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Multicolor quantitative confocal imaging cytometry

Daniel L Coutu1,2   , Konstantinos D Kokkaliaris1,2   , Leo Kunz1,2   & Timm Schroeder1   

Multicolor 3D quantitative imaging of large tissue volumes is result in insufficient clearing (Scale A2/U2, Focusclear), fluor-
necessary to understand tissue development and organization ochrome quenching (Scale A2/U2, benzyl alcohol/benzyl
as well as interactions between distinct cell types in situ. benzoate (BABB), 3Disco or iDisco) or tissue inflation or shrink-
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

However, tissue imaging remains technically challenging, age (3Disco/iDisco, Cubic)10.

particularly imaging of bone and marrow. Here, we describe Here, we present a pipeline to generate reproducible high-
a pipeline to reproducibly generate high-dimensional dimensional quantitative data from mouse bone sections. This
quantitative data from bone and bone marrow that may be pipeline is easy to implement and preserves tissue and cell mor-
extended to any tissue. We generate thick bone sections from phology as well as the fluorescence of many classes of fluoro-
adult mouse femurs with preserved tissue microarchitecture phores. We demonstrate multiplexing of up to eight markers and
and demonstrate eight-color imaging using confocal microscopy fluorophores and provide open-access software to allow rapid data
without linear unmixing. We introduce XiT, an open-access exploration, curation and quantification. Taken together, we aim
software for fast and easy data curation, exploration and to describe an integrated pipeline, from tissue preparation to quan-
quantification of large imaging data sets with single-cell titative image analysis that will help democratize bone cytometry.
resolution. We describe how XiT can be used to correct for This pipeline is also applicable to tissues beyond bone.
potential artifacts in quantitative 3D imaging, and we use
the pipeline to measure the spatial relationship between RESULTS
hematopoietic cells, bone matrix and marrow Schwann cells. Sample preparation and processing
We chose a fixation method that excludes organic solvents and
Imaging approaches are crucial for understanding biological proc- alcohols, which are known to increase autofluorescence and alter
esses1–3. This is especially true for processes in complex tissues subcellular localization of antigens11 (see Supplementary Note 1).
like bone and bone marrow, where skeletal stem cells are respon- We fixed samples with methanol-free formaldehyde at 4 °C to
sible for growth, maintenance and repair of bone and cartilage, ensure proper fixation without antigen masking, followed by
and hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) sustain decalcification, agarose embedding at low temperature and
hematopoiesis throughout life4,5. Despite extensive studies, the vibratome sectioning (200–700 µm). Following immunostain-
exact localization of most cell types in the bone marrow (BM) ing, the sections were optically cleared (Supplementary Fig. 1
as well as the cellular and molecular composition of their niches and Supplementary Protocol). Sample clearing and mounting
remains a controversial topic among different groups6–8. This is can induce tissue distortion, fluorescence quenching and optical
mainly because of the complexity of BM microenvironments and aberrations; thus, we tested numerous optical-clearing techniques
the difficulties in analyzing skeletal tissue in a quantitative man- and mounting media for their suitability and efficiency for bone
ner as a whole organ while visualizing more than five markers and BM clearing (Supplementary Table 1). Most of the optical-
simultaneously. Although recent work has described quantitative clearing techniques recently developed for brain tissue did not
cytometry of lymph nodes9, imaging whole—or thick sections prove useful for bone or BM, as we observed either no substantial
of—adult mouse bones and quantifying the spatial distribution clearing or severely distorted tissue architecture (data not shown).
of distinct populations of cells remains an unmet goal for the sci- In addition, clearing techniques are often only compatible with
entific community. certain fluorophore classes, which makes >5-color immunostain-
Bone and BM are difficult to study with standard histology, ing impossible10,12, although broadly compatible clearing agents
since most sample-preparation approaches affect tissue mor- have been reported9. For more detailed investigations, we tested 2-
phology or cause autofluorescence, and this prevents subsequent 2′-thiodiethanol (TDE)10, BABB and a glycerol-based medium.
unbiased quantitative analysis. The development of novel optical-
clearing techniques now allows for deeper imaging of large organs Comparison of optical-clearing compounds
or even entire embryos10. However, most clearing approaches We tested clearing methods by analyzing their effects on tissue
have strong limitations when used in BM, and these limitations and cell morphology, on fluorescence quenching and on optical

1Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zürich, Basel, Switzerland. 2These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence should be

addressed to D.L.C. ( or T.S. (

Received 29 December 2016; accepted 4 October 2017; published online 13 November 2017; doi:10.1038/nmeth.4503

nature methods  |  ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION  |  


a b c
AlexaFluor CF dye PF520LS Northern Light GFP
Brain Lung
Z position (µm)

100 µm 100 µm
30 µm 80 µm 50 µm 70 µm 30 µm
Atto dye Chromeo DyLight Q-dots tdTOMATO Liver Muscle

0 100 µm 100 µm
80 µm 80 µm 50 µm 30 µm 100 µm
X position (µm)

