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atumahoevillage inc
your community, your design

This submission document for the Draft Local Board Annual plan is part of our project that aims to protect and enhance our communities of Patumahoe Village and Mauku. As advised by Franklin District Council, Auckland Council staff and councillors this submission will be followed by a submission to the LTCCP process, for adoption in June 2012. Following this direction, a community group was formed in October 2010, Patumahoe Village Inc, and the committee has been working on this project since this time. Given the short time frame a series of consultation methods have been adopted: Questionnaires Online blog now replaced with community website, Newsletters, Street parties attended by approx 140 people, Community Open Day attended by approx 250 people, Community websites including online forum, and postings on project, Community meetings. As a group, we are concerned that the only mention of Patumahoe in strategy documents produced by Franklin District Council, Auckland Regional Council, the Auckland Council Auckland Unleashed, Local Board plan is to refer to it as a growth node. This submission is to ensure that any growth is done in a considered and planned manner so that the values of Patumahoe village & Mauku are protected, and even enhanced, and allow us to direct the Local Board to how they can support us in this endeavour.


We have defined our immediate priorities below: 1. Feasibility Study cost $60,000 2. Walkways/cycleways cost $30,000 - $60,000 3. Traffic calming measures cost $unknown 4. Built Form cost $0 included in Feasibility Study 5. Land Acquistion cost $unknown
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1. FEASIBILITY STUDY Patumahoe Village Inc would like to request the allocation of approx $60,000 to enact a feasibility study of the current and expected community facility and reserve needs given the identification of Patumahoe village as a growth node in the Auckland plan documents release so far. As well as considering current clubs such as rugby, cricket, tennis, bowling and netball this study should identify and include other stakeholders eg. Heritage group, Volunteer Fire Service, Plunket, Patumahoe Community Asset Trust, Playcentre, other sporting and recreational codes, and any clubs and organisations that may be looking for a suitable venue. Our current model of choice is Moutere Hills, in Nelson, primarily because as well as managing to coordinate all sporting codes in one facility, they extended their brief to encourage extensive use of the centre by other organisations and businesses. After five years of operation, running at a break even point (give or take $2,000) their current turnover has almost doubled from last year, and they will be making a substantial profit. A truly sustainable and beneficial community asset that has encouraged and achieved community engagement and is valued as such. We believe that a feasibility study will provide a specific direction for asset management and growth that at present is non-existent. This direction will provide information for decision making that can not only protect the current community connections, but enhance and encourage further community involvement both from planned new residents and currently unengaged ones. Spatial planning It is also important that the conclusion of this study also provides options for a basic concept spatial plan which will retain and enhance the heart of the village. This consideration has been a priority for many of the respondents so far. This spatial planning will allow discussions with local community, affected landowners and council to take place with clear objectives and considerations noted. It will also help to define how to protect and maintain our community characteristics and values. Land acquisition We ask that budgetary and priority consideration be given to possible land acquisition resulting from this process. 2. WALKWAYS & CYCLEWAYS We would like to submit our support for the projects currently underway by other community groups in and around Patumahoe: Hunter Road loop walkway Patumahoe School parents group, Clive Howe reserve track, wetlands project and link accessway Whakaupoko Landcare..

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We would also like support from the Local Board for our plans to create a network of routes that provide access to sites of ecological and historical significance, integrate the existing and new residential neighbourhoods, and encourage the non-vehicular movement of people within the community. See below. 3. TRAFFIC CALMING Most if not all respondents indicated concern over the growing number of vehicles travelling throughout the village and the speeds at which they travel. We would like traffic calming measures to be put in place at identified locations at all four entrances to the village: These methods should include: Change of road surface (ie to cobblestones for 3 5 minutes ) to provide visual, auditory and physical indications to drivers that they are entering/leaving a residential area, Considered planting alongside this road to give a visual indication to drivers to slow down, and also reiterate the rural village aesthetic, Appropriate and locally defined welcome signs, that reinforce the notion that as drivers they are entering as guests to a village area that is specifically designed for residents not drivers. We ask that they Local Board support us with any interaction with roading or transport agencies, and in any resource allocations that can address this safety issue and in cohesive and planned manner. 4. BUILT FORM Many comments also made note of the appreciation of the current built form. Without trying to impose constraints on business or property owners, we would like consideration to be given to defining some kind of direction for developers. We consider that the best result could be achieved, by including this in the spatial aspect of the Feasibility Study mentioned above. 5. LAND ACQUISITION By conducting the Feasibility Study, the best locations and requirements for land acquisitions required by council can be determined. Land acquisition will rely on results from projects defined in the rest of the submission: Protecting and enhancing our local environment, Making it Easier to get around, Valuing how and where we live, Celebrate our heritage, identify and culture

