarks BASE ASSEMBLY: (CONT) ws | ectots SEAL “NSOAACY, TORQUE HURT SHAFT ene amnion 6 | soonae C-REG, PLUNGER, PLANETARY GEAR DISCONNECT enna 7 | soon: LOCKGHASHER, NUT SHAFT BEARING RETANER oxvem mmm se | ones SEALHT, STEER MASTERSLAVE LEV. CV. (POSENELOOM | asoeorrare | comes | susiina, STEER MASTERSLAVE LEV. CM (ROSENELOOM, sono ere | eee ‘AL, STEER MASTERSLALELEW.OVL (BEST METAL ssorsr rene 4 | os BUSHING STEER, MASTERSLIVELEV. CM. EST METAL soar rere 2 | aoe SEAL ICT OFIVE MOTOR UH) roumaisonan 3 | ome ‘SEALIOT,ORWVE MOTORS) rons 4 | waTusernmive | SEAL Tone woTOR @ N) ‘eonsearee rota oro as | cates SEALY PARKING BRAKE i 4s | anes BUSHING, OSCLATING ALE | snore | nem THRUST WASHER, OSCRLATING ALE / sano | som SEALII.OSCEATIG AGE ORNDER i rover 6 | ze USIENG, CBOLATNG AXLE CYANOER rome so | to0r NUT, WHEEL, FANGEDY nett st sour SEAL KIT, ROTARY MANIFOLD, 7 PORT (HYDRATOOL) =f renenessn sone Ton Oe" TURRET ASSEMBLY: | | encase SWITCH, PRORNETY 165 ‘CABLE ASSEMBLY, PROXMATY SATOH i ronnie | rom STARTER LOCKOUT ' sere FUEL LEVEL SENOWNGUNT i e982 FILTER, HYDRAKLIC FLUID, “SPIN ON" | corre SEAL HYORALIC PUMP Fm S155) ‘SEAL AT, HYDRAULIC PUN (Pat seco unntonaieorrennn WATHIS PRIVEING | SEALKIT, EMERGENCY PUMP 1 [ [ reaxe RELAY, ‘CONTINOUS DUTY" 0082s ‘COUNTER BALANCE VALVE, PLATFOPEA LEVELING 50865, (CO, PROPORTIONALNON-PROPORTIONAL SOLENOID VALVE NATHISPRTING | COLHIGH SPEEDOSCILATING AXLE VALVE NATHIS PRINTING | COWFOWARDITEVERSE DRIVE PLOT VALVE NVISRLARRART Aves ERE 4 228 ELAENGIE RPWSPEED& STRTER CONTOL | arcs S.0Pe SEx808 | corse SUTCH, EMERGENCY STOP | arare GUAGE, FUEL LEVEL INDICATOR conse voutueren i orerntorosnctr 441 aca CIRCUIT BREAKER, 29 AMPERE | corso RESTOR VARILE i nano cn non ceenewames | fuse, sapere se nanssoonvese OQTATIN GEAR B0X ASSEMBLY CBAS73100) me | erm SEAL, TURRET ROTATEN OFT HOTOR ™ j evans ‘SEAL, KIT, TURRET ROTATION GEAR BOX | emo SEAL, PRVONOUTPUT SHAFT re _| eto SEAL BRAKE, TURRET ROTATION GEAR BOX Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TB50/TB6OTB66/TB85/TB100 Page 2-35 i] TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST Ret. | PartNo. Description ey Remarks I i TURRET ASSEMBLY: (CONT) ROTATION GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY (ALL EXCEPT TBSS-THIGO 7 | watias pring | SEAL KF TURRET ROTATION OFA woTOR ronomstatony re | sors ‘SEAL KT, TURRET ROTATION OFEIT VOTOR renensvinony rs | ease ‘GASKETTURRET ROTANON OREIT METOR TO GEAR Box | cases ‘OfANG, RAKE PISTON (UPPER) sonmounronrasi ances | e609 {eACIGUP PING, BRAKE PISTON (UPPER) seminsnrsonevr ens tox | sess ‘RING, BRAKE PISTON (LOWER) nomen consnmnaeatcr | ease BACKUP RING, BRAKE PISTON LOWER) | senmnermnenarneantoe es | osees SNAP-AING, BRAKE THRUST PLATE rennerronenianczie aoe es | asas0 O-RING, BRAKE TO GEAR BOX HOUSING PR ronranRDEA ce | eaeee SEAL, PINONOUTPUT SHAFT rerannetronea mana DIESEL ENGINE ASSEMBLY:OEUTZ.EALIONIE | ear FLIER ELEMENTAR oo | arse FALTER ELEVENT. OL eo | orenewarns FUTER ELEMENT FUEL enemas | carer SOLENOID, ENGINE SHIT OOM st | coer [SVITCH, PRESSURE, ENGHE : se | ares [SUITCA, TEMPERATURE/ENZDIE OM, 1206. a) acruatorstunorre qpsiojen i pene pen comme. | e820 ccoTRouen, fxoinefiPseo : renorenrover on | cows sous, enn vi i 96 | SEE REMARKS batt TENA # BLER - ‘peeps a7) see mEarns ssvamen serernamsort | SEE REMARKS ALTERNATOR seer | mer UTE ELEMENT, A oo | ez FaTER ELEMENT, sor | SEE REMARKS FFRTER ELEM FUEL CPRMARI) nerouayonrms 12 | see ReMarKs FFRTER ELEMENT, FUEL (FUELAIATEA SPERATOR) seaman so | roam [SATOH PRESSURE, ENGINE 08 10 | rams SWHTO, TEMPERATURE, ENGINE 05 | om /AGTUATORMTHROTTLE POSITIONER pene vetsconts wwe | reso CONTROLLER, ENGINE SPEED soncrenron nena ra | seeneuanns RADIATOR CAP “caine onewcwie xe | oa0 HOSE, RADIATOR UPPER 10 | eas HOSE, RADIATOR, LOWER v0 | ams ‘BELT, ALTERNATOR @ Fa st | ae STARTER we | 2200 ALTERNATOR wo | saeae MOUNT, ENGINE, FRONT, VBRATION | eso MOUNT, ENGINE, REAR, BRATION | | | Page 2-36 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEOTB6E/TB85/TB100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 t TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST Ref, Part No. Description oy | Remarks Tink FEL ROEANEOASONE) ENGINE ASSEMBLY FORD LRG 15, 1283-08 FILTER ELEMENT, AIR, | | ne | came PATER REMENT. OF | nr e00766 FILTER ELEMENT, FUEL, | be | ceenewns | Shusoocunesuroomamoesens || smnemanes se | soars? SWITOH, PRESSURE, ENGINE OF. | [= | Seo || i | enr aparon car we | ame O8e, PADATOR UPPER : sa | earvs HOSE, RADIATOR, LOWER, It ra emme BEL ALTERNATOR 8 FAN mo ts | eorsa | sranter i | 12s | coves | Reva, stanTeR woTOR fo tar | exmeo | xrenucor 128 SEE REMARKS IGNITION MODULE L Fon en 1 | cere OUT ENGR, vnaTiOn ‘0 ene oscomne war | ese scmoveunonc nance se | See RemarKs ‘monomers i | cone ronoenever va | ers te | ere 198 ors : | t t 1 | eo | ona | seuorsmengetcounoerrscaaneiony | | sexmnanince sea | esas | sushi sLAVELEVEUNGCYLWDER(SIERRAREMCOT =| =| tonpmztmou 139, S601 | SEAL.T, MASTER LEVELING CYUNDER (SIERAWREMCO} | ROR Pratt ONLY M0 | rer | dusHnG, MASTER LEvELNG CrNoERTsieRRAREMGO) | ronensnitenin vat one ‘SEAL KIT, BOOM LIFT CYLINDER (SIERRARENGO") | I Fem acon te | coro businc.ecouurrcvinoeRsenmamencoy | | teem 143, e082 ‘SEAL KIT, BOOM EXTENSION CYLINDER (SIERRAIREMCO?) ' RCA, EH HS tee | ere TUSHNG,POOMERTENGONCVIROERSHERMAMENCO) | | sormaannuneann 13 | woes SEA HT 600M EXTENSION GHLADERORERTEENEN, | Srna ts | wore | auth aooWEKTENSONCINDERCCREAT#ENO) | samme |= | Sees | | 140 | 2382 POWER-TRACK (INDIVIDUAL) Percent osworcsecsseie ve | eee bar, 200m NOT ha mas : 1 SEALE SLAVE LEVELNG EAE 1 ts | using, suave Leveina cvunoER Po 182 | VALVE, “COUNTER BALANCE/LOAD HOLDING 1s SEAL, ASTER LEVELING CYUNDER a a1:86 ad BUSHING, MASTER LEVELING CYLINDER (Pi 211758 | Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘7844/TBSO/TB60TBEE/TBES/TB100 Page 2-37 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST Ref, Port No. ay Remarks j 155 ‘SEALIT BOOMUFT CrUNDER (Pm 11691) ‘se usiNG, SOOMLFT CxLADER 17 VALVE. "COUNTER BALANCEOAD HOLDAGT 8 SEALKIT, BOOM EXTENSION CYLNOERfpn2e1722) ‘0 BUSHING, BOGM EXTENSION GYLRIDER 10 VALVE, “COUNTER BALANCELOAD HOLONG" ter | ass as POWER-TRAGK (NORBUAL terme cat venta te BUSHING, Boom eWOT osocr wes | enese SALI SUNE LEVELING CYLOER reomesta wo | ses BUSHING, SLAVE LEVELING CYLINDER ronnie sos | ecaes SEALAIT, IB OYLBIDER ronnnsrs tee | gone BUSHING, CYLINDER tenons ter | sees VALVE, COUNTER-OALANCEAOAD HOLDING susetononnass tes | east ‘SEAL HT MASTER LEVELING GYUNOER P2478) sewerape ee | sos USHNG, MASTER LEVELING CHLNDERAPA2f 5H) | semen 70 | soon | im | eseor rn we | oer roan va | eases ss | eee rowenaia srs | erooe rennin ye | caraces POWER-TRACK (NOWIOUAL) memen cas nsuaccumen vr | sor aoor usin, 00M PHOT | j we | cose SEAL KIT, SLAVELEVELING GyCKOER i resensira re | sees BUSHING, SLAVE LEVEU i reais wo | esaea SEAL HT, 6 MLN renee ser | esas BUSHING, 8. CHLNOER rons se | ces VALVE, "COUNTER.EALANGEAOAD HOLONG sxeasncrsoen 185 | See Reva SEAL ATT, MASTER LEVELING