Col.1 CD31 Col.1
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

xz plane

Acetyl-α-tub Ki67 FGFR2-

Figure 1 | A method for bone and bone marrow imaging. (a) Confocal images of adult mouse femur sections of the indicated depths. Left panel, 20-µm-
thick xz projection through the distal growth plate (green, Osx-GFP; red, CD105; blue, ALP). Right panel, 10-µm-thick xz projection of the central sinus
(red, CD31). (b) Fluorescence of the indicated fluorophore in TDE-cleared femur sections. All panels show CD31 staining, except the right-most panels,
which show endogenous GFP from a Cxcl12-GFP bone and tdTomato from an Osx-CreERT2; tdTomato bone 2 d after tamoxifen injection. (c) Confocal
images of TDE-cleared sections of the indicated tissues. Shown are brain (blue, DAPI; green, GFAP; red, CD31), lung (red, CD31; green, CD11b), liver
(green, CD31; red, CD11b) and skeletal muscle (blue, DAPI; red, CD31; green, Sca1). (d) Thick vibratome sections of adult mouse femurs followed by TDE-
based optical clearing and staining with the indicated markers to demonstrate preservation of morphology (CD31+ central sinus and vasculature shown).
Samples were stained with markers for extracellular matrix (fibronectin (Fn) and osteocalcin (OC)), cilia (acetyl-α-tubulin), nuclear proteins (Ki67),
trabecular bone (col. 1) and secreted cytokine (IGF-2). Scale bars, 700 µm (full bone scans) and 7 µm (xz projection).

properties of the tissue. We identified 2-2′-thiodiethanol (TDE)10 osteocalcin (OC)), vasculature (CD31), small subcellular
as a potent clearing agent for bone samples, as it enables deep organelles such as cilia (acetyl-α-tubulin), and secreted cytokines
imaging of BM at most wavelengths, is compatible with many (IGF2) (Fig. 1d and Supplementary Fig. 2).
fluorophores and multiple tissues and allows detection of intracel- We compared TDE clearing (Fig. 2a) with BABB, which has
lular and extracellular antigens (Fig. 1). Specifically, we observed been used for BM imaging7, and with prolong gold antifade
that optical clearing with TDE allows fluorescence detection of (PGA), a glycerol-based medium not expected to induce tissue
most wavelengths from 200 to 700 µm (Fig. 1a). The fluorescence distortion. We found no difference in the maximum width of the
of all fluorophore types was preserved, including that of organic bone at the distal growth plate between the three media (Fig. 2b).
Alexa Fluor and CF dyes, Q-dots nanocrystals and endogenously However, BABB-cleared sections showed significantly decreased
fluorescent proteins (GFP, YFP and tdTomato), which can be thickness of the distal growth plate (Fig. 2c, P < 0.001). While we
detected directly or amplified using immunostaining (Fig. 1b). observed minor differences between volume distributions of small
TDE clearing can also be used on various other tissues (Fig. 1c). c-Kit+ cells between all compounds (Fig. 2d), BABB significantly,
We used our sample-processing approach for 3D imaging of full P < 0.001 affected the volume distribution of larger cells (1–4 ×
bones at subcellular resolution (voxel size of 0.69 × 0.69 × 2.69 104 µm3) such as megakaryocytes (Fig. 2e). TDE also provided
µm) and simultaneous detection of many structures and antigens better axial and lateral resolution over BABB (Fig. 2f,g). BABB
in different localizations including plasma membrane, cytoplasm, quenches a subset of fluorophores (i.e., Q-Dots)12, while TDE is
nucleus (Ki67), extracellular matrix (collagen 1 (col.1), fibronectin, compatible with all classes of fluorophores tested here (Fig. 1b).

  |  ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION  |  nature methods


a Preclearing Postclearing
DAPI IL1R1 OC-YFP GFAP CD105 c-Kit Sca1 Col.1
a d c

0.5 cm
b c 500 µm
* OC-YFP CD105 GFAP c-Kit Sca1 Col.1 IL1R1 DAPI
Max width growth plate (µm)

Growth plate thickness (µm)

2,800 160 n.s.
2,600 n.s.
b c d
2,200 Growth plate
1,800 80
1,600 60

d *** e ***
6,000 60,000
*** ***
Volume (µm3)

Volume (µm3)

4,000 40,000
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

2,000 20,000
50 µm 40 µm 10 µm

0 0
PGA TDE BABB PGA TDE BABB Figure 3 | Multiplexing immunofluorescent staining for bone and
f g bone marrow thick-tissue cytometry. (a) Example of an eight-color


immunofluorescent staining of an adult mouse femur. (b) Osteocalcin



*** ***




3 (OC)-YFP-expressing trabecular osteoblasts and CD105+ vascular cells


(white and black arrowheads, respectively). (c) GFAP+ glial Schwann

FWHM (µm)

