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Lesson Plan Implementation

Loren White

ELM - 480

August 8, 2021

Lesson Plan Implementation

On implementing my previous lesson plan using grammar and writing instructions, there

were different groups of students. They included early finishers, English language learners,

gifted students, and other students with disabilities. I used various instructional strategies and

materials for illustrations such as diagrams, charts, word puzzles and audio-visual materials to

accompany books for better lesson implementation for the whole group. At the end of class, the

students could use different parts of speech to construct sentences and communicate effectively

compared to the beginning of the class. According to the assessment procedure and materials I

used, every student had improved as outlined in the lesson plan.

The discussion with my mentor ensured a successful implementation of the lesson plan

on how to handle different groups of children to ensure they all performed well in class. He

stated the needs of every group, and I followed that in implementing the plan that delivered the

best results at the end of the class. However, my mentor suggested ways of incorporating and

improving critical thinking among students in different learning groups.

My mentor suggested incorporating critical thinking in a class by asking the students

questions on the discussion topics, brainstorming, and allowing group work for revision and

assignments. He explained the importance of using critical thinking in-class lessons and

exposing students to scenarios of critical thinking. Critical thinking helps students in higher

education when they are supposed to do research. It also helps the students develop better

judgment, evaluation, and problem-solving skills necessary in their lives. He also emphasized the

importance of critical thinking on students' performance, therefore worth incorporation. I will

use these insights in making lesson plans and in teaching to ensure the students are better placed

in terms of their academics at the end of lessons.

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