GYUNDER (P2178) ove sae conten tot | See ReManns BUSHING, MASTER LEVELING OYLNDES (Pr 21750) sermon rons error HN wes | ese SSEALATT, SOOM LIFT GYLNOER Pai I591) ee | ecosse BUSHING, BOOMLIFT CYLRDER ronrnet sar | ecoess AVE, COUNTER EALANCEALOAD HOLDENG* sonra os | ccoese ‘SEAL RT, BOOM EXTENSION GYLNDER Pn 1582} seo | coors BUSHING, BOOM EXTENSION CYLINDER senna ss0 | excron VALVE, COUNTER-BALANCEAAD HOLOING™ renmnnse sor | sar ocas POWER TRACK (NDIIOUAL) maemo ate morcrecanen so | seovea BUSHING, 800M PHOT PLATFORM ASSEMBLY: 10 | NWA THISPRINTNG | SEALKT PLATFORM ROTATOR (P8154) rovoonemene rename tou cane SWITCH, FOOT OPERATED "DEAD AN” Page 2-38 ‘TB44/TB50/TB6O/TBE6/TBE5/TB100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 t TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LiST ‘BOOT, MULTEAXIS" CONTROL LEVER Ret. Part No. Description lan Remorks PLATEORM ASSEMBLY (cont): | ‘AERIAL CONTROL BOX | sas | cous Lveava wsnazceronaeeenewame | toe | cat tens ee casuatcoent erwin vor | tae pee | caownscoraneace moe te | tense ABM DUAL TORE i snewasconsren naan 3 SS (Gat aant one i meaneanie 200 63163 SWITCH, TOGGLE i CRG RAR ATER OT, ar | woes sw, roses, wreoor™ ' coven sxnonaeen ma | eee wir, TOGGLE WreooT : cormorsnmene aa | ones oor Tock swt ' eomecsonaran ae 204 ante SWITCH, “ANTI-RESTART i “FOR ALL MODELS EXCEPT TREE ie SWITCH, STOPSTARTEMERGENGY PE | onan “sO TK: TONTAGL ERS ze | ewoer “octsecorr ncenomieucwen zor | enol “potSeNSOr Soren wm | exso “Dar SEARO morons 2 | ose Boor, SLE Ax CONTROL LEVER i separa 8 | I | i i Ve Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEO/TBEG/T885/F8100 Page 2:39 4 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, MAJOR COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION GROUND CONTROL BOX POWER AERIAL TRACK — CONTROL ENGINE TURRET BOX ROTATION GEAR BOX PLATFORM ROTATOR PLATFORM TURRET BASE Page 2-40 ‘TB44/TBS0/TBOO/TBGE/TBS5/TB100 Rev; 23 Dec 97 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION. OWNER'S INSPECTION RECORD . MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE . MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. ENGINE . ENGINE & HYDRAULIC OILS HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. TORQUE HUB BATTERY. PAGE NO. Rev: 22 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TB50/TBEO'TBE6/TBSS/TB100 4 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION In addition to the “Before Operation Checks* de- scribed in Section 5, a regular program of periodic preventive maintenance is absolutely essential to pro- longing the life of the aerial sit, maximizing efficient ‘service and minimizing downtime. This section details a series of checks and procedures which are per- formed at daly, weekly, monthly and semi-annual in- tervals, Even if the operator is not directly responsible for maintenance of the aerial it, he should perform daily, all of the inspections listed in the "Before Operation Check’, in Section 5 of the “Operator's Manual”. NOTE: Report and repair alldeficiencies noted during the “Before Operation Check”. The operator should be assured that the aerial it has been properly main- tained and inspected before operating it MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (ret pg. 3-3 - 3-4) ‘The maintenance checks prescribed for longer inter- vals include those required for the shorter intervals. Thus, the weekly check includes all items in the daily ‘check, the monthly check includes all items in the weekly and dally checks, and so on through the semi annual check, which includes the quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily checks. ‘The maintenance schedule provided serves a guide to assure that the minimum basic preventive mainto- nance requirements will be met under average oper- ating conditions. Conditions which impose greater wear, loads or strain on the aerial lift may dictate e- ducing the interval between these checks. Before al- tering the recommended maintenance schedule, reevaluate the aerial fif’s operation and review the owner's inspection records. Consider all factors in- volved and deveiop a revised schedule adequate to meet routine maintenance requirements, Refer to the engine manufacturer's manual for engine maintenance requirements. Should any discrepancy occur relative to the maintenance schedule provided inthis manual and those provide by the engine man- uacturer, the engine manutacturer’s recommenda- tions take precedence over those in this manual. INSPECTION RECORD Periodic maintenance and inspection of the aeriat lit is the responsibilty of the owner. The “Aerial Lift In- spection Report” can be used for recording the date of each inspection, person(s) performing the inspec- ticn, any deficiencies found, and corrective action. This record also serves as a tool toward detecting prablem areas and reanalyzing maintenance require- ments, Page 3-1 ‘TB44/TBS0/TBEOTBE6/TB85/TB100 Rev: 22 Dec 97 AERIAL LIFT INSPECTION REPORT PRE-DELIVERY O DELIVERY O 30-DAY INSPECTION O YEARLY INSPECTION Q. MACHINE: SCISSOR LIFTQ sCOMUFTO KNUCKLE BOOM DEvOQ RENTAL OWNED Q DISTRIBUTOR ENGINE SIN ADDRESS: MODEL ‘SERIAL NO, ‘CUSTOMER HOUR METER MACHINE LOCATION DATE DELIVERED 4. Platform Gato Latch Q 1. Platform Gate & Laton 2. Platform Gate & Guard Rais 2. Platioim Guard Rais 3. Platform Floot a 3. Platform Floor & Toe Board Scissor arms a 4 Boom & Platform Pct Pins 5. Scissor Phot Pine & Retainers 5. Engine Air iter 6 Sessor Arm Tunrion 8 Engine Oifand Fiter 7 ‘Hydraulic Pump and Moior 7 ‘Torgue Hubs 8 Scissor Arm Side Pads 8 Turetnggear & Bots 9. Tres & Wheels 9. Boom Assenby 10. Whee! Bearings 30. Platform Rotator 1. Steering Assembly and Kingpins i, Tie Rod Assemby & Pine 12, Whee! & Hud Retaining Nuts 48, Hydraulic Reservoir Fluid 14. Hycraulic Fluid niet Strainer 18, Hydraulic Fluid Retumn Fier 46. Lift Cylindar and Pins 37. Hydraulic Control Valve 18. Batteries & Battery Charger 19. Battery Housings/Compartments 19, Batteries, Torminais, Cables, ete 20. Proximity/Limit Switches 21. Hydraulic Motors & Brakes 22. Steering Cylinder & Pins 23. Extendabie Deck’ Installation 24. Hydraulle Hoses 25. Electrical Wiring 28, Decals 27. Operation Manual in Platform 28. Contro's (Switches, Levers, etc.) 29. Safety Inter-ocks, Cut-outs [=[u[u[n[a[a[s[6[0[8\6]5[5]5]816[6/6]015) 5/5) 5] 5) 6] INSPECTED BY: ooponocooococoseDeodRRoDoooOoLO 42, testing Assembly & King Pins. 38. Steeting Cylinder 44 Fual Tank(s) ‘Hydraulic Return Line Filler 16. Hydraulic Reservoir Fuid 4. Hydraulic Pump (Main & Emer) 18 Hydraulic Valves (ali) 48, Wheel Lug Nuts 20. Boom Gable Equalizer Brackets 21. Extension & Retraction Cables 22. ProximiyiLimit Switches 23, Boom Litt Cylinder & Pins 24, Master & Siave Leveling Cylinder 25, Rotation Gear Box & Brake 26. Power Track Assembly 27. Operation Manual in Pletosm 28. Hydraulic Hoses 28. Jib Instalation (if applicable) 90. Ties Bt. Decals 32. 33. 