*** *** cells, c-Kit+ hematopoietic cells and Sca1+ arterioles (white arrowheads,
*** *** *** *** z white arrows and black arrowheads, respectively). (d) Collagen 1+ bone
x matrix, rare IL1R1+ hematopoietic cells (black and white arrowheads,
y respectively) and DAPI.
x y z x
TDE x Multicolor staining and image acquisition
To detect cells with complex immunophenotypes and quantify
Figure 2 | Quantitative comparison of clearing media. (a) Thick section
their spatial distribution, simultaneous detection of multiple
from an adult mouse femur before and after optical clearing using TDE.
(b) The plot shows maximum width at the distal growth plate in bones
markers and fluorophores is required. We optimized stainings
after clearing in prolong gold antifade (PGA), TDE or BABB. Three 250- using secondary or tertiary antibody detection to simultane-
µm-thick sections are shown per condition. (c) Growth plate thickness of ously and reliably detect up to eight different antigens (Fig. 3a–d;
femurs. Five measurements of three 250-µm-thick sections are shown for Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4). To achieve this while using pri-
all conditions. (d,e) Volume of c-Kit+ cells (d) or megakaryocytes (MK, e) mary antibodies of the same species, we performed sequential
in BM. Three 250-µm-thick sections were used per condition. In d, 24,683 immunostainings. We note that an important aspect of multi-
cells in three partial bone scans (PGA), 28,429 cells in three partial bone
color detection is that the clearing reagent is compatible with
scans (TDE), and 53,725 cells in three partial bone scans (BABB) were
measured. In e, 2,545 cells in three partial bone scans (PGA), 3,977 cells multiple fluorophores. In TDE-cleared sections, we detected
in three partial bone scans (TDE), and 4,645 cells in two partial bone eight fluorophores per section without spectral linear unmixing
scans (BABB) were measured.P values were calculated using Kruskal–Wallis by combining traditional and long Stokes shift dyes. We sepa-
test and Dunn’s multiple comparison test. For box-and-whisker plots, the rated dyes with overlapping emission spectra in different acqui-
box defines data points between the 25th and 75th percentile, whiskers sition rounds. To achieve this, we used fluorescence minus one
show min–max, and lines show median. (f,g) Point-spread function (FMO)-staining controls to adjust the bandwidth of virtual filters
(PSF) was measured at 561-nm excitation for 170-nm-diameter orange
beads. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the PSF (f) was used to
on the fluorescence detectors, their gain and offset, as well as laser
measure the axial and lateral resolution (g). Average of 118 (PGA), 173 powers, to avoid bleedthrough between channels. An example of
(TDE) and 72 (BABB) beads are shown. Theoretical PSF in g calculated acquisition settings and dye combination is presented in
based on the optics used. Dot plots and histogram show mean ± s.d. Supplementary Figure 3. Designing and executing eight-
color immunostaining requires several optimization iterations.
PGA or other glycerol-based media proved easy to use and pro- To aid users, we provide a workflow for complex stainings
vided reproducible results but also quenched certain classes of (Supplementary Fig. 5) and an immunostaining troubleshoot-
fluorophores, including Q-dots, which limits the usefulness of ing guide (Supplementary Table 2).
these media in highly multiplexed staining. In conclusion, we
found TDE clearing to be the best option for quantitative deep- Image preprocessing
tissue imaging of bone and BM. In general, the optimal clearing Unbiased identification of rare cells with complex immunophe-
technique depends on the application, number and type of fluoro- notypes in thick tissue sections is virtually impossible without
phores, type of tissue, sample thickness, and the importance of semiautomated quantitative methods. We first used commercial
maintaining cellular and tissue morphology. software for image preprocessing and segmentation of cells and

nature methods  |  ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION  |  

a c-Kit+ cells
b Raw data
c d
Proximal Distal
Raw data xyz gated 4.5 8.8
20.5 66.3 Raw data
xyz-gated data

40 c-Kit+Sca1+Lin– c-Kit+Sca1+Lin+

c-Kit+Sca1+Lin– c-Kit+Sca1-Lin+

Cells ×10

Percent of cKit+ cells


xyz gated
20 *
Y position

1.0 5.8 50
24.0 69.2

0 0



























© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

X position
e Before z-normalization f After z-normalization

500 µm 500 µm 500 µm 200 µm

c-Kit+ cell density


Corrected z
Corrected z



c-Kit+ cell density
0 0 0 0
Sca1 255 x 500 µm x 500 µm Sca1 255

Corrected z
Reliable quantification

Positive gate attenuation

impossible to assess y y
Positive gate attenuation
Contains false negatives:
unreliable quantification 0 x 15 mm 0 0 x 15 mm 0 Unreliable quantification

g c-Kit+ cells c-Kit+ cells

c-Kit+ cell density
c-Kit iso c-Kit c-Kit iso c-Kit

Sca1 (FMO) Sca1

1.1 3.6 Sca1 Lin Sca1 Lin

Raw data Raw data

Fluorescence intensity
23.9 71.4
Y position

Q1 Q2
Q4 Q3

1.2% c-Kit iso c-Kit c-Kit iso c-Kit


Compensated Compensated

Q1 Q2 Sca1 Lin Sca1 Lin

Sca1 (FMO)

