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Buquing, Shaira Mae Rana



1. ‘‘Languages aren’t as important here’’: German migrant teachers’ experiences

in Australian language classes
*QUALITATIVE – Seeks to explain and understand.
2. Interrelationships Between Working Memory, Processing Speed, and
Language Development in the Age Range of 2–4 years
*QUANTITATIVE – There are more than 10 respondets and this indicates that this
is qualitative research.
3. Do You See What I See? Understanding Filipino Elderly's Needs, Benefits, and
Expectations from an Adult Continuing Education Program
*QUALITATIVE- Because the research may go deep, and it seeks to understand.
4. A short-term follow-up of children with poor word production at the age of
18 months
*QUANTITATIVE- There are again larger respondents and it uses data to gather
the needed research.
5. When is it similar or different? When is different and similar? A review of
language assessment foci of selected Philippine English language textbooks
*QUALITATIVE- This is one on one interview and does not have more than 3
6. Building up a Learner Corpus Through Creative Non-fiction Prose: An
Experimental Research
*QUALITATIVE- Because of the word AN EXPERIMENTAL research this indicates it
is more of a case study.
7. In a long and winding road: A grounded theory study of Filipino department
chairs’ role adjustment as sense-making
*QUALITATIVE- Group discussion, case study.
8. Teachers’ Use of ICTs in Public Language Education: Evidence from Second
Language Secondary-school Classrooms
*QUANTITATIVE- because it has a data analysis, and has more respondents.
9. This Too Shall Pass: A Grounded Theory Study of Filipino Cancer Survivorship
*QUALITATIVE- this is more on one on one interview because of the confidentiality
of the respondents. It is also more on observation.
10. Voice-over instant messaging as a tool for enhancing the oral proficiency and
motivation of English-as-a-foreign-language learners
*QUALITATIVE- Interviews with questions maybe open-ended questions.

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