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PROTECTING AND ENHANCING OUR NATURAL ENVIRONMENT We have identified ecological corridors and sites in and around the village some of which are on private land: Summit hill observation park and creation of summit walkway to be created alongside development of Patumahoe Hill our submission already sent alongside subdivision application - we ask that provision be made to include this in reserves allocation as this summit is the highest point in the village and provides a spectacular vantage point, Extension of Searle stormwater reserve into old quarry and waterfall bush area, Inclusion of Puriri Stand of bush alongside railway 400 m from Patumahoe village in a railway route between Patumahoe and Mauku, Development of walkway through village that follows stream bed and will provide access to residents from Woodhouse Road to Patumahoe Primary School without having to travel along the road. We ask that the Local Board supports us with any engagement with private landowners, Whakaupoko Landcare and other agencies that will protect and enhance these sites, and encourage public access. We are encouraged by the current work underway by Whakaupoko Landcare on their Clive Howe reserve and Henrys Bush link, and believe this model can be duplicated to benefit all involved including Auckland Council. We believe that identifying these sites within our village, will not only allow us to connect sites by a network of routes, but also by encouraging use, will increase the protection and enhancement of these places. We also consider that the inclusion of these routes and sites in village planning and development will bring the surrounding rural environment into the built are of the village in a natural and pleasant manner. Given the density of some of the developments, this provides residents with an opportunity to engage with the natural environment on a regular and consistent basis and is a honest feature of a rural village.

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MAKING IT EASIER TO GET AROUND We would like the Local Board to support us in planning and providing a network of safe and pleasant walkways and cycleways which will serve a variety of purposes: integration of established and new residential neighbourhoods, provide connection of identified conservation reserves and ecological corridors to ensure that the natural environment has a planned presence within the residential area of the village, allow children to have more independence of movement, encourage residents and visitors to be less reliant on motor vehicles to access the village, connect Patumahoe Village with Mauku allowing off-road access to either community. We also ask that the required minimum width of these pathways for any development or project is 1.8m. This allows for the passing of any pushchair and cycle without concern. It is also gives the sense of openness that should exist within a rural village environment. As mentioned above, in the immediate term, we would like the Local Board to support the current projects currently underway and coordinated by other local groups: Hunter Road loop walkway Patumahoe School parents group, Clive Howe reserve track, wetlands project and link accessway Whakaupoko Landcare.. Patumahoe already attracts many weekend visitors, and as well as providing protection and enhancement of our natural environment as mentioned above, well planned walkways/cycleways will also serve a dual transport and recreational service.: Currently identified routes are: Extension of Searle stormwater reserve to old quarry site on which there is a waterfall, stream and established nature bush. This can provide access to Kingseat Road Adjacent ralway route between Patumahoe village and Mauku which may also be able to provide off-road access to Patumahoe Preschool and may include the Puriri stand located close to the village. These will require discussion in the short term with land owners and possible land acquisition or access agreements. We ask that that Local Board supports us in achieving this. Creation of a network of routes that not only provide off road access to the local community but allow the possible connection to future routes in surrounding areas.