Q4 Q3

5.1% 0

MFI X position
Lin Lin

Figure 4 | Multi(x)-dimensional image analysis toolbox (XiT) for cytometry of large imaging data sets. (a) Spatial gating in XiT. Data points outside the
organ are removed by drawing polygonal gates in xy (shown) or yz projection. (b) The density plots show c-Kit+ cells, and numbers indicate the percent
of c-Kit+ cells per quadrant, either before (raw) or after (xyz gated) spatial gating. MFI, mean fluorescent intensity. (c) Quantification of cells with the
indicated phenotypes before and after spatial gating. (d) Spatial gating to split the data set into distinct anatomical parts for downstream analyses
(prox, proximal; meta, metaphysis; epi, epiphysis). (e,f) Normalization for 3D position of tissue sections. Numbers show percent of segmented c-Kit+
cells. (e) The left panel shows the z-position (distance to objective) of all c-Kit+ cells. 3.8% of the cells are Sca1+ (red gate), and Sca1 is detected up
to 500 µm from the objective. The right panel shows the z-position (distance to objective) of c-Kit+ cells. Note that the modified aspect ratio in the
upper panel exaggerates sample irregularities. (f) The left panel shows the z-position after normalization (depth within tissue) of c-Kit+ cells. The right
panel shows marked decrease in Sca1 fluorescence intensity, 180 µm deep within the tissue (red gate). Sca1 expression can only be quantified in c-Kit+
cells located less than 180 µm deep within tissue (90%, green gate). (g) Channel bleedthrough compensation by XiT. Left panel shows an FMO control
where the Sca1 primary antibody was omitted, and right panel shows a fully stained femur. (h) Left panel, density plot of c-Kit+ cells showing mean
fluorescence intensity of Sca1 and Lin markers. Numbers indicate percent of c-Kit+ cells. The gating thresholds (red lines) are derived from compensated
FMO controls. Right panel, example of cells from each quadrant. ID numbers of cells within each quadrant are imported into Imaris for visual confirmation
of phenotype. Scale bars, 10 µm. Note, for all panels, 2D plots are color coded for density unless otherwise specified.

  |  ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION  |  nature methods

structures of interest. As an example, we examined HSPCs, immu- However, this can result in compression and distortion of samples.
nophenotypically defined as c-Kit+Sca1+Lineage−(Lin−) (KSL), In addition, the staining chamber volume must be sufficiently
which show medium BM abundance (approximately 4–5 × 104 large to accommodate for staining, washing and clearing solu-
cells per femur)13 and are thought to interact with bone matrix and tions in excess.
Schwann cells. To test the localization of HSPCs relative to bone To enable fluorescence channel compensation, similar to mul-
and Schwann cells, we stained bone sections for KSL markers, ticolor flow cytometry, we implemented a channel arithmetic
col.1 (bone matrix) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, glial module, which works on the same principle as a flow cytom-
Schwann cells) (Supplementary Fig. 6a,b and Supplementary etry compensation software. As an example, we show (Fig. 4g,
Video 1). We also acquired FMO control sections omitting either left panel) a Sca1 FMO control where Sca1 signal could not be
anti-Sca1 or Lin primary antibodies. We segmented c-Kit+ cells visually detected during image acquisition but where significant
(Supplementary Fig. 6c,d), col.1+ bone matrix and GFAP+ cells bleedthrough occurred from the Lin channel (10–15%, depending
and performed distance transformations from both col.1− and on the data set). Hence, we subtracted 10–15% of the Lin chan-
GFAP-segmented structures (Supplementary Fig. 6e). nel intensity from the Sca1 channel and found that Sca1+ cells
For subsequent data analysis we found existing software incapa- decreased from 27.0% to 5.1% of c-Kit+ cells (Fig. 4g, right panel).
ble of or too inefficient at handling large data sets (Supplementary This demonstrates the need for reliable and unbiased quantitative
Fig. 6f). We therefore developed the software x-dimensional computational tools in analysis of microscopy data.
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

image analysis toolbox (XiT). This software allows fast and effi- After fully curating data from c-Kit+ cells (spatial gating, z-
cient data exploration, validation, quantification and plotting, normalization, channel compensation), we used density plots of
thereby enabling hypothesis generation while working live with c-Kit+ cells (Fig. 4h, left panel) and gated according to thresholds
the data. XiT is compatible with imaging data formats from any obtained from FMO controls (e.g., Fig. 4g, red dashed lines). XiT
imaging preprocessing software that allows cell and structure seg- allows gating by setting quadrants or using polygonal or rectan-
mentation in 2D and 3D data sets and export of statistics files. gular gates, similar to flow cytometry software. Gate statistics
(incorporating all Imaris statistics) can be exported and include
Imaging cytometry using XiT the Imaris unique identifier (ID) of each segmented object, which
We exported features of c-Kit+ segmented objects from Imaris for enables their visualization in the original image in Imaris. We
further analysis with XiT. Several image-analysis steps were neces- used these exported IDs for visual confirmation of cellular phe-
sary to identify BM hematopoietic progenitors and reliably quan- notypes in the original image data using Imaris. (Fig. 4h, right
tify their distance from bone matrix and Schwann cells. To remove panel and Supplementary Fig. 7).
artifacts from muscle and connective tissue outside the bone, we
used XiT’s spatial-gating tool (Fig. 4a). This is crucial for quantita- Spatial distribution of c-Kit+ cell subpopulations in femurs
tive analysis of rare BM populations, as segmented objects in sur- Once we validated the gating strategy and thresholds for each
rounding contaminating tissues could vastly outnumber relevant relevant marker using FMO controls, we used the automated pop-
rare populations (Fig. 4b). It also facilitates manual data curation, ulation-analysis feature of XiT to identify the number of existing
as artifacts do not need to be meticulously removed. For instance, subpopulations in the data sets based on distinct marker expres-
in four bone sections the number of KSL cells decreased from an sion. For each cell subpopulation, XiT exports separate statistics
average of 1,305 in the raw images to an average of 403 in the spa- files, a spreadsheet detailing the frequency of each population
tially gated images (P < 0.02) (Fig. 4c). The spatial-gating feature and density maps showing the localization of the populations
of XiT can also be used to split data sets into anatomically distinct within the sample (Fig. 5a). We then used XiT’s 4D viewer to
parts of the organ and quantify them separately (Fig. 4d). confirm the spatial distribution of cell subpopulations relative to
Intensity of fluorescence signal decreases with imaging depth bone matrix and Schwann cells (Fig. 5b). We found that proper
because of light scattering within tissue. This fluorescence attenu- gating to remove artifacts, controlling for depth attenuation of
ation must be accounted for during quantification of marker- fluorescence, and channel compensation for bleedthrough were
expression levels or when measuring the presence or absence of all required to generate reproducible results across multiple
a marker, since precise signal quantification over background is samples (Fig. 5c).
required for determining reliable thresholds. In addition, thick After performing all these steps in four different femur sec-
free-floating vibratome bone sections (as well as whole-mount tions, we exported the statistics of cell subpopulations for further
preparations) are generally uneven in thickness and rarely statistical analyses in a third-party software (GraphPad Prism)
present a flat imaging field exactly parallel to the imaging plane (Supplementary Fig. 8). We quantified the distribution of c-Kit-
(Fig. 4e). Thus, absolute distance from the objective (z-position) expressing hematopoietic populations marked by different com-
cannot be used to assess fluorescence attenuation of particular binations of Sca1 and Lin markers with respect to col. 1 (bone
fluorochromes, which might result in false-negative cells. XiT’s matrix) and GFAP+ Schwann cells (Fig. 6), and we compared
z-normalization feature enables virtual flattening of the sample these populations to randomly distributed spots (generated in
postacquisition (Fig. 4f, left panel). We plotted fluorescence XiT). Most cells from c-Kit+ subpopulations (Sca1-Lin+, Sca1-
intensity against corrected z-positions and excluded 10% of c- Lin−, Sca1+Lin+), including those enriched for hematopoietic
Kit+ cells that were too deep for reliable quantification of Sca1 stem and progenitor cells (c-Kit+Sca1+Lin−; KSL), were found
(Fig. 4f, right panel). These measures are crucial to avoid misin- to be randomly distributed (no different than random dots) rela-
terpretation of data obtained from thick tissue sections, organoids tive to bone matrix, although visual inspection suggested they
or whole-mount embryos. We note that free-floating sections were not (see Fig. 5a, lower panel). Only one cell population (c-
can be mounted closer to the coverslip by using thinner spacers. Kit+Sca1+Lin−) was found nonrandomly distributed relative to