36 oooooCoOoooooCCCoCOooEeEBOoOLKO FE Electrical Wiring Controls (Switches, Levers, etc:) Safety inter-locks, Cutouts TITLE: oooccooooooREcooooeOOOOoOLBDOEOooOL 8 DATE: oboooopocouuUooLLOOUOOOLOCooOTeOoO ocoocococoooccooCoococeoneCEeoCooELO § Explain any deficiencies found, corrective action taken, and identitication of the person(s) performing the t TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Page 3-3 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBOO/TB66/TB85/TB100 Rev: 22 Dec 97 b# TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Table 1; RECOMMENDED INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE TEM ITEM DESCRIPTION LUBRICANT ‘SERVICE/FREQUENCY 1 | Rotation Gear Box GearOil- SAE EP 80 ‘Check Gear Oi LevelMonthly 2 | Battery Check Electrolyte LevelWeekiy Battery Tops, Terminals, and InspectDaily Cabies 3” | Tie Rod Ends Mobilsoie Type - S { Lubricatelonthiy & | Ring Gear - (Race) Muli-Purpose Grease EP-2 LobricateMonthiy | (rotate while greasing) (Gear Teeth) | Mobileote Type - S i & | Engine ‘See Manufacturers ‘See Manufacturers instructions Instructions | Hydraulic Reservoir Fluid Beexson thor equivalent Check Fiuid LevelDally | Reeplace/Yearly 7 Torque Hub Gear Oil - SAE EP 80 Check Gear Of Levelionthly Replace/Yearly 8 | Hydraulic Tank Strainer CleanvYearly 9 _| Hydraulic Tank Filer Breather Cleanearly 10_| Hydraulic Return Line Filter Replace @ Minimumii00 Hours | Boom & Piattorm Pivot Pins Mobiicote Type - § | LiibricatelMonthiy 42 | Boom Cable Sheaves Mobiicote Type-S ; LubricateiMonthiy (TB100 only, N/A ail others) i 13” [Steering Assembly Mobileate Type - S : LubricatelMonthiy 14 | Air Filter ‘Change according to fiter | inspect’ Weekly manuiacturer’s recommen: | or as conditions dictate dations 15 | Fuel Fiter Replace/100 Hours 16 | Fuet Tank FivDaily 17 | Wheel Bearings Mull-purpose Grease EP-1 | Repack/Veariy 18 _| Boom Reiractiexiend Cables Check Tension/ionthiy 19 | Oscillating Axle Pivot Pin Mobiicote Type - § Tubricatemonthiy {Machines with Ose. Axle Option) ‘Check the above items for seouriy, leaks, missing or damaged hardware, or evidence of cracks. ‘Check all visible electric wiring and hydraulic hoses for ‘checking" (cracking), loose connections, or excessive wear. tf @ problem is found, do not operate the aerial fifi unti! a qualified aerial-it technician makes the necessary repairs. Rev: 22 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEO/TBEE/TBES/TB100 Page 3-4 b§ TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ENGINE Air Cleaner ‘The air cleaner should be checked and cleaned on a weekly basis. To clean the air cleaner: + Loosen the clamp securing the cup to the air cleaner Clamp "+ Remove the cup and clean out any dit or foreign matter in the cup. . ll the cup and tighten the ci C 2 cup Reinstall the cup and tigt clamp. Coolant Level The coolant ievel must be checked daily. The coolant level is checked at the coolant reservoir. Ensure that the coolant level is between the Full and Low marks on the coolant reservoir while the engine is cool. tthe cooiant level is near or below the Low mark, add a equal amounts of antifreeze and water until the level is at the Full mark, Do not add alcohol or methanol antitreeze. Refer to the engine manufacturers manual for additional Information. CAUTION do not open hot radiator! Alow radiator to cool if engine has been operated recently. DO NOT open when HOT! Page 3-5 ‘TB44/TBSO/TB60/TB66/TBBS/TB100 Rev: 22 Dec 97 3 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL MAINTENANCE PROCEOURES: ENGINE & HYDRAULIC OF Hydraulic & Engine Oi Various hydraulic fluid manufacturer's use different additives which may cause problems in a hydraulic system when mixed together. This situation is rare but can cause sludge, which can plug filters, or acid which can etch machined surfaces in hydraulic components or deteriorate seals. Any of the above coneitions can result ina hydraulic component warranty being voided. If, knowing all this, you stil choose to add fluid different from that initially supped (‘NORTRAN automatic transmission fiuid’, equivalent OEXRON Il), stay with a single brand {as this will minimize the likelihood of problems occurring, Then at the first complete hydraulic fluid change, you may switch to the brand you preter to use. lf engine cil needs to be added, the aeria! lift owner must be contacted to find out what brand and visoosity of oil is being used. Use the same brand and viscosity of cil that is presently being used in the aerial lit when adding engine oil. The aerial ift owner should refer to the engine manufacturers manual to select the proper oil to use. Hydraulic Oit Check the hydraulic fluid level on a daily basis. The oll level must be between the "HIGH" and “LOW! marks in the sight glass of the hydraulic tank. Add fluid as neaced through the filer neck on top of the hydraulic tank. ‘The hydraulic system was filled at the factory with Nortran automatic transmission fluid (equivalent Dexron i). Any oil used in this aerial lif's hydraulic system must meet the specifications of Dexron 1 Engine Oil Check the engine oif level on a daily basis. The oil level must be within the "SAFE" level on the engine cil dip stick, Add oil as needed in the iter Gap on top of the engine. Refer to the engine manufacturer's manual for the recommended type cil Filler Cap XN, > Engine Oil Dipstick (typ) ie Rev: 22 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBOOTBSG/TBSS/TB100 Page 3-6 t4 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES HYDRAULIC SYSTEM HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR CHECK & FILL, ‘Check the hydraulic oll level on a daily basis. The oll level must be between the "HIGH" and "LOW" marks (on the sight glass on the hydraulic tank. Add oll as ‘needed in the filler cap on top of the hydraulic tank. Refer to the decal on the hydraulic reservoir for the type of hydraulic fluid used. DO NOT MIX FLUIDS! Any cil added in this aerial lit's hydraulic system must mest the specifications of the existing fluid, HYDRAULIC SYSTEM RETURN LINE FILTER ‘The hydraulic system return tine filter should be changed at minimum every 100 hours of quarterly. Increasing the frequency to @ period fess than the minimum interval will greatly enhance hydraulic sys fem cleanliness. To ensure cleaniiness during the “breakcin" period, the hydraulic retum fiter should be changed at @ minimum interval of $0 hours for the first 150 to 200 hours of operation. HYDRAULIC FILTER CHANGING Open the "pet-oock" (bised screw) on top of the fiter head, this will vent negative pressure in the retum line to atmosphere and minimize spillage. Apply a thin film of clean hydraulic fluid to the seal of the new filter. Screw the ft onto the fiter head by hand until it can no longer be turned. Wipe the area clean and close the pet-cock valve! Start the engine, operate a function and chack for leaks. Tighten the fiter with the aid ofa fiter wrench only if any leaks appear, DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN! HYDRAULIC SYSTEM BLEEDING The hydraulic system is seltbleeding (with the ‘exception of the hydraulic pump, refer to