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Created @December 21, 2022 5:51 AM

Class management




Building Blocks of Resilience

Facing Down Reality

Resilience doesn’t stem from optimism. It does help for some extent as long as
it doesn’t distort your sense of reality.

In adverse situations, rose colored thinking can spell disaster.

Have a sober and down to earth views of those parts of reality that matters, is
needed for survival

Question to ask is . Am I accepting the reality , the hard reality of the current
situation that I am in .

Facing reality is unpleasant and not doing so is as a coping mechanism.

Optimists die first.

🤠 Its very important to face the situation as it is like in the

mindfulness. There is no shortcut expect to go through the
crisis. Like one time I made a stupid financial situation by giving
25 thousand to a semi stranger. I was depressed that day. Then
because of my Iman in Allah I bounced back. I gave meaning to

Resilience 1
the situation. I faced the reality as it is. Not making optimistic

When we stare down the reality we tend to prepare ourself how

to survive before the fact.

🤠 We must have contingency plans in place for any crisis.

Having contingency planning is an act of smartness. We trust in
Allah completely but we must prepare and plan and calculate.
Not doing so is an act of cowardice and an act of foolishness.
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare.

The Search for Meaning

Make meaning of terrible times.

Resilient people devise stories about their suffering to create meaning for
themselves and others.

The dynamic of meaning making is how resilient people bride present day
hardship to a fuller better constructed future.

These bridges make the present manageable.

We must never forget that we may also find meaning in life even
when confronted with a hopeless situation, when facing a fate
that cannot be changed.

🤠 For my marriage I did face hardship but I had a purpose of

holding on to Islam and to be obedient to Allah. That purpose
gave me strength.

Resilience 2
Resilience should be taught at home.

Strong values creates an environment of meaning as it offer ways to interpret

and shape stories/events.

Having a noble purpose in your organization or within you can allow you to
shape the environment of creating meaning.

🤠 My noble purpose is Islam, which has huge set of values like

putting trust in Allah , belief in heaven etc. It allows me to make
meaning our of any situation.

Noble purpose means meaningful environment

Ritualized ingenuity or 💪 Bricolage

Bricolage (bouncing back). It means to improvise a solution to a problem
without obvious tools. E.g fixing their own cars etc.

Its making the most of what they have. putting objects to unfamiliar uses. e.g In
concentration camp, the inmates used to pick up strings/wires which was used
to string the shoes in the cold weather which makes the difference between life
and death.

Bricoleurs imagine possibilities where others become numb.

A group of bricoleurs do what needs to be done to get the job done.

🤠 A Bricoleur won’t make much complains

Rules : Rules are needed to bounce back. When people are put under
pressure, they return to their most habituated ways of responding.

💡 In life threatening pressure , CREATIVITY is not expected. Its the rules or

routines that make the difference.

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Its the rules and regulations, its the drills , its the routine that will make us

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