nature methods  |  ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION  |  


a b c-Kit+ cells
c 80 n=4
Total c-Kit+ cells 4
2.9 × 10
cells 255

c-Kit+Sca1-Lin+ 255 60

Distance to col.1 (µm)

Percent c-Kit+ cells

Distance to GFAP (µm)
c-Kit+ Sca1-Lin–
y 23.8%

c-Kit+ Sca1+Lin+

c-Kit+ Sca1+Lin– 5
0.86% 25

x Lin 0
(M I) 0
) (MF
25 a1

5 0
3.5 × 106
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.


Figure 5 | Automated analysis of c-Kit+ cell subpopulations. (a) Density maps (maximum z density projections) show xy localization of all segmented
cells of the indicated phenotypes and their percentage of total c-Kit+ cells. (b) The 4D plot shows the expression of Sca1 and Lin markers in total c-
Kit+ cells as well as their localization relative to bone surfaces (col.1) and glial Schwann cells (GFAP). (c) The plot shows the abundance of c-Kit+ cell
subpopulations in four independent experiments (femur sections from different mice). Quadrant numbers (Q1–4) were defined as in Figure 4h. For box-
and-whisker plots, the box defines data points between the 25th and 75th percentile, whiskers show min–max, and lines show median.

GFAP+ glial Schwann cells. These results, which partly support conserves most epitopes for immunostaining, and thus it enables
previous studies14,15 although the cell types studied differ, high- image quantification. Our comparisons (Supplementary Table 1)
light the need for unbiased quantitative analysis complemented indicate TDE is the optimal bone-clearing agent, since it con-
with generation of random dots to study spatial localization of serves tissue morphology while being compatible with all tested
rare cell populations. fluorophores, including endogenously expressed fluorescent
proteins. TDE also offers the advantage of having an adjustable
DISCUSSION refractive index23 (at 97–100%, its refractive index matches that
The experimental pipeline we describe consists of many steps that of immersion oil, which prevents spherical aberrations). The use
all influence whether a sample can be reliably quantified. From of TDE allowed us to multiplex many markers and fluorophores
sample handling to final quantitative image analysis, all steps in single sections. This is key to describing cells with complex
must be finely tuned to allow reproducible quantification. phenotypes residing in complex microenvironments.
Historically, bone and BM tissue have been analyzed using par- We did not directly compare decalcified, TDE-cleared sam-
affin sections of formaldehyde-fixed, decalcified samples followed ples to nondecalcified samples, but our experience suggests that
by standard histological stains and/or chromogenic immunohisto- all processing that impacts tissue morphology causes detectable
chemistry16. Alternatively, plastic (methyl-methacrylate) embed- detachment of marrow tissue from cortical bone. We did not
ding of formaldehyde-fixed, nondecalcified tissues has been used observe such detachment with our approach.
for simple histology (e.g., von Kossa staining). However, these One of the main bottlenecks in generating quantitative data
techniques generate thin (5–10 µm), highly autofluorescent sec- for full-organ imaging cytometry is the capacity of imaging
tions that are incompatible with immunostainings unless harsh software to handle and efficiently quantify large data sets. A
antigen retrieval is used (Supplementary Table 3). Cryosections single full adult mouse femur confocal scan with eight colors
have been used for immunofluorescence analysis of BM with (Fig. 3) is composed of over 1.26 × 1011 8-bit pixels, which rep-
some success7,14,17–21. This technique uses strong blades (tung- resents over 120 GB of raw data. Even with high computing
sten or diamond) to cut nondecalcified bones into generally thin power, most imaging software for image quantification cannot
sections, although thicker sections have also been reported7,14,22. handle such data sets, since most of the RAM is allocated to data
While cryosections show low autofluorescence and good anti- loading and display, which leaves few resources for computation.
gen preservation, tissue morphology suffers (i.e., bone marrow Software capable of displaying large image data sets is commer-
detaches from bone; anatomical relations are destroyed) from the cially available (e.g., Imaris, Volocity, Amira) or open access24,25.
freezing step even when cryoprotectants (sucrose) are used. While However, although useful for primary (image) data visualiza-
recent studies have started to unravel the BM architecture, most tion, in our hands none of these methods allow fast quantitative
are limited to thin sections and qualitative analyses of small bone analyses, on-the-fly data exploration, curation, and intuitive fil-
regions because of poor preservation of the whole organ, although tering and plotting.
there are a few recent exceptions7,14. To address these issues and provide the community with a
We developed a simple, efficient and reproducible way to gener- user-friendly tool, we developed XiT, a toolbox offering the
ate thick bone tissue sections with high throughput. The technique same functionalities of most commercial and open-source image
preserves tissue morphology, generates low autofluorescence and analysis software but with additional features, which we showed