the manu- facturers instructions on correct installation). After the hydraulic system has been drained, such as dur- ing the replacement of a component, operate the affected function three complete cycies. Recheck the oil level and fil as required HYDRAULIC CYLINDER INSPECTION ‘Wash the cylinder bore and ail the components with solvent and make the following inspections: CYLINDER BORE For signs of scoring and deep scratches, In the event of any defects, reassemble the entire cylinder and contact your distributor, CYLINDER SHAFT For dents, deep scratches, or damaged chrome piating. File any sharp edges on ‘ends of shaft to protect the seals upon reassembly. Always protect the shatt finish when ciamping in a Vice or when welding against weld splatter. PISTON RINGS For cracks or other damage. Partio- ularly check the interlocking ends that they are not missing oF broken, PISTON SEALS For signs of severe damage. Do not femove unless replacement is necessary. PISTON & HEAD GLAND [tis not normally neces- sary to teplace the piston, piston rings, or head gang. Page 3-7 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBSOTESE/TBSS/TB100 Rev: 22 Dec 97 ti TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES: TORQUE HUB ‘Type - EP 90 For normal application, use EP 90. For aoplications where the lubricant must meet special requirements, the manufacturer of the lubreant should be able to recommend a suitable sub- stitute, Oil Temperature Continuous - 160°F Intermittent - 20°F Oil Change Ivitial- After 50 hours, Preferably in a loaded condition ‘Subsequent - 1000 houts of (1) year whichever comes first. Higher temperatures make it nec ‘essary t0 change cil more frequently, it Fill Level Remove fill plug Remove vent plug Pour oil into fit ptug Fill to half-full approximately 44 02.) Fill ata slow pace to allow air to escape. VENT PLUG FILL PLUG LEVELISIGHT HOLE PARALLEL ‘TO GROUND Rev: 22 Dec 97 ‘TR44/TBSO/TBEOTBEE/TB85/TB100 Page 3-8 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES BATTERY TO AVOID SERIOUS BURNS, EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE USED WHEN HANDLING OR WORKING NEAR BATTTERIES. Avoid Battery Hazards! + Batteries produce flammable and explosive gasses. Keep electric arcs, sparks, flames, and lit cigarettes (pipes, cigars, etc.) away from batteries. + Battery acid will damage eyes or skin on contact. Always wear a face shield during battery maintenance te avoid getting acid in eyes. Always wear tubber gioves and protective cothing to keep acid off skin. + Never check the battery by placing a metal object across the posts, Seri ‘ous buins or an explosion can result. Checking the Battery Electrolyte Level ‘Check the colored "eye" in the top ofthe battery, a green color indicates that battery electrolyte level is okay. Water or Acid Loss to Batteries ‘Water loss from the battery occurs mainly as the resull of evaporation brought on by temperature rises during charging. A small amount may be lost due to gasses formed during charging. Electrolyte may be lost if the case becomes cracked or the battery tins over. Therefore, electrolyte is seldom needed, Checking the Electrolyte (Battery Water) level “physically” When checking the electroiyte level, don't allow dirt to enter into the battery cells once the caps have been femoved. Take particular care to avoid setting the battery-cell caps down on a dirty surface. Replace the caps immediately after checking the level Page 3-9 TB44/TB50/TBSC/TBS6/TB8S/TB100 Rev: 22 Dec 97 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES BATTERY MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1. Battery Filler Bottle 2. Distilled Water 3. Hydrometer FILLING THE BATTERY Use a hydrometer to see how much charge the battery has. A reading of 1.260 or more in ail cells indicates a fully-charged condition. (See chart on following page.) Ifthe battery is fully charged, add water up to the level indicator. It the battery's water level is below the lead plates, add only enough water to barely cover the plates, Note: Either excessive avercharge or moderate undercharge can shorten battery fife. With proper attention to water level, charging time, and hydrometer readings, the batteries should have a long, useful life, Note: Coid temperatures have a numbing effect on the electrical action of the battery, greatly reducing its capacity. Therefore, itis highly recommended that the battery be kept fully charged during ‘cold weather. Rev: 22 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEOTBEE/TB85/TB100 Page 3-10 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES BATTERY ‘Temperature/Specific Gravity Correction Table For Batteries Actual Hydrometer Reading At Actual Temperature” Table 1: Approx. 80°F OF | -0F | -20F | -30°F | -45F | -85° | Stateof (27°C) | (18°C) | (23°C) | (29°C) | 34°C) | G4SC) | Craige imo Tide isis 1a [gee ga 0 1.250 | i282 [1.286 | 1290 | 1.294 | 1300 | 1.308 | 75 4.220 | 1252 [1.256 |1260 [1264 | 1.270 [1.278 | 50 1.190 1.222 | 4.226 [1.230 |1.234 [1240 [1.248 | 25 1160 | 4.192 [4192 | 1.200 |1.204 [1210 [1218 10 Table 2: Specific Gravity Corrected to 80°F (17°C) Freezing Temperatures i 1.280 ~90°F (-68°C) 1.250 ~62°F (-52°C) 4.200 “16°F (-27°C) 1.150 05°F (-15°C) 4.000 19°F (07°C) Page 3-11 TB44/TBS0/TB60'TB66/TB85/TB100 Rev: 22 Dec 97 b TEREX AERIALS ‘SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SECTION 4 Sevolce & ad DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION BASE ASSEMBLY TORQUEHUB 2 0 DRIVE MOTOR & PARKING BRAKE. DRIVEMOTOR. . 2... PARKING BRAKE TURRET ASSEMBLY . Soe TURRET ROTATION GEAR BOX TURRET ROTATION MOTOR. TURRET RING GEAR . ROTARY MANIFOLD HYDRAULIC INSTALATION.. . . . . | P/N 81516/81571 (MAIN CONTROL VALVE) . P/N 81445 (2 WHEEL DRIVE VALVE) . P/N 81446 (4 WHEEL DRIVE VALVE) PRESSURE SETTINGS & ADJUSTMENT HYDRAULIC PRESSURE ADJUSTMENTS ENGINE SPEED ADJUSTMENTS. . ELECTRICAL INSTALATION . GROUND CONTROL. BOX AERIAL CONTROL BOX . TURRET & VALVE WIRING BATTERY INSTALATION BOOMASSEMBLY. . .. PLATFORM ROTATOR. BOOMM PARRAR RAR ORR AR PAGE NO. aa earpye “ SRESRLESSEON s 2 - 4-75 4-18-41 4-14 74-14 14-14 4-17 ~4-17-4 24-17-13 . 4-17-20 - 4-17-22 » 4-18 4-22 » 4-22 Rev: 2 Mar 98 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBGO/TBS6/TB85/TB100 3 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, SECTION 4 INTRODUCTION This section contains service and adjustment information and procedures SERVICE describes items that require repair or replacement ADJUSTMENTS describes any adjustments necessary to ensure proper operation of the aerial litt and adjust- ments required after the replacement or repair of components. NOTE: THE SERVICE AND ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES PROVIDED IN THIS MANUAL SHOULD ONLY BE PERFORMED BY A QUALIFIED AERIAL LIFT MECHANIC. Belore attempting fo make an adjustment yourself, ask yourself i you have the RIGHT TOOLS, IF you have the PROPER TEST EQUIPMENT and IF you can accurately DIAGNOSE the cause of the problem. It you can't answer YES to all three questions, rely onyour Distributor Servicemian, He has the right tools, testing equipment and service knowledge to pin-point the picblem in minutes instead of the hours consumed in hit-or- miss methods. TIME 1 MONEY! He wil save it for you It you decide to attempt an adjustment yoursel, follow a logical TROUBLE SHOOTING PROCEDURE, Don't simply replace parts unti the trouble is found, Refer to Section 5 Troubleshooting for general and specific trou- bleshooting information. ‘Once the cause of problem or mattunction has been diagnosed, take the corrective action specified in this man- Ual, Follow the procedures given for the specific prottem. I the dificuty is not covered, consult your local Terex Aerials Distributor, or the Terex Aerials Product Support Department. Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBS0/TREOITB6E/TBS5/TB100 Page 4-1 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL BASE ASSEMBLY 2:WHEEL DRIVE (WITHOUT OSCILLATING AXLE) SWING BEARING (See Pave wy STEERING CYLINDER (ret.) {Seo Page 4x) TIE ROD ASSEMBLY. (See Page 4-5) APPLY {or equivaion) fe Mp eons, loro nsitation WHEELHUB = WHEEL HUB DRIVE MOTOR & gAsmenet PARKING BRAKE / (See Page 4-x & 4-x) TORQUE HUB WHEEL NUTS Soe Page 43) (See Page 4x & 4-x) Page 4-2 ‘TB44/TBSO/TEG0/TBSE/TB85/TB100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL BASE ASSEMBLY 2-WHEEL OR 4 WHEEL DRIVE (WITH OSCILLATING AXLE) ‘CASTLE NUT (Bee Page 45) SWING BEARING (See Page 4-x) ‘STEERING CYLINDER(et.) OSCILLATING AXLE 2 PIVOT PIN WHEEL HUB SK DRIVE MOTOR & CASTLE NUT PARKING BRAKE, (See Page 4-7) nbeat ‘Bive) (See Page 4-x & 4-x) WHEEL NUTS: TORQUE HUB (See Page 4-3) (S00 Page 4-x & 4-x) Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEOTBESTBSS/TB100 Page 4.3 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TIRE & WHEEL ASSEMBLY reaR : SM NON STEERING AXLE i FRONT anit ‘STEERING AXLE NOTE: WHEEL & TIRE ASSEMBLIES MUST BE INSTALLED WITH TREAD IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN ABOVE MAINTENANCE CHECK As a part of the recom- TIRE & WHEEL INSTALLATION ‘mended inspection and maintenance schedule, in- Spect ihe tires for damage. Damage to the side-wall The castle nut is installed as follows: should always be viewed critically, damage to the ‘veadis notcrtical except in cases where itextends to 1 fo tvough the chord. The ties are filed with a rubber like substance which displaces all of the air inside, it is not necessary to check the inflation pressure. 2 ‘Check for loose or missing wheel (lug) nuts. Wheel ‘ut torque should be checked after first 40 hours and then every six months. Wheel nuts should be torqued to 175 ft. bs. (237.27 Nem) dry. install tires with tread in the direction shown in the illustration above. Install whee! nuts and torque to 175 ft. Ibs (237.27 Nem) ary. Page 4-4 ‘7844/TBS0/TB6OTB68/TBS5/T100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 tf TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TIE ROD ASSEMBLY CASTLE NUT Wy, LOCATION OF GREASE FITTING TO THE INSIDE OF ASSEMBLY => MAINTENANCE CHECK As a part o! the recom INSTALLING THE CASTLE NUT mended inspection and maintenance schedule, lubi- cate the te rod pins monthly with Mobilcote Type-S. The castle nut is installed as follows: 4. Install the castle nut and tighten to approxi mately 60 ft. bs (68 Nem). 2. Then back off the castle nut to the next slot in the castle nut (approximately 1/4 turn). 3. Secure with a new cotter pin Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TR44/TBSO/TBEOTBESITBSS/TB100 Page 4-5, ts TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TORQUE HUB & DRIVE MOTOR ASSEMBLY WHEEL NUTS: (See Page.4-X) MOUMING Ce MOUNTING CAPSCREWS DRIVE MOTOR MOUNTING CAPSCREWS MOTOR CASE DRAIN PORT TORQUE HUB (See Page 4-X for Assembly & Disassembly Procedures) MAINTENANCE CHECK Refer to page 3-8 for torque hub servicing and lubrication. TORQUE HUB The torque hub assemblies may be removed or in- stalled as follows: TORQUE RUB REMOVAL 1. Remove the fire and wheel assembly from the torque hub if thas not already been removed. 2. Remove the capscrews which secure the drive ‘motor or the drive motorforake assembly to the torque hub. 3. Remove the capscrews which secure the torque fhub to either the front axle or the rear yoke (4 wheel drive machines only). 4. Remove the torque hub. REAR AXLE - SHOWN ‘TORQUE HUB INSTALLATION 1. Install torque hub in place, 2. Apply Loctite 242 (or equivalent) to retaining capscrews and install 10 secure torque hub. Tighten capscrews to 170 ft. lbs (231 Nem). 3. Apply tubricantigrease to the motor shaft splines. install the o-ring between motor pilot sealing cap and torque hud and install drive motor or drive motorfbrake assembly in place, 4, Apply Loctite 242 to the drive motor mounting capscrews and torque to 64 ft. ibs, Secure the motor to the torque hub with either the brake ports pointing up {front axle) or motor case drain ort pointing up (rear axle - 4 wheel drive machines only). 5. Fill the torque hub with gear lube. Refer to page 38 for torque hub lubrication requirements and procedure, Page 4-6 ‘7B44/1B50/TBEO/TB66/TB85/TB100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 if TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TORQUE HUB & DRIVE MOTOR ASSEMBLY DRIVE MOTOR & DRIVE MOTORIBRAKE ASSEM- BLY ‘The tear drive motors (4 wheel drive) and the front drive motor & brake assembly may be removed or in- slalled as follows: DRIVE MOTOR ASSEMBLY REMOVAL 1. Clean outside of the drive motor assembly ard wipe of all hydraulic fitings. 2, Remove the hydraulic fittings and hoses, noting location of each. 3. Remove the capscraws which secure the drive motor oF the drive motorfbrake assembly to the torque hub. 4. Remove the drive motor assembly from the torque hub. Refer to page 4efor Assembly ard Disassembly, procedures*<_ 4 DRIVE MOTOR ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION 1. Apply lubricant/grease to the motor shat splines. Install the o-ting between motor pilot sealing cap and torque hub and install drive motor or drive motor/brake assembly in place. Apply Loctite 242 (or equivatent) to the drive ‘motor mounting capscrews and torque to 64 ft. Ibs. Secure the motor to the torque hub with either the brake ports pointing up (‘ront axle) or ‘motor case drain port pointing up (rear axle - 4 wheel drive machines oniy), Rev: 23 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEOTBEE/TBBS/TB100 Page 4-7 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL HUB ASSEMBLY (2 WHEEL DRIVE) STUD HUB CAPSCREW & LOCKWASHER GREASE ZERK a er a, BSAW WW GREASE ZERK SPINDLE CASTLE NUT (LH. SHOWN) THRUST SS Weg MAINTENANCE As a pat of the recommended in- Installing Castle Nut spection and maintenance schedule, repack the thee! bearings yearly using Multipurpose greaso The caste nits installed as flows: Pot 1. Install the castle nut and tighten to approxi- mately 50 ft. Ibs (68 Nem) to preload the bear ing. 2. Then back off the castle nut to the next slot in the castle nut (approximately 1/4 turn). 