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Public Transport If a location is identified, we would like Auckland Council to purchase land to allow for possible long term future train station. This will be included in the spatial planning aspect of Feasibility Study we have requested. We believe that Patumahoe is suitably suited for a park and ride for the following reasons: The railway that runs to the south of Patumahoe village is closely located to the residential area, and is already an operating line freight runs into Glenbrook Steel Mill and including the project by Glenbrook Vintage Railway takes the line all the way into the Waiuku township, Proposed development of 5,000 Kingseat residents will include a large number of commuters which can be served by a train station here, Waiuku is already been prioritised as a heritage town, and has a large industrial site planned and would also benefit from a weekend commuter and weekend tourist train service to Auckland, Paerata, also planned for industrial and commercial development, is the location of the train line divergence from Papakura Pukekohe and an existing stop. If the decision is made now to ensure space for a possible Park n Ride, this could be a great future asset to the community given the expected and no longer disputed increasing cost of fuel, Many of Patumahoe and Mauku residents commute to Auckland, and a line specific to our community would not be economical or reasonable to be included as a stop on a Paerata Waiuku line would a logical decision for a service that would benefit the wider community Waiuku, Awhitu Peninsula and west Franklin, A train service, especially if linked to alternative transport and cycling routes would allow our younger people some autonomy regarding transport especially considering the lifting of the licensing age for drivers. We ask also that Auckland Council define a fuel price indicator or trend signal that allows them to re-prioritise the spending and subsidising of public transport, so that as economic and environmental priorities change, some flexibility is retained in local government that allows a shift in policy and spending without long delay.

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VALUING HOW AND WHERE WE LIVE We intend for our planning project to continue to consult and inform the community. This will ensure that the values that are protected and enhanced by planning documents truly reflect those held by residents, businesses and visitors. We ask the Local Board consider creating a local version of the North Auckland Flaxroots Village Planning network, so that all of our local Board area can define their own values and characteristics. This will aid the Local Board in communicating effectively with communities and also provide each and every community with a network of support, connections and ideas. We believe that this will address in some way concerns about the loss of voice and self determination given the amalgamation of District Councils into Auckland Council. CELEBRATE OUR HERITAGE, IDENTITY AND CULTURE We believe that given the requests above, ongoing and creative interaction between key council staff, the Local Board and Patumahoe village and Mauku communities will ensure that the services provided by council are aligned with the aspirations of the community.

CONCLUSION This submission is intended to provide a framework for planning and decision making on matter concerning development, integration of established and new neighbourhood. This submission provides a guide to Auckland Council and the Local Board when considering extra growth and community spatial planning and the support required from us by the Local Board in the Annual Plan. It is hoped that by following this submission with a plan for inclusion in the LTCCP, residents will have a documented record of their vision for Patumahoe village and Mauku, and that this will ensure that both communities are safeguarded against developments which will undermine the qualities that make this area special, and that work done by local government to protect and enhance the village will be undertaken in a systematic and co-ordinated manner Hearing We ask that we be given a hearing so that further information can be provided to the board on any issues that have been submitted.

Paula Crosswell
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Chairperson Patumahoe Village Inc

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ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Whakaupoko Landcare project Clive Howe Reserve Henrys Bush track, wetlands and link accessway Introduction Further to recent discussions with landowners on the southern boundary of Patumahoe Village and Patumahoe Village Inc agreement has been reached that in the long term (5- 10 years) the land zoning should change from Rural (which is the present zoning) to Rural Residential or Residential zoning. The reasons for considering this change are due to the following factors; Patumahoe Village Inc has recently been active in looking at long term plans for the future direction of Patumahoe in the next 5- 20 years. One of the properties within this rezoning area is a chicken farming business. Concern from within the community is that if future growth is to occur in Patumahoe Village and its surrounding district, these types of farming operations should be in more rural areas Adjacent to the area targeted for rezoning is a public reserve. The local Whakaupoko Landcare Group with support from the Franklin District Board has been active in developing a walkway through this reserve which would link up with Hunters Bush. The walkway would be situated on the boundary of the rezoned area. Funding would be required for fencing, boardwalk, bridge over a stream in Hunters Bush and native tree plantings. The approx cost of this project would be $30,000. Included in the rezoned area would be a small reserve which could become part of the walkway The land in question is owned by three lifestyle block property owners. All of the properties are in close proximity to the Patumahoe community so the land in the long term is unproductive for horticultural or agricultural commercial use.

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