  |  ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION  |  nature methods

Min distance to collagen 1 (µm) Min distance to GFAP (µm) cytometry data; for example, different laser powers and PMT
10,000 n.s. n.s. 1,000 n.s. n.s. sensitivity and bit depth, point-by-point detection versus whole-
8,000 800
Random spots cell fluorescence detection. Because the fluorescence dynamic
6,000 range of microscopy data is lower than that of flow cytometry,

4,000 separating some populations with weak marker expression is
difficult using flow cytometry software. The methods presented
0 0
here, combined in an easy to implement pipeline, allow routine
2,500 n.s. 400
n.s. n.s. n.s. imaging cytometry of thick and large samples. We expect this
2,000 c-Kit+Sca1-Lin–
Random spots to help researchers in various fields to better understand cells

200 in their native in vivo environments27.

500 100

0 0
Methods, including statements of data availability and any associ-
800 150 * ***
n.s. n.s. c-Kit+Sca1+Lin– ated accession codes and references, are available in the online
Random spots
version of the paper.

© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

50 Note: Any Supplementary Information and Source Data files are available in the
200 online version of the paper.
0 0
6,000 1,000 D.L.C. would like to dedicate this article to Ian B.I. Copland (Emory University),
n.s. n.s.
n.s. n.s.
800 c-Kit+Sca1+Lin+ who unexpectedly passed away on June 15th 2015 (http://www.hattrick4ian.
4,000 Random spots com). The authors would like to thank T. Horn, A. Ponti and E.Montani for advice,

technical support and useful discussions. This study was supported in part by the
2,000 SystemsX StemSysMed grant to T. Schroeder.
D.L.C. started the project and developed the method with K.D.K. and L.K.
20 10
40 30
60 50
8 70
0– 90
0 10
0 30
0 50
0 70
0 90
0 10
0– 30

20 10
40 30
60 50
80 70
0– 90
0 10
0 30
0 50
0 70
0 90
0 10
0– 30


10 0–
12 1
14 –1
16 –1
18 –1
20 –1
22 –2
24 –2


10 –
12 1
14 –1
16 –1
18 –1
20 –1
22 –2
24 –2

D.L.C., K.D.K. and L.K. planned and performed experiments and analyses. L.K.
programed the XiT software with input from D.L.C. and K.D.K. All authors wrote
Figure 6 | Spatial distribution of c-Kit+ cell subpopulations relative to bone the manuscript. T.S. funded and supervised the project.
and Schwann cells. Statistics from the automated subpopulation analysis
are exported from XiT and further analyzed in a third-party software. Plots COMPETING FINANCIAL INTERESTS
show the distribution of c-Kit+ cells subpopulations (gray) and random The authors declare no competing financial interests.
spots (white) relative to col.1 (bone matrix) and GFAP (Schwann cells).
The number of random dots was chosen to match the number of cells of Reprints and permissions information is available online at http://www.nature.
com/reprints/index.html. Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral
the indicated populations (18,000 for c-Kit+Lin+ cells, 6,500 for c-Kit+
with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional
cells, 1,000 for c-Kit+Sca1+ cells, and 4,500 for c-Kit+Sca1+Lin+ cells). affiliations.
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  |  ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION  |  nature methods

ONLINE METHODS using a handheld refractometer (Atago) and adjusted to 1.518
Animals. All animal procedures were approved by the cantonal with TDE or TBS. Sections were mounted using custom-made
authorities of Kanton Basel Stadt. Animals used were 12 week silicone spacers (Grace Biolabs) on custom-made size 00, D263M
old males (unless otherwise stated in the text), euthanized by borosilicate coverglass (RI: 1.518, Menzel-Gläser). Alternatively,
CO2 inhalation and decapitation. Mouse strains used were: where indicated sections were mounted directly in Prolong Gold
C56Bl/6J, Tg(Nes-EGFP)33Enik28, Tg(Sp7-cre/ERT2)#Hmk29, Antifade (Thermo) or dehydrated with a graded methanol series
Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze (ref. 30), B6.129P2-Cxcl12< before mounting in BABB33. In both cases, sections were mounted
tm2Tng>31, Tg(BGLAP-Topaz)1RoweJ32. on size 1.5 coverslips. For Prolong Gold Antifade, images were
acquired with glycerol immersion.
Tissue harvesting and processing. Left and right femurs from 12
week old male mice were dissected and cleaned of muscle tissue, Confocal microscopy. Confocal microscopy was performed on
followed by fixation in 4% methanol-free formaldehyde (Thermo) a Leica TCS SP5 equipped with three photomultiplier tubes, two
overnight with rotation at 4 °C. Femurs where then decalcified for HyD detectors, five lasers (405 nm blue diode, argon (458, 476, 488,
14 d in 10% EDTA (pH 8, Sigma) at 4 °C with stirring. 496 and 514 nm) and three helium neon (543, 594 and 633 nm))
using type F immersion liquid (RI: 1.518) and a 20× multiple
Vibratome sections. Femurs were embedded in 4% low-melting immersion lens (NA 0.75, FWD 0.680 mm). All scans were
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

agarose (Sigma) and 250 µm thick sections (unless otherwise acquired at 20–25 °C, 400 Hz, in the bidirectional mode, with
specified in the text) were cut using a Leica VT1200S vibratome z-spacing of 2.49 µm (the optical slice thickness of the optics
with Endurium low-profile ceramic injector blades (Cadence used was 2.69 µm). Images were acquired at 8 bits either with a
Inc.). Although bones are decalcified, the use of a strong, low- 2.2× optical zoom at 512 × 512 resolution or with a 1.1× zoom
profile blade is required, and we obtained good results using at 1,024 × 1,024 resolution. For all stainings, fluorescence minus
ceramic blades. one (FMO, a sample where a single primary antibody was omit-
ted) controls are used to calibrate laser powers, detectors’ (PMTs
Antibodies. The full lists of antibodies tested and those used in or HyDs) gain and offset, and virtual filters’ bandwidth. Briefly,
this study, including suppliers and catalog numbers, can be found a fully stained sample is visualized, and lasers are set at the maxi-
in Supplementary Tables 5 and 6, respectively. mum intensity possible not resulting in photobleaching. Virtual
filters and detectors are set at their maximal bandwidth and sen-
Immunofluorescence. All steps were performed at room tem- sitivity, allowing visualization of all fluorophores without obvious
perature with gentle rocking. Sections were blocked and permea- bleedthrough between channels. FMO controls are then used to
bilized with TBS (final concentration 0.1M Tris, 0.15 M NaCl, pH fine tune settings and ensure no bleedthrough is detected in any
7.5) containing 0.05% Tween-20, 20% DMSO (both from Sigma) channels.
and 10% donkey serum (Jackson ImmunoResearch). This buffer
was also used to dilute all primary antibodies, secondary detec- Point-spread function measurements. Nonbleachable 170 nm
tion reagents and blocking reagents. After blocking and permea- orange beads (Life Technologies) were mounted in Prolong Gold,
bilization, endogenous avidins and biotins were block using the TDE or BABB. Images were acquired at 561 nm with the same
kit from Vector Labs, each step 1 h followed by 30 min washes. objective lens described above, with four-frame averages, at an
Sections were then sequentially stained with primary, highly 8.14× optical zoom and 1,024 × 1,024 resolution (giving a xy pixel
cross-absorbed secondary antibodies and streptavidins (when resolution of 93.02 nm) and 0.71 µm z-spacing. These sampling
required), each overnight with 5× 1 h washes in between using parameters achieved the ideal Nyquist rate. FWHM and PSF
TBS containing 0.05% Tween-20. For staining with two or more measurements and visualization were performed with Huygens
primary antibodies raised in the same species, sequential staining Professional (Scientific Volume Imaging).
was performed (Supplementary Fig. 4) with the following block-
ing steps between: 0.12–0.25 mg/mL IgG of the same species as Analyses. Tile scans were stitched directly after acquisition using
the antibody that needs blocking, 0.12–0.25 mg/mL monovalent the Leica LAS AF software. Manual image analysis was performed
Fab fragments raised in donkey against the IgG species used in on Imaris v7.2 or 8.1 (Bitplane) equipped with all modules,
the previous step (both reagents from Jackson ImmunoResearch, on a Dell PC with a 2× 10-cores Intel Xenon CPU E5-2609 v2
both steps overnight), followed if required by additional avidin/ (2.50 GHz) with 256 GB of RAM, using a Nvidia K4200 GPU
biotin blocking steps. A complete list of antibodies used can be (4 GB RAM) and running Windows 7 (64 bit). Isosurfaces and
found in Supplementary Tables 5 and 6. For Figure 1b, fluoro- distance transformations were also performed on Imaris (requires
phores shown are: AlexaFluor 555 (Thermo), PromoFluor 520 the XT module and the Distance Transformation XTension for the
LSS (Promokine), CF633 (Biotium), Northern Lights 557 (R&D latter). Prior to running the distance transformation XTension,
Systems), Atto 490LS (Atto-Tec), Chromeo 494 (Active Motif), the data were transformed from 8 to 16 bits to avoid truncation of
DyLight 594 (Thermo), Q-dot 655 (Thermo). the distance data to a maximum of 255 µm. The data were subse-
quently reverted to 8 bits. Alternatively, isosurfaces were generated
Optical clearing and mounting of sections. Sections were opti- on Imaris and statistics (including objects shape, area, volume,
cally cleared with graded series of 2,2-thiodiethanol (TDE, Sigma) mean/median/min/max/sum signal intensities for all channels,
diluted in TBS until 100% TDE was reached. The final mounting and distance from col.1 and GFAP) exported for downstream
solution consisted of 100% TDE with 0.1 M N-propyl gallate (pH analyses with in-house-developed Matlab 2015a (Mathworks)
8.5, Sigma). The refractive index of this solution was measured scripts (XiT software). A standalone version of XiT along with a

doi:10.1038/nmeth.4503 nature methods

user manual and the full Matlab code will be available for down- data sets (in Imaris statistics, XiT workspace and XiT statis-
load on our group’s webpage. Other plots and statistical analyses tics formats) are freely available to download from our website
were performed with Matlab and Graph Pad Prism v6. Random ( Source data
dots created in XiT are imported into Imaris (requires the Imaris files for Figures 2, 4 and 5 are available online.
XT module and the XTCreateSpotsFromFile Python extension),
and their statistics are imported back into XiT for analysis.

Statistics. Statistical tests used on technical replicates (same 28. Mignone, J.L., Kukekov, V., Chiang, A.-S., Steindler, D. & Enikolopov,
G. Neural stem and progenitor cells in nestin-GFP transgenic mice.
immunostaining or measurements on different femur sections) J. Comp. Neurol. 469, 311–324 (2004).
were Kruskal–Wallis, Dunn’s multiple comparison, Kolmogorov– 29. Maes, C. et al. Osteoblast precursors, but not mature osteoblasts, move
Smirnov and Mann–Whitney, as described in figure legends into developing and fractured bones along with invading blood vessels.
Dev. Cell 19, 329–344 (2010).
(which also contain exact n values and P values where relevant). 30. Madisen, L. et al. A robust and high-throughput Cre reporting and
characterization system for the whole mouse brain. Nat. Neurosci. 13,
Life Sciences Reporting Summary. Further information on 133–140 (2010).
experimental design and reagents is available in the Life Sciences 31. Ara, T. et al. Long-term hematopoietic stem cells require stromal cell-
derived factor-1 for colonizing bone marrow during ontogeny. Immunity
Reporting Summary.
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

19, 257–267 (2003).

32. Bilic-Curcic, I. et al. Visualizing levels of osteoblast differentiation by a
Data availability statement. The data that support the findings two-color promoter-GFP strategy: Type I collagen-GFPcyan and osteocalcin-
GFPtpz. Genesis 43, 87–98 (2005).
of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon
33. Huettl, R.-E. & Huber, A.B. In Laser Scanning Microscopy and Quantitative
request. The source code (for Matlab 2014/2015 and for 2016) and Image Analysis of Neuronal Tissue (eds. Bakota, L. & Brandt, R.) 145–162
executable for XiT, as well as the XiT user manual and example (Humana Press, 2014).

nature methods doi:10.1038/nmeth.4503

nature research | life sciences reporting summary
Corresponding author(s): Daniel L.Coutu, Timm Schroeder
Initial submission Revised version Final submission

Life Sciences Reporting Summary

Nature Research wishes to improve the reproducibility of the work that we publish. This form is intended for publication with all accepted life
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` Experimental design
1. Sample size
Describe how sample size was determined. All experiments were repeated 3-4 times. All antibodies used were extensively
tested and optimized, in 3 to 218 full femur imaging each.
2. Data exclusions
Describe any data exclusions. Data was only excluded when obvious image acquisition errors occurred (e.g.
photobleaching, stitching errors), or when inadequate sample processing was
obvious (e.g. presence of salt-and-pepper background)
3. Replication
Describe whether the experimental findings were The reproducibility of the method is presented in Figure 4g
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4. Randomization
Describe how samples/organisms/participants were Not applicable
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June 2017

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Nature Methods: doi:10.1038/nmeth.4503
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nature research | life sciences reporting summary

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Describe the software used to analyze the data in this Software used for analyses were Graph Pad Prism, Imaris and XiT (our new open-
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9. Antibodies
Describe the antibodies used and how they were validated All antibodies used were extensively tested and optimized, in 3 to 218 full mouse
for use in the system under study (i.e. assay and species). femur imaging each. Optimal combinations of primary and secondary antibodies
were determined. Isotype controls and/or secondary only controls were used.
Staining pattern was compared to existing literature and with flow cytometry data
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11. Description of research animals
Provide details on animals and/or animal-derived All animal procedures were approved by the cantonal authorities of Kanton Basel
materials used in the study. Stadt. Animals used were 12 week old males (unless otherwise stated in the text),
euthanized by CO2 inhalation and decapitation. Mouse strains used were:
C56Bl/6J, Tg(Nes-EGFP)33Enik, Tg(Sp7-cre/ERT2)#Hmk, Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-
tdTomato)Hze, B6.129P2-Cxcl12<tm2Tng>, Tg(BGLAP-Topaz)1RoweJ.

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June 2017

Nature Methods: doi:10.1038/nmeth.4503

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