3. Secure with a new cotter pin, Page 4-8 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEOTBESITBSS/TB100 Rev: 23 Dec 97 t TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TORQUE HUB ASSEMBLY (“Fairfield” TORQUE HUB ONLY!) NOTE: The material contained in this section may not be applicable to all models used, and is subject to change without notice! Contact the component manufacturer to obtain the latest service information. Rev: 29 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TB50/TB60TB6G/TB85/T8100 Page 4-9 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL i TEREX AERIALS TORQUE HUB ASSEMBLY 7 Compieg Hib 2B. Carer BE Goer 2 Spindle 48. Bearing Cup 26 RoltPin 38. O-Ring 3. Pipe Plug 14 Bearing Cone 25. Planet Shaft 38. Cover Cap 4 Spring 35. Thaust Washer 26. Thrust Washer 37. O-Ring 5. Thrust Washer 18 letainng Ping 27. Thrust Washer 38 Disconnect Rod & Retaining Fing 1%. Goar, inter 28. Needle Roller 39. Disconnect Cap 7 Seal 48 Thrust Washer 29. Cluster Gear ©. Bot 8. Bearing Cone 48, Thrust Bearing 30. Spacer 41. Bot Bearing Cup 2. Input Shaft 31. Input Sun Gear 42, Shoulder Bott 10. Stud Bi. Retaining Ring 3 OF 11. Pipe Pug 22. Input Spacer 83. Ring Gear Page 4-10 ‘TB44/TBSOTBEO/TBSE/TBBS/TB100 Rev: 29 Dec 97 68 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TORQUE HUB ASSEMBLY ‘Torque Hub Disassembly 1 Loosen all twelve over bolts (items 41 & 42) and drain the oil rom the unit. Remove the twelve cover bolts and lift off the cover sub-assembly. Discard the o-ring (32) from the cover counterbore. Lift out the carrier subassembly and thrust bearing set. A thrust washer may stick inside the cover, Pry the ring gear (33} loose and remove it. Dis- card the o-ring seal (32) from the hub counter: bore. Remove the input shaft (20), input gear (31), and the thrust spacers that are on the input shatt Lift out the internal gear (17) and thrust bearing set, A thrust washer may stick to the bottom of the carrier, Remove the retaining ring from the spindle ané discard; then lift the hub off the spindle, Eye protection should be worn during retaining ring removal. ‘The inside bearing cone and bearing shim can now be removed. ‘The seal can be pried out of the hub with a sorewotriver or pry bar. This will also allow the outside bearing to be removed, NOTE: If beating replacement is necessary, the bearing cups can be removed with a “side ham- mer puller” or driven out with a punch. 10. To remove the cluster gears from the carrier, drive the anti-oll pin into the planet shaft of the cluster gear. Atter the planet shaft is removed the rolt pin should be driven out of the planet shaft. NOTE: When rebuilding the unit, the o-rings ‘end retaining rings should always be replaced. Main Assembly Procedure 1. Using an arbor type press if available, (if not, a hammer may be used), install the wheel studs (10} into the hub (12). The hub flange should be Supported from the underside during this opera~ tion. 2. Using an arbor type press if available, press bearing cups (8) an (13) with larga inside diame- ters facing out, into hub counter bores. 3. Place bearing cone (8) into beating cup (9) in small end of hb (12). 4, Press seal (7) into hub counterbore with flat metal side facing in. Use a tlt object fo assure that seal is pressed evenly and is flush with hub face 8. Lower hub (12) onto spindle {2) with large open end up. 6. Place bearing cone (14) over end of spindle (2) and against bearing cone (18). 7. Place beating thrust washer (18) over end of spindle (2) and against bearing cone (14). 8. Secure retaining ring (16) completely into spin- dle groove and against bearing thrust washer Be sure that retaining ring is .entiely in groove Rev: 29 Dec 97 TB44/1B50/TR6O/TBS6/TB85/TB100 Page 4-11 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TORQUE HUB ASSEMBLY 7 Coupling 1% Hub Carrer ‘Gaver 2 Spindle 43. Beating Gup 26 RolPin O-Ring 3. Pipe Plug 14. Bearing Cone 25. Planet Shatt Gover Cap “as 48. Thrust Washer 26. Thrust Washer ing 8, Thrust Washar 18 Retaining Fi 27. Thrust Washer Disconnect Rod & Retaining ing 47. Gear, internal 28. Needle Roller Disconnect Cap 7 Seal 18. Thrust Washor 28. Cluster Gear 8 Beating Cone 48. Thrust Be 30. Bott 8. Bearing Cup 20. ‘Shaft 31. input Sun Goar ‘Shoukder Bolt 40. Sku Retaining Ring 2 Ori 11. Pipe Pug Input Spacer 33. fling Page 4-12 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEO/TBEE/TBE5/TB100 Rev: 29 Dec 97 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 10. "1 12. 13, 14, 15. 16. TORQUE HUB ASSEMBLY Eye protection should be worn during retaining ting installation. The pipe plugs (3) and (11) are installed in the hub (12). The use of iub-seal is recommended on the pipe plug. The disengage thrust washer (5) and spring (4) are installed into the counterbore of the spinde 2). Another thrust washer (5) and retaining ring (6) are installed into the spindle counterbore and retaining ring groove. Eye protection should be worn during retaining ring installation, The internal gear (17) is installed matching the bore spine to the spindle spline. ‘The thrust washerithrust washer set (18) and (19) is installed on the portion of the spindle which extends into the internal gear, ‘The o-ring (32) is placed into the counterbore provided in the hub (12). Slight stretching may be necessary. Use sufficient grease or petro- loum jolly fo hold in place. {nstall retaining ring (21) into input shaft retain- ing ring groove. ‘The input shait is installed into the spindle. The action of the spring should be checked at this point. 17. The input spacer (22) is installed on the input shaft. 18. Locating the four counter reamed hoies in the face of the hub, mark them for later identifica- tion. These holes are reamed to accept the shoulder boits (42). 19. Place carrier assembly on a fat surface with the Jarge gears up and positioned 2s shown. Find the punch marked tooth on each large gear and locate at 12 o'ciock (straight-up) from each planet pin. Marked tooth will be located just Under the cartier on upper two gears position punchmarks at 12 o'clock 20. With the shoulder side of ring gear facing down, place ring gear (23) over (into mesh with) large ‘gears, Be sure that punch matks remain in cor- rect location during ring gear installation. The side of the ring gear with an *X" stamped on it should be up. 21. While holding ring gear and cluster gears in mesh, place small side of cluster gears into ‘mesh with the internal gear. On the ring gear focate the hole marked *X" over one of the marked counterbored holes in hub. NOTE: ifthe gears do not mesh easily or carrier assembly does not rotate freely, then remove the carrier and ring gear and check the cluster gear timing, Rev: 28 Dec 97 ‘TBA4/TBSOTBGOTBSS/TERS/TB100 Page 4-13 4 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL. TORQUE HUB ASSEMBLY 1. Coupling 12 Hub B. Caries 34. Cover 2 Spindle 13. Bearing Cup 24. Fol Pin 35. O-Ring 3. Pipe Pug 14, Bearing Cone Planot Shaft 36. Cover Cap & Spine 48. Thrust Washor 26. Thrust Washer 37 O-Ring 5. Thrust Washer 16. Retaining Ring 27. Thrust Washer 38, Disconnect od 8 Retaining Firg 17. Gear, intomat 28. Needle Rot 39. Disconnect Cap 7 Seal 18. Thrust Washer 28. Guster Gear 40. Bot 8 Bearing Gone 18. Thrust Bearing 30 f 41 Bot 9. Bearing Cup 20. Input Shatt 31. Input Sun Gear 42, Shoulder Bot 10. Sud 21. Retaining Ring B SFing 11. Pipe Plug 22 Input Spacer 33. Ring Gear Page 4-14 ‘TB44/TBS0/TBEO/TBEE/TBSS/TB100 Rev: 29 Dec 97 tf TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 22. 23, 24. 25. 28. 27, 28. TORQUE HUB ASSEMBLY The input gear is installed into this assembly meshing with the larger diameter cluster gear. ‘The counterbored side of the input gear is installed down or to the inside of the unit. ‘After inserting at least one shoulder bott (42) in the proper location, rotate the carrier, This is to check freedom of rotation and recheck the tin ing. Another thrust washerithrust bearing set (items 48 &19) is now installed into the counterbore in ‘the face of the carrier (28). Place o-ting (32) into cover assembly counter- bore. Slight stretching may be necessary. Use sufficient grease of petroleum jelly to hold in place. Place cover assembly on ring gear with oil level, ‘check plug in cover located approximately 90° ‘rom oi fil plug in hub, Locate four shoulder bolts (42) 90° apart into ‘counterbored hole in hub which were marked in step 17. Torque each bolt to 47 Ht. bs, (64 Nem) Install grade eight bolts (41) into the remaining eight holes and torque all bolts to 47 ft. ibs. (64 Nem). Use the 180° to 90° method in torqueing all bots. Place coupling (1) into the spindle and onto the input shaft. NOTE: This completes the assembly. The unit must be filled one-half full of EP 90 lubricant before eperation. Rev: 29 Dac 97 ‘TB44/T850/TB60/TB5G/TBE5/TB100 Page 4-15 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, t TEREX AERIALS TORQUE HUB ASSEMBLY Coup i ub 33. Cantor 3a Gover 2 Spindie $8. Bearing Cut 24. Rol Pin 38. O-Ring. 3. Pipe Ph 44. Bearing Cone 25. Planet Shatt 36. Cover Cap 4 Spring 35. Thrust Washer 26. 1st Washer 87. O-Ring 8. Thrust Washer 16. Retaining 27. Thrust Washer 88. Disconnect Rod 8. Retaining Ring 17 Gear, intemal 28. ie Roller 39. Disconnect Cap TZ. Seal 18 Thrust Washer 29. Custer Gear 40. Bok 8 Boating Cone 19. Thrust Bearing 30. Spacer 41. Bok 8 Bearing Cup 20. input Shaft 31. Input Sun Gear 42, Shoulder Bolt 10. Sud 21. Retaining Ring 82. O-Ring 18. Pipe Plug 22, Input Spacer 3. Bing Gear Page 4-16 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEOTBS6/TB85/TB100 Rev: 29 Dec 97 #8 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TORQUE HUB ASSEMBLY Carrier Sub-Assembly 1. Apply a coat of grease or petroleum jelly fo clus- fer gear (28) bore. ‘Cover Sub-Assembly 1 ‘Screw pipe plug (3) into cover (34). 2. Place o-ting (37) into cover cap (36) internal 2. Piace fourteen needle rollers (28) into cluster ‘groove. The disconnect rod (38) may be used to gear bore, push o-ring into groove. Rod (38) will be held in place by friction from the ving 3. Place a thrust washer (27) into opposite side of Cluster gear and against needle rollers. 3. Slip o-ring (95) over cover cap (36) and against face, 4. Place second set of fourteen needle rollers (28) into cluster gear. 4. Place cover cap (36) into cover with large hole located over pipe plug (3). 5. Apply orease or petroleum jelly to the tang side cof the two thrust washers (26). Place thrust 8. Install two 1/4 x 20 x 3/4 bolts (40) 180° apart washers (26) against bosses in carrier with and torque to 70 -80 in, ibs. (B- 8Nem). washer tang fiting into slot in carrier outside siameter. 6. Place disconnect cap (38) over cover cap (36) with nipple facing out and atign with two open NOTE: Some old style carriers wil not have holes. Secure disconnect cap to cover with two slots and tangs should be located inside boss 1/4 x 20 x 3/4 bolts (40) and torque to 70 - 80 in, telat. tbs, (8 -9 Nem). 6, While keeping thrust washers in place, slide cluster gear into carrier with larger gear on the side with the smal pin hole (hole for #24 pin) 7. Line up cluster gear and thrust washers with hole in carrier and slide planet shatt through, Line up chamfered side of hole in planet shaft with pin hole in cartier. 8. Drive anti-rol pin (2) flush into carrier sub- assembiy, Rev: 29 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEO/TB66/TB85/TB100 Page 4.17 t§ TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL. DRIVE MOTOR & PARKING BRAKE PARKING BRAKE DRIVE MOTOR NOTE: The material contained in this section may not be applicable to all models used, and is subject to change without notice! Contact the component manufacturer to obtain the latest service information. DRIVE MOTOR & DRIVE MOTORIBRAKE ASSEMBLY The drive motor & brake assembly or drive motor (Steering axle on 4 whee! drive) and may be removed F installed by folowing the procedures provided on page 47: BRAKE ASSEMBLY The drive motor brake assembly may be removed from of installed onto the drive motor as part of the brake disassembiy/reassembly procedures. Refer to page 4-28, Rev: 30 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TB5O/TBS0TB66/TB85/TB100 Page 4-19 & TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL DRIVE MOTOR 4. Woodrutt Key 11. Rear End Cap 20, Dowel Pin 2. Drive Pin 12, Tip Seal Roter 21. Capscrew 3. Retaining Ring 412A. Body Seal Poller 23, Shaft Seal 4. Drive Gear 13, Rotor 24. Front End Cap 5. Spacer 14, Seal Plate 25. Displacement Housing 6. Retaining Ring 15. Abutment Valve 26. Retaining Ring 7. Bearing Race 16. Nesdie Beating 27. Gear Pinion 8. Thrust Bearing 47. Step Bearing 28. Splined Shaft (137) 8 Needle Bearing 18. O-Ring 28. Retaining Fling 10. Oil Seat 49. Backup Ring 30. O-Ring Page 4-20 ‘TB44/TBSO/TBEOTBOE/TBBSITB100 Rev: 90 Dec 97 tf TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL DRIVE MOTOR Drive Motor Removal for Disassembly 1. Before removing the moter from the system, Clean as much debris off trom the exterior as possible. The area around the ports is most important. Upon disconnecting plug the ends ct the hydraulic ines to prevent contamination of the system. 2. Remove the woodruff key (1) and then carefully remove all burts from the shaft. Make sure there are no sharp corners around the Keyway, this will prevent the shaft seal from being cut upon removal of the end cap. If there is any rust present, remove it using 180 grt emery cloth ‘Tools Required for Disassembly 1. Soft face hammer or mallet 2. Torque wrench with at least 50 ft. Ibs. capacity. 3. 5/16" Allen wiench adaptable to torque wrench, 4, No. 03 internal snap ring pliers, 5. 3/16" Allen wrench for gear cover. 6. A bench vise. Note that the disassembly and assembly instructions are based on the assumption that a bench vise is used, Drive Motor Disassembly 1. Place rear end cap (11) of the motor in vise, so that the front end cap (24) is on top. Tighten the vise enough to prevent motor from rocking out Excessive clamping pressure could damage the inlet and outlet ports. Normally the standard jaws will not contact spottace of ports. 2. Untasten the rine capsorews (21) holding the end caps and housing together. Remove the capscrews completely from the assembly. Using a softfaced hammer or mailet, tap upward on the ear of the front end cap (24). By putting the heel of your hand over the splined shaft (28) and your fingers on the opposite ear ‘you can keep the front end cap (24) from falling back down after each tap. When you get beyond the dowel pin (20) ‘engagement there should be no further require- ment for the hammer. Simply lft the end cap off of the assembly. Removal of the displacement housing (25), the dark centet portion of the assembly, is carried ut similar to step 3, There are two scallops “cutouts” in the rear end cap (11), Its this area that you tap to remove the housing. De not ever use a screwdriver or pinch bar to remove this part. Itis extremely easy to damage the end cap faces. The dowel pins will remain in the dis- placement housing (25). NOTE: The remaining steps may be performed on the bench, Remove seal plates (14). Remove seal rollers (12) and (124). Thare are ‘two sizes, the seat rollers (12) in the rotor tip are about 1/82nd inch in diameter targer than the ‘seal rollers (12A) behind the seal plates. Remove the seven socket head capscrews holding the brake or Mode! Code and Serial No. ‘end plate to the rear end cap (11), ‘The previous step exposed a set of pinion gears (27), Before removing mark them as shown on the following page. The two small gears should also be marked ieft and right, Rev: 30 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TB50/TBED/TBES/TBR5/TB100 Page 4-21 i TEREX AERIALS ‘SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL DRIVE MOTOR 4. Woodrut Key 11. Rear End Cap 20. Dowel Pin 2 Drive Pin 12, Tip Seai Reller 21. Capscrew 3. Retaining Ring 412A. Body Seal Roller 23. Shaft Seal 4. Drive Gear 43. Rotor 24, Front End Cap 5. Spacer 14, Seat Plate 25. Displacement Housing 6. Retaining Ring 15. Abutment Valve 26. Retaining Ring 7. Bearing Race 16. Needle Bearing 27. Gear Pinion 8 Thrust Bearing 17. Stop Bearing 28, Splined Shaft (137) 9. Needle Bearing 18. O-Ring 28. Retaining Ring 10. Oli Seat 19. Backup Ring 20. O-Ring Page 4-22 T844/TBSO/TBEO/TBSE/TBBS/TB100 Rev: 30 Dec 97 i TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL DRIVE MOTOR 15. Check all mating metalto-metal parts for scratches or burrs which could cause leakage, Replace all parts cn which excessive damage is found. Use the following procedure to be sute that aif these surfaces are perfectly smooth: Piace a piece of 240 grit paper on a flat, smooth surface. Place the part on the art paper and stroke gen- tly ina figure eight motion several times. Exces- sive removal of material should not be done as the parts may not reassemble with proper clear- ance. 16. Clean all parts in solvent and let them air-dry. Alt ‘o-ings and shaft seais should be replaced. if conditions are such that you have to use the old ‘9. Remove the retaining rings (3) and (26) secur- seals they should be washed in a mild sozp and ing the gears, remove the gears and the rear water solution, retaining rings (26) from the abutement valves (9). 40. Turn the rotor (13) until the paddle end feaves an abutment valve (15) cavity. By positioning the rotor this way you can lift out the abutment valve. Repeat this procedure for the other abut- ment valve (15). 111, Lift the rotor (13) up, to expose the drive pin (2) and remove it, 13. Remove the retaining ring (6) securing the splined shatt (28), thrust bearing (@) and bearing races (7). 14, Remove the splined shaft (28) from the rear end cap (41). 14, The step bearing (17) that remains in the front end cap should be taken out and inspected. There is an o-ring (18) and backup ring (19) under this part, Rov: 30 Dec 97 ‘Teaa/TBSO/TBGO/TBSE/TBSS/TB100 Page 4-23 bt TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL DRIVE MOTOR 1. Woodruff Key 41, Rear End Cap 20. Dowel Pin 2, Drive Pin 12. Tip Seal Roller 24. Capscrew 3, Retaining Ring 412A. Body Seal Rotler 23. Shaft Seal 4, Drive Gear 43. Rotor 24, Front End Cap 5. Spacer 14, Seal Plate 25. Displacement Housing 6. Retaining Ring 18. Abutment Valve 26. Retaining Ring 7. Bearing Race 16. Needle Bearing 27. Gear Pinion & Thrust Beating 17. Step Bearing 28, Splined Shatt (137) 9. Needle Bearing 18. O-Ring 29. Retaining Ring 10. Cit Seal 49. Backup Ring 30. O-Ring Page 4-24 ‘TB44/TB50/TBEO/TBSE/TB8S/TB100 Rev: 30 Dec 97 t4 TEREX AERIALS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL DRIVE MOTOR Drive Motor Assembly 1, Install splined shaft (28) with thrust bearing (8) and bearing races (7) through the back of the rear end cap (11). 2. _ Install retaining cing (6) to retain shatt. 3. Put spacer (5) over shatt end, and assemble the drive gear (4) onto the shaft. Install taining ring (8) to secure the gear. 5. Turn the sub-assembly and set it on the rear cover face, Install new backup ring (19) and o- fing (48) and instal! one abutment vaive (1). A light fim of oi should be applied to all new seals prior to instaling, 6 Reinstall the round drive pin (2) in the key way ‘of the splined shatt (28) and sip rotor (13) over pin (2) 7. Set the motor sub-assembly on its sido, instal ‘one of the abutement valves (15) and install a retaining ring (26) to secure it 8. Install the woodrutf Key (1) and the gear pinion (27) onto the shaft of the abutement valve (15) and align the timing marks between the two geass. 9. Rotate the splined shaft (28) so the second abutment valve (15) can be installed, Align the {timing marks as in the previous step. Rotate the splined shaft (28) one complete revolution to ensure that itis timed correctly, NOTE: When properly timed, the tp of the paddles of the rotor (13) should pass directly through the center of the cavity in the abutment valves (15) 10. Install the retaining rings (26) to secure the gear pinions (27) to the abutement valves. 10. "1 42, 13, 14, 15, Set the assembly back on the rear cover (11) face. Install the seal plates (14) and seal rollers (32) and (12A) in the rotor (13) Piace @ new oil seal (10) in the groove of each end cap (11) and (24). Apply @ light fim of grease to keep them from slipping out of the groove. Install the displacement housing (28) on onto the rear end cap (11). If binding ocours take a soft faced hammer and tap on the housing to free it. Install a new o-ring (18) and backup ring (19) in the front end cap (24). Put the step bearing (17) in place and instail the front end cap (24) onto the motor sub-assembly. Tap lightly with a soft face hammer to seat the front end cap. Set the body capscrews (21) in place and torque 40.500 in. bs. (56 Nem), Reinstall the brake or Model Code and Serial No. end piate to the rear end cap (11). Ensure ‘that the oil seal (10) stays in place. Rev: 30 Dec 97 ‘TB44/TB50/TB6O/TB66/TBS5/T E100 